From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Similar to a reverse-version of Abraham Maslow's famous "hierarchy of needs" model, if the Controllers can manipulate the basic elements needed to keep us satisfied, (the least common denominator), and keep us distracted at the same time, than they can continue to chip away at realizing their dream - the creation of a One-World Government.

One may now ask, if the Controllers are so ingenious, does that mean that they never make mistakes or screw up? Of course not, but they are aware of those factors that hold the most potential for disaster. They are:

1. Any person (or group) that wants to overthrow the existing order.

2. Any reconciliation between groups usually at odds with each other.

In other words, the Controllers seek to maintain and promote CONTAINED INSTABILITY. Not full-blown anarchy or insurrection, mind you, but enough conflict to perpetuate a Hegelian Dialectic that falls within the desired parameters that have been pre-determined via System Analysis.

Someone way also wonder - why would those in control want a state of constant conflict or strife? Well, because limited wars, limited crime, limited drug use, limited auto fatalities, limited industrial accidents, limited pollution, and limited organized crime all mean that people will always be told that something needs to be done to maintain the status quo (the three centers for well-being).

What we are not told, though, is that their status quo is one of deliberate instability - there is always one force being pitted against another - constant tension - and a continual formula of conflict that is being set in motion. And, it is ALL being calculated and implemented behind the scenes, just like the Wizard of Oz.
Another reason for this instability is that whenever there are problems (which is always), the masses will constantly be looking for people to SOLVE these problems. How is this done? By introducing new products, new governmental programs, new investments, and new spending. And what results from all this "newness"? People keep consuming, and the Machine keeps rolling!

So what happens if things get out of hand? What if people get so fed up with the status quo that they feel like rebelling, or starting a war? At first glance, such a scenario would seem like a very detrimental thing. But in reality, according to the Controllers, long-term peace is not in the best interest of society (See The Report from Iron Mountain).

The reason for this is twofold. First, those who rule society view certain segments of the population as "useless", or a tax on our resources. Thus, they need a way to eliminate them. And to the Controllers, what could be better than war? And secondly, war is the most effective way to stimulate a nation's economy. Plus, from a purely "business" aspect, war allows the Controllers to expand into new markets, rebuild cities that were destroyed (via interest-garnering loans), and to create new consumers (those who were conquered).

Also, for the Controllers, arms production doesn't require an advertising budget or buyers that need to be convinced of a product's merit. The only thing they have to worry about is distribution - getting the bombs and guns to the areas being warred upon.

The ultimate method of keeping the Machine in motion is via social unrest, uneasiness, and conflict, all of which hold the potential for war. Peace and tranquility are looked upon with disfavor.
To try and convince us all of this system's virtue, the Controllers use "double-agents" and "double-talk" to create an illusion that their programs will ultimately benefit us.

A prime example of this would be the rash of cameras that are being erected in large cities and small towns across America. As these constant forms of surveillance keep an eye on us, we're told that the ones at each street corner are used to stop red-light runners, while they tell us that the ones on top of each building are used to combat drug dealers, gangs, or riotous behavior. While some people protest, we get double-talk from newspaper editorials, surveys, phony polls, and TV commentaries that tell us how great the idea is. The end result is that Big Brother slowly becomes more and more apparent through the implementation of creeping surveillance.

And yet another example of how double-think affects us is by what were taught versus the rules under which the Controllers operate. Throughout our lives, we've been told to be honest, peaceful, virtuous, and fair. And yet look at how those who wish to run our World operate. Do you think that they follow, or play by, the same rules that they've told us to adhere to?

What I'm trying to convey is this: any time "doubles" are used, different layers of "reality" can be seen. It's similar to peeling back the layers of an onion. Once one is stripped away, other levels still exist beneath it. But we can't stop simply by exposing only one layer, because many more are still hidden that we're not even aware of until we keep peeling away at the Controller's veneer. All of these layers, then, are literally "fronts" and "double-fronts" that the Invisibles use to cover their essential CORE.
By saying one thing in the guise of another, the Invisibles create an illusion where their outer layers conceal the true nature of their inner core.

By now, someone may be thinking, everything sounds so utterly controlled, calculated, and analyzed. What would happen if somebody stepped out of line?

Not only is this an excellent question, but again, for the answer, all we have to do is look at what played-out right here in America in the early 1960's when President John. F. Kennedy was killed right before our eyes. This quote by Hugh Fox is a good starting point:

"There is a truisim in espionage circles that runs something like ASSASINATIONS ARE EASY, PLANNING "NATURAL DEATHS" TAKES TIME."

"By 1963, the Invisibles had so perfected their technique that there was no longer any need to fake natural deaths. Assassination could look like assassination - only the actual assassin's and assasination game-plan would be projected out on the Invisibles Counter-world in such a way - and on such a level - that anyone searching for motivations or logistic links on the straight level of Single - (or even Double) Think would hardly even begin to understand the Logistics of this Invisable Counter-Reality."
You see folks, President Kennedy didn't play by the pre-established, traditional rules that the Controllers had set down for him (and other Presidents). A lot of time and money was invested in President Kennedy, but he reneged on his deals and turned his back on the CIA, the Mafia, and all the goals they wanted to accomplish in Cuba, Russia, and Vietnam. Everything had been planned via their Systems Analysis techniques, but President Kennedy refused to fit into their "game-model".

How so? Well, President Kennedy didn't fall into the Pentagon's fanatical campaigns against Russia or Vietnam (either a perceived "Cold War" or an actual bloodbath in the jungles), and thus, he negated the profitability of their War Machine. In fact, by Spring of 1963, Kenneth P. O'Donnel reported that President Kennedy vowed to start withdrawing all troops from Vietnam in the near future.

So what we have is a variety of powerful men who have a vested interest in how certain events unfold. They had created a Corporate Organization Model that took into consideration EVERY possible factor that affects a number of outcomes. When thing's didn't work out, the final option was to create a "game-model" scenario to assassinate President Kennedy (the source of their problems) that contained a multitude of variables.

By placing numerous false-leads and built-in decoys to divert attention away from (rather than toward) the true killers, a "counter-reality" was created similar to the "doubles" that I mentioned earlier.

If you are having a hard time believing that.....all you have to do is look at all the different theories that have been put out into the World regarding JFK's assassination. Look at all the phantom cars theories, the grassy knoll scenarios, the hidden tunnels beneath the freeway theories, misdirection, patsies, double-identities, and missing evidence. It's incredible!

Once the kill had taken place, the "selected person" had taken his fall and the surface charade was ended as the link between "visible" and "invisible" disappeared.
To the Controllers, Exhaustion will always take the place over regeneration. Those who try to halt the consumptive nature of the Machine will be in serious danger of duly being eliminated. But let that not stop anyone in this World from standing up for what is right.
So now that we've established a basis for how the power elite operate; we should also reexamine the reality of our situation at the present moment.

1. Power isn't derived from governments, and national boundaries are nothing but an illusion.

2. Supranational companies are the ones who are currently attempting to call the shots here on Earth.

3. At the top of the corporate-financial power structure are the international bankers.

4. At the head of this power structure - the very men who want to rule the World - are the chairmen of the World's largest financial structures (i.e. Chase Manhattan).

5. These entities attempt to control both war and peace.

6. They are not concerned with conservation, but with depletion.
In a sense, we need a new perspective for looking at the World. The concept of sovereign nations is slowly becoming a thing of the past, and is being replaced by global corporations that are controlled by international financiers. If seen in this light, the United States is nothing more than a supranational, government-subsidized business that is interlocked with every other "country/corporation," all of whom are subordinates of the World money interests.

In essense, then, what we have are national interests bowing to the global Controllers' demands. We are no longer seen as Americans, Canadians, or Australians; no, we're seen by the Controllers as cogs in the Machine that must keep churning away through the process of consumption (consumerism).

Gundrun Tempel, in The Chairman is God, comments on how these financiers have become god-like beings:

"Every man, woman and child is a mini-market....we are units in the biggest data bank the World has ever known."
Where's the 'we'? You did mean to use 'I'?

I guess it can be looked at both ways. Those who have taken the same position as I are classified under the WE category. And those who haven't don't need to worry about it.

I was speaking more in terms of a mass consciousness type of thing.

You when someone says, "Are you feeling me on this?"
I guess it can be looked at both ways. Those who have taken the same position as I are classified under the WE category. And those who haven't don't need to worry about it.

I was speaking more in terms of a mass consciousness type of way.

