From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Think about that!!!!

Since the last time you payed taxes, sit down and figure how much money you paid in total taxes last year. When you arrive at a figure, get a piece of paper and list all of the benefits that you derived from those tax dollars, and then put some type of value on it (if you were to get these benefits in the open market).

When you're all done, compare the list and see if you came out ahead, behind, or even from the money you paid in. If you think you came out behind, start presenting this scenario to other people and ask them the same question. "Did you come out ahead, behind, or even?"

I'll bet that out of 100 people, 90 of them will say that they came out behind. So, if almost everyone is losing, the logical question to ask would be, WHO IS COMING OUT AHEAD?

I'll tell you who. It's all the people that we've elected to the offices who are taxing us, and they are the one's who are getting paid off via graft.
Is the picture becoming clearer now folks?

Multiply those figures by every taxpayer in this country, and one thing becomes evident - SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE.

The only problem is - what are we going to do about it? We've already accepted a 48% taxation rate, so how high will it have to go before we ever do something about it? Will it be about 60%?

I guarantee you all that it won't get any lower, so how about 65% of our total wages STOLEN through taxation?

Maybe we'll even accept that amount....but 70%? It's all up to us. How much longer are we going to tolerate this atrocity?
Let's see now.

1. Tsunami's
2. Tornados
3. Hurricanes
4. Terrorist attacks
5. Pesticides
6. Bohemian Grove Members
7. CFR Members
8. Invisible Shakers and Makers of Ultra Corporate Levels
9. Capitalists
10. Global warming
11. Kyoto Summit/treaty
12. Ozone layer
13. Plasma Storms
14. Major earth impact of an Astroid/comet
15. Nuclear exchange in the Middle East
16. Suitcase A-bombs missing from the old U.S.S.R.
17. Droughts
18. Floods
19. El Nino
20. Rogue Waves
21. WMD's
22. Serial killers
23. Plague
22. Bird Flu
23. Madras Earthquake fault & San Andreas earthquake fault are over due to kill zillions.
26.Heart disease
Most of the above, I can't fix.........nor can anyone else. We can defend against some of them but we can't eradicate them. Some we can't do a darn thing about.

As far as these politicians in these secret societies some how having a mass consciousness that will gell into a unified movement that will go from invisible to visible, this is Art Bell and George Norrey territory.

I guess life isn't interesting enough without conspiracies behind the scenes.

Yes, the big corporate players do have influence.......My gracious, Adolph Hitler even knew better than to mess with Krupp and his massive munitions empire in Germany. Do you kick a gift horse in the arse? Not if you want cooperation that helps your agenda.

Do the big corporate players all somehow network together in a world-wide scheme of global proportions? Some may have substantial influence globally, and others not so much. Do they have a consensus of mind or mass consciousness that they all channel into to the ultimate goal of our slavery as sheeple?.......I doubt it at this time.

For thousands of years nations have risen and fallen. Powerful leaders such as Cyrus, Darius, Hannibal, Alexander the Great, Gengis Khan, Pharoahs, the Caesars, Dictators, Czars, have impacted the borders of nations, languages and much that exists present day. Greece is but a shell of what it was, Rome as a nation has followed similiarly. The USSR still has some bark and bite, and now China has become a major player.

Theres so much going on out there. There is so much to create anxiety, yet if we live in a state of constant worry about every governmental move, or individuals involved in policy to the point where we start to believe that their every affilitation in this society or that has some sinister connection of global proportions, we will knaw our finger nails to the bone. We may be pawns to some extent, yet those folks that are allegedly calling the shots in high positions have to put their britches on one leg at a time, sit on the toilet once or twice a day, eat food, take vitamins, and be suseptible to all the weaknesses and frailties of human kind that us average folks are. Their millions or trillions of dollars or Euros won't advance their life on earth one extra beneficial day. Howard Hughs comes to mind.........

Human kind does like to control things.......yet to attribute a mass consciousness to this is New Agey at most. The alpha waves that are emitted from the human brain barely travel inches from the brain........Yet somehow folks think we can all link-up as humans in sinister plots through our impressive brain waves......or something.

