From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

And who, you may wonder, comprised the Council on Foreign Relations in the early 1960's? Answer: the New York banking establishment, which wasn't particularly pleased with the way that President Kennedy was pushing to break the Federal Reserve's power base.

President Kennedy tried to destroy the Federal Reserve by urging businesses to deposit, invest, and borrow from non-Federal banks! He also encouraged these non-Fed banks to deal directly with and underwrite state and local financial matters. By taking this leverage away from the Federal Reserve, Kennedy could ultimately return the power to coin money back to Congress, which was how our Founding Fathers had originally established it in our Constitution.

If this had ever happened, we would have become fiscally sound by not being forced to pay inordinate amounts of interest to the international bankers as we are today.

President Kennedy's plan was quite ingenious, and he knew what he was talking about, for economist Seymour Harris said that Kennedy was, "by far the most knowledgeable President of all time in the general area of economics."
Aha! We have a contender for the French, it's the jooos
Ok Nuclear. Sorry, we were having giggles at the thread's expense. I'll stop now.
So, what we had at that time in regard to the Council on Foreign Relations/Banking establishment was a slew of individuals who were very upset by what President Kennedy was trying to do.

And who specifically were these people and institutions? Well, take a look at this list of heavy-hitters that had aligned themselves against President Kennedy:

Nelson Rockefeller - New York Governor

David Rockefeller - Chase Manhattan Bank president, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission

Douglas Dillon - President Kennedy's Treasury Secretary & Council on Foreign Relations member

The Wall Street Journal

Charles J.V. Murphy - Fortune magazine editor

Dean Rusk - Secretary of State - Iron Mountain panel member

Robert McNamara - Secretary of Defense until 1968, who later became President of the World Bank (An adjunct of the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations)

McGeorge Bundy - National Security Advisor - Iron Mountain panel member

William Bundy - editor of the Council on Foreign Relation's Foreign Affairs

Averill Harriman - instrumental in promoting communism in the Soviet Union

Henry Cabot Lodge - U.S. Ambassador to Saigon

John J. McCloy - Assistant Secretary of War (WWII), Kennedy advisor

Cyrus Vance - Secretary of the Army

Walt Rostow - State Department's Policy Planning Council, President Johnson's National Security Advisor

Dean Acheson - President Truman's Secretary of State, Democratic foreign policy advisor

As you can see, this was quite a formidable list of opponents for President Kennedy, and not one to be taken lightly.
Ok Nuclear. Sorry, we were having giggles at the thread's expense. I'll stop now.

It amazes me how otherwise intelligent people brains shut down when presented with these facts,they can not even comment directly the response is always nonsense about tinfoil hats ect ,and other smiley faced clown comments ,these facts are not in dispute ,to ignore or dismiss them is simple denial

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
It amazes me how otherwise intelligent people brains shut down when presented with these facts,they can not even comment directly the response is always nonsense about tinfoil hats ect ,and other smiley faced clown comments ,these facts are not in dispute ,to ignore or dismiss them is simple denial

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

Quite a puzzle here, we do not agree with you, our brains have 'shut down.' You don't agree with us, there is no 'otherwise' to this equation, you are intelligent. Uh huh, we get it. :eusa_hand:
the NWO ,the c.f.r the Lederberg's the tri- lateral commission .the world health organization there members and there agenda is a matter of record it is fact
the double think of the globalist has reduced all fact to opinion,presented with a Mouton of evidence they simple say well thats your opinion
the only thing that is in the realm of opinion is my speculation on the intent or thought mechanisms of the deniers

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
George Orwell
Donald Gibson, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, wrote in 1994's Battling Wall Street: the Kennedy Presidency, "The establishment's rejection of Kennedy became increasingly intense during his time in office. Many of the most important advocates of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, both within and OUTSIDE the government, were members of the Board of Directors of the CFR."

Gibson concludes this thought by adding, "By the early 1960's, the Council on Foreign Relations, Morgan and Rockefeller interests and the intelligence community were so extensively inbred as to be virtually a single entity."

