From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The truth is that people have pushed the following states to pass or introduce legislation calling for an end to the FED: Arizona, Washington, Arkansas, Idaho, Oregon, Indiana, and Texas.

America is still in need of your signatures on petitions, even if you live in these states. Many other states are considering such action due to some petitions. These states and a few honest Congresspeople are powerless until all Americans become informed and demand change. Once we demand change, the media will have to report the whole truth and not just push their own agenda. There needs to be more challenges in the media to expose the facts on prime time talk shows or news programs.
Ask small business owners in your community to tell other business owners and spread brochures and petitions through the local Chamber of Commerce. CPAs should be interested in saving their clients taxes.

Contact your library for the names and addresses of your local and federal Congresspeople. MAIL THEM AN ENVELOPE WITHOUT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ATTACHED.

In the envelope you can say something related to Abolishing the FED. Also, if you would like, why not include some symbolism and enclose one teabag (Boston Tea Party)? Ask your friends to do the same (give them the addresses). Politicians are aware of the "Teabag Protest." If you don't mail it in, they're going to believe that we're not organized or we just don't care. IF YOU DON'T DO IT NO ONE ELSE MAY EITHER! Think of it that way.
Folks, there have been and will continue to be Congresspeople who want to make this change, but who can't do it without the support of the people.

* Inform all Americans of this information and collect signatures on petitions.

* Demand that Congress and the media support "We the People's" rights to uphold the Constitution and abolish the illegal FED.

* Write to your local newspaper, show them this information and ask them to keep freedom of the press alive, support the Constitution and abolish the FED.

* Write to CNN and other media. Tell them you want to see discussions about the Federal Reserve on their programs.

* Ask your State/County Representatives to use their Constitutional powers to enforce your rights under the Constitution to have the FED abolished. Write to them for detailed paperwork to be given to your local government.

* Call in on TV and radio talk shows and discuss why the FED should be abolished.

* Support businesses who distribute petitions to remove and or destroy the Federal Reserve. If they don't, please ask them to.

* Ask candidates if they plan to introduce legislation to abolish the FED and uphold the Constitution which they are obligated to defend. Make candidates take a stand! Have the politician sign a contract with "We the People" enacting legislation to abolish the FED by a certain date or the politician must resign from office. The Democratic Congress and President promised the people "no FED" before the election. Thirteen months later, they passed the FED.

* Display a bumper sticker related to abolishing the FED and inform people.

* If 5,000 people distribute 2-3 brochures daily, we can inform half a million Americans monthly. Roughly 10% of these half a million people will make copies and inform others. Before we know it, we can quickly inform 70 million adult Americans and eventually more. Public opinion will soon be on our side. Once 10% of the population know, the other 90% will follow.

* Pray and ask God to return us to "One nation under God."

It is recommendation that you research, support all organizations that are trying to stop this fraud, and help in any way that you can think of.
First, we must uphold the Constitution. Please call the Hotline (217-854-7504) weekly for new information. When a state considers a Constitutional Convention, concerned Americans call the Hotline and it gives the names and telephone numbers of the legislators involved. It tells exactly what to say, and to whom. The Hotline helps us to fight and win!

Secondly, we must change the opinions of the masses with information. Once 10% of the population agrees to abolish the FED, the rest will most likely eventually follow.

It is obvious the media (radio and newspapers) have lied about the FED and to prevent the education of the people with the truth. This will not stop us - we will persist! Decide for yourself if you want to win America back. If 10,000 patriotic Americans each distribute 1,000 brochures, 10 million Americans will become informed. It would be almost impossible to stop people from talking about abolishing the FED if that many Americans were informed.

As mentioned before, another way you can participate is to put a bumper sticker on your car. Over 1,000 people every month will see that bumper sticker about abolishing the FED.

If you think this goal is impossible, remember this; only 3% of Americans supported the Revolutionary War, and we won that war. We can win this war too, but only if we work together.

This solution involves the following:

First, we declare in no uncertain terms that the United States is defaulting on that portion of the national debt owed to anyone other than the American people (i.e. the international bankers).

We simply say, "We're not paying the interest (or the principal) on the money we owe you!"

And when you think about it, what can the bankers do? If you default on your auto loan mortgage, what happens? The bank repossesses your car or house. But if we default on our national debt, what are the Controllers going to do? Repossess our country? Not a chance.

