From Trump:

Employers don't engage in identity theft to hire someone, and illegals won't steal someone else's SS number, just to work. That's a sure fire way to get busted. Like I said you can make up any fake number you want as long as the employer is paying cash and not reporting it. Have you ever gotten a paycheck in your life, JoeHammad? If you did you would know how it works.

Guy, you don't t hink that the employers who hire illegals don't know they are hiring illegals?

Now, admittedly, I wouldn't work for the kind of people who would hire illegals. I ran screaming from those Jews who pretty much admitted to me that they were hiring people with fake ID's. But if you don't think that the employers who do know EXACTLY who they are hiring, they don't care.

You want to end the illegal problem, go after the employers, not the workers. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

But we won't do that. becuase the employers are the ones really calling the shot. They just want to keep stupid people like you upset about it.

Interesting how JoeHammad always somehow brings the Jews into the storyline, like a true IslamoNazi freak.

You want to end the illegal problem close the borders AND go after the employers. "Sanctuary cities" aren't a creation of the employers, moron.
Donald Trump speaks for a lot of Americans. He says the things they are thinking and things they want to hear. His presence in this competition is a refreshing novelty. But I believe the vast majority of those who applaud his brash debating style know better than to vote for him.

David Duke also speaks for a lot of Americans, as does Stephen "Don" King and Preston Wiginton. However they're just fascists, neo-Nazis, KKK racists. But they still speak for a lot of Americans. They say thing many people want to hear too.

(By a lot I don't mean a majority, just, maybe a million or two)

The beauty of Donald Trump is that he is forcing his party to get off the welfare queens, the tax for the rich and deregulation bullshit train, and making them address issues that everybody wants to hear....not just the hillbillies and angry white voters. By attacking Kelly he made them talk about women and their issues, by bringing up his choice in the war in Iraq, he's making them take sides.....I hope he stays to the end....however, having this fool as way in hell. He's a hot head, a racist, a jerk and a idiot......all of which pretty much sums up the GOP and their supporters.
Employers don't engage in identity theft to hire someone, and illegals won't steal someone else's SS number, just to work. That's a sure fire way to get busted. Like I said you can make up any fake number you want as long as the employer is paying cash and not reporting it. Have you ever gotten a paycheck in your life, JoeHammad? If you did you would know how it works.

Guy, you don't t hink that the employers who hire illegals don't know they are hiring illegals?

Now, admittedly, I wouldn't work for the kind of people who would hire illegals. I ran screaming from those Jews who pretty much admitted to me that they were hiring people with fake ID's. But if you don't think that the employers who do know EXACTLY who they are hiring, they don't care.

You want to end the illegal problem, go after the employers, not the workers. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

But we won't do that. becuase the employers are the ones really calling the shot. They just want to keep stupid people like you upset about it.

Interesting how JoeHammad always somehow brings the Jews into the storyline, like a true IslamoNazi freak.

You want to end the illegal problem close the borders AND go after the employers. "Sanctuary cities" aren't a creation of the employers, moron.

That formula is so simple, so enforceable.....but will never happen as long as the rich rules in this country. Every venue in this country caters to illegal immigration, from the banks to employers, all profiting from illegal immigration. No way do they want a solution. Hell, as long as we have illegals...wages will stay low and the rich will get richer....just ask Trump, who hires more illegals than N E Body!!! Visit some of his hotels someday
I've been a business owners for 30 years and my parents before that. Over those years I come to meet tons of business owners. In my case it's impossible to hire an illegal. I don't know of anyone purposely hire illegals. Unless they were able to beat the system by using fake ID via id theft.
There's also apps and other ways of combating these fake people. Like E verification, criminal records etc.
But there are those people that purposely hire illegals which take advantage of cheap labor. Transactions would be on a cash basis only like cleaning, constructions, severs, agricultural businesses etc.
I'm not sure how we can fight this because we Americans demands cheaper price but we do not like the consequences.
Just one example. Car wash business most are illegals we rarely see asians or whites.
Employers don't engage in identity theft to hire someone, and illegals won't steal someone else's SS number, just to work. That's a sure fire way to get busted. Like I said you can make up any fake number you want as long as the employer is paying cash and not reporting it. Have you ever gotten a paycheck in your life, JoeHammad? If you did you would know how it works.

Guy, you don't t hink that the employers who hire illegals don't know they are hiring illegals?