I still remember reading many years ago the book called "Ancient Astronauts"......basically a book trying to prove that Extra T's visited us thousands of years ago and impacted our ancient human civilizations. The author's examples of E.T. visitations were so weak, and ludicrous that it was laughable. This author could see a spaceship in a Mayan drawing where no sensible archeologist would venture. The guy had an agenda. He wanted E.T.s to have the point of bending and ruining his credibility.

Conspiricists, are an interesting breed of folks. There are mild conspiracists and there's extreme ones. Some think that all of our phones, televisions, radios, cars, faucets, electric shavers, washing machines, and T.V. controllers are bugged by Men in Black. They believe that there is a "Black Ops" that even exceeds the secrecy of the CIA, and is operating in our country. They believe that some Jet Contrails are governmental chemistry experiments where Black Ops planes are spraying our cities with test chemicals as though we are all Guinea Pigs. It goes on and on.

Do these conspiracists have credibility? To themselves they are at the top of the heap in credibility. It's self appointed, though.

Why are some folks so into this? Are they modern day John the Baptists? Should we heed their warnings? I have my doubts.

There is no government in the world that isn't tainted with the nasty glue of "influence" from unsavory entities. Thats a given. To what extent our government or others of the world are being puppetized or influenced by the big shakers, I don't know?

I do know that the main poster in this thread really needs to enjoy some interaction with others in this forum, to reap the full benefits of it.

Just expounding information without interchange doesn't compute. Whats the intention? Is it to save the rest of us dummys from extinction? Our we just a bunch of grass hoppers playing fiddles when we ought to be collecting supplies for a hard Winter, and only the conspiracists are in the "know"?

I'm impressed with all the thousands of sentences...........but the lack of participation of others on this topic seems to indicate that the author of this thread is talking to few members most of the time. What fun is that on the forum?

There are a lot of astute folks that inhabit this forum on both spectrums political beliefs, yet this topic isn't really encouraging anyone from any philosophy to participate, unless you are into major behind the scenes conspiracies.
Then again, I doubt I can get ahold of Michael Moore, Bill Gates, or Jane Fonda. ARe they all controllers too?

I don't think you aware of how ironic this post is , but the short answer is yes absolutely if not controllers then controlled bought and paid for
bill gates I hate you bill gates ! and Hanoi Jane do us a favor and stay home!
your kind of support WE don't need and michael...coward ? shill ? sell out
why didn't you ask the hard questions Michael why did NORAD stand down ?
what about building 7 ?
Let's see now.

I'm impressed with all the thousands of sentences...........but the lack of participation of others on this topic seems to indicate that the author of this thread is talking to few members most of the time. What fun is that on the forum?

There are a lot of astute folks that inhabit this forum on both spectrums political beliefs, yet this topic isn't really encouraging anyone from any philosophy to participate, unless you are into major behind the scenes conspiracies.
Agreed. As I said earlier, there can be no 'we' when only one is talking. But heh, if a platform is wanted, here it is.
is there not a we if one is talking and one is listening ?
sometimes i respond to nuclear post but mostly i read them , learn some new facts ,check out some of the details on the web for a more expanded look at something motioned .when i recognize A person who really knows his stuff I don't feel the need to throw my 2 into the equation ,but just so you know you are being heard and they will tell two people and they will tell two people etc etc etc
Agreed. As I said earlier, there can be no 'we' when only one is talking. But heh, if a platform is wanted, here it is.

This reminds me of my old Junior college that I attended back in the 60's in the S.F. bay area. It's was called Foothill Junior college. It is still a Junior college to this day.

We had a special day once or twice a year during the normal September thru June school time that was called, "Hyde Park". I guess it was named after a Hyde Park in Great Britain, where folks of all persuasions could walk up to a podium in this park and just make speeches about anything they wanted. They could rant a rave about Vietnam, they could tell everyone how much they loved Hitler, or whatever. I understand that crowds would gather, and listen, and some of the speakers could be quite entertaining, and others would just bore the crowds senseless as they droned-on with their pet peeves in the world.

