From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

After President Kennedy, the situation quickly deteriorated during the Johnson Administration. As the Chicago Tribune reported in September, 1964: "David Rockefeller, President of Chase Manhattan Bank, briefed President Johnson today on his recent meeting with Premier Nikita Krushchev of Russia."

It seems that Rockefeller and Nikita talked about trade and credit, but the big question is: since when do bank presidents meet with foreign heads of state to talk about high-finance, and then report back to the President of the United States? Doesn't this scenario seem a little weird?

Here's a suggestion NW, get a fucking life.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll begin to understand.
Here is a video clip on President Johnson that I think some of you guys may find very interesting.

Just click on the link below to watch the video clip.

Obviously, but that's ok, I totally understand.

The worm turns..........:eusa_hand:

Trob: One thing I've learned.......when they are strongly obsessive compulsive.......their minds are too busy to even consider an alternative.........They are obsessed. They are totally engrossed in anxiety, fear, suspicion...etc.

Not that this world doesn't have a lot of reason for this N.W.'s reaction, but "balance" must be maintained when dealing with family, world situations, taxes, deaths, births, religion....etc.. These folks get hold of a "thing" and they just can't let go. No doubt their families suffer, and their friends probably drift away, as they can't even sit around and have a beer or watch football without digressing into their obsessive fears.

There are many medications that settle the mind and allow these folks to see and obtain balance. It's nothing for anyone to be embarrassed about either. Drugs can do wonders and miracles at times, and restore many folks that allow them to overcome their anxieties/fears, and obsessive thought processes.

I'm not saying this about N.W. to be-little, as I can detect from his/her's post that they are very intelligent, and have a good command of the english language. Never the less, human life requires balance in all things. Like not spending one's life living on forums.......or chewing one's finger nails down to the flesh, etc..

Getting a life, is not inaccurate, but I doubt that it is registering. When one is obsessed, their mind just doesn't have the time or priority to switch out of "high" gear. Actually a nice Xanax wouldn't hurt this kind of fearful obsession. Of course it must be administered under very close doctor's supervision. A low dose of the above med might allow one to not see things in such a black and white or them versus us way. Anxiety is a downward spiraling., and N.W., you need to slow down, and smell the roses.

I know what it's like to worry and to be obsessed.....I'm not trying to play junior therapist here.

The world has been going to hell in a hand-basket for the last several thousand years.........You've got only a couple of those years to enjoy. Try stamp collecting, fishing, pinocle, etc........Even tinkering on cars.....Mix with others that aren't into politics in such a hard and fast way......find some outlets.

Even find a system of belief that asuages your fears as well as not fearing the exercise of utilizing the medical community to help with your obsessiveness. Your a smart person, but you need to ease-up and let folks enjoy and learn about you as a person.
Trob: One thing I've learned.......when they are strongly obsessive compulsive.......their minds are too busy to even consider an alternative.........They are obsessed. They are totally engrossed in anxiety, fear, suspicion...etc.

Not that this world doesn't have a lot of reason for this N.W.'s reaction, but "balance" must be maintained when dealing with family, world situations, taxes, deaths, births, religion....etc.. These folks get hold of a "thing" and they just can't let go. No doubt their families suffer, and their friends probably drift away, as they can't even sit around and have a beer or watch football without digressing into their obsessive fears.

There are many medications that settle the mind and allow these folks to see and obtain balance. It's nothing for anyone to be embarrassed about either. Drugs can do wonders and miracles at times, and restore many folks that allow them to overcome their anxieties/fears, and obsessive thought processes.

I'm not saying this about N.W. to be-little, as I can detect from his/her's post that they are very intelligent, and have a good command of the english language. Never the less, human life requires balance in all things. Like not spending one's life living on forums.......or chewing one's finger nails down to the flesh, etc..

Getting a life, is not inaccurate, but I doubt that it is registering. When one is obsessed, their mind just doesn't have the time or priority to switch out of "high" gear. Actually a nice Xanax wouldn't hurt this kind of fearful obsession. Of course it must be administered under very close doctor's supervision. A low dose of the above med might allow one to not see things in such a black and white or them versus us way. Anxiety is a downward spiraling., and N.W., you need to slow down, and smell the roses.

I know what it's like to worry and to be obsessed.....I'm not trying to play junior therapist here.

The world has been going to hell in a hand-basket for the last several thousand years.........You've got only a couple of those years to enjoy. Try stamp collecting, fishing, pinocle, etc........Even tinkering on cars.....Mix with others that aren't into politics in such a hard and fast way......find some outlets.

