From Trump:

Well you have to admit Trump is indeed is correct about the many if the issues we're facing, especially with regards to immigration. Just today another woman they were showing another woman that got raped and killed by two illegals who had been arrested and let go before, once again. The sheriff came out and said, "there's a trail of her blood going straight to Washington DC".

I think in an election it comes down to which candidate the people think has a good grasp of the issues people are concerned with in this country, and do the voters think he's competent enough to fix them?

So how are crimes committed by immigrants somehow worse than the majority of crimes committed by American Nationals? We have too much crime and too many guns... that is obvious.
But not a problem the GOP is all that interested in solving.

Exactly. We are having a hard enough time coping with the crime committed by U.S. nationals. We don't need to welcome other criminals from all over the world to use the southern border as a gateway not the U.S.
my gawd, give it up

you have RUINED your reputation that NO ONE takes you serious anymore

your own doing. to bad how sad

You're nothing more than taking up space on the board. and it's all UGLY

And you have room to speak?

Silly girl, why don't you wander over to the Democratic Underground board and see how you fare there?

Easy to wag your pudgy, greasy finger at someone when you're in the safe haven of other like-minded rightwing morons, isn't it?

So just do it. Go to, sign up and send us your links. I bet you don't have the guts or the brains to even try.

Or the Lefora Political Conumdrum board.

That person wouldn't last 24 hours on that board. It would be ripped to shreds by the liberals and democrats there.
He didn't say they were all rapists. Listen to his words carefully. Mexico is allowing some of the worst elements from all over South America to cross into the U.S. ----> TRUE

Notice how the media is keeping hush hush about this new one:

Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Santa Maria police chief Ralph Martin had strong words for the Obama administration and others he says are to blame for policies that allowed Ramirez to remain in the U.S.

“I think this is a national issue – it starts with administration and their policies,” Martin said after Pharis’ attack. “You can draw a direct line to this governor and Legislature.”

“I am not remiss to say that from Washington DC to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom,” he added.

Read more: Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Election 2016 Donald Trump defends calling Mexican immigrants rapists - CBS News

""When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.""

"They're rapists", who is "they", they would be Mexicans. He said "Mexicans are rapists", he didn't say "some of them are rapists" he said "they're rapists". Then he said "And some, I assume, are good people", SOME, just SOME, not most, not many, but some, what? Five is some.

But I'll say this. There are problems with immigration laws. However Trump DOES NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS. He's merely go the loudest voice.
He didn't say they were all rapists. Listen to his words carefully. Mexico is allowing some of the worst elements from all over South America to cross into the U.S. ----> TRUE

Notice how the media is keeping hush hush about this new one:

Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Santa Maria police chief Ralph Martin had strong words for the Obama administration and others he says are to blame for policies that allowed Ramirez to remain in the U.S.

“I think this is a national issue – it starts with administration and their policies,” Martin said after Pharis’ attack. “You can draw a direct line to this governor and Legislature.”

“I am not remiss to say that from Washington DC to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom,” he added.

Read more: Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Election 2016 Donald Trump defends calling Mexican immigrants rapists - CBS News

""When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.""

"They're rapists", who is "they", they would be Mexicans. He said "Mexicans are rapists", he didn't say "some of them are rapists" he said "they're rapists". Then he said "And some, I assume, are good people", SOME, just SOME, not most, not many, but some, what? Five is some.

But I'll say this. There are problems with immigration laws. However Trump DOES NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS. He's merely go the loudest voice.

Some can be any amount. The point is the Mexicans aren't making any efforts to curb the illegal immigration and in fact there are a lot of criminals and bad undesirable element that are crossing into the US illegally.

MS-13 Actively Recruiting Illegal Alien Minors at U.S. Shelters - Judicial Watch

Texas Attorney General Immigrants Crossing Border Illegally Are Raping Killing In Texas CBS Houston

Border agent laments Mexican gang members entering U.S. Why are we letting him in here - Washington Times

Known gang members among thousands of illegal immigrant children storming the U.S. border and government is now trying to silence officers from talking to the media Daily Mail Online

MS-13 Gang Member Entered US Illegally Caught 90 Miles into Texas - Breitbart

FBI Data Backs Up Trump Claims On Illegals and Crime - Dr. Rich Swier
Last edited:
He didn't say they were all rapists. Listen to his words carefully. Mexico is allowing some of the worst elements from all over South America to cross into the U.S. ----> TRUE

Notice how the media is keeping hush hush about this new one:

Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Santa Maria police chief Ralph Martin had strong words for the Obama administration and others he says are to blame for policies that allowed Ramirez to remain in the U.S.

“I think this is a national issue – it starts with administration and their policies,” Martin said after Pharis’ attack. “You can draw a direct line to this governor and Legislature.”

