From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

What in the flying fuck does this moronic thread keep getting resurected for?

Jeeezzzzuzzzz fucking K-riste.

Good grief. This is only a silly little political bulletin board. It means nothing but a harmless little diversion in the grand scheme of things. Please, for your own health and well-being, calm down. :chillpill
Good grief. This is only a silly little political bulletin board. It means nothing but a harmless little diversion in the grand scheme of things. Please, for your own health and well-being, calm down. :chillpill

Go away, you sick ass, perverted, daughter fucking, degenerate.
How can you be so sure? After all, YOU are the one who has no problem with incest.

I made a vow to my wife and I keep my word. I think that prostitution should be allowed. At the same time, I am risk-averse so I don’t hire prostitutes. I think that people should be allowed to smoke but I understand that smoking is an unhealthy practice. Therefore I don’t smoke. Just because I think that people should be free to do things does not mean that I want to do those things. I can’t explain in any more simply.
I made a vow to my wife and I keep my word. I think that prostitution should be allowed. At the same time, I am risk-averse so I don’t hire prostitutes. I think that people should be allowed to smoke but I understand that smoking is an unhealthy practice. Therefore I don’t smoke. Just because I think that people should be free to do things does not mean that I want to do those things. I can’t explain in any more simply.

The fact that you are morally-bankrupt enough to even advocate incest means you don't rule it out. It isn't any simpler than THAT.
Problem is, you give a shit about a country that exists only between your ears. You're not the conspiracy theorist ... just another.

We discuss the real problem that beset our country all the time. They aren't 60+ page, one-sided, conspiratorial rants.

Once again I might point out Gunn that what I am posting about relating to the Carlyle Group ARE NOT THEORIES. THEY ARE FACTS.

Therefore, your entire arguement about me being a "Conspiracy Theorist" as related to this subject as well as the ones I have already covered here and practicly all of the other subjects I intend to post about is completely FALSE.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I never claimed to be. And I don't like posting theories.

Most ALL of what I post relating to the NWO is factual evidence. Aside from the prophecies from the previous section which are neither factual nor theory, as they don't fit into either category. Prophecy has a category all of it's own.

So why not quit calling me a "conspiracy theorist" and hoping that you will catch some ground off of that statement? Indeed, I post about conspiracies being run by our Government and abroad, but in no way shape or form do I not try my hardest to follow them up with the facts. Thats facts. NOT theories.
Dan K. Thomasson, former editor of the Scripps Howard News Service, summed it up best in March, 2001:

"Nothing in recent history seems to approach the success this group has had in the wholesale conversion of former high government rank to gigantic profits."

Peter Eisner, Managing Director of the Center for Public Integrity, adds:

"It should be a deep cause for concern that a closely held company like Carlyle can simultaneously have directors and advisors that are doing business and making money and also advising the President of the United States."

The Washington Business Journal simply says:

"The Carlyle Group seems to play by a different set of rules."
But who is the Carlyle Group? Well, their office is located only a few blocks from the White House, and it was founded by three men.

1. David Rubinstein - aide in the Carter Administration.

2. Bill Conway - Chief Financial Officer at MCI

3. Dan D' Aniello - financial executive at Marriott.

They named their group "Carlyle" after a New York hotel favored by one of their first investors, the Mellon family. The Carlyle Group now has an ownership stake in 164 different companies, they have 535 investors, they operate in 55 different countries, and they have $13.5 billion in capital. International financier George Soros invested $100 million in them, while the California Public Employees Retirement System dumped $305 million into their laps. They also recently purchased the KorAm Bank, thus accelerating their entry into the highly lucrative Asian markets.
But how did the Carlyle Group become so successful so quickly? I'll let the Carlyle Group answer that question for themselves:

"We invest in niche opportunities created in industries heavily affected by changes in government policies."

Stated differently, the Carlyle Group buys what it knows best - companies regulated by the government. In fact, 2/3 of the Carlyle Group's business is either in the defense or telecommunications industries....those affected by changes in government spending or policy!

And how do they affect these policies? It all revolves around ACCESS! That's the key. Basically, they operate within what is called the "Iron Triangle" - industry, government, and the military.

