From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

I don't want to hijack nuclears patriot manifesto to much ,

No worries my friend. If you have something to say on this subject than by all means start a thread on it.

We simply don't have time to wonder about it anymore. It's too late for that now.

its well researched and presented and such important information for anyone willing to think and listen and not just re-act...

lol. Thanks bro. Exactly what I was going for.

If you remember 1 thing from this at all Eots, please let it be this......

Change 1 persons opinion and you've just changed the World.

Before discussing the specifics of Bill Clinton's career, we need to know that his home state of Arkansas has long been known to be the stronghold of a prominent family for many years. In fact, one member of this famous family was not only elected as the Governor of Arkansas in 1967, but was also the first person to notice Bill Clinton and take him under his wing.

And who was this person that took Bill Clinton under his wing? Winthrop Rockefeller! It seems like the name Rockefeller keeps popping up over and over and over again? Doesn't it? And for good reason.

After graduating from high school, Bill Clinton took an internship under Arkansas Senator J. William Fullbright, who was a U.S. Senator for 32 years. He also sponsored the "Fullbright Act of 1946" which was responsible for sending American students overseas to study. In fact, Fullbright was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, a staunch advocate of the United Nations, and is described as a "strong internationalist", another name for globalist.
After high school, Bill Clinton attended college at Georgetown, where the noted Illuminati insider Professor Carroll J. Quigley (author of the premier Council on Foreign Relations book Tragedy and Hope) mentored him. Clinton's training continued with a Rhodes Scholarship at England's Oxford University, home of Skull & Bones and also the Bush Family's favorite school.

Clinton returned to Arkansas, and at age 29 (an amazingly young age), he became the state's Attorney General. Shortly thereafter, he rose to become the Governor and then joined an infamous organization in 1988.

Which group could it be? Of course -- the Trilateral Commission! Then in 1989, he became a member of yet another group. Can you guess which one it was? You got it -- the Council on Foreign Relations. Are you noticing a theme, or a continuous thread that keeps running through each successive administration?

Finally in 1991, Bill Clinton was secretly invited to the creme de la creme meeting of them all -- the Bilderberg meeting -- in Baden Baden, Germany. There, it was decided that he would become the next Democratic nominee for the Presidency.
Regrettably, Bill Clinton became President in 1992 and during his first inaugural speech, he mentioned and thanked only one person by name. Do you know who it was? Dr. Carroll Quigley, one of the premier insiders of all time, and noted Council On Foreign Relations authority.

So Clinton entered the Oval Office, and soon his Cabinet was LOADED with Council on Foreign Relations members, Trilateral Commission members, and Bilderberg members. These included his National Security Advisor, his Vice President, his Secretary of State, his Secretary of Defense, his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, his CIA director, his Treasury Secretary, his Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, his Secretary of the Interior, and his HUD Secretary.

Is everything finally clear? The same people -- The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg members keep running the American Presidency regardless of whom they select!
The same goes for Hillary Clinton folks. Do you really think she has any seperate goals than of those that the people had that controlled her husband? She knew what was going on the whole time. She sat by him and acted this way or re-acted that way, all to try and sway public opinion.

She is as crafty and clever as anyone I have ever seen. She truly knows when to pretend to be this way or to pretend to be that way.

Is this someone you really want in office for 4 to 8 years? Because if your answer is yes, I guarantee you that you better strap yourself in for a first class ride to Hell in a Handbasket.

Oh, and let's not forget about our current President either. George W. Bush. If you don't believe that he has the same corrupt goals that his father had, then all you have to do is go back to the posts about George Bush Sr. and take a look at the people who belonged to his cabinet. They're practicly IDENTICAL to who at one time or another filled those same seats in George W. Bush's cabinet. As I have mentioned before.