Well, my Junior college did the same thing. It was quite entertaining to listen to these fellow students get up in our grassy central square on the campus, and take the podium. We had Hippies, Neo Nazis, name it. The students would heckle and often laugh at the speakers who were outlandish in their oratory or speech contents. It could be quite entertaining at times and at others, the speakers would cause the crowds to scatter away as they just couldn't connect, because their topics were so singularly focused, and devoid of inspiration.

Anyway, this particular topic reminds me of a Hyde Park goes on and on and on and on......, and listeners come and go, and that's about it.

Whats the point? One person is out-gassing a lot of frustration, and maybe that's good. I hope that poster feels better after all of this exhaustive typing. I hope it doesn't bring a bad case of wrist-carpal tunnel syndrome :razz: .

It's funny, but I often wonder what some of these people who post here are like if you met them face-to-face in life, at a bar, restaurant, church, company function, etc.? Would they talk your ear off about some "pet" problem in the world, or would they not? Is this forum or any forum where they open up, and otherwise they are this quiet, unobtrusive citizen, who never raises a single eye brow of notice concerning their demeanor when met in public?

What you get from me, here in the forum is what you'd get in person. I probably wouldn't diatribe so much about my faith, but that also depends on the situation and the direction of conversation.
Upper most in my life, is that I desire "balance".

I know that my P.C. isn't my life, or I might get Carpal Tunnel Butt.:razz:

I need to exercise.......and that involves some kind of exercise for my age and physical I like golf. I'm a lousy golfer, so too me golf can be fun. I don't take my score too seriously. I still want to make a Par once in awhile, but it's not the end-to-all of my life.....Again, balance.

I want to have time with my wife. We're empty nesters now. I want to go on drives with her. Do little trips when we can afford it. We also like our alone times, too, not rejecting each other, but just being alone with ourselves to pursue interests of the moment of some extended time.

I also must add in my grandpaw role into this too. I need to spend some time with grandkids. They're like little jewels in grandpa and grandma's crowns; the end-product of the raising process of our three sons.

I'm still a dad......I worry about my sons. I pray for them, and sometimes I still have to be called to do some mentoring or counseling. This requires being a lay-marriage counselor at times.......That also is a role my wife must do to from time to time, our daughter-in-laws are just like daughters to us, and the bond is strong. We don't try to supplant their parent's role, but some of our boys spouses have come from some tough family situations, and they have leaned on eightball and Mrs. eightball to help them cope with life. Our helpful reserves are limited, but we do the best we can.

I love to read. I read spy novels, murder mysteries, foreign intrigue novels, also novels or books written by biblically based or sound Christian authors on the Christian faith, too.

I love to fish, but don't get much time to do it. Nothing fancy either. I love to go cat fishing in the Sacramento/San Juaquin Delta area of the interior of California. My middle son often comes along and we just sit in a couple old camping chairs all day, and pull in pan sized catfish, using fresh water clams for bait. We come home sunburned, and tired, but it's a "guy" thing. Some kind of kindred bonding catching these bottom feeding scale-less fish, but it fun. Me and son #2 talk about life, marriage, work, tell a few jokes that grandma and his wife probably wouldn't approve-of, etc..

This is a sampling of what I mean about "balance". If I didn't have these other outlets in life, I could easily find myself "caught-up" in all kinds of worries about the world. Remember all the folks that wanted to leave our country when GWB won the presidency? All I can surmise is that these folks didn't really have a "balance" to their lives. They've sunk too much into politics and worrying about who will lead us, and forgotten that life is really brushing your teeth, putting on your clothes, kissing your spouse, writing a thank you letter, whistling a tune, smelling a new rose in the neighbors front yard.......etc.

