From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

So anyways, as we all know, The Nixon Administration melted down and he was bounced from office. Things could have gone better, but his successor, Gerald Ford (a member of the totally corrupt Warren Commission), attended two top secretive meetings prior to being "annointed" President. What type of meetings were they? Bilderberg meetings!

But that's not even the worst part of this scam-job. Because do you remember who Gerald Ford chose as his Vice-President? Good 'ol Nelson Rockefeller.

And the scariest part is guys, that if Sarah Jane Moore or Lynnette "Squeaky" Fromme (on two different occasions) had known how to shoot their guns, we would have had a Rockefeller for President!

I can see how people would have had a hard time sleeping during that time with the thought of that rolling through their heads.
So anyways, as we all know, The Nixon Administration melted down and he was bounced from office. Things could have gone better, but his successor, Gerald Ford (a member of the totally corrupt Warren Commission), attended two top secretive meetings prior to being "annointed" President. What type of meetings were they? Bilderberg meetings!

But that's not even the worst part of this scam-job. Because do you remember who Gerald Ford chose as his Vice-President? Good 'ol Nelson Rockefeller.

And the scariest part is guys, that if Sarah Jane Moore or Lynnette "Squeaky" Fromme (on two different occasions) had known how to shoot their guns, we would have had a Rockefeller for President!

I can see how people would have had a hard time sleeping during that time with the thought of that rolling through their heads.

Do you realize how many of the posts are your's versus anyone else on this forum? There's very little intercourse going on between you and anyone else.......It's all you.

People are going to start avoiding posting in your topics, if you continue to flood them with your posts, and not allow some "back and forth" intercourse of ideas, statements.

Ever wonder why you topics aren't getting a lot of varied participation? Your not listening, and reply, as much as your using forum as a "sounding" board for your ideas, anxieties, etc. Your not listening and interacting with the others.
Do you realize how many of the posts are your's versus anyone else on this forum? There's very little intercourse going on between you and anyone else.......It's all you.

People are going to start avoiding posting in your topics, if you continue to flood them with your posts, and not allow some "back and forth" intercourse of ideas, statements.

Ever wonder why you topics aren't getting a lot of varied participation? Your not listening, and reply, as much as your using forum as a "sounding" board for your ideas, anxieties, etc. Your not listening and interacting with the others.

It's funny that you would try and use that false statement against me Eightball considering the fact that I have answered every single post you have ever sent in my direction.

Very interesting in fact that you would take that position against me. To me it makes no sense at all.

To understand Jimmy Carter's phenomenal rise to public office, we must first return to his home state of Georgia. Which family has much of it's personal investment property in Atlanta, Georgia? Answer: the Rockefellers. Their influence in this city is so vast that David Horowitz, in his book, The Rockefellers, said, "Atlanta is Rockefeller Center South."

In 1971 David Rockefeller invited the virtually unknown Jimmy Carter to eat with him at Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City. The year before, in 1970, he was transformed from a simple peanut farmer into being the Governor of Georgia.

Their interaction continued in 1973. Laurence Stern, reporting in the Washington Post on May 8, 1976, said that Jimmy Carter met with two individuals in London and was told that he would be given the go ahead to win the Presidency.

Who were these two individuals? One was Lord Rothschild, and the other was David Rockefeller! This story is corroborated by a 1973 London Times article that said while in London during the autumn of 1973, Carter met with another visitor who was forming an international commission and wanted someone to fill the slot of Presidency in the White House.

The commission they formed was the Trilateral Commission, of course. And the person Carter met with? David Rockefeller! Now do you think there are no behind-the-scene interventions by very powerful and secretive men? Carter met with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers!
But David Rockefeller wasn't the only man to take Carter under his wing. There was also the mad dog Zgibniew Brzezinski (The guy who loves Communism and Marxism).

On may 23, 1976, New York Times reporter Leslie H. Gelb wrote: "Brzezinski was the first guy in the Community to pay attention to Carter, to take him seriously. He spent time with Carter, talked to him, sent him books and articles, educated him."

In other words, Zgibniew Brzezinski became Jimmy Carter's mentor, and he made and molded this virtual "unknown", and then SELECTED him for President! Sixteen years later, they did the same thing with another relative "unknown" -- Bill Clinton.
So don't you guys see? THEY have much more influence than we do in regard to whom will occupy the White House.

The Far Eastern Economic Review, quoted by Howard Zinn in his book A People's History of the United States confirms this point. He writes: "Peter Bourne, Carter's former Deputy Campaign Chief, has said David Rockefeller and Zgibniew Brzezinski had both agreed that Carter was the ideal politician to build on."

