From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Yes. NW. That is fractional reserve lending. It's also bad. Fractional Reserve lending combined with fiat currency makes it extra extra bad.

Good point Rtwng.

And 97% of all bank transactions are nothing more than simple ledger entries where no money trades hands. Think about it. When you pay your mortgage (principle + interest), do you lay down $700 cash, or do you write a check? The same applies to your monthly car payment, credit cards, or things like loans at Sears for a washer/dryer.

All that is happening is that numbers are being juggled from one column to another, yet international bankers have become the richest men on Earth by capitalizing on this practice. Only 3% of our financial transactions consist of using actual coin and paper!

And what, you may wonder, is the result of this practice? Well, as debts rise, so do our interest payments. To cover these increased expenses, taxes are raised. In the business World, higher interest payments equal higher business expenses, and thus higher prices.

If you look back at the last ninety years, have prices, our national debt, taxes, and interest payments gone up or down? The ultimate result is that the everyday person suffers because taxes and inflation continually keep eating into their REAL net worth, not allowing them to get further ahead. And that is precisely why it is so hard for people to ascend from one particular social or financial class. It's because the system is designed to keep them where they are! And it prevents movement from one class to another.
The framework for social enslavement will continue unabated until we abolish the Federal Reserve and default our national debt. Or, as Peter Kershaw tells us, "What we operate on today is not the "intellect" of confidence based upon tangible wealth and substance, but the "religion" of "conviction" based upon blind faith. Without religious conviction, the system collapses! And what is that religion? - A pagan occultic money system."

Larry Burkett, author of The Coming Economic Earthquake takes it one step further by saying, "The actual deficits are almost twice as large as those admitted by the government. So why hasn't our economy collapsed? Because the American people still have confidence in the System."
Luckily, a few courageous Americans over the years have tried to alter the status quo. One of them was congressman Louis T. McFadden, who became chairmen of the House Banking & Currency Committee. On June 10, 1932 in a speech before the House, he described centralized banking as such. "They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies; domestic swindlers, rich and predatory money lenders that prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. The Federal Reserve banks are the agents of the foreign central banks. The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States." (75 Congressional Record 12595-12603)

Six months earlier, on January 13, 1992, Congressman McFadden actually charged the Federal Reserve with treason and tried to have it put out of business. Regrettably, our Congressmen then weren't any braver than they are today, and only five supported him. The House G.O.P. majority leader even mused, "Louis T. McFadden is now politically dead."

Sure enough, in his next reelection bid, his opponent received mountains of donation money, while the press slandered McFadden unmercifully and accused him of being "crazy". (It's comforting to know that their tactics haven't changed over the years)

McFadden naturally lost the election, and was the victim of three subsequent assassination attempts within the next few years. His detractors were ultimately successful when McFadden reached his demise in 1936 after being poisoned to death.

James Traficante, an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, better watch what he eats in prison.
And if Louis T. McFadden's murder isn't enough to piss you guys off to the point where you will stand up and demand change, how about these little facts:

3 decades later, on June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 where he requested the Treasury to start printing "United States Notes". This money was the same as that controlled by the Federal Reserve except that it was created DEBT FREE!

Five months later.....President Kennedy was assassinated.

Still not pissed yet?

What about the simple fact that our Founding Fathers led a revolution to keep us from being controlled by the Bank of England, while one of the historically-hidden motives for the Civil War was Abraham Lincoln's adamant refusal to let the Rothschild banking family take control of our monetary system.

And guess what. 'Ol Honest Abe wound-up with a bullet in his head.

What do you guys think? Another "coincidence"?

Or have we finally uncovered the keys to global domination?
Alright so now I would like to get into some of the possible solutions that we as a People can help put into action to change the corruption of our Federal Reserve system and to set our Country back onto the right track. As it stands now, if nothing is done about this problem, I promise people that things are only going to continue to get worse. Much much worse.

Ok so, currently all we do is exchange FED money (interest attached) for real U.S. money.

What we SHOULD be doing is trading money (interest-free) dollar for dollar as President Kennedy tried to do. We should not be required to pay interest on our own currency. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons we fought the Revolutionary War.



The U.S. Government can buy back the FED at any time for $450 million (per Congressional record). The U.S. Treasury could then collect all the profit on our money instead of the 300 original shareholders of the FED. The $4 trillion of U.S. debt could be exchanged dollar for dollar with U.S. non-interest bearing currency when the debt becomes due.

There would be no inflation because there would be no additional currency in circulation. Personal income tax could be cut if we bought back the FED and therefore, the economy would expand. According to the Constitution, Congress is to control the creation of money, keeping the amount of inflation or deflation in check.