Now, admittedly, I wouldn't work for the kind of people who would hire illegals. I ran screaming from those Jews who pretty much admitted to me that they were hiring people with fake ID's. But if you don't think that the employers who do know EXACTLY who they are hiring, they don't care.

You want to end the illegal problem, go after the employers, not the workers. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

But we won't do that. becuase the employers are the ones really calling the shot. They just want to keep stupid people like you upset about it.

Interesting how JoeHammad always somehow brings the Jews into the storyline, like a true IslamoNazi freak.

You want to end the illegal problem close the borders AND go after the employers. "Sanctuary cities" aren't a creation of the employers, moron.

That formula is so simple, so enforceable.....but will never happen as long as the rich rules in this country. Every venue in this country caters to illegal immigration, from the banks to employers, all profiting from illegal immigration. No way do they want a solution. Hell, as long as we have illegals...wages will stay low and the rich will get richer....just ask Trump, who hires more illegals than N E Body!!! Visit some of his hotels someday

Trump has been passing gas from eating rotten beans but for some reason people like to inhale those gases. Trump is full of crap.
Back to your post. I've stayed many many hotels and casinos in this country and overseas. And yes I also stayed Trumps casinos and hotels.
How do you know those workers at Trump hotels are illegal? How do you distinguish the differences? In a establishment like that (or me) it is not worth the risk. There are hispanic workers at Walmart are they illegals too? If businesses like Trump casino or hotel hired illegals. I can guarantee you that from top to bottom employees will be fully aware of that.
There are 21 or so presidential candidates. I can also assure you that they are now digging into Trump businesses about illegal hirings.
All out war!!

Fox News you should be ashamed of yourself. I got you the highest debate ratings in your history & you say nothing but bad. Dopey Charles Krauthammer should be fired.
The hatred that clown has for me is unbelievable – causes him to lie when many others say Trump easily won debate.

anything that begins "from trump" makes me start to laugh

He is entertainment news not major news. Sadly the election is looking more like WWE or a three ring circus and Trump is leading the parade of clowns
Interesting how JoeHammad always somehow brings the Jews into the storyline, like a true IslamoNazi freak.

They are the ones who put it on the table, not me. They were the ones who stated 1) We don't work past sundown on the Sabbath and 2) we are pretty much openly cheating the INS by hiring illegals with fake ID's. I think that says it all about these guys. I'm just repeating what they said.

I was actually nice. I didn't dime them out to the INS. I kind of wish I had now.

You want to end the illegal problem close the borders AND go after the employers. "Sanctuary cities" aren't a creation of the employers, moron.

No, Sanctuary cities are the reality that the ICE doesn't have the resources to handle more than 400,000 deportations a year. These cities have to live with the reality of these people living there.

Equally idiotic is the notion that 'closing hte borders' is the solution, when half of legal aliens came here on perfectly legal visas.
Is he going to give up all pay as president, and pay for the maintenance of the whitehouse out of his pocket?

Use his own money to create jobs?

Anyone feel the need to serve a plate of brownies just to listen to trump?
Employers don't engage in identity theft to hire someone, and illegals won't steal someone else's SS number, just to work. That's a sure fire way to get busted. Like I said you can make up any fake number you want as long as the employer is paying cash and not reporting it. Have you ever gotten a paycheck in your life, JoeHammad? If you did you would know how it works.

Guy, you don't t hink that the employers who hire illegals don't know they are hiring illegals?

Now, admittedly, I wouldn't work for the kind of people who would hire illegals. I ran screaming from those Jews who pretty much admitted to me that they were hiring people with fake ID's. But if you don't think that the employers who do know EXACTLY who they are hiring, they don't care.

You want to end the illegal problem, go after the employers, not the workers. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

But we won't do that. becuase the employers are the ones really calling the shot. They just want to keep stupid people like you upset about it.

Interesting how JoeHammad always somehow brings the Jews into the storyline, like a true IslamoNazi freak.

You want to end the illegal problem close the borders AND go after the employers. "Sanctuary cities" aren't a creation of the employers, moron.

That formula is so simple, so enforceable.....but will never happen as long as the rich rules in this country. Every venue in this country caters to illegal immigration, from the banks to employers, all profiting from illegal immigration. No way do they want a solution. Hell, as long as we have illegals...wages will stay low and the rich will get richer....just ask Trump, who hires more illegals than N E Body!!! Visit some of his hotels someday

Trump has been passing gas from eating rotten beans but for some reason people like to inhale those gases. Trump is full of crap.
Back to your post. I've stayed many many hotels and casinos in this country and overseas. And yes I also stayed Trumps casinos and hotels.
How do you know those workers at Trump hotels are illegal? How do you distinguish the differences? In a establishment like that (or me) it is not worth the risk. There are hispanic workers at Walmart are they illegals too? If businesses like Trump casino or hotel hired illegals. I can guarantee you that from top to bottom employees will be fully aware of that.
There are 21 or so presidential candidates. I can also assure you that they are now digging into Trump businesses about illegal hirings.