I don't know about you, but doesn't this "arrangement" seem pretty twisted? Since when do David Rockefeller and Zgibniew Brzezinski decide who the ideal President will be for our Country? Shouldn't WE do that? Worse, after they chose him, he ended up winning, too! Coincidence? Hell no.
And the manipulations keep going: because in 1973, David Rockefeller and Zgibniew Brzezinski formed the Trilateral Commission. These men wanted a Trilateral in the oval office in '76, so they went through a list of all the Liberal Democrats and decided who would best fit the "suit".

Zgibniew Brzezinski was quoted as saying at the time: "It was a close thing between Carter and Askew (Askew was the Florida Governor at the time), but we were impressed that Carter had opened up trade offices for the state of Georgia in Brussels & Tokyo. That seemed to fit perfectly into the concept of the Trilaterals."

Again, why is Zgibniew Brzezinski making these decisions in the first place? Especially ones that are furthering THEIR global interests? Worse, after he helped to decide that Jimmy Carter would be President and what policies were to be implemented, he then became a part of Jimmy Carter's cabinet. Because he put himself there!
Senator Barry Goldwater, a man definitely in the know, described the situation:

"David Rockefeller and Zgibniew Brzezinski found Jimmy Carter to be their ideal candidate. They helped him win the nomination and the Presidency. To accomplish this purpose, they mobilized the money power of Wall Street, the intellectual influence of the academic community -- which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations -- and the media controllers represented in the membership of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission."

Ladies and gentlemen, Barry Goldwater isn't any run-of-the-mill Joe 6-pak sitting on a barstool spouting off about politics. He was one of the most knowledgeable senators we've ever had. And in the above paragraph, he essentially outlined how the 1976 Presidential election was rigged by forces hiding behind a cloak of secrecy.
So a big question now is: what part did Jimmy Carter play in this scenario? Was he fully aware of the machinations taking place behind the scenes? Instead of giving a direct answer, let's let the drama unfold on it's own.

To get the ball rolling, let's begin with a speech that Carter gave in Boston on February 17, 1976, nine months before the election: "The people of this country know from bitter experience that we are not going to get these changes merely by shifting around the same group of insiders. The insiders had their chance and they have not delivered."

I agree. So far; so good.

A couple of weeks before winning the election, Hamilton Jordan, one of Jimmy Carter's aides, said, "If after the inauguration, you find a Cy Vance as Secretary of State and Zgibniew Brzezinski as head of National Security, then I would say we failed. And I would quit. But that's not going to happen. You're going to see new faces and new ideas."

Hmmmm, I like his Spirit, but guess what? Cyrus Vance DID become the Secretary of State. But before doing so, he was the Chairman of the Board of a very famous foundation. Can you guess which one it was? Yup, the Rockefeller Foundation!

And guess what else. Zgibniew Brzezinski DID become the Head of National Security. And can you guess what organization he belonged to? The Council on Foreign Relations. And don't forget, Zgibniew Brzezinski is also the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission guessed it...David Rockefeller!
Things are really starting to look bad now, especially when we conider that the head of the Council on Foreign Relations during Carter's Administration was David Rockefeller. Also, Carter's Vice President, Walter Mondale, was a Council on Foreign Relations member.

Carter's Secretary of State Cyrus vance, his Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, and his Secretary of the Treasury Michael Blumenthal were all members of the Council on Foreign Relations as well. Which again, was headed at that time by none other than David Rockefeller.

Also Carter's CIA director was a Council on Foreign Relations member, as were the Secretary of HEW, HUD, his National Security Advisor, and the Ambassador to the U.N.

In all, and please listen closely, the TOP 19 positions in Carter's cabinet were held by Trilateral Commission members. These are all extremely powerful posts and constituted nearly one-third of the TOTAL United States membership in the Trilateral Commission. Think about how scary that is.

One out of every three people in Jimmy Carter's cabinet belonged to the TC. Why didn't he just fess up and call his Administration the CFR/TC? It would have been more accurate. Add that to the fact that every single person that was instrumental in constructing Carter's foreign policy was a previous member of the Trilateral Commission. Not 10% or 50%, but 100%.
Even Paul Volcker, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, was a former employee of a famous bank. Guess which one? David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan!

