From the Hillary Email Files: She Totally F*cked Up Libya

It's amazing that republicans show such enthusiastic support for such a tyriannical dictator in Qaddafi. You blame his overthrow for the violence in Libya, but you don't blame the ovwrthrow of Saddam Hussein for the emergennce of ISIS. You people are shameless.

Your idiocy shows. at LEAST 90% of people I know (100%of which are conservative) were against going into Iraq. I, and those like me, hold fast to the belief that "the dictator we know is better than the dictator we don't kno
It's amazing that republicans show such enthusiastic support for such a tyriannical dictator in Qaddafi. You blame his overthrow for the violence in Libya, but you don't blame the ovwrthrow of Saddam Hussein for the emergennce of ISIS. You people are shameless.

Your idiocy shows. at LEAST 90% of people I know (100%of which are conservative) were against going into Iraq. I, and those like me, hold fast to the belief that "the dictator we know is better than the dictator we don't know".

I was absolutely in favor of leaving Hussein in power. He provided stability in that part of the region and kept Iran at bay. Bushs' sole reason for invading Iraq was retribution for the attempt on his Daddy's life by Saddam and nothing more.

We could have kept that asshole hemmed in for the next 50 years if we had kept the screws down. The DIA told Bush that "nation building in the Middle East would be a disaster" and the analyst responsible for that report was fired.

The results are obvious - and will become more obvious in the next 5 years.
Once again......


n. the sound Democrats hear as their chances in 2016 deflate.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it was Bush's (both daddy and sonny) decision to take Hussein down. I may be a conservative, but the truth is the truth.

It is also the TRUTH, that Hillary voted to go there also. The Middle East has been a disaster ever since.
I actually agree that Saddam should have been left in power....

But bear in mind that Bush isn't running.... Hillary is....

Seems that she should be held accountable for her actions, since she saw the same intel Bush did, and actually made speeches on the floor of the Senate to persuade other Senators to vote for the war.
I'm shocked the rightwing propaganda machine is spinning the emails in an anti-Hillary Clinton direction.

It's amazing that republicans show such enthusiastic support for such a tyriannical dictator in Qaddafi. You blame his overthrow for the violence in Libya, but you don't blame the ovwrthrow of Saddam Hussein for the emergennce of ISIS. You people are shameless.
You make a good point, though unwittingly. With the Iraq aftermath as hindsight, the failure by HR Clinton and obama in Libya is exponentially more of a fiasco.

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