Even find a system of belief that asuages your fears as well as not fearing the exercise of utilizing the medical community to help with your obsessiveness. Your a smart person, but you need to ease-up and let folks enjoy and learn about you as a person.

Just make sure that when you talk about me as if I am crazy, that you also point out the fact that relating to this stuff about the New World Order, I am presenting FACTS.

Solid, undeniable, facts. Video footage, articles, statements, and more. Nothing of which has been fabricated. All of which are fact.

So if I am to be "obsessed" about these FACTS, then at least include the 1,000's of others who feel the same way about them as I do.
And as Trob said, the "worm" turns, and the numbers grow. So much so that when the tables finally turn, and the World literally flips, that all those who have deceived the masses (if there are many left at all), will have a hell of a time trying to explain to people why they hid these things from us in the first place. And why they did what they did.

I feel sorry for anyone who is left to have to explain that stuff to the World. I would not want to be in their shoes when it all comes crashing down.

Oh I'm sure they'll be forgiven. But their atrocities will never be forgotten.

Most people will never allow for the same mistake to happen twice. It's just the way we learn.
After President Kennedy, the situation quickly deteriorated during the Johnson Administration. As the Chicago Tribune reported in September, 1964: "David Rockefeller, President of Chase Manhattan Bank, briefed President Johnson today on his recent meeting with Premier Nikita Krushchev of Russia."

It seems that Rockefeller and Nikita talked about trade and credit, but the big question is: since when do bank presidents meet with foreign heads of state to talk about high-finance, and then report back to the President of the United States? Doesn't this scenario seem a little weird?

Sure seems weird to me but I guess it shouldn't. I'm watching Bush turn into jello and our politicians are OK with the Mexican invasion. I mean --what next?
Just make sure that when you talk about me as if I am crazy, that you also point out the fact that relating to this stuff about the New World Order, I am presenting FACTS.

Solid, undeniable, facts. Video footage, articles, statements, and more. Nothing of which has been fabricated. All of which are fact.

So if I am to be "obsessed" about these FACTS, then at least include the 1,000's of others who feel the same way about them as I do.

I doubt your any crazy'er than any of us here. lol

We all have our thorns in the flesh to contend with.:eusa_wall: or topics that we put major focus into.

My earlier post was in no way an indictment. I apologize if it was received that way.

Your posts just seemed as though you were in the midst of a great deal of concern, over and above the norm.
I better leave it at that.....or I'll stick my old foot in my mouth again. :redface:
Your posts just seemed as though you were in the midst of a great deal of concern, over and above the norm.
I better leave it at that.....or I'll stick my old foot in my mouth again. :redface:

I am indeed in the midst of a great deal of concern Eightball, and if it is above the norm then all the better.
Next I would like to demonstrate how all of the Presidents from President Johnson up until our current President George W. Bush have been bought and paid for.

I would also like to cover the fact that the Rockefeller family (a banking family) has been in close ties with all of our Presidents since President Kennedy and has basicly "controlled the show" since then as well.

No need to be confused my friends, because the facts will speak for themselves.

In 1946, Richard Nixon was a small-town California lawyer who had never held public office before in his life. He was then "chosen" to run for Congress and won after receiving money from certain forces in New York City. By 1947, just one year later, he wrote a bill for the United Nations to have the ability to "enact, interpret, and enforce World law." By 1952, only six years after being a "nobody lawyer" in Southern California, Nixon was Vice President of the United States!

You may wonder how this shady, somewhat unlikable person could have had such a meteoric rise to prominence. The answer lies with a man named Prescott Bush. And for those who still don't know, Prescott Bush was the father of George Bush Sr. And is also George W. Bush (our current President's) grandfather.

Prescott Bush was Dwight Eisenhower's favorite golf partner and the man who was not only responsible for getting Nixon into politics, but also for securing Tricky Dick's (Nixon's nickname) slot as the Vice President of the United States.

Eight years later, Nixon ran for President against John F. Kennedy. As he was drawing up his platform at the Republican Convention, he was suddenly called away to Chicago to meet with someone at their apartment to work out a few "details".

Who was this individual? Mr. Nelson Rockefeller himself. And why would Nixon do such a thing? Because he already had the nomination sewed-up.

Why would he meet with the Governor of New York while he was a Presidential nominee right in the middle of the Republican Convention? It's so strange that Senator Barry Goldwater described it as "Grant surrendering to Lee."
Nonetheless, Nixon lost to JFK in 1960, and then lost a gubernatorial race in California to Pat Brown in 1962. Dejected and seemingly washed up, the candidate walked away, uttering his famous line, "You won't have Richard Nixon to kick around any more."