This information is important to understand for we are now clearly able to see that there were extremely powerful forces at work in the American financial, military, and intelligence communities (among others) who had a vested interest in promoting their business, banking, and Vietnam policies.
So now is a good time to ask, what were the motives of those who wanted us to remain in Vietnam? Well, beyond the obvious profits to be made from the war, the interest to be derived by bankers off of huge loans made to the U.S., and the opium market that would be cornered in the Golden Triangle, Vietnam came to epitomize a sinister Hegelian Dialectic at work. Here is the way it operated:

First of all a PROBLEM was created where the Communist faction of the global elite's power structure took control of North Vietnam, thus "creating" a 'domino-theory' scenario that could be used as an excuse for the anti-communists. A supposed SOLUTION offered to the American people as a reason to draw them into war was to provide financial and military aid to South Vietnam. The resulting SYNTHESIS came about when the Controllers expanded their influence into Southeast Asia and exploited the area economically while at the same time transporting heroin into the United States and around the World.

So, on one side we have the CIA backing South Vietnam, while the Communists supported the North Vietnamese. And everyone from that list I posted before was telling President Kennedy to send more troops into the area to carry out the Controllers goals. But Kennedy, unlike Harry Truman and Dwight David Eisenhower before him, wanted no part of this fiasco. In fact, on October 11, 1963, a little over a month before he was assassinated, Kennedy approved of National Security Action Memorandum 263 which stated that the U.S. would pull-out of Vietnam by 1965. To prevent this from happening, the powers-that-be orchestrated a scenario where bullets rang out in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and less than two years later we had over 100,000 combat troops in Vietnam under the code name "Rolling Thunder".
To show how prevalent the elitists were in their decision, President Kennedy's successor, LBJ, met on an almost daily basis with 14 of his Vietnam advisors, (nicknamed the "Wise Men"). Of these 14 men, 12 of them were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and all of them were either bankers or lawyers! Yes, you read that correctly - bankers and lawyers were making President Johnson's decision in regard to Vietnam!

Worse, as Jim Mars points out in Rule By Secrecy, is that in 1985, a 26 page declassified Congressional Record report outlined the "rules of engagement" that were placed on our troops in Vietnam.

As you read these restrictions, please hearken back to the military men who've said for years that they couldn't put their finger on it, but somehow felt as if they were being deliberately set-up to lose the war. Now you know which forces were calling the shots and implementing this defeatist policy. It was the CFR-led bankers and lawyers that were working through President Johnson, who knew virtually nothing about foreign policy or war.

1985 Congressional Record - rules of engagement and restrictions

1. The United States airforce could not attack prime targets that were determined by the military brass.

2. The United States soldiers were not allowed to fire upon the Viet Con unless they were shot at first.

3. If a tank or truck was more than 200 yards off of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, they could not be attacked.

4. A North Vietnamese plane could not be shot at unless it was in the air and overtly offensive in nature.

5. Enemy missile sites being built could not be bombed.

6. Vietnamese troops could not be tracked if they went into Laos or Cambodia.

7. The North Vietnamese were told that we could not attack certain installations, so guess what. That's where they put their anti-aircraft artillery to keep it safe!

8. Finally, arms and supplies that were necessary to perpetuate the war were prermitted to go through the Port of Haiphone - 80% of which came from the USSR and China.
While the Vietnam War was still being waged, Louisiana Congressman John R. Rarick asked in no uncertain terms why the mainstream media was not telling the truth about what was going on. He said, "Why doesn't CBS tell the American people about the CFR and let the people decide whome to blame for the Vietnam fiasco - the planners and top decision makers of a closely knit financial-industrial-intellectual aristocracy or the military leaders under CIVILIAN CONTROL..."

Did you read the final two words of that statement? CIVILIAN CONTROL - not governmental control. Congressman Rarick was telling the American people that forces OUTSIDE the government were pursuing an agenda contrary to what was in the best interest of the United States. He continued, "Who will tell the people the truth of those who control 'the right to know machinery' also control the government?"

Folks, this isn't a conspiracy theory. These are FACTS from a U.S. Congressman in the know. People always ask: why doesn't anyone ever come forward with this information that exposes the truth? Well, they do all the time. The only problem is; those who call the shots from behind-the-scenes are also the same ones who own the mainstream media outlets and conceal this same information.
Perhaps the biggest secret of the Vietnam War is that our Central Intelligence Agency seized control of the infamous Golden Triangle during that time period, then, along with assistance from various elements of Organized Crime, shipped huge amounts of heroin out of that area into our country.

Because piles of money were being made from this practice and many others, those who stood to profit from this horrendous war - the armament manufacturers, bankers, military men, and drug dealers - met any suggestions to withdraw from Vietnam with immediate consternation. But that's exactly what President John F. Kennedy intended to do upon re-election. In fact, he had already planned on telling the American people that their troops would be back home by 1965.