The second move America needs to take is to revoke the right to create money from outside entities and return it to those to whom it constitutionally belongs: the Congress.

Now I'm no big fan of Congress, but they would be a hell of alot better than the group that controls our money now. And through Congress, the American people would gain our control back over our own currency.
The most obvious benefit of these decisions is that rather than borrowing money from the international bankers, then paying exorbitant amounts of money in interest, we can coin our own money without interest.

You see, usury is one of the main keys to World domination. Whenever a person or country is indebted to another entity, an element of control enters the picture. The more they owe, the less control they have over their affairs. And as it stands now, since we will realistically probably never pay off our national debt, how can we realistically imagine a day when we'll have control over our own destiny?

Not only are we currently enslaved through taxation to the government, our government is enslaved to the Controllers via the Federal Reserve. The only solution: destroy the Federal Reserve!

This solution involves the following:

First, we declare in no uncertain terms that the United States is defaulting on that portion of the national debt owed to anyone other than the American people (i.e. the international bankers).

We simply say, "We're not paying the interest (or the principal) on the money we owe you!"

And when you think about it, what can the bankers do? If you default on your auto loan mortgage, what happens? The bank repossesses your car or house. But if we default on our national debt, what are the Controllers going to do? Repossess our country? Not a chance.

The second move America needs to take to revoke the right to create money from outside entities and return it to those to whom it constitutionally belongs: the Congress.

Now I'm no big fan of Congress, but they would be a hell of alot better than the group that controls our money now. And through Congress, the American people would gain our control back over our own currency.

Ok You got me---I'm going with the bumper sticker---its probably one I can put on my truck without it getting keyed or window smashed.
Ok You got me---I'm going with the bumper sticker---its probably one I can put on my truck with it getting keyed or window smashed.

You mean without it getting keyed or window smashed right?

Since I would be willing to bet money that very few people are going to get angry over the fact that you are advertising for the removal of an organization that has been screwing our country over for decades.
After we return the right to create money back to Congress, we can also eliminate the Federal Income Tax. Don't you think it's strange that the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax were enacted in the same exact year -- 1913? They go hand-in-hand. But prior to that fateful year, there was no Federal Income Tax. Instead we raised money to pay our bills primarily through tariffs.

Why not do the same thing today? Take a moment and try to coneive of all the products that we import. If we slapped a 5% tariff on each and every one of them, we could eliminate the Federal Income Tax without touching one social program.

It's so evident. Of all these products that we import, how many can we make ourselves? Nearly all of them. Not only would our own domestic companies benefit from import tariffs (other countries do it; why shouldn't we?), but this transfer of production to the U.S. would strengthen our nation as a whole by reducing our dependence on foreign entities.
It's obvious that Globalists like George Bush, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and Christopher Dodd won't take the leadership role; nor will most of the current Congressmen who are bought and sold by the political contributions to which they are so beholden. So as I mentioned before, someone OF, BY and FOR the PEOPLE needs to run for the Presidency and to rally every one of us together and to return the reins of power back to US!

Because people, if we don't have the resolve that is going to be needed to accomplish this, then I guarantee you all that the luxuries and the rights that we now enjoy will be squashed.
There is one variable which enters the picture that everyone should know about. When the United States defaults on its national debt, the "Controllers" aren't going to lie down and take it without a fight. I mean we're talking about billions of dollars here that they bilk from us each year. This is major league money, and not something that they'll brush off lightly.

If they can't repossess our country as banks would with a house or with a car, what else can they do? Well, when a country gets irrevocably out of line, then it leaves the Controllers with only one other recourse -- WAR!

Here are some of the key secrets that aren't taught to us in history classes. First of all, wars are not primarily started by the masses. The Bolshevik Revolution is a perfect example. Instead, wars are usually orchestrated by the Conspirators to either maintain a balance of power or to penalize those nations that don't fall in line with their edicts.

So, if the United States defaults on its national debt and abolishes the Federal Reserve, then there is a very good chance that shortly thereafter the Controllers will declare war on our country via certain nations that are still under their vast umbrella. And which nations will these most likely be? Well, in my personal opinion, we're talking China, and a few others.
Alright folks, I'm sure the first thing you may be thinking now is: do we really want to enter World War 3? Personally, I despise war as much as anyone. But in this case, what are our alternatives if nothing else works? To stay enslaved to the New World Order's Federal Reserve in a situation where they continue to control our entire political system? I'd rather fight than cringe, and lash out rather than wallow or hide.