A spokesman for Oklahoma Representative J. C. Watts understood this connection when he said, "Carlyle's strength was within the Department of Defense because they have staff types that work behind the scenes, in the dark, that know everything about the Army and Capitol Hill."
Charles Lewis, ex-Director at the Center for Public Integrity, added credence to this arguement when he said, "Carlyle is as deeply wired into the current administration as they can possibly be."

On May 5, 2001, the New York Times described the Carlyle Group as such: "It owns so many companies that it is now in effect one of the nation's biggest defense contractors and a force in global communications. It's blue-chip investors include major banks and insurance companies, billion dollar pension funds and wealthy investors."

Hmm, it looks like they have a firm grip on both the War Machine and the media....convenient, don't you think?
After reading about how deeply established the Carlyle Group is as "Insiders", do you think that the Carlyle Group has America's best interest at heart, or do they have their own which entails capitalizing on war?

An excellent example can be found in the recent $470 million contract that "United Defense", a Carlyle subsidary, received. And what did they get for it? To develop the CRUSADER, a faulty, antiquated, horrendous product that was described by Eric Miller of "The Project on Government Oversight" as follows:

"The Crusader has been the GAO's (Government Accounting Office) poster child for bad weapons development."

The Crusader Project was so maligned that the government was set to drop it completely. But lo and behold, what happened? War was on the horizon, Carlyle pulled a few strings, and welluh - a $470 million contract was thrown Carlyle's way for the Crusader. Funny how things happen, huh?
Once again I might point out Gunn that what I am posting about relating to the Carlyle Group ARE NOT THEORIES. THEY ARE FACTS.

Therefore, your entire arguement about me being a "Conspiracy Theorist" as related to this subject as well as the ones I have already covered here and practicly all of the other subjects I intend to post about is completely FALSE.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I never claimed to be. And I don't like posting theories.

Most ALL of what I post relating to the NWO is factual evidence. Aside from the prophecies from the previous section which are neither factual nor theory, as they don't fit into either category. Prophecy has a category all of it's own.

So why not quit calling me a "conspiracy theorist" and hoping that you will catch some ground off of that statement? Indeed, I post about conspiracies being run by our Government and abroad, but in no way shape or form do I not try my hardest to follow them up with the facts. Thats facts. NOT theories.

You flatter yourself. There's no attempt to catch you at anything. You clearly represent the unhinged lunatic that you are without my having to reinforce it.
If all that wasn't bad enough folks, the Carlyle Group is also the financial advisor to a certain government. Who? Saudi Arabia.

In fact, they make nearly $50 million a year training the Saudi Arabian National Guard -- troops that are sworn to protect the Saudi royal family!

Now, if all hell breaks loose in the Middle East, and considering that Saudi Arabia is tentative about supporting our efforts against Iraq, who do you think that the Saudi Arabian soldiers that are trained and financed by the Carlyle Group will kill? Their own kind (Arabs)? Or the invading American Soldiers which are known to many Arabs as the "white American devils"?

The Carlyle Group has entered into very treacherous waters, all for the sake of making money off of warfare. Regardless of what they say, these men in the Carlyle Group epitomize a form of evil via their actions.
do you ever participate in any other threads or are you just using this thread as a blog?
Why dose your thread read "From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)?" As I can recall nothing of war world-like proportions happen this year.
Why dose your thread read "From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)?" As I can recall nothing of war world-like proportions happen this year.

Kt, 2006 was the year that set the beginning of World War 3. You just can't see it yet. Wait until 2009.

Unfortunately, we can't travel into the future. However, due to the foresight and insight of people who can SEE into the future, I can tell you almost without a doubt, that by 2009 you will see World War 3 at it's most explosive stages ever.
do you ever participate in any other threads or are you just using this thread as a blog?

Well, believe it or not Avatar, I have yet to find another thread on this board that I would be interested in joining in on.

Perhaps a thread related to the rise of the Red Chinese?

Perhaps a thread related to how the Carlyle Group along with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group, and the Trilateral Commission have been systematically trying to bring down our country?

Perhaps a thread related to how we are on the brink of World War 3?

Perhaps a thread related to a number of things that are going on right now that the media is basically remaining silent about?

Trust me my friend, if I see a thread on this board that I'm interested in joining in on, I will do it. But as of now, I see mostly the stereotypical "Republican" vs "Democrat" vs "Independent" bullshit. Stuff that doesn't solve a dimes worth of problems.

No offense.

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