From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The Executive Office is completely at the beck and call of the Controllers. Hidden forces in New York City and beyond (such as the Bilderbergs) call the shots in our country, determining not only who gets "selected" but also who will be in their administration, and what policies they will adopt.

But there is one President in particular who I have respect for and who I would like to speak about real quickly. In fact, I believe that aside from a few other Presidents like Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, this man was one of the only ones who appeared to truly give a damn about our country. And his name was JFK (John F. Kennedy).

To his credit, JFK was the last American President who wasn't totally controlled by the shadow powers. But his Administration didn't start that way. In fact, according to Anthony Lukas of the New York Times, 63 of the 82 members of JFK's State Department were chosen from the CFR (The Council on Foreign Relations).

In President Kennedy's cabinet specifically, the Secretary of the Treasury, the National Security Advisor (McGeorge Bundy), CIA Director, Assistant Secretary of Defense, and Under Secretary of Defense were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. And they were all "selected" by the Controllers to be a part of Kennedy's cabinet. WITHOUT his permission I might add. Not that he actually had a choice. The "Controllers" don't play that way.

Furthermore, President Kennedy's Secretary of Defense, Dean Rusk, joined the CFR in 1952 and was also the chairman of a certain foundation. Can you guess which one? ........ It was the Rockefeller Foundation.
The respected economist John Kenneth Galbraith said it best:

"Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government...but foreign policy was still with the Council on Foreign Relations people."

Heres a good way to illustrate how the President's cabinet was CHOSEN for him:

Before JFK even took office, the "Controllers" had chosen Robert McNamara as his Secretary of Defense. Then, at a gathering of his cabinet members, President Kennedy was told that McNamara had just entered the room. Befuddled, President Kennedy had to ask which one he was prior to being introduced to McNamara. He didn't even know what he looked like!
Luckily for us Americans, JFK eventually came to his senses and realized the horrors that were surrounding him. Regrettably, however, his rebelliousness and decision to break free from the Controllers also guaranteed his death.

After threatening to break the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind, and after vowing to stop the War Machine by pulling out of Vietnam, he had ultimately pre-sealed his fate.
Well I'd like to least for the moment...that I appreciate your compliment eots.

But none the wiser than anyone else who has their eyes open eh? Truth be told.

Jesus said it Himself when He said that, "Nothing Hidden will fail to be discovered." "All things that are hidden are revealed Beneath Heaven."

Jesus said, "Seek and you will find." "If you knock, it will be opened".

Do not give up on yourself either. Because Jesus also said, "The Seeker should not stop until He finds."

And that goes for all you Female seekers out there too. Jesus did not believe in Man and Woman as separate Beings. He believed that once their images were replaced for one single Image, eye for eye, foot for foot, that the Truth would be revealed.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this World, against spiritual wickedness
in high places.

- Ephesians 6:12
“What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find Hermen Hess

Hermann Hesse was born on July 2, 1877, in the Black Forest town of Calw in Württemberg, Germany to a Christian Missionary family. Both of his parents served with a Basel Mission to India, where Hesse's mother Marie Gundert was born in 1842. Hesse's father, Johannes Hesse, was born in 1847 in Estonia, the son of a doctor. The Hesse family had lived in Calw since 1873, where they operated a missionary publishing house under the direction of Hesse's grandfather, Hermann Gundert.

Hermann Hesse spent his first years of life surrounded by the spirit of Swabian piety. In 1880 the family moved to Basel, Switzerland, for six years, then returned to Calw. After successful attendance at the Latin School in Göppingen, Hesse began to attend the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Maulbronn in 1891. Here in March 1892, Hesse showed his rebellious character: he fled from the Seminary and was found in a field a day later.

