From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Isn't this kind of conversation best kept to PMs as per the owners' request?

"maybe you should take you "little club" and run along"

Um, you brought up 'narccism' then kept it going. Now you wish to bam me, with your own made mallet. F off.
So now it's time to find out just who David Rockefeller really is.

For starters, he is a billionaire, the Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank (arguably the most influential financial center in the World). Also, he is a one-time director of the CFR, the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, and a perennial attendee of the highly secretive Bilderberg meetings.

A September 7, 1962, Time Magazine article described David Rockefeller as "The prime mover in banking that controls the course of world economic affairs and history."

Those accolades aren't too shabby. But to really understand David Rockefeller, you must first become acquainted with the creator of their family fortune, John. D. Rockefeller.

In Titan, the life of John D Rockefeller, author Ron Chernow says, "If he'd lived in the Middle Ages, he'd have been the Pope at Rome."

Similarly, in The Rockefellers by Collier and Horowitz, the dynasty's dominance is unmistakable: "Among the power elite whose rulers stretched from Wall Street to Washington, the Rockefellers were without peer."
At the apex of the Rockefeller pyramid is Chase Manhattan Bank, an octopus-like financial network with over 50,000 branches and affiliates worldwide. "Worldwide" is the operative word, for the Rockefeller's loyalty isn't, by any means, to the United States, but to their global interests.

Did you know that the first American banks to open in Moscow and Peking were Chase Manhattan? In addition, Chase Manhattan financed the building of the largest truck factory in history. The only catch is, it wasn't erected in America, but along the Kama River in the Soviet Union.

Do you remember the Soviet Union? Our arch enemy, the "Evil" Empire, Communism, Stalin, and the Cold War?
With the above information in mind, we need to ask ourselves, what do the Rockefeller's want? The best answer can be found in Gary Allen's book, The Rockefeller File. Their motive is to "Use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country...The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living."

A case in point is China, who is set to replace the United States as the World's next superpower. Let's examine what's going on with this situation one more time. Who has given them their status as "Most Favored Nation?" We have! Who is providing all the technological know-how to bring China into the 21st century? We are! Who is giving China all their computer parts? We are! And who continues to engage in unbalanced trade agreements with China where their products flood into our country unabated, while ours are subject to tariffs and governmental regulation? We do!

When added to how messed-up the NAFTA and GATT agreements are (which were orchestrated by the Globalists), you have to scratch your head and wonder what forces would be at work to deliberately undermine our country. Is it US -- The American People -- doing it, or is it the monsters and snakes that are lurking behind the scenes?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm going with the people behind the scenes. Seeing is how the majority of the American people are just as fed up with this b-sh!t as I am.
With the above information in mind, we need to ask ourselves, what do the Rockefeller's want?

Somehow I have the feeling YOUR about to tell us, go on.

The best answer can be found in Gary Allen's book, The Rockefeller File. Their motive is to "Use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country...The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living."

So, your suggesting, that the people that have access to this "American money, and know-how", are somehow asleep at the wheel? And, through some kind of "devious strategy", yet to be divulged(oh the suspense)the American economy will be impoverished. This is good shit, BUT, we won't be bankrupt, no, the "devious strategy" is to rather reduce our productive might, and our standard of living. Wow, that IS devious.

A case in point is China, who is set to replace the United States as the World's next superpower

Oh boy, this is going to be good.

Let's examine what's going on with this situation one more time. Who has given them their status as "Most Favored Nation?" We have! Who is providing all the technological know-how to bring China into the 21st century? We are! Who is giving China all their computer parts? We are! And who continues to engage in unbalanced trade agreements with China where their products flood into our country unabated, while ours are subject to tariffs and governmental regulation? We do!

Hurray! So we control China, I already knew that, follow the money. Global companies OWN China. Who owns Global companies? WE DO, SO, check, and check mate.

When added to how messed-up the NAFTA and GATT agreements are (which were orchestrated by the Globalists), you have to scratch your heard and wonder what forces would be at work to deliberately undermine our country. Is it US -- The American People -- doing it, or is it the monsters and snakes that are lurking behind the scenes?

Wait, wait, ask me, I know. The democrats are behind it all.

Does this person have his tin hat on?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm going with the people behind the scenes. Seeing is how the majority of the American people are just as fed up with this b-sh!t as I am.

Good for you.:eusa_hand:
John D. Rockefeller HIMSELF, in his autobiography, Reminiscenses, reinforced this point when he said, "One of our greatest helpers has been the State Department in Washington. Our ambassadors and ministers and consuls have aided to push our way into new markets to the utmost corners of the World."

Do you know how they became a World power? Can you see the behind-the-scene machinations taking place? China's going to become the next World-super-power because they're the largest unexploited economic power in the World. And when this transformation takes place, our importance and status will be lessened, as it currently is right now.

The United States is a cow being led to a slaughterhouse by the New World Order!
John D. Rockefeller HIMSELF, in his autobiography, Reminiscenses, reinforced this point when he said, "One of our greatest helpers has been the State Department in Washington. Our ambassadors and ministers and consuls have aided to push our way into new markets to the utmost corners of the World."

Correct me if I'm wrong(I'm sure you will anyway)but isn't that the job of our State Department?

Do you know how they became a World power? Can you see the behind-the-scene machinations taking place? China's going to become the next World-super-power because they're the largest unexploited economic power in the World. And when this transformation takes place, our importance and status will be lessened, as it currently is right now.

There is a POINT here somewhere I'm sure, would you care to enlighten the "unwashed"?

The United States is a cow being led to a slaughterhouse by the New World Order!

Well, that of course, is YOUR view.:eusa_hand:
Somehow I have the feeling YOUR about to tell us, go on.

So, your suggesting, that the people that have access to this "American money, and know-how", are somehow asleep at the wheel? And, through some kind of "devious strategy", yet to be divulged(oh the suspense)the American economy will be impoverished. This is good shit, BUT, we won't be bankrupt, no, the "devious strategy" is to rather reduce our productive might, and our standard of living. Wow, that IS devious.

That's the beauty of it. It's not even a dreaded "CONSPIRACY". It's happening right in front of everyone. No one understands it and therefore no no one cares. Texas may as well be Mexico. A pizza franchise has begun to accept Pesos.

Hurray! So we control China, I already knew that, follow the money. Global companies OWN China. Who owns Global companies? WE DO, SO, check, and check mate.

I assume you are referring to stockholders ?
That's the beauty of it. It's not even a dreaded "CONSPIRACY". It's happening right in front of everyone. No one understands it and therefore no no one cares. Texas may as well be Mexico. A pizza franchise has begun to accept Pesos.

But, MY POINT, dilloduck, is that, a FREE market will find its own level, and worrying about how it effects a nations standing in the world, is WASTED energy. It is what it is.:eusa_think:

I assume you are referring to stockholders ?

Yes, of course, sorry for not making myself clear.:cool:
But, MY POINT, dilloduck, is that, a FREE market will find its own level, and worrying about how it effects a nations standing in the world, is WASTED energy. It is what it is.:eusa_think:

It will---true civilized power lies in money. I'm not nearly as concened about America's standing in the world as I am having taxpayer money support the globalists' agenda while ignoring the quality of life for Americans.

Yes, of course, sorry for not making myself clear.:cool:
i.e. --If you are not a stockholder in global companies, you're shit out of luck.
Trobinett, Antagonism is an emotion that is still an open window when it comes to the ability to absorb more knowledge and information. It is not necessarily a negative one at all. Because an Antagonistic person is much more open and responsive to new information and "enlightenment" as you called it then is someone who is resentfull or apathetic.

You my friend, are about as ripe as a person in boredom for absorbing more information, even if it means that you will antagonize me because of it.

But, Trobinett, the point to also be made is that other World affairs are also being affected by the Globalists' manipulative ways. A perfect example is given by the noted economic historian Dr. Balthus Freihofner. He said, "It's long-familiar Rockefeller practice to build a financial empire on predatory ideals."

And so this is why we must take a look at other things besides China such as our war in Afghanistan and the real reasons behind it. One of the keys as I mentioned before is the oil lying beneath the Capsian region of Russia. The only problem is a little country standing between them....Afghanistan.

But, Trobinett, their bamboozling doesn't stop there. It also directly affects domestic policy, as John F. McManus points out in The Insiders: Architects of the New World Order. Mcmanus says: "One of the more sinister tactics employed by the Socialists to gain economic control of the people involves accumulating huge national indebtness. Paying interest on the debt then gives the government leaders the excuse to impose more and more taxation."
Think about this for a second guys. We pay over $300 billion per year in interest on our National Debt. If you divide this sum by all the working people in this country, the total comes to $3,000 per person per year to simply PAY THE INTEREST ALONE!

Can you see how counter-productive this situation is, both to our country and to its citizens? Every single one of us? What could each of us do with an extra $3,000 per year? We're getting screwed here in a big way.

And do you know what's even more sickening? In 1976, the largest bank in the United States -- Chase Manhattan -- which generated huge profits throughout the year, filed their taxes. And guess what percentage of their income they had to pay in U.S. taxes? .......... Zero percent. Yes, zero percent!!!

People, the Rockefellers, quite simply, are part of a hidden network that is trying to run the World. Don't believe me? The notorious Bilderbergs met at Vermont's Woodstock Inn years ago. Guess who owned the lodge? Laurance Rockefeller. They also met at a resort in Williamsburg Virginia. And who owned that one? You got it -- The Rockefeller family.
Trobinett, Antagonism is an emotion that is still an open window when it comes to the ability to absorb more knowledge and information. It is not necessarily a negative one at all. Because an Antagonistic person is much more open and responsive to new information and "enlightenment" as you called it then is someone who is resentfull or apathetic.

You my friend, are about as ripe as a person in boredom for absorbing more information, even if it means that you will antagonize me because of it.

A thoughtful response sir, thank you.

Not in agreement with your analysis, but an interesting angle.

But, Trobinett, the point to also be made is that other World affairs are also being affected by the Globalists' manipulative ways. A perfect example is given by the noted economic historian Dr. Balthus Freihofner. He said, "It's long-familiar Rockefeller practice to build a financial empire on predatory ideals."

I suppose, you SEEM to be an authority, what would you have a "red neck" from Arkansas do about it?

And so this is why we must take a look at other things besides China such as our war in Afghanistan and the real reasons behind it. One of the keys as I mentioned before is the oil lying beneath the Capsian region of Russia. The only problem is a little country standing between them....Afghanistan.

I wondered how long it would take you to get around to our war againts terror, and the connection to Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Oil, oil, oil, you people are like a broken record, maybe one that speaks some truth, but broken none the less.

What, do you think, the average Joe is COMPLETLY stupid?

Of course, its about the oil, and anyone who says it isn't is LIEING. But, It ain't JUST about the oil.

There IS difference, do YOU understand?

But, Trobinett, their bamboozling doesn't stop there. It also directly affects domestic policy, as John F. McManus points out in The Insiders: Architects of the New World Order. Mcmanus says: "One of the more sinister tactics employed by the Socialists to gain economic control of the people involves accumulating huge national indebtness. Paying interest on the debt then gives the government leaders the excuse to impose more and more taxation."

Frankly sir, the only "bamboozling" going on around these parts, is that coming off your keyboard.

New World Order, the hundred families, Rockefeller, Standard Oil, the DuPont's, Jeeezzzzz.

The whining, the finger pointing, and the wish to be in their shoes NEVER changes, only the people pointing the fingers, and crying the blues.

Grow up............:eusa_hand:
Admittedly, I am not a bible scholar. However, I do seem to remember that if a prophet is from God, then his prophecies will come true 100% of the time, and there is nothing anyone can do to change it. If he makes a prophecy which doesn't come to pass--like Jeane Dixon and Nostradamus--then he is a false prophet.

Also, it probably would have been a better idea to condense all this down into a Cliff's Notes 1-post version, and then have a link to wherever you copy/pasted all this stuff from.

Baron, you hit it squarely on the bulls eye!

A true prophet is 100% correct, 100% of the time. Many will come and say here He is or there He is, or "Thus sayeth the Lord" but they are just false prophets.

That goes for Nostradamus, Jean Dixon, and the whole pile of psychics that have hit a few semi-accurate ones and an whole lot of "strike outs".

"We will have another great war." Doesn't take a psychic to know that. Just common sense and intuition will tell yah. There's definitely a "show-down" in the future.
As for Bible coding.....that has been debunked by bible scholars years ago. That secret bible coding thing even infected the churches for awhile, but has gradually faded away.

God isn't in the business of secret societies, secret codes, etc... the Bible is plain and easy to's got it's metaphorical stufff, and it's downright "read it and weep stuff" that's telling about things that happened and will happen. The bible doesn't have to hide doesn't hold back what's necessary to reveal to mankind his depravity, and his need for wisdom, not of his own making, but of a Holy, and righteous origin.
One thing you will find in commonality throughout the Psychic community. A very distaste for biblical Christian understanding, or respect, in the area of doctrine, and historicity. In fact you'll find that most psychics have or are dabbling in witch-craft, and all kinds of sorcery that is totally forbidden in biblical doctrine. You will find that most psychics adhere to a "mother earth" religious bent that is basically, witch-craft in prettier vernacular...... This entails, spirit guides, white, and black magic......alleged out of body experiences, UFO-ology, re-incarnation, casting of spells....etc.........basically the whole gamut of mental connection with an unseen spirit world. Which these duped Psychics think they can manimpulate. You will not find one of these psychic prophets, that sees or respects biblical authority or Christ's gospel message in total or in exclusivity to other systems of belief. It's like mixing water and oil......or Spirit and Flesh/carnality.

The Dixons of the world are all deluded folks.....and as a Christian, I believe they are possibly influenced or even possessed of the dark, evil, entities that the bible say exist, and are attempting to lead mankind away from God's clear, distinct message of redemption through Jesus Christ.
It seems that even Lou Dobbs of CNN news has come to the conclusion that the International Bankers/Corporations along with their co-conspirators are planning a New World Order.

As a side note...I love Lou Dobbs's personality! And his courage to tackle an issue when no-one else will.

Anyways, here is a video which covers a tiny bit about this "New World Order" that I have been posting about since I joined here.

Just click on the Link below to watch the video.


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