We have nothing to worry about in our country, as long as we don't tamper with it's basic foundation. That foundation is based on the preservation of the "family" the basic building block of any nation. Intact families, be they, blended, or whatever. Familes teaching virtuous goals and ethics to their progeny. No government can fight that.........I don't care how big the powers are behind the scenes, a nation of strong, free-thinking, ethical, families, will continue to make this or any nation strong as a granite brick. Their progeny will not "take" to brain washing in the universities as they have been taught to weigh, and consider, and not "devote" to causes, without wise counsel, and sound affirmation.

As long as we inspire our children to aspire and dream about goals and ideas, and show them how so many in the past who came from so little materially, did so much to the benefit of so many, we will continue to exist as a solid nation.
Well Eightball, shall we agree to disagree?

The only thing I have noticed about your rants and raves when you come into this thread is that you like to pass all of the information that I post off as "conspiracy theory".

I have only one question for you.

Have you ever, even for an hour, looked into anything that I have posted about?

Because if you did Sir, you might be astonished at what you would find to be factual.

And then when you understand that this information is factual and not something that I pulled out of my ass to put on display for my own "freetime" or whatever it is that you have come up with as the reason I am posting this all stuff, you simply won't have any credibility if you try and put this information into a "conspiracy nut" category or whatever category pleases your ego most.

No offense. But I am as real about this information in public as I am when I'm on this board. My question for you would be, why does it matter to a person who will probably never meet me? And probably never get a chance to categorize me either way?

In fact, your apparent need to try and categorize me scares me a little bit there Brother. As if I was ever anything else but another Human being just like yourself. As much and as hard as that might be for you to accept.

A Human being. With a brain. A body. Thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Just-like-yourself.

I am that before I am anything else my friend. Please try and remember that the next time you have the feeling for an obsessive need to categorize people into a certain place that fits your imagination. Because it might just save your life one day. You never know.

PS - When I call the people I am posting about the "Controllers", it's not because I believe that they are somehow separate from the Human Race. In fact, completely the opposite. They are a part of us, right down to our own cores, and our own inner, hidden, rebelliousness against the Father.

It's their actions that I am posting about. Not THEM as Living Entities.
I would like to try and cover the subject of Gun Control real quick too because this is one of the last stages before the Controller's attempt to take over our cultures and societies and implement their own agenda on the World's nations.

The issue of People being allowed to own their own guns in this country is something that the Controller's simply can't have if they are to fully exert their New World Order on America. It just can't be tolerated if that is going to happen.

So....just how are the Controllers going to try and take our right to bear arms from us, you might ask. Quite simply, by taking advantage of the fear that is going to come about from the sudden and mysterious "upsurge" in the School shootings that have been taking place around America.

Like I said before, it all boils down to taking our guns away from us in the end, while the Controllers make damn sure well to see to it that they can keep their own. They will not be giving up their weapons, and neither will their organizations they have watching over us. will only be the American citizens themselves who will be required, not asked, to give up all their weapons. In so called favor of "World Peace".
Can't people see the trend that is occuring in our country? Look what happens after every shooting. The national news erupts with another segment on gun control telling us how terrible our weapons are. And after people are repeatedly bombarded with this propaganda, the Controller's plan to take advantage of the first Atrocious Massacre that they will play a role in when it occurs in our country. And trust me, behind the scenes, they will have played a very important role.

When this Massacre actually does happen though, it will probably make Astrailia's Port Arthur Massacre look like child's play.

It's all simply a ploy to get guns outlawed here in the United States. The way they Controller's are going to use the school shootings and such to their advantage that is.

You have to remember again folks, that the people who try and call the shots here in our country (the people behind the scenes) have nothing but time on their hands. They don't have real jobs, and they have more money....way more money....than they could ever spend. So, the only thing they do is attempt to control our society by pulling it's strings.

To these guys, information is God.
The important thing to remember folks, is that at our core, Humans aren't prone to killing other Humans. They either need an intense amount of provocation, or they need an outside stimulus to urge them on. These kids aren't really killing of their own volition. Look at them, they are like robots, or machines.