It's all downhill from here folks if things don't change. We no longer have power over who they put into the presidency. Every single President since Lyndon B. Johnson up to our current one has been bought, sold, and controlled.
Over the past decade I've noticed a disturbing trend that is ruining our culture - which is the fact that our populace is being weakened as a whole through a variety of subtle techniques (advertising, social conditioning, political correctness, certain movements, ect.). Concepts such as strength, conviction, and belief are seen as detrimental and counter-productive. Instead, the power elite are promoting an agenda of societal weakness that will ultimately result in any fight that we have left being taken away from us.

As we move toward this end, remember one thing, which is that as the social conditions push to weaken us, they will always retain their strength and NEVER deliberately surrender one iota of it (gun control is a perfect example).

And what is the key to this weakening process? It lies in one word - conduct. Because the Controllers want us to be TOLERANT of everything, but this tolerance only applies to those acts that follow their patterns of behavior, but not to anything that falls outside of this realm.

In a sense, the Controllers are tolerant of everything except for speech and thought.
First, the lies being thrown at us are systematically created. What's taking place is not accidental. The people deceiving us do so because that is their purpose within the system. By manipulating communications and the dissemination of information, they ultimately want to create a uniform opinion among the masses that fully supports their control.

Now, what happens if we are perpetually bombarded with doses of unreality? We'll eventually lose our ability to reason through a situation or come to accurate conclusions. Reality will become lost in the shuffle, and we'll accept any pablum or nonsense that the Controllers spoon-feed to us.

And as sad as it may sound, this transformation is already taking place. Because people are now able to escape the consequences of their actions through the clever manipulation of image and LANGUAGE! A good example would be the question, "Could you define what "is" is? Like Bill Clintons words when he said, "I never had sexual "relations" with Miss Lewinsky."

He was able to tell the American people a bold faced lie, while at the same time, in his own twisted mind, was able to tell the truth. At least in his way of thinking.
This is officially the longest running thread on USMB. You should be proud!

lol. Well, that to this day remains no intention of mine. I don't care how long this thread runs for, as long as it makes a difference.

But thank you.
People. Look at how the AIDS virus, a man-made disease, is decimating large parts of the World, especially the continent of Africa. Take a second to examine how many fossil fuels are being burned to choke our atmosphere when an alternative - hydrogen energy - is so much more efficient. Consider how many trees, animals, waterways, farms and endangered species get eliminated each day due to "the bottom line".

I could ramble endlessly about these plights, such as how our sickening tax system is destroying our country, but instead I'll simply say that those who want to run the World are willing to sacrifice anything, including LIFE ITSELF on this planet, to promote their evil agenda.

Hell, hearken back to the Vietnam War and how 57,000 Americans were killed, and who knows how many Asians, for what purpose? To stop the spread of Communism? Hell no! The Controllers wanted to secure "The Golden Triangle" so that they could corner the global heroin trade.
How do you think David Rockefeller, or one of the other "Invisibles", spends each day? They're obviously not digging ditches, sitting in an office deciding who gets a new home quality loan, or punching a clock and working a nine-to-five. Him, and those of his ilk, have SO much money that it is no longer the driving force in their lives. You see, because they OWN money, and control how it's created, distributed, and stored. Thus, those at the very upper echelon of control, those who actually call the shots, spend their time on one primary task - situating the World so that they can perpetuate their realm of control.

And just how does a being continue to control once they've assumed such a position? Does it just happen at random, or by coincidence? Of course not. The planning involved is incredible.

One of the techniques used is called System Analysis, which is, essentially, a methodology used to examine any given situation or problem. Then, once a situation is arrived at, it is set into motion. During, this process, any number of different factors are set in place, all of which can change at any time, and all of which can affect the original proposition. All of these factors are analyzed in relation to how they affect or influence an array of possible outcomes.