Go to any kitchen in this country and you'll see nothing but illegals working there. Also Trump's hotel keepers are mostly illegals, those that make your beds and clean up after you. Back in the day when I was in the military, we visited one of his many hotels in NY and all we saw were hispanics, that's all and few Barbies and Ken's working the front. I'm sure nothing has changed since then...I'm talking the 90's
Employers don't engage in identity theft to hire someone, and illegals won't steal someone else's SS number, just to work. That's a sure fire way to get busted. Like I said you can make up any fake number you want as long as the employer is paying cash and not reporting it. Have you ever gotten a paycheck in your life, JoeHammad? If you did you would know how it works.

Guy, you don't t hink that the employers who hire illegals don't know they are hiring illegals?

Now, admittedly, I wouldn't work for the kind of people who would hire illegals. I ran screaming from those Jews who pretty much admitted to me that they were hiring people with fake ID's. But if you don't think that the employers who do know EXACTLY who they are hiring, they don't care.

You want to end the illegal problem, go after the employers, not the workers. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

But we won't do that. becuase the employers are the ones really calling the shot. They just want to keep stupid people like you upset about it.

Interesting how JoeHammad always somehow brings the Jews into the storyline, like a true IslamoNazi freak.

You want to end the illegal problem close the borders AND go after the employers. "Sanctuary cities" aren't a creation of the employers, moron.

That formula is so simple, so enforceable.....but will never happen as long as the rich rules in this country. Every venue in this country caters to illegal immigration, from the banks to employers, all profiting from illegal immigration. No way do they want a solution. Hell, as long as we have illegals...wages will stay low and the rich will get richer....just ask Trump, who hires more illegals than N E Body!!! Visit some of his hotels someday

Trump has been passing gas from eating rotten beans but for some reason people like to inhale those gases. Trump is full of crap.
Back to your post. I've stayed many many hotels and casinos in this country and overseas. And yes I also stayed Trumps casinos and hotels.
How do you know those workers at Trump hotels are illegal? How do you distinguish the differences? In a establishment like that (or me) it is not worth the risk. There are hispanic workers at Walmart are they illegals too? If businesses like Trump casino or hotel hired illegals. I can guarantee you that from top to bottom employees will be fully aware of that.
There are 21 or so presidential candidates. I can also assure you that they are now digging into Trump businesses about illegal hirings.

Go to any kitchen in this country and you'll see nothing but illegals working there. Also Trump's hotel keepers are mostly illegals, those that make your beds and clean up after you. Back in the day when I was in the military, we visited one of his many hotels in NY and all we saw were hispanics, that's all and few Barbies and Ken's working the front. I'm sure nothing has changed since then...I'm talking the 90's

Trig, In a small hotels or restaurants yes they do hire illegals. But for Trump (or me) its almost impossible. Currently Trump is building a 200m $ hotel 5 blocks from white house. In July this year he was heavily criticized for illegals working on this construction. He hired the construction company but not the workers.
Just imagine if one of his hotels or casinos hired an illegal one or two. That will be catastrophic. If he does don't you think it could have come out by now? Maybe back in 90s or maybe he cleaned up his garbage before becoming a candidate.
I've been a business owners for 30 years and my parents before that. Over those years I come to meet tons of business owners. In my case it's impossible to hire an illegal. I don't know of anyone purposely hire illegals. Unless they were able to beat the system by using fake ID via id theft.
There's also apps and other ways of combating these fake people. Like E verification, criminal records etc.
But there are those people that purposely hire illegals which take advantage of cheap labor. Transactions would be on a cash basis only like cleaning, constructions, severs, agricultural businesses etc.
I'm not sure how we can fight this because we Americans demands cheaper price but we do not like the consequences.
Just one example. Car wash business most are illegals we rarely see asians or whites.

You are correct, I have also owned several businesses and like I said, it's a cash based underground economy. For a business to be able to hire illegals it has to have a source of cash revenues, a need for low waged labor, and be located in a city with sanctuary type laws.

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