Jimmy Carter's administration was so infiltrated and corrupted by outside forces, that on the July 1977 cover of the Atlantic Monthly is a cartoon picture of Jimmy Carter and David Rockefeller in a wooden tub, with the headline reading, "Carter revealed: He's a Rockefeller Republican."

Are people finally starting to see the full picture here?
It's funny that you would try and use that false statement against me Eightball considering the fact that I have answered every single post you have ever sent in my direction.

Very interesting in fact that you would take that position against me. To me it makes no sense at all.


it is not about truth or fact nuclears information is impeccable ,truly with his knowledge and ability to present this knowledge is professional in its level of competency ,this person needs to consider public speaking or writing and i greatly appreciate the effort ..the reason people react the way they do is they would have to abandon all they have ever known to be true and along with that a part of their own identity and so will defend the is simply to much for some

God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in
it is not about truth or fact nuclears information is impeccable ,truly with his knowledge and ability to present this knowledge is professional in its level of competency ,this person needs to consider public speaking or writing and i greatly appreciate the effort ..the reason people react the way they do is they would have to abandon all they have ever known to be true and along with that a part of their own identity and so will defend the is simply to much for some

God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in

In an earlier post, I commended this person on their intelligence, in presenting their topic, and their knowledge. Maybe not in those words, but it was conveyed.

Never the less, this is a "forum".......the very definition of which, means to have "intercourse/mixing" of ideas or debate between two or more, and probably more than two would be conducive to stimulating interest.

Just because a person is filled with stacks of acute knowledge that "you" or someone else deems very viable, and important, doesn't change the fact that a lot of other very knowledgeable, and interesting posters/members are not participating in this topic.

Look for yourself. There are myriads of posts by the same person; one after another, with no other posters's saying anything.
To top it off, "said" poster now is inferring that I don't like him/her. Now we have a little bit of a persecution complex arising from someone critiquing this person's massive posting methodology on this forum.
I have a brother-in-law who is medically diagnosed as Manic Depressive, and also Schizophrenic. He's a brilliant man. Don't ever challenge him to a game of Chess, he'll eat you for lunch at that game. His mind is constantly going and going. As the years have gone by, he's began to obsess about people, government entities, etc.. snooping, and watching the American people. It first started with his getting interested in those first Mars pictures that were of questionable quality back in the 80's that had some conpiracists thinking that their was a "face" on Mars. Art Bell and George Norreyites, have kept this one going. NASA was suspicioned of keeping a secret from us earthlings that they had actually photographed the ruins of an ancient civilization on Mars. Later, more defined photos, in the 90's by other orbiting satellites proved that the old face on Mars was just an interesting, blurred shadowing affect of a mountain/rock formation, and nothing more. Do these man on Mars folks accept that. Some, but most didn't. Obsession, obsession......

Anyway, my manic brother in law, belongs to the latter. Now he thinks that his phones are bugged by the CIA and the FBI. He even thinks that when he goes to the store, that these folks sneek into his house and put listening devices in his place.

We are talking about a very high I.Q. individual here.
Now, being scared or concerned about the world, politics, conspiracies that move us around like chess pieces or puppets, might be happening. Some of it might be sinister, and other influencers might be just plain money hungry big shots. Obviously, even Hitler wasn't so deranged that he would take over Krupps munitions of Germany, as without Krupp, the German military was dead in the water. Big business wields a lot of clout. Socialism knows when to back off, and not rock the cart.
Obsessing about the state of our being in this big old world of geo-politics can be draining to the individual, and sometimes indicative of some not-so-normal/balanced mental activities.
There are a lot of un-medicated or under-mediated Manic depressives wandering this planet. They look just like you and me, and in many cases they might even top our I.Q. level. They can write flawlessly, present issues flawlessly, etc., but they don't want, or have the ability to assess input from outside their obsessed realm of concern/thought. They are sooooo focused on their "crusade" that they can't dialogue or consider alternative ideas. That's a sign that "balance" is missing or not quite there.

When my brother in law takes his medication properly, and is monitored closely by his doctors, he settles-down, and copes with life like the rest of us. He still is brilliant, but his brilliance doesn't interfere with balance and prioritizing his life in a manner that covers all aspects. He remembers to shave, and bath once a day, rather than worry himself to an exhausted state over the U.S. Government sneeking some other listening device into his home, or into his grocery cart at the super market.

