From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Some of the speakers and panelists at the 2002 Trilateral Commission meeting were:

* Dick Cheney - Vice President of the United States

* Alan Greenspan - Chairman of the Federal Reserve

* Colin Powell - Former Secretary of State

* Donald Rumsfeld - Former Secretary of Defense

And in all, 251 of the most influential businessmen, statesmen, politicians, financiers, and acedemics met in Washington, D.C., and how much did you hear about it on the local or national media? I'll bet nothing!

Every year when the World's greatest actors get together at the Academy Awards, is the media present? Yes.

How about when America's two best football teams meet at the SuperBowl? Is the media present? Of course.

TV's Emmy awards - the media is there.

Grammy's - the media is there.

The media even reports on hog-calling contests at the State Fair in Arkansas.

But when some of the most powerful men and women congregate to determine the course of future history, did any of the following cover their meeting?

New York Times - NO
Newsweek - NO
Time Magazine - NO

People, what the hell is going on here in our country?
Holly Sklar, in the introductory chapter to a book about the Trilateral Commission titled Trilateralism: Managing Dependence and Democracy -- An overview, stated that the chief goal of this commission is, "The people, governments, and economies of all nations must serve the needs of the multinational banks and corporations."

How is this information settling with you thus far? Well, don't worry -- it gets scarier.

Senator Barry Goldwater, in his book No Apologies, called the Trilateral Commission, "David Rockefeller's newest international cabal."

A few quotes from Zbigniew Brzezinski are appropriate to convey where these people are coming from. These are culled from Between Two Ages, which is one of the Trilateral Commission's most important books:

Zbigniew Brzezinski:

"Marxism is sumultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief....Marxism , disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to the World...Marxism supplied the bext available insight into contemporary reality."

Zig's views on how he sees the World are further represented in The Technetronic Era, where he states that:

"The nation state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principle creative force. International banks and international corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of political concepts of the nation-state."

Hmmm...if I didn't know better...I'd say Zig the Mad Dog actually LIKED Marxism and Communism! And to think; he was David Rockefeller's right-hand man, and also a key member of Jimmy Carter's cabinet. Something smells fishy to me.

How much more obvious could it be? The "Controllers" want to diminish; then virtually eliminate national sovereignty and the Constitution, replacing it with a new framework determined by THEM -- unelected global financial leaders! Is this what you want?
Holly Sklar, in the introductory chapter to a book about the Trilateral Commission titled Trilateralism: Managing Dependence and Democracy -- An overview, stated that the chief goal of this commission is, "The people, governments, and economies of all nations must serve the needs of the multinational banks and corporations."

How is this information settling with you thus far? Well, don't worry -- it gets scarier.

Senator Barry Goldwater, in his book No Apologies, called the Trilateral Commission, "David Rockefeller's newest international cabal."

A few quotes from Zbigniew Brzezinski are appropriate to convey where these people are coming from. These are culled from Between Two Ages, which is one of the Trilateral Commission's most important books:

Zbigniew Brzezinski:

"Marxism is sumultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief....Marxism , disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to the World...Marxism supplied the bext available insight into contemporary reality."

Zig's views on how he sees the World are further represented in The Technetronic Era, where he states that:

"The nation state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principle creative force. International banks and international corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of political concepts of the nation-state."

Hmmm...if I didn't know better...I'd say Zig the Mad Dog actually LIKED Marxism and Communism! And to think; he was David Rockefeller's right-hand man, and also a key member of Jimmy Carter's cabinet. Something smells fishy to me.

How much more obvious could it be? The "Controllers" want to diminish; then virtually eliminate national sovereignty and the Constitution, replacing it with a new framework determined by THEM -- unelected global financial leaders! Is this what you want?

Not really but there doesn't seem much anyone can do about it except call you a conspiracy nut. I don't see anyone who has really tried to counter your asssertions.
Not really but there doesn't seem much anyone can do about it except call you a conspiracy nut. I don't see anyone who has really tried to counter your asssertions.