During this time, Hesse began a journey through various institutions and schools, and experienced intense conflicts with his parents. In May, after an attempt at suicide, he spent time at an institution in Bad Boll under the care of theologian and minister Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt. Later he was placed in a mental institution in Stetten im Remstal, and then a boys' institution

Jesus said it Himself when He said that, "Nothing Hidden will fail to be discovered." "All things that are hidden are revealed Beneath Heaven."

Jesus said, "Seek and you will find." "If you knock, it will be opened".

Do not give up on yourself either. Because Jesus also said, "The Seeker should not stop until He finds."
I commend President Kennedy for all that he did. President Kennedy had courage and an independent, free thinking mind. And do you know what that bought him? Death! The Controllers said, in essence, "Don't mess with us!" And I assure you that NO american President has ever tried it again since.

They KILLED the king in broad daylight one afternoon in Dallas, Texas. Not only was the act atrocious, but also symbolic. Those bullets that pierced Kennedy's skull are still speaking loud and clear today.

Of course, on the surface, the JFK assassination seems fairly cut-and-dried. On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, our 35th President was gunned-down in broad daylight while riding in his limousine through Dealey Plaza. But once we start digging a little deeper, we realize that this "killing of the king" more than forty years ago was one of the most complex events facing this nation.

To show just how complicated this matter has truly become, one needs to only look at how many pages have been devoted to this subject. Other than Jesus Christ and Adolph Hitler, there are probably more books about John. F. Kennedy than any other figure in recent history.
Luckily for us Americans, JFK eventually came to his senses and realized the horrors that were surrounding him. Regrettably, however, his rebelliousness and decision to break free from the Controllers also guaranteed his death.

After threatening to break the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind, and after vowing to stop the War Machine by pulling out of Vietnam, he had ultimately pre-sealed his fate.

i have it from a reliable source that jackie had him whacked by the greek mafia for fucking everything that moved ....
Journalist Jim Mars, author of the highly-touted book, Crossfire, said that:

"The shortest answer to who killed JFk is that, as President, he was shaking up the status quo, and the status quo struck back. This resulted in elements belonging to "Operation Mongoose", the secret war against Castro, sending their Mafia/CIA/military operatives to Dallas in November, 1963. The cover-up, if not the assassination itself, carried the approval of the Council on Foreign Relations, as many of the CFR members participated in suppressing the truth."
Journalist Jim Mars, author of the highly-touted book, Crossfire, said that:

"The shortest answer to who killed JFk is that, as President, he was shaking up the status quo, and the status quo struck back. This resulted in elements belonging to "Operation Mongoose", the secret war against Castro, sending their Mafia/CIA/military operatives to Dallas in November, 1963. The cover-up, if not the assassination itself, carried the approval of the Council on Foreign Relations, as many of the CFR members participated in suppressing the truth."

castro kicked jfks ass why kill him ... he was a drug addicted slut he was an embarrasement to the kennedys and the bouvier familys....he had to go for image sake
One of the most crucial decisions that Kennedy made during his short lived presidency was to pull out of Vietnam.

In his seminal work, Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs shows how the United States became interested in Southeast Asia in 1951 when the Rockefeller Foundation created a study group comprised of members from the Council on Foreign Relations and England's Royal Institute on International Affairs. This panel concluded that there should be a British-American takeover of this area.

Soon, these goals were being forwarded by John Foster Dulles, who was one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and who was also President Eisenhower's Secretary of State. And Ironicly enough, these goals were also being forwarded by John Foster Dulles's brother, Allen Dulles, who just so happened to be the Director of the CIA. Hmmm...coincidence? Yeah right.
One of the most crucial decisions that Kennedy made during his short lived presidency was to pull out of Vietnam.

In his seminal work, Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs shows how the United States became interested in Southeast Asia in 1951 when the Rockefeller Foundation created a study group comprised of members from the Council on Foreign Relations and England's Royal Institute on International Affairs. This panel concluded that there should be a British-American takeover of this area.