“I am not remiss to say that from Washington DC to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom,” he added.

Read more: Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Election 2016 Donald Trump defends calling Mexican immigrants rapists - CBS News

""When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.""

"They're rapists", who is "they", they would be Mexicans. He said "Mexicans are rapists", he didn't say "some of them are rapists" he said "they're rapists". Then he said "And some, I assume, are good people", SOME, just SOME, not most, not many, but some, what? Five is some.

But I'll say this. There are problems with immigration laws. However Trump DOES NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS. He's merely go the loudest voice.

Some can be any amount. The point is the Mexicans aren't making any efforts to curb the illegal immigration and in fact there are a lot of criminals and bad undesirable element that are crossing into the US illegally.

MS-13 Actively Recruiting Illegal Alien Minors at U.S. Shelters - Judicial Watch

Texas Attorney General Immigrants Crossing Border Illegally Are Raping Killing In Texas CBS Houston

Border agent laments Mexican gang members entering U.S. Why are we letting him in here - Washington Times

Known gang members among thousands of illegal immigrant children storming the U.S. border and government is now trying to silence officers from talking to the media Daily Mail Online

MS-13 Gang Member Entered US Illegally Caught 90 Miles into Texas - Breitbart

FBI Data Backs Up Trump Claims On Illegals and Crime - Dr. Rich Swier

The point is.... but this isn't what Trump said. He made some points, and he made an ass of himself. This is the point here. He's not the sort of guy who you'd want in the White House as he'd just piss everyone off. Bush made great attempts to do such a thing, Trump seems he'd be worse.

If Trump wanted to make a point about immigration, then maybe he should be able to use the words he needs to say what it is he wants to say.

Trump wants to say "black people commit more crime", Trump does say "fucking n*ggers are all murderers". Do you think he'd get away with that one? I doubt it.

He hasn't insulted black people, YET, that'll probably be coming soon. He's done women, soldiers and mexicans so far. I mean, that's a large number of people to alienate.

He's only going to have old white men voting for him.
Immigrants - legal and undocumented - have a lower rate of crime than the general population.
Exactly. We are having a hard enough time coping with the crime committed by U.S. nationals. We don't need to welcome other criminals from all over the world to use the southern border as a gateway not the U.S.

Then you need to tell you rich buddies to stop hiring illegals.

I remember applying for a job once in 2000, and the owners were the kind of devout Jews who wouldn't work on Friday when the Sabbath Started.

But all the folks they had working in the plant were Mexicans who they pretty much admitted they knew had gotten the jobs passing off fake papers.


You could end the illegal problem really quickly.

1) Establish a national ID Card system. One with a magnetic strip, if you swipe it, a picture of you comes up on the computer so they know if it's you or not.

2) If you are caught hiring someone with a fake ID or no ID, you pay a $10,000 fine for the first offense and get put on an ICE Watch List.

3) Second Offense, it's a $100,000 fine,and you are forced to put a sign in your lobby that says, "I hired illegal aliens and cheated Americans out of good paying jobs. Please consider my lack of ethics when doing business with me!"

4) Third Offense- Government confiscates all your business assets and you are banned from starting another business for 10 years.

Problem Solved.
He didn't say they were all rapists. Listen to his words carefully. Mexico is allowing some of the worst elements from all over South America to cross into the U.S. ----> TRUE

Notice how the media is keeping hush hush about this new one:

Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Santa Maria police chief Ralph Martin had strong words for the Obama administration and others he says are to blame for policies that allowed Ramirez to remain in the U.S.

“I think this is a national issue – it starts with administration and their policies,” Martin said after Pharis’ attack. “You can draw a direct line to this governor and Legislature.”

“I am not remiss to say that from Washington DC to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom,” he added.

Read more: Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Election 2016 Donald Trump defends calling Mexican immigrants rapists - CBS News

""When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.""

"They're rapists", who is "they", they would be Mexicans. He said "Mexicans are rapists", he didn't say "some of them are rapists" he said "they're rapists". Then he said "And some, I assume, are good people", SOME, just SOME, not most, not many, but some, what? Five is some.

But I'll say this. There are problems with immigration laws. However Trump DOES NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS. He's merely go the loudest voice.
His first sentence tells you Trump is full of shit. Mexico doesn`t "send" anybody here.
He didn't say they were all rapists. Listen to his words carefully. Mexico is allowing some of the worst elements from all over South America to cross into the U.S. ----> TRUE

Notice how the media is keeping hush hush about this new one:

Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Santa Maria police chief Ralph Martin had strong words for the Obama administration and others he says are to blame for policies that allowed Ramirez to remain in the U.S.

“I think this is a national issue – it starts with administration and their policies,” Martin said after Pharis’ attack. “You can draw a direct line to this governor and Legislature.”