To save his career, Tricky Dick realized that he needed something to spice up his portfolio. So in the early 1960's he joined an influential group. Guess which one it was? Yes, the nasty old Council on Foreign Relations.

Still down on his luck though, Nixon proceeded to pay a visit again to someone in New York City. Guess who? Mr. David Rockefeller. Shortly thereafter, Nixon had not only moved to the Big Apple, but he became a member of Nelson Rockefeller's law firm, and also lived in an apartment building owned by Rockefeller. Nelson ended up becoming Nixon's "employer", benefactor, landlord and neighbor."
Richard Nixon also worked for a man named John Mitchell (later to be part of his cabinet), who was the personal lawyer for a certain individual. Can you guess who? lol. Yup. Nelson Rockefeller. I'm not sure, but doesn't it seem as if the Rockefeller family was exerting an inordinate amount of influence on poor 'ol Tricky Dick?

Amazingly, the washed up Nixon re-emerged and was running for President again in 1968 against Hubert Humphrey. And guess what organization BOTH candidates belonged to? The Council on Foreign Relations. The same applied to the 1972 election where both Nixon and McGovern were Council on Foreign Relations members. As George Wallace said, "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democratic and Republican parties."

Nixon, of course, won the election in 1968, and Pat Robertson relays an interesting story about this time and period in his book New World Order. The tale is told by former secretary of the Navy William Mittendorf, who served as Nixon's finance chairman in 1968. Mittendorf said the morning after Nixon won the election, at 5:30 AM, two people entered his hotel room to choose his Cabinet. One of them was William Rogers. And the other? Nelson Rockefeller.
President Nixon's Commerce Secretary, Federal Reserve Board Chairman, HEW Secretary, Housing Secretary, U. N. Ambassador, and MANY others were all members of one distinct group. The Council on Foreign Relations! He also offered the post of Treasury Secretary on two different occasions to the same person, who twice turned it down. Guess who that person was? David Rockefeller!

Spiro Agnew was also selected as Nixon's Vice President. Before he was nominated, Agnew had been the National Chairman for a certain candidate's presidential campaign in 1968. Who was the candidate? Nelson Rockefeller!
One of the most blatantly nasty selections for Nixon's cabinet was Henry Kissinger. Let's take a moment and examine this man a little more closely.

For starters, Nixon only met Kissinger one time prior to granting him the highly important position of Director of National Security, and that was at a casual dinner party. But y'see, Kissinger brought some clout to the table, for he was the five-year personal advisor on foreign affairs for a very prominent man. Who is that man? You guessed it. Nelson Rockefeller.

Thus, it was Mr. Rockefeller who urged Nixon to appoint him, as author J. Robert Muskin discloses: "It was principally because of his long association with the Rockefellers that Henry Kissinger became a force in the Council. His influence is indirect and enormous -- much of it through his Rockefeller connection."
On November 1, 1971, U.S. News & World Report stated: "It was on the advice of Governor Rockefeller, who described Mr. Kissinger as "the smartest guy available", that Mr. Nixon chose him for his top advisor on foreign policy."

In fact, after he was selected to fill this post, the Rockefellers gave Henry Kissinger a $50,000 check as a gift to cover his moving expenses to Washington, D.C. What a nice bunch of guys, huh!

Finally, according to Associated Press Writer Deb Reichmann (February 11, 2002), "Just before he left government, Kissinger had all the phone records moved from his office at the State Department."

And can you guess where Kissinger had these records moved to? It was to a vault at David Rockefeller's estate in New York!
But thats not the end guys. Because during the first year of his Presidency, Nixon came up with a program called his "New Federalism". And where did he get this title? From a book written by someone very close to him. Who is that "someone"? Nelson Rockefeller!

Now, where do you think Nelson Rockefeller's head was at during this era? In an October 1975 interview with Playboy magazine, Nelson Rockefeller said, "I'm a great believer in planning. Economic, social, political, military, total World planning."

Hmmmm. WORLD PLANNING and the Rockefellers. Do you think that has anything to do with the New World Order, or is that just a "coincidence"?
The amount of control by the outside forces was so extreme that Mike Culbert wrote an article in the Richmond, California Independent-Gazette on June 27, 1974 in reference to his discussions with Charles Colson (a member of Nixon's cabinet).

Culbert stated:

"There is a defacto (secret government) operating nationally and internationally and involved in the highest circles of the U.S. government, exercising an impact over domestic policies and economics ranging between extreme influence to, at times, outright control. This extreme influence to outright control naturally includes the Presidency. The defacto, much of whose intellectual -- and financial -- muscle are to be found in the New York office of the Council on Foreign Relations, the great tax-free foundation, and certain international firms and corporations."

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