Plus, when you add in the Prozac and Ritalin and all of the messages that are bombarding their already confused, feeble minds, what do you have? Kids who'll kill on command - many of them with a smile on their face. That's whats happening.
The Controllers take one force and play it against its direct opposite. Now, when these conflicting forces come together and mesh, a third force, or synthesis, is created from them. This synthesis is then used as force number one, and the process begins all over again. So, when it comes to the school shootings, you have force number one, which is high school bloodbath. Now what would be the opposite?

Whenever there's a disaster, people expect some sort of solution. Now the government, fully aware of our Nature, perpetuates a situation until they can ride in on their white horses and save the day. So, here we have one force - the right to bear arms which represents FREEDOM. And they wish to take that away from us by using Gun Control as the opposite force.

But this example doesn't stop there, for the synthesis becomes force number one to start the process all over again.

The shootings are CHAOS, and it's polar opposite is ORDER, which will occur when, after a particularly horrendous shooting, the government will step in and pass legislation - or ORDER - that results in a new synthesis - laws making it illegal to own firearms.

So there really is a method to this madness after all.
Can't people see where this leads? Once we have no weapons, the government can raise our taxes and limit our freedoms because we won't have any way to defend ourselves against their tyranny. On top of that, they also plan on using more and more Mind Control on us, like implants....until we finally reach the point of being....slaves who work for the "Plantation Owner" again and don't get anything in return! Just like in the days of slavery!

The true villian in this scenario isn't even the media, although the people who control it are very complicit in the scheme. The teenagers and the school system are not the villians either folks. The real enemies are those who manipulate the opposing forces behind the scenes. These folks are the Controllers.
Did you ever notice how the people in "Control" are always harping on the citizens to surrender their weapons, and yet they never give up their weapons? Do you know what the people of America should be saying to our leaders? We should say to them, since it's such a good idea to be without our guns, why don't you set an example for the rest of us and give your weapons away first? And then, when it's proven that you don't have any arms, then we'll follow suit.

Can't you see the way things always work? Americans are practically the only people left in the whole World who still have the right to bear arms! Just about everywhere else in the World, the government has stripped the citizenry of their right to defend themselves, and yet they always keep their weapons of destruction.

When are people going to open their eyes to what's really going on?
Well Eightball, shall we agree to disagree?

The only thing I have noticed about your rants and raves when you come into this thread is that you like to pass all of the information that I post off as "conspiracy theory".

I have only one question for you.

Have you ever, even for an hour, looked into anything that I have posted about?

Because if you did Sir, you might be astonished at what you would find to be factual.

And then when you understand that this information is factual and not something that I pulled out of my ass to put on display for my own "freetime" or whatever it is that you have come up with as the reason I am posting this all stuff, you simply won't have any credibility if you try and put this information into a "conspiracy nut" category or whatever category pleases your ego most.

No offense. But I am as real about this information in public as I am when I'm on this board. My question for you would be, why does it matter to a person who will probably never meet me? And probably never get a chance to categorize me either way?

In fact, your apparent need to try and categorize me scares me a little bit there Brother. As if I was ever anything else but another Human being just like yourself. As much and as hard as that might be for you to accept.

A Human being. With a brain. A body. Thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Just-like-yourself.

I am that before I am anything else my friend. Please try and remember that the next time you have the feeling for an obsessive need to categorize people into a certain place that fits your imagination. Because it might just save your life one day. You never know.

PS - When I call the people I am posting about the "Controllers", it's not because I believe that they are somehow separate from the Human Race. In fact, completely the opposite. They are a part of us, right down to our own cores, and our own inner, hidden, rebelliousness against the Father.

It's their actions that I am posting about. Not THEM as Living Entities.

You missed the point of my post completely.

In a nut shell, your totally obsessesed with this current issue. Your spam like posting one after another is indicative of it.

You tell me, I'm overlooking the contents or not interested? I am interested in this topic, but you're dictionary-thick amount of posting seems to be quelching any and all discourse from others, and I am one of the few that even makes comment here, other than yourself, the topic author.

Either that or folks don't see the dangers that you see.

Are we all blind, and you clearly "see" this impending danger? Please think about it. Why aren't we as concerned about this, and jumping in and making this topic the hot one on this forum. Are we all ignorant, and you have the information? Are we fiddling grass hoppers and you're the prepared ant?

There are folks that stand on street corners with signs telling all of us to prepare for the coming end of the world. Are we/me being indifferent to your insight? Does your insight or knowledge supercede ours. Do you see a real danger that we don't see or interpret?

It's possible to mimic "John The Baptist" in a modern era?

There's a lot of sound, wise, minds that post on this forum, and they aren't taking a great deal of interest in your topic. Why? Are you in some way entrusted with the truth and it's ramifications over and above most others? Think about it.

None of this is intended to be disrespectful. I'm just probing at you, and trying to get Nuclear Winter to open-up beyond the conspiracy thing........What moves you to post upon post upon post? You expend a lot of energy typing, and a lot of your time of day. Is this your God-calling for humanity, or what? What motivates you to do this? A love for humanity or what?

Do you see the rest of us as sheeple and the uninformed?

There are many folks in the world that believe they've found the truth, and somehow they must get it out to the masses. Do you see yourself in that light?

Just wondering?

In finishing, Nuke, how important is your information to humanity? Knowing what you present, will it make a difference to our lives, in an appreciable way? If your information is valid, do we, have a way of countering this powerful entity of global makers and shakers?

If the sky is about to fall, is there a way to stop it?
Side note: Are you married? Have children? What is your profession? Just curious.
Representative Ron Paul Ron Paul, born August 20, 1935 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. Representative from Texas. On January 11, 2007, Paul filed papers to form an exploratory committee for a presidential run in 2008. This will increase his fundraising opportunities until his presumed eventual anouncement. This first step of running for the Republican nomination is significant because he is not running as a Libertarian like he did nearly two decades ago.
Paul has the distinction of being opposed to the Iraq War and the interventionist nature of US foreign policy. He is one of 7 Republican congressman who voted against Iraq War authorization in 2003. He has also opposed George W. Bush and the majority of Republican congressmen on many other issues, including the PATRIOT Act. His maverick record on these issues means he may draw support from some surprising circles, including antiwar activists and paleoconservatives

the solution is awarness and to demand change , we give the power and we can take it back
You missed the point of my post completely.

In a nut shell, your totally obsessesed with this current issue. Your spam like posting one after another is indicative of it.

You tell me, I'm overlooking the contents or not interested? I am interested in this topic, but you're dictionary-thick amount of posting seems to be quelching any and all discourse from others, and I am one of the few that even makes comment here, other than yourself, the topic author.

Either that or folks don't see the dangers that you see.

Are we all blind, and you clearly "see" this impending danger? Please think about it. Why aren't we as concerned about this, and jumping in and making this topic the hot one on this forum. Are we all ignorant, and you have the information? Are we fiddling grass hoppers and you're the prepared ant?

There are folks that stand on street corners with signs telling all of us to prepare for the coming end of the world. Are we/me being indifferent to your insight? Does your insight or knowledge supercede ours. Do you see a real danger that we don't see or interpret?

It's possible to mimic "John The Baptist" in a modern era?

There's a lot of sound, wise, minds that post on this forum, and they aren't taking a great deal of interest in your topic. Why? Are you in some way entrusted with the truth and it's ramifications over and above most others? Think about it.

None of this is intended to be disrespectful. I'm just probing at you, and trying to get Nuclear Winter to open-up beyond the conspiracy thing........What moves you to post upon post upon post? You expend a lot of energy typing, and a lot of your time of day. Is this your God-calling for humanity, or what? What motivates you to do this? A love for humanity or what?

Do you see the rest of us as sheeple and the uninformed?

There are many folks in the world that believe they've found the truth, and somehow they must get it out to the masses. Do you see yourself in that light?

Just wondering?