“I am not remiss to say that from Washington DC to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom,” he added.

Read more: Illegal Alien Charged In Hammer Attack And Rape The Daily Caller

Election 2016 Donald Trump defends calling Mexican immigrants rapists - CBS News

""When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.""

"They're rapists", who is "they", they would be Mexicans. He said "Mexicans are rapists", he didn't say "some of them are rapists" he said "they're rapists". Then he said "And some, I assume, are good people", SOME, just SOME, not most, not many, but some, what? Five is some.

But I'll say this. There are problems with immigration laws. However Trump DOES NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS. He's merely go the loudest voice.
His first sentence tells you Trump is full of shit. Mexico doesn`t "send" anybody here.

They are indirectly "sending" them here by not protecting their borders and not making any effort whatsoever to stop them. Trump isn't the most politically correct person.
Exactly. We are having a hard enough time coping with the crime committed by U.S. nationals. We don't need to welcome other criminals from all over the world to use the southern border as a gateway not the U.S.

Then you need to tell you rich buddies to stop hiring illegals.

I remember applying for a job once in 2000, and the owners were the kind of devout Jews who wouldn't work on Friday when the Sabbath Started.

But all the folks they had working in the plant were Mexicans who they pretty much admitted they knew had gotten the jobs passing off fake papers.


You could end the illegal problem really quickly.

1) Establish a national ID Card system. One with a magnetic strip, if you swipe it, a picture of you comes up on the computer so they know if it's you or not.

2) If you are caught hiring someone with a fake ID or no ID, you pay a $10,000 fine for the first offense and get put on an ICE Watch List.

3) Second Offense, it's a $100,000 fine,and you are forced to put a sign in your lobby that says, "I hired illegal aliens and cheated Americans out of good paying jobs. Please consider my lack of ethics when doing business with me!"

4) Third Offense- Government confiscates all your business assets and you are banned from starting another business for 10 years.

Problem Solved.

I would add a mandatory prison sentence to that. I wouldn't wait for a second or third offense.

They broke the law and denied Americans a job. That should put them in prison the first time they do it.

If employers know that they will be sent to prison the first time they hire undocumented people they just might not do it. If they knew that their business would be destroyed at the same time, they will hire only legal Americans.

Giving them a second and third chance to break the law will just cause businesses to keep breaking the law.
Exactly. We are having a hard enough time coping with the crime committed by U.S. nationals. We don't need to welcome other criminals from all over the world to use the southern border as a gateway not the U.S.

Then you need to tell you rich buddies to stop hiring illegals.

I remember applying for a job once in 2000, and the owners were the kind of devout Jews who wouldn't work on Friday when the Sabbath Started.

But all the folks they had working in the plant were Mexicans who they pretty much admitted they knew had gotten the jobs passing off fake papers.


You could end the illegal problem really quickly.

1) Establish a national ID Card system. One with a magnetic strip, if you swipe it, a picture of you comes up on the computer so they know if it's you or not.

2) If you are caught hiring someone with a fake ID or no ID, you pay a $10,000 fine for the first offense and get put on an ICE Watch List.

3) Second Offense, it's a $100,000 fine,and you are forced to put a sign in your lobby that says, "I hired illegal aliens and cheated Americans out of good paying jobs. Please consider my lack of ethics when doing business with me!"

4) Third Offense- Government confiscates all your business assets and you are banned from starting another business for 10 years.

Problem Solved.

Nobody I know is hiring illegals. First off you can't put them on payroll so that means you pay them cash, which means you get into all sorts of other trouble as well. If you want to find illegals perhaps you can go to a car wash or a construction site.

The illegal immigrant problem can be solved if there is the political will.
I question that my own folks aren't hiring illegals from Mexico >.< They have no idea who their people are, and frankly don't care because these folks do a steller job, but they had to learn Spanish just to work with them. Those are the ones who slip through the cracks of hammering businesses for illegal hires.

On the other hand, I'm guessing these folks are too busy doing a good job to be getting into criminal violence and stuff.
Donald Trump speaks for a lot of Americans. He says the things they are thinking and things they want to hear. His presence in this competition is a refreshing novelty. But I believe the vast majority of those who applaud his brash debating style know better than to vote for him.
Wrong... very wrong.
"All out war"? The radical left is living in a dream world. It's nothing but entertaining (and refreshing) political rhetoric. Maybe the lock step robots in the democrat party should try it sometimes.
Nobody I know is hiring illegals. First off you can't put them on payroll so that means you pay them cash, which means you get into all sorts of other trouble as well. If you want to find illegals perhaps you can go to a car wash or a construction site.

The illegal immigrant problem can be solved if there is the political will.