Right now, our political framework is completely unacceptable. Our leaders in many cases are illegally "selected" to implement decisions made not in Washington DC, but in places like New York City and Europe. These policies are made at the upper echelon of the control pyramid, ultimately designed to eliminate our national sovereignty and to incorporate us into their much heralded New World Order.

In this vein, we need to ask ourselves how we feel about paying taxes to a World Government (to be used for projects in China or Zimbabwe). Does this scenario appeal to you? How about our soldiers fighting under the jurisdiction of a United Nations Army that is commandeered by generals in other parts of the World? How about a World Court located in places like Saudi Arabia where foreigners who hate our guts can convict Americans of crimes? These people would also hand down rulings detrimental to our country, and we'd have to adhere to them.
The main point to remember is this: the Controllers act in ways that benefit their own global interests, not our day-to-day lives. The ONLY way to save this nation is by completely and irrevocably removing them from our political system. If we fail to do so, the United States of America as we currently know it will no longer exist.

This is why we need to destroy the Federal Reserve and default on our national debt. There are no other alternatives. These bloodsuckers have placed a stranglehold around our financial necks and are slowly choking us to death.

By allowing the Globalist international bankers to keep shaking us down, we give them the very thing that they crave the most -- power and control. In essence, then, indebtedness equals subservience.

We need to ask ourselves this one crucial question: Do we want to remain enslaved to the Controllers, or are we willing to fight for our freedoms like our forefathers did?
So there it is folks - centralized banking - one of the primary tenets of Karl Marx's Communist Manifest. I hope you all enjoyed this section and I hope that some of you will come away from this with more of a sense of where you are at and what you need to do next in order for things to change.

We cannot move forward as a People to let America regain its greatness until we eliminate the Controller's iron grip on our financial purse strings. This may be a bitter pill for many people to swallow, but as Samuel Adams said, "It is natural for man to deal in the illusions of hope; but as for me, I want to know the worst, the truth, and prepare for it."

The Federal Reserve is one of if not the most corrupt, debilitating, anti-American institutions in this country, and that's the truth. The only question that remains is: are we willing to face it, and then do something about it?
A distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he or she does not believe in anything BUT the New World Order.

Another distinguishing trait is his or her absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious, or fraternal group, although the Order has members in controlling positions in ALL these groups.

If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist, or Muslim, the Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected.
The Controllers have one main thing going for them that helps keeps them all in power.

They have been successful at dividing the masses of the people into opposing camps on political, social, racial, economic and religious issues. They arm and finance those groups and then they encourage them to fight with eachother. As they usually do.
The Controllers have one main thing going for them that helps keeps them all in power.

They have been successful at dividing the masses of the people into opposing camps on political, social, racial, economic and religious issues. They arm and finance those groups and then they encourage them to fight with eachother. As they usually do.

Amen brother---and they're doing a great job at it !
Michael A. Hoffman II (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare - 1989):

"The most amazing thing about the American people is that they are constantly defending their worst betrayers. Who then is modern man? He is a mind-bombed patsy who gets his marching orders from 'twilight language' key words sprinkled throughout 'his' news and current events. Even as he dances to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, he scoffs with great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from the media and government. Modern man is much too smart to believe anything as superstitious as that!"

Michael A. Hoffman II (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare - 1989):

"Flattery: The First Principle of Mind Control - "Why then does he revere them? Because they flatter him. This is the first secret of mass mind control and can be observed as the foundation stone of virtually every false religion, party, cult, philosophy, system and training. How can modern man free himself when he is told that he is already a demi-god, that the problem lies only in finding a pure enough economic or political system worthy of his high-minded brilliance?"

Michael A. Hoffman II (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare - 1989):

"But if we overthrew them (The Controllers) tomorrow, we would have to write our own scripts. We would have to heal ourselves. We would have to admit the colossal waste and loss of destruction of the past years which our laziness and folly have made possible. We would have to experience the pain of being alive and responsible. WE would have to start acting like men and women instead of as slaves and weaklings."

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