Come on, dillo .... this guy isn't engaging in debating anything. He's posted a bunch of shit to rival Tolstoy's War and Peace, that no real person with a real life is going to bother reading, much less go to the trouble of trying to disprove concocted bullshit.

Anyone can make any assertion they choose then demand others disprove it. A dishonest game if ever there was one.
Come on, dillo .... this guy isn't engaging in debating anything. He's posted a bunch of shit to rival Tolstoy's War and Peace, that no real person with a real life is going to bother reading, much less go to the trouble of trying to disprove concocted bullshit.

Anyone can make any assertion they choose then demand others disprove it. A dishonest game if ever there was one.

I think he has layed out a lot of information that no one has even attempted to confront. Tell me what you think of the trilateral commission or the Council on foreign relations.
I think he has layed out a lot of information that no one has even attempted to confront. Tell me what you think of the trilateral commission or the Council on foreign relations.

I quit trying to read it or keep up when he flood posted the first 4-5 pages, much less confront it.

Trilateral Commission: NWO by any other name.

Concil on Foreign relations is a think tank supposedly to educate us "mere mortals" on world affairs and US foreign policy.

The Invisible Man wanted to rule the world too.
I quit trying to read it or keep up when he flood posted the first 4-5 pages, much less confront it.

Trilateral Commission: NWO by any other name.

Concil on Foreign relations is a think tank supposedly to educate us "mere mortals" on world affairs and US foreign policy.

The Invisible Man wanted to rule the world too.

I know what they are---I just want your take on them--they got some mighty big players to be blown off as inconsequential.
Just because there are a few big names involved does not necessarily mean they really acheive anything.

The way to convincing laymen to become interested in World affairs begins with simplicity. If you want to convince an ol' hillbilly boy from the north Georgia mtns to vote you don't tell him a bunch of shit he can't understand. You have to speak to him on his level. These folks DON"T do that.

From what I can tell they are out to create One World Order, of course I like Gunny went to sleep on page two. I might have missed something.
I know what they are---I just want your take on them--they got some mighty big players to be blown off as inconsequential.

Not as long as they are private organizations with private citizens as members. That makes them no more or less a threat than any other special interest group.

I don't discount their existence, I just don't overplay their importance. Guess I'm just not paranoid enough. And dude, I sleep with a gun within reach.
Just because there are a few big names involved does not necessarily mean they really acheive anything.

The way to convincing laymen to become interested in World affairs begins with simplicity. If you want to convince an ol' hillbilly boy from the north Georgia mtns to vote you don't tell him a bunch of shit he can't understand. You have to speak to him on his level. These folks DON"T do that.

From what I can tell they are out to create One World Order, of course I like Gunny went to sleep on page two. I might have missed something.

I gave up on educating people on politcs--the people don't much matter anymore anyway. Just because the Trilateral Commission doesn't get a lot of media coverage doesn't mean that they haven't been involved in a lot either. They certainly have easy access to those who currently HAVE power.
I gave up on educating people on politcs--the people don't much matter anymore anyway. Just because the Trilateral Commission doesn't get a lot of media coverage doesn't mean that they haven't been involved in a lot either. They certainly have easy access to those who currently HAVE power.

True. But compare their actual influence to say, the ACLU, an organization doing real damage to this nation by purposefully misinterpretting our laws and making sure they file with activist courts that will back them up.

Or Louis Farrakham, who stands on the steps of our Nation's capitol and promotes racial segregation.

How about LULAC? There's no ryhme nor reason THERE. If a mexican wants it, they stand behind it, no matter how contradictory or hypocritical one stance may be with another.

The list goes on. My point is, REAL damage is beign done to our Nation. We might ought to think about acting on that before we go to acting on suppositions.
True. But compare their actual influence to say, the ACLU, an organization doing real damage to this nation by purposefully misinterpretting our laws and making sure they file with activist courts that will back them up.

Or Louis Farrakham, who stands on the steps of our Nation's capitol and promotes racial segregation.

How about LULAC? There's no ryhme nor reason THERE. If a mexican wants it, they stand behind it, no matter how contradictory or hypocritical one stance may be with another.