Seriously, where is the 'mass'?
To the Controllers, we are ALL viewed as the "workable units" of the machine. We are seen as nothing more than insignificant elements of a colossal machine that is hooked-up to a planetary data bank, with layers upon layers of bureaucratic hullabaloo, distraction, illusion, and various modes of conditioning acting as a barrier between us and them.

At the other end of this maddeningly complex process, hidden from view, are the "Invisables". If you don't believe me, try to discuss these issues with Mr. David Rockefeller in New York City. Do you think that you'll be able to get to him? No! He's untouchable....out of reach....invisible.

We're simply viewed as cogs in the mega-machine that can be manipulated on a project-by-project basis by a group of elite planners who are hidden from public view.

People are no longer seen as Human entities, but as units or variables in a grand, machinistic design.
To the Controllers, we are ALL viewed as the "workable units" of the machine. We are seen as nothing more than insignificant elements of a colossal machine that is hooked-up to a planetary data bank, with layers upon layers of bureaucratic hullabaloo, distraction, illusion, and various modes of conditioning acting as a barrier between us and them.

At the other end of this maddeningly complex process, hidden from view, are the "Invisables". If you don't believe me, try to discuss these issues with Mr. David Rockefeller in New York City. Do you think that you'll be able to get to him? No! He's untouchable....out of reach....invisible.

We're simply viewed as cogs in the mega-machine that can be manipulated on a project-by-project basis by a group of elite planners who are hidden from public view.

People are no longer seen as Human entities, but as units or variables in a grand, machinistic design.
Then again, I doubt I can get ahold of Michael Moore, Bill Gates, or Jane Fonda. ARe they all controllers too?
The closer we approach the Invisibles, the more invisible they become.

Take hold of this point because once we begin to see who they truly are; they erect a slew of new decoy-realities because they know that we're on to them. These added layers of concealment create new counter-realities, and the dialectic process continues to unfold.

The very LAST thing that they want to happen is how Toto in "The Wizard of Oz" pulls back the curtain and exposes the Wizard's true nature.

To them, nothing could be more damaging.
Then again, I doubt I can get ahold of Michael Moore, Bill Gates, or Jane Fonda. ARe they all controllers too?

In many cases yes.

In fact one of them more so than the others.

I'll leave it up to you to try and guess which one I'm talking about.

If that's how you choose to view it.

Freedom of Choice is a God given gift. Not a Man-given one.
Now I'd like to cover quickly a subject that I have only touched on a little bit previously in the section on The Federal Reserve.

But now I would like to focus on this subject by itself because it is one of the primary problems we are going to have to face in this country as the controllers attempt to expand their power over us in more and more ways.

One word. TAXES.

I would like to quote a paragraph from an editorial written by the folks at State College, Pa.'s Centre Daily Times on April 17, 2001:

"For the average Pennsylvania resident, every dollar earned between January 1 through early May is consumed by the direct costs of various levels of government, according to the Commonwealth Foundation, a conservative think tank based in Harrisburg. Another five weeks is consumed covering the costs of government regulation, according to figures used by the organization. Last year, the foundation said that when all those costs were added, average Pennsylvanians didn't begin to actually work for themselves until June 16."

What the hell is going on in this country? We are halfway to slavery already! Almost half of the money that we earn in this country is surrendered to the government through some form of taxation or regulation.

In fact, did you guys know that for many average homeowners across America, that the total of all the taxes they pay is about 48% of their wages?

It's crazy! That includes our federal income tax, state tax, county taxes, local taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, phone taxes, real estate taxes, school taxes, property taxes, occupational assessment taxes, occupational privilege taxes, inheritance taxes, and capital gains taxes.

Can you f-cking believe it? Well you should. Because it's true.
Now lets look at the situation in this context folks.

Back in the days of slavery, a worker would spend ten or twelve hours a day in the field, and of the 100% of their income they should have gotten, how much did they actually get? ZERO!

That's right. The plantation owner kept 100% of their income.

Now, if you remember the example about the average homeowner in America that I posted before, how much of our income are the "Controllers" taking from us as we speak? ......48%. And in Canada it's 60%, and in a few European countries it's up to 70%.

Folks, that means that right here in America, we are already half way to slavery, and in the socialist countries with healthcare programs and total government intrusion, if this trend continues, we'll all eventually be working for the "plantation owner" again.

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