Think about this momentous decision for a moment. If we had exited Vietnam by 1965 like President Kennedy wanted, then EIGHT years of bloodshed in the jungles and civil unrest on America's streets and campuses could have been alleviated.
Michael Collins Piper writes in Final Judgement: "Kennedy's intended change in Vietnam policy - his plan to unilaterally withdraw from the imbroglio - infuriated not only the CIA but elements in the Pentagon and their allies in the military-industrial-complex. By this time, of course, the Lansky Syndicate had already set-up international heroin running from Southeast Asia through the CIA-linked Corsican Mafia in the Mediterranean. The joint Lansky-CIA operations in the international drug racket were a lucrative venture that thrived as a consequence of deep U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia as a cover for drug smuggling activities."

Piper's simple one-paragraph explanation may be one of the most concise overviews of the Vietnam war ever written. The military men and defense contractors were making out like bandits from the War Machine, while the CIA crooks and Lansky-led Mobsters (via Santo Traficante as the major wheeler-dealer) were likewise padding their pockets.

Author Peter Dale Scott, in Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, said of this phenomenon, "The flood of drugs into this country since WWII was one of the major 'unspeakable' secrets leading to the ongoing cover-up of the Kennedy assassination."
To provide a better perspective on this situation, Professor Alfred McCoy stated in The Politics of Heroin, "Since the prohibition of narcotics in 1920, alliances between drug brokers and intelligence agencies have protected the global narcotics traffic. Given the frequency of such alliances, there seems to be a natural attraction between intelligence agencies and criminal syndicates. Both are practitioners of what one retired CIA operative has called the 'clandestine-arts' - the basic skill of operating outside the normal channels of civil society. Among all the institutions of modern society, intelligence agencies and crime syndicates alone maintain large organizations capable of carrying out covert operations without fear of detection."
On the government side, the two main Golden Triangle runners were Ted Schackley and Thomas Clines - the same two men who ran Operation Mongoose (the plot to take Fidel Castro). Thus, from 1960-1975, the CIA deployed a secret force of 30,000 Hmong tribesmen to fight the Laotian Communists. They also created heroin labs in this area; then brought it out via their own private airline - Air America.

Alfred McCoy, in The Politics of Heroin: Cia Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, describes how the CIA first gave smack to our own American soldiers in Vietnam before shipping it into the United States where Lansky mobsters dealt it on the streets.

Sam Giancana's biographers reinforced this point by stating that while organized crime did its thing, "The CIA looked the other way - allowing over $100 million a year in illicit drugs to flow through Havana into the U.S. It was an arrangement similar to all the rest they'd made. The CIA received 10% of the take on the side of narcotics, which they utilized for their undercover slush fund."

After the Mob and the CIA generated this dirty money, they laundered it into secret bank accounts controlled by the international bankers. That way, the government couldn't get their hands on it and the funds could be invested into the stock market, loaned out to other businesses on the take, or channeled into Secret Service black budgets.

So even though the above information is only the tip of the iceberg, now do you see why it was so important to the CIA/Mobster/international banker cabal that JFK didn't pull America out of Vietnam? The money (via illegal drug trafficking and for the War Machine) was incredible, while CONTROL of another area of the globe (the Golden Triangle) was secured.
As a final note, only FOUR DAYS after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, his successor, put his name on NSAM 273, which secured our increased involvement in Southeast Asia.

These guys weren't wasting any time! Within a few short months, our involvement in Vietnam went from 20,000 troops to a quarter of a million! The CIA had won, and ten years later 57,000 American soldiers were dead. Truly shocking and abysmal behavior. An embarrassment and blight on the American consciousness.
I'll leave you guys with this video clip for tonight. It's a speech given by John Stockwell who is an ex CIA Chief.

No mistake about it folks, this man is putting his LIFE on the line by giving this information to the public. All that I ask from you who are willing is to give him his respect by watching/listening to what he has to say about the CIA/drug involvement, ect.

Just click on the link below to watch:

After President Kennedy, the situation quickly deteriorated during the Johnson Administration. As the Chicago Tribune reported in September, 1964: "David Rockefeller, President of Chase Manhattan Bank, briefed President Johnson today on his recent meeting with Premier Nikita Krushchev of Russia."

It seems that Rockefeller and Nikita talked about trade and credit, but the big question is: since when do bank presidents meet with foreign heads of state to talk about high-finance, and then report back to the President of the United States? Doesn't this scenario seem a little weird?

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