Of course you can. YOu just pretend that their fake social security card that says "John Smith" on it is totally legit, which is pretty much what these Jews at that one company I applied to pretty much admitted to doing.

The fact is, we have a whole system of illegal labor that big business cashes in on and the rest of us quietly go along with, because it benefits the rich .

this is a great example of how the GOP plays stupid white people like a fiddle.
Nobody I know is hiring illegals. First off you can't put them on payroll so that means you pay them cash, which means you get into all sorts of other trouble as well. If you want to find illegals perhaps you can go to a car wash or a construction site.

The illegal immigrant problem can be solved if there is the political will.

Of course you can. YOu just pretend that their fake social security card that says "John Smith" on it is totally legit, which is pretty much what these Jews at that one company I applied to pretty much admitted to doing.

The fact is, we have a whole system of illegal labor that big business cashes in on and the rest of us quietly go along with, because it benefits the rich .

this is a great example of how the GOP plays stupid white people like a fiddle.

Apparently JoeHammad hasn't ever held a job either. The govt. checks social security numbers when you submit payroll and workers comp. you ignorant buffoon.
Apparently JoeHammad hasn't ever held a job either. The govt. checks social security numbers when you submit payroll and workers comp. you ignorant buffoon.

Guy, you don't think it's easy to fool that? Are you some kind of fucking retard?

Here, let me help you out...

Though most people think of identity theft as a financial crime, one of the most common forms in the United States involves illegal immigrants using fraudulent Social Security numbers to conduct their daily lives.

With tacit acceptance from some employers and poor coordination among government agencies, this practice provides the backbone of some low- wage businesses and a boon to the Social Security trust fund.

During the 1990s, such mismatches accounted for about $20 billion in Social Security taxes paid.

Illegal immigrants make up nearly one of every 20 workers in the United States, according to estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center, and most are working under fraudulent Social Security numbers, which can be bought in any immigrant community or in Mexico.

In Caldwell, Idaho, a woman named Maria is just such a worker.

Maria, 51, came from Mexico City illegally six years ago and bought a counterfeit green card and Social Security card through a friend for $180. She earns $6.50 an hour, and like most of the seven million working illegal immigrants in the United States, she pays income tax and Social Security tax.

She agreed to be interviewed on the condition that her last name not be used.

"We know we'll never get it back," Maria said of the Social Security payments. "It's unfortunate, but it's a given."
Apparently JoeHammad hasn't ever held a job either. The govt. checks social security numbers when you submit payroll and workers comp. you ignorant buffoon.

Guy, you don't think it's easy to fool that? Are you some kind of fucking retard?

Here, let me help you out...

Though most people think of identity theft as a financial crime, one of the most common forms in the United States involves illegal immigrants using fraudulent Social Security numbers to conduct their daily lives.

With tacit acceptance from some employers and poor coordination among government agencies, this practice provides the backbone of some low- wage businesses and a boon to the Social Security trust fund.

During the 1990s, such mismatches accounted for about $20 billion in Social Security taxes paid.

Illegal immigrants make up nearly one of every 20 workers in the United States, according to estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center, and most are working under fraudulent Social Security numbers, which can be bought in any immigrant community or in Mexico.

In Caldwell, Idaho, a woman named Maria is just such a worker.

Maria, 51, came from Mexico City illegally six years ago and bought a counterfeit green card and Social Security card through a friend for $180. She earns $6.50 an hour, and like most of the seven million working illegal immigrants in the United States, she pays income tax and Social Security tax.

She agreed to be interviewed on the condition that her last name not be used.

"We know we'll never get it back," Maria said of the Social Security payments. "It's unfortunate, but it's a given."

Employers don't engage in identity theft to hire someone, and illegals won't steal someone else's SS number, just to work. That's a sure fire way to get busted. Like I said you can make up any fake number you want as long as the employer is paying cash and not reporting it. Have you ever gotten a paycheck in your life, JoeHammad? If you did you would know how it works.
Employers don't engage in identity theft to hire someone, and illegals won't steal someone else's SS number, just to work. That's a sure fire way to get busted. Like I said you can make up any fake number you want as long as the employer is paying cash and not reporting it. Have you ever gotten a paycheck in your life, JoeHammad? If you did you would know how it works.

Guy, you don't t hink that the employers who hire illegals don't know they are hiring illegals?

Now, admittedly, I wouldn't work for the kind of people who would hire illegals. I ran screaming from those Jews who pretty much admitted to me that they were hiring people with fake ID's. But if you don't think that the employers who do know EXACTLY who they are hiring, they don't care.

You want to end the illegal problem, go after the employers, not the workers. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

But we won't do that. becuase the employers are the ones really calling the shot. They just want to keep stupid people like you upset about it.

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