Soon, these goals were being forwarded by John Foster Dulles, who was one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and who was also President Eisenhower's Secretary of State. And Ironicly enough, these goals were also being forwarded by John Foster Dulles's brother, Allen Dulles, who just so happened to be the Director of the CIA. Hmmm...coincidence? Yeah right.

we ended up in vietnam because of the french....would war i...french...ww2 french...middle east....french.....i am tellin ya it was a mime that killed kennedy a mime it was!
we ended up in vietnam because of the french....would war i...french...ww2 french...middle east....french.....i am tellin ya it was a mime that killed kennedy a mime it was!

Which country was most behind the 'Oil for Food Scandal'?
To understand how our global power structure operates, we need to know that the people who funded David Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan were members of Britain's "Roundtable" founded by Cecil Rhodes, and later headed by Lord Alfred Milner. And who directed the Roundtable? Answer: the notorious Rothschild family.

In addition, the Council on Foreign Relations is a direct American descendent of the Roundtable, which posed some serious problems for President Kennedy. And aware of how prevalent this organization was in every administration prior to his own, President Kennedy stated at one point, "I'd like to have some new faces here, but all I get is the same old ones."

Notice how in that statement, President Kennedy crafted his words. He didn't say that HE selected them, but he said who he GETS.....or in other words, those who were already CHOSEN for him!
To understand how our global power structure operates, we need to know that the people who funded David Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan were members of Britain's "Roundtable" founded by Cecil Rhodes, and later headed by Lord Alfred Milner. And who directed the Roundtable? Answer: the notorious Rothschild family.

In addition, the Council on Foreign Relations is a direct American descendent of the Roundtable, which posed some serious problems for President Kennedy. And aware of how prevalent this organization was in every administration prior to his own, President Kennedy stated at one point, "I'd like to have some new faces here, but all I get is the same old ones."

Notice how in stat statement, President Kennedy crafted his words. He didn't say that HE selected them, but he said who he GETS.....or in other words, those who were already CHOSEN for him!

told ya it was the french.....they help the us escape british rule and have been playing us for puppets ever since....

invade franse now....avenge JFK's murder ....there was a mime on the grassy knoll.....
And who, you may wonder, comprised the Council on Foreign Relations in the early 1960's? Answer: the New York banking establishment, which wasn't particularly pleased with the way that President Kennedy was pushing to break the Federal Reserve's power base.

President Kennedy tried to destroy the Federal Reserve by urging businesses to deposit, invest, and borrow from non-Federal banks! He also encouraged these non-Fed banks to deal directly with and underwrite state and local financial matters. By taking this leverage away from the Federal Reserve, Kennedy could ultimately return the power to coin money back to Congress, which was how our Founding Fathers had originally established it in our Constitution.

If this had ever happened, we would have become fiscally sound by not being forced to pay inordinate amounts of interest to the international bankers as we are today.

President Kennedy's plan was quite ingenious, and he knew what he was talking about, for economist Seymour Harris said that Kennedy was, "by far the most knowledgeable President of all time in the general area of economics."
And who, you may wonder, comprised the Council on Foreign Relations in the early 1960's? Answer: the New York banking establishment, which wasn't particularly pleased with the way that President Kennedy was pushing to break the Federal Reserve's power base.

President Kennedy tried to destroy the Federal Reserve by urging businesses to deposit, invest, and borrow from non-Federal banks! He also encouraged these non-Fed banks to deal directly with and underwrite state and local financial matters. By taking this leverage away from the Federal Reserve, Kennedy could ultimately return the power to coin money back to Congress, which was how our Founding Fathers had originally established it in our Constitution.

If this had ever happened, we would have become fiscally sound by not being forced to pay inordinate amounts of interest to the international bankers as we are today.

President Kennedy's plan was quite ingenious, and he knew what he was talking about, for economist Seymour Harris said that Kennedy was, "by far the most knowledgeable President of all time in the general area of economics."

hey man if you fuck with a french banking family you get the mime.....invade france now avenge jfk's murder.....

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