When he's following doctor's orders, he's a very enjoyable person to be around. He has a great sense of humor, his mind isn't going 100 mph., and he can enjoy social interaction with other folks. The alternative to this with him, is suspicion upon suspicion for any and everything. His anxieties are so high at times that he's had to be admitted to the hospital because his heart rate/pulse was soaring close to 200 bpm! Heart palpitations, Erythmia, heavy reliance on tobacco....etc.. He really is in an internal war, that only he sees. Either he's a prophet, or a troubled man? Look at the brilliant Howard Hughs?
Now we have a new John the Baptist, warning us on this forum. Since we don't participate or might critique, we are the ones to be pitied. We are the sheep, and our well-informed dooms-sayer is the one with the enlightenment. I guess it's possible, but I doubt it.
I'm not arguing with many of this person's information of stats or connections in the higher echelons that he/she's presented to prove their point. I'm questioning the motives behind this massive, spam-like presentation on this forum.
resorting to the implication of mental illness is bizarre ,this subject obviously disturds you greatly,which it should but don't shoot the messenger
i suggest you verify the facts and if you find them to be true take some actions spread the word to others ,contact politicians with your concerns ,speak out against globalization ,attend protest ,i am sure nuclear is a far to wise and humble person to think themselves john the baptist
i would say nuclear is a person that realizes that America is being lead into
unwittingly into wars of conquest and a socialist/communist new world order
and the motive is to light the latern...a true American ,a true patriot
Now we have a new John the Baptist, warning us on this forum. Since we don't participate or might critique, we are the ones to be pitied. We are the sheep, and our well-informed dooms-sayer is the one with the enlightenment.

Eightball I appreciate your concern, if thats the way I am to take it, for my well being.

However, I do not appreciate the fact that you are comparing your brother in laws situation to my own. Or that you are trying to give me a diagnosis over the internet, without ever having met me in person, sat down with me and had a drink, or talked with me at any other time than on this board.

You talk about doctors alot, and I might ask if thats what you dream to be? Because if so, then you probably have a better chance than I, because you seem to have a nack for such an activity.

However, I never, EVER, refer to my fellow Brothers and Sisters as "sheep". To do that, would be to degrate myself as well, since we were ALL created Equal, and we are ALL ONE under God - indivisable.

I can understand how people would not like the way I post in this thread. But I reserve the right to post my information, in my own thread, in a way that to me is most efficient.

Now you can argue that the way I post is innefficient, but I would gladly dispute that claim. I have much information to relay here, and I try my hardest to answer any post that is directed towards me with an open mind, but also a firm protest if it's something I disagree with from my heart. There is nothing wrong with doing so, for either side of the arguement.

All that I ask, is that you reserve me the right to post any way I would like to as long as I'm doing it in my own thread. It would upset you if I came into your thread and started ranting and raving about the way you are bringing across your information. Especially if I demanded that your thread be removed for doing so. Not that you were implying that with your comments, but I see your arguement leading to nowhere except for that conclusion. The reason that I believe this is because I am currently answering just about any post that comes my way that is coming from a persons viewpoint and not coming from a persons judgements about who I am or how I am less of a person than they are for the way I think.

So for your arguement to be that I am not allowing people to talk in this thread (when I have absolutely no power over who posts in here and who doesn't), to me, is a false one. It is not what this is about. And it's not where I am coming from.

In Life, we all make choices, and we should have TOTAL freedom to make those choices, as long as we know the consequences for our actions. I know the consequences for not allowing people to put their opinions into this thread, and therefore I would never try and stop them from doing so. However, coming from as strong a belief as I have in about what I am posting here, if someone is going to post an arguement and call my information nonsense, they had better expect me to fire back at them with a bucket full of ammunition, because they are questioning the very basis of what I am saying, and therefore, either without knowing it or not, are questioning my integrity.
In his book, New World Order, Pat Robertson tells the following story:

"Lou Sheldon was a pro-family advocate and friend of Jimmy Carter. Prior to Carter winning the election, these two discussed what type of people they would like in Carter's cabinet."

"Lou Sheldon arrived at the Carter residence to find the next President barefoot and in blue jeans. They greeted each other warmly and Sheldon proudly presented the booklet (with a roster of names and resumes of the persons they wanted in their cabinet). Carter took it, read it, and began to cry."

"When he got back to Virginia Beach, Sheldon said, 'Jimmy was so touched by all the work that we did that tears came to his eyes."

"I said, 'Lou, you are wrong. The reason he cried is because the appointment process is out of his hands, and he is not going to appoint any of his (own) people."

According to various sources. Not ONE person that Jimmy Carter wanted in his cabinet was appointed! Not one. They were all selected for him. Are you starting to get a sick feeling in your stomach? Cuz I know I am.

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