In regard to World events, System Analysis is used to not only examine each situation, but also to manipulate and direct a set of goals that have already been determined. In other words, this technique is an instrument of CONTROL, that is wielded behind the scenes without the knowledge of those being controlled. The most dangerous type of control is that which cannot be seen.
Here's what we need to remember - there are men whose sole function (one that they assumed for themselves) is to manage the World. Thus, if they're able to control the variables and different factors that affect our daily lives without us even being aware of such a force, try to imagine how this contributes to our identities, and to our decision making processes.

Many of us believe that a form of "horizontal control" is what keeps societies working. In other words, all of the elements of control are essentially laid flat on a table and exist at roughly the same level. This type of thought would characterize a government where elected leaders are chosen by the people, then serve them in a way that would be most beneficial to everyone in that society.

Now, a second group realizes that horizontal control is merely an illusion that we're conditioned to believe in by our educational system and the media. They can see that the way our system works is more through "vertical control" where there are hierarchies and levels of influence. In this system, a pyramid-like structure exists where those at the top (the few) rule over those at the bottom (the masses).

Finally, a third group sees that although vertical control holds some truth, the reality of our situation is one of "vertical manipulation", a system where control is exercised from hidden quarters and isn't readily explained to those being subjected to it.
Here is another example of how certain factors can be manipulated to achieve a desired result. Let's say a group of World leaders wanted to examine what would happen to an area if a temporary police state bordering on martial law were implemented. First of all, a very distinct segment of the populace would be targeted as the control group, then systematically and continually bombarded with information that keeps them perpetually disgruntled. When they're brought to the peak of outrage, another injustice (either actual or perceived), is the final straw that sets them over the edge. The target group then rebels and begins acting in a "socially unacceptable" manner that triggers violence. After a pre-determined period of time, the "Law" comes in and cracks the whip, establishing martial law across the area.

Now, some may say that'd never happen. They would claim that it's only conjecture.

Well, back in the 90's, people lived through this precise scenario as it unfolded across an entire city. Do you remember the L.A. Riots in 1992? First of all there was a disgruntled group (the Blacks) who had an ongoing beef with the LAPD, and were primed for action by Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. Then Rodney King got beaten, and the videotape was replayed thousands of times to keep the target group's anger festering. Finally, a trial was conducted and the police officers were found innocent.

Incensed, the blacks rioted for three days, and then the National Guard, County Sheriff's, State Police, and local Police departments set-up what was essentially martial law, complete with curfews, restricted areas, and so forth.

So, if System Analysis was used PRIOR to the riots to examine each divergent scenario, can you now see how things could be mapped-out rather than allowed to simply happpen at random, and also how certain situations are manipulated to garner a GUARANTEED response?
At this point, I'm going to switch gears a bit and look at a concept that runs parallel to Systems Analysis - the Corporate Organization Model.

The first area of interest that we need to examine is how prevalent the use of conditioning is in our society today. Take for example the use of marketing campaigns that get us to purchase products that we don't even need. Rather than focusing on what is actually required for our survival - that which keeps us alive, like food - these companies create various "needs" in our minds that stimulate our greed and hunger.

Now some people may say, "Who cares if we are tricked into buying pretty air fresheners, or baboozled into taking our dogs to pet psychologists 'for their own good'. Whats the big deal?"

Well, if you think about it, how is our personal life, and society in general, molded by this type of subtle conditioning? If you don't believe me, think back to a time one hundred years earlier when advertising didn't play such a prevalent role in our lives. Look at how we've been "seduced" by this deceptive organism. We have teenage and college-aged girls starving themselves to death because we've embraced a culture of thinness. We're also obsessed with youth, so women in their 40's and 50's are having face lifts and tummy-tucks, while girls of all ages have boob jobs because flat-chested girls "don't stack up". What a load of bull.

In addition, adolescent girls dress like they're 20 years old because "sex sells", while our throwaway, consumer culture has led to rampant personal debt and an environment that is literally exhausted. All because we're told that these are the "things" we need to make us happy.
One hundred years ago we didn't think this way guys. But we do today. Why? Well, if you take a child that's six months old and sit them in front of a television set for six hours a day (or more), and then allow their minds to be poisoned by the public conditioning system (it can no longer be classified as "public education"), and then feed them garbage propaganda on our nightly newscasts, what would you expect? All of these forces combine to do a pretty good job of defining our identity.