In finishing, Nuke, how important is your information to humanity? Knowing what you present, will it make a difference to our lives, in an appreciable way? If your information is valid, do we, have a way of countering this powerful entity of global makers and shakers?

If the sky is about to fall, is there a way to stop it?
Side note: Are you married? Have children? What is your profession? Just curious.

Well Eightball.

I'm glad you are interested in trying to get to know me better.

I am 23 years old. I am not married, nor do I have children, but I am looking for the right girl and when I find her, I plan on keeping her.

I've kissed a lot of frogs trust me, so when I find my princess I'll know who she is.

As far as why I do this stuff? I do it because I want to help. I want to put whatever effort I can into helping things change for the better. Even if people don't think I have the ability to do that. It matters not. I have a burning fire inside me and it's going to come out regardless.

lol. I like to look at this thread as a classroom activity Brother. I'll call this class - Screwing America 101. It's got a nice ring to it eh?

Because thats what these people are currently doing. They are screwing our country over. And they have no regrets for what they are doing Eightball. Make no mistake. In fact, they are rather enjoying it.
It's important for people to remember that the Controllers don't consider themselves Democrats or Republicans. They don't see themselves falling into those "pity categories".

And that's because the Controllers have only one thing in mind - their own individual self interest. In the context of history then, this means that their chief goals are wealth and power. That, my friends, is the way the Controllers work.

But let's get down to the nitty-gritty here. Here's the first lesson that everybody should learn:

The supposed Republican and Democrat battle that we see on TV and read about in the newspapers is a fallacy. It's nothing but an illusion that the Controllers have created to keep people diverted from the Truth.

Hard to believe that hey? As long as the two parties have been around for? But it's true.

Anyone that falls for this trick (including myself in the past) has a limited view of the World. They've been conditioned into believing the Big Lie! It's almost childish how these folks run around saying that the Republicans are to blame for everything, or the Democrats, or that certain members in both of the parties such as Bill Clinton, George Bush, are the problem. They have such foolish outlooks that it becomes ridiculous to watch them playing the Controllers game. Almost like chickens running around with their heads cut off. Of course, the Democrats and the Republicans can be dangerous, but many of them are only the puppets for the REAL power....the hidden power.
Do you guys know what the Controller's greatest joy is? It's seeing all these talking heads on TV arguing about the Republicans being right and the Democrats being wrong, or vice versa. What a scam. All they need to do is keep a few "plants" on each of the television and radio stations to perpetuate the ruse, and the meaningless debates will continue forever.

It's all a put on. There's no effective difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. It's all a fallacy. Especially when they reach the upper echelon of power. Do you think it really mattered if George Bush or John Kerry won the election? The Controllers own both of them. They're bought and paid for. Hell, by the next election, the Controllers will probably have the entire voting system rigged so it doesn't matter who you vote for because the outcome will already be predetermined.

If the Controllers can make everyone so disgusted with the current system, they'll flock to online voting. This will completely eliminate the possibility of an outsider entering the Oval Office. You have to figure it's a helluva lot easier to control a few computer programmers than it is a countless number of volunteers working at the fire hall or county courthouse.
Folks, politics on a national level is nothing more than professional wrestling. Both of them have predetermined outcomes, and they suck people in with a bunch of phony dramatics. That's why the Controllers believe that the people can never learn about Votescam until it's too late. What they want to do is keep people keep them fighting among themselves. That's why they keep polarizing the populace with superficial issues like social security, campaign finance reform, or whether to keep our borders open or closed. And ya know what? So far, it has always worked.

The Controllers laugh like crazy at all of us when we battle against each other when in reality we should be focusing on the real enemy - THEM! If we really saw who was manipulating our lives, then they'd never be able to keep pushing ahead with their agenda. If we really saw them for who they are, we'd run them out of town in a second. And then guess what would happen? We'd be able to increase our freedom, keep our money, govern ourselves, and rise on the scale of understanding and truth. But, no, no, no, the Controllers don't want any of those things.

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