The list goes on. My point is, REAL damage is beign done to our Nation. We might ought to think about acting on that before we go to acting on suppositions.

I'm more concerned about groups such as the Trilateral Commisson, Council on Foreign Realtions etc. Who all have high powered corporate leaders, ex-presidents, Secretaries of state and on and on. The president asked it's members for advice on how to deal with Iraq. Now that's influence in my book and I wanna know more about them instead of blowing them off as a bunch of old had beens. They ain't all just playing for nothing.
I'm more concerned about groups such as the Trilateral Commisson, Council on Foreign Realtions etc. Who all have high powered corporate leaders, ex-presidents, Secretaries of state and on and on. The president asked it's members for advice on how to deal with Iraq. Now that's influence in my book and I wanna know more about them instead of blowing them off as a bunch of old had beens. They ain't all just playing for nothing.

Indeed Dillo!

And they're not playing for peanuts either.
Adding fuel to the fire, the Washington Post published a piece in 1976 that said, "Trilateralists are not three-sided people. They are members of a private, thought not secret, international organization put together by the wealthy banker David Rockefeller."

But here is the unsettling thing about the Trilateral Commission. The President-elect is a member. So is the Vice President elect. So were the previous Secretaries of State, Defense, and Treasury. So is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is a former Trilateral Director and was President Carter's National Security Advisor. And along with all of them, are the other members, who are people that will continue to make foreign policy for Americans in the coming years.

Can't the people see? It's the same people over and over again who are calling the shots for us regardless of who the President is. It's the international bankers on Wall Street and in their New York City offices. To a lesser extent, it's also many of the heads of multinational corporations. These men aren't Democrats or Republicans first. Oh no, because in their eyes, first and foremost, they are members of the CFR, TC, and the Bilderbergs.
Indeed Dillo!

And they're not playing for peanuts either.

well-you connected all the dots in a longggggggggggggggggggggggg draaawnnnnnnnnnnnnn outttttttttttttttttttt affair. You left posters no chance to jump in and confront you about your assertions. You set yourself up to be blown off as a nutcase. Another approach may be a little more open to discussion?

How do ya get to be a tri-lateral anyhow and why would I want to be one?
But at the crux of these 3 organizations people, stands one man who seems to be the kingpin of all this shit. And his father before him was one as well. The man who is most reponsible for these 3 organizations would have to be none other than David Rockefeller. One of the most wicked, cold-hearted, disturbed individuals on our planet. And he's got plenty of power to boot.

In fact, at a 1974 Bilderberg meeting, seven of the eighteen Americans present, or 39 percent, were either Rockefellers per se, or Rockefeller agents.

When you examine these organizations, what do you find? The CFR's former Director was who? David Rockefeller. Who co-founded the Trilateral Commission? David Rockefeller! And who controls nearly 40% (of the American invitees) to one of the most powerful groups of all, the Bilderbergs? David Rockefeller!
well-you connected all the dots in a longggggggggggggggggggggggg draaawnnnnnnnnnnnnn outttttttttttttttttttt affair. You left posters no chance to jump in and confront you about your assertions. You set yourself up to be blown off as a nutcase. Another approach may be a little more open to discussion?

How do ya get to be a tri-lateral anyhow and why would I want to be one?

You don't want to be one. And you wouldn't be allowed to be one just for being Dilloduck. Lol. It would take a little more than that my friend. Your Bloodline, for example. Your ties to people who are "powerful". Your outlook on the World. Your obedience. Your ability to think without feeling. And....most of all...your ability to not care about anything or anybody other than yourself.

If you have all of those things going for you, then you might have a shot at being one of these bastards.

As far as the way I post, sorry to dissapoint you.
well-you connected all the dots in a longggggggggggggggggggggggg draaawnnnnnnnnnnnnn outttttttttttttttttttt affair. You left posters no chance to jump in and confront you about your assertions. You set yourself up to be blown off as a nutcase. Another approach may be a little more open to discussion?

How do ya get to be a tri-lateral anyhow and why would I want to be one? a nutcase?

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