Often times, people, and entire cultures, are fashioned, shaped, and molded without even knowing that such a process is taking place.

So, in light of the Corporate Organization Model, everyone is viewed as a consumer, which is why there are always different products being constantly redesigned to fill our "needs".

Now, being that the Machine is such a vital part of our Control System, what does it take to keep it running? The answer, of course, is ENERGY. This is why our current Corporate Organization Model way of thinking is persisting today. Look at some of the wealthiest corporations in the World - Exxon, Texaco, Mobil, and Gulf. What do they all specialize in? Burning fossil fuels. In regard to homes, what is the largest utility cost that we face? Again, the answer is energy. To get from one place to another, which corporations do we support? Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, ect. Related to this are the peripheral companies that keep our automobiles running - Goodyear, Firestone, Valvoline, ect. If our cars are too slow, we flock to the airline industry - United, U.S. Air, ect. Finally, to protect our borders, we throw money to an industry that capitalizes on energy - Hughes, Northrop, ect.

And so now that we've seen the connection between energy and our economy, we need to analyze how we rely on endeavors that fail to take into consideration the Human Race or our planetary concerns. How can we still be burning fossil fuels after all these years when hydrogen energy is so much better? By perpetuating this practice, we keep filling our air, water, ground, and lungs with a poison that is destroying us en masse.
As the Controllers continue to poison our planet, they're simultaneously examining ways to save their own hides. As Hugh Fox says, "The Invisables in no way depend on what we consider to be survival conditions for their own survival."

Now being that we've taken a peak at the Controller's motives, why don't the masses revolt and alter their destiny? The Controllers realize that this reaction is a very REAL possibility, and so they punch a number of factors into their Systems Analysis Model and arrive at a variety of ways to keep the populace appeased and docile.

The three most important variables to keep the American people in line:

1. Economic well-being - If our income, taxes, and cost of living are kept within "acceptable limits," then the citizenry will not cause trouble.

2. Social well-being - If crime rates and the quality of our neighborhoods are maintained, the people will feel safe in their surroundings.

3. Personal well-being - if our family life, our sex life, and our ability to "meet our goals" are kept within acceptable levels, then the masses will remain calm.

Thus, when the Controllers collude with global corporations, American business, industry, government, and the financial centers by calculating the effect of each factor within a Systems Analysis Model, we begin to see that things in our society don't just happen at random. There are hours upon endless hours of planning - and complex strategies - needed to keep the Machine rolling. With this in mind, we find that people can be kept contented with three centers of well being - economic, social, and personal. If you also keep them distracted with sports, gossip, scandals, and the overall rat race; then there isn't much they're going to do to rock the boat.
Can't you see? We're seen the same as a company that manufactures bars of soap. But instead of factoring in ingredients, raw materials, cost of production, logistics, and advertising, they plug in social variables, tax rates, crime statistics, inflation, and a slew of other numbers.

Thus, by keeping us occupied with the Machine, we don't have the time or the effort to get enraged about the sale of our Presidency to the New World Order, blatant assassinations (i.e. Princess Diana), the loss of our input in the electoral process ("Votescam"), the creation of a horrendous disease (AIDS), ongoing CIA mind control experiments, how our guns are slowly being taken away from us, the inception of new laws that continually remove our freedoms and right to privacy, or the way our planet is being decimated and destroyed.

The sad part is, that for some people, all of that stuff is alright, as long as they still have their jobs, they still have food on the table, and that they still have a stable social structure with a belief that they are part of the greatest nation of all time.

For some people, as long as those things remain in tact, they are willing to let the "Controllers" get away with whatever the hell they want to. And it makes me sick. And I despise it.

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