We as the American people should be pushing for our Government to buy back the FED and start printing our money the way it should be printed with the powers of our money creation restored to the American people and our Congress. NOT PRIVATE BANKS!

By law (check the Congressional record), we (As a People) can buy back the FED for the original investment of the FED's 300 shareholders, which is $450 million (Reference 1, P. 227, Reference 17, P. 36). If each taxpayer paid $25, we could buy back the FED and all the profit would flow into the U.S. Treasury.

Today the FED, through foreign banks, owns much of our debt and therefore controls us. The FED will cease to exist as taxpayers become informed and tell other taxpayers. The news media and Congress will have no choice but to meet the demands of grass roots America.

Currently, fewer and fewer Americans are being convicted for refusal to pay income taxes. In IRS jury trials, the jury, by law, must decide if the law is just. If taxpayers do not believe the law is just, the jury may declare the accused innocent. Judges are legally bound to inform juries of their right to determine the fairness of a law.

Judges often do not disclose this information so they can control the court outcome. Luckily, more and more citizens are becoming informed. If one juror feels the law is unfair, they can find the defendant innocent. In Utah, the IRS quit prosecuting taxpayers because jurors verdict is not guilty.

If we tell enough people this information, then the right people will be able to sit in the next jury and if enough people did this then we would eventually force a change or for the removal of the law all-together.
I will post more Solutions/Suggestions next time I am on but for now, it is important that people realize that the situation is NOT hopeless, and that there are things that we can do together to change the system.

All we have to do is pick one and go with it. And that goes for each individual. If we don't do anything, than nothing is going to change. And if nothing changes, then by all means we are screwed. Royally.
I will post more Solutions/Suggestions next time I am on but for now, it is important that people realize that the situation is NOT hopeless, and that there are things that we can do together to change the system.

All we have to do is pick one and go with it. And that goes for each individual. If we don't do anything, than nothing is going to change. And if nothing changes, then by all means we are screwed. Royally.

What happens when the FEDs get a whiff of our plan---is the jig up? I mean the dudes are obviously aware of this and have counter measures in place as we speak !:shocked:
What happens when the FEDs get a whiff of our plan---is the jig up? I mean the dudes are obviously aware of this and have counter measures in place as we speak !:shocked:

Well if they try and change the laws and the loopholes that are in place at the moment which would allow us to fix the problem then I would assume that it would only enrage Americans even more to the point where we would call them out and shine the light on their intentions. I would assume so anyways. Or better yet, I would HOPE so.

I mean I have faith in my Brothers and Sisters. We are not stupid. It's just that we've been screwed over for so long now that many of us don't know where the hell we're at anymore. Or where to begin for that matter.

If we can finally get someone in the office of the Presidency of the United States who actually gave a shit about the people and his country, someone who would probably be the complete opposite of Curious George who's in there at the moment, then seeing is how the government has this big deficit, we could try and get that kind of President to handle it as Lincoln and Kennedy did, where he/she could print money and circulate it into the economy, but this time interest-free.

Of course, we would have to keep an eye on this one, and protect him/her up the ass, because if not, he'll/she'll just end up dead like the last two Presidents who were brave enough to attempt such a thing.
Well if they try and change the laws and the loopholes that are in place at the moment which would allow us to fix the problem then I would assume that it would only enrage Americans even more to the point where we would call them out and shine the light on their intentions. I would assume so anyways. Or better yet, I would HOPE so.

I mean I have faith in my Brothers and Sisters. We are not stupid. It's just that we've been screwed over for so long now that many of us don't know where the hell we're at anymore. Or where to begin for that matter.

Well, I applaud you for your efforts. I'm gonna really on my faith in other things to get people out of the mess they are in though because I honestly don't see people having what it takes to pull it together.
Well, I applaud you for your efforts. I'm gonna really on my faith in other things to get people out of the mess they are in though because I honestly don't see people having what it takes to pull it together.

Yes Dillo but the simple fact is that FEAR is the underlying basis for the People not moving themselves into action.

What is it that people have to fear? Is it death? People, if this is what many of you fear, than you absolutely MUST overcome this fear if you ever expect to advance forward in your lifetime.

With a fear of death, a person has almost nothing. I truly believe this.

What was it that Jesus said? Something along the likes of there being no greater deed than he/she who lays down their life for another. Be it anyway! It doesn't matter! Yes, joining the military and dying in battle is ONE way to do this, but it's only ONE way.

There are many ways of sacrificing yourself for another. And not all of them involve death. But all of them are equal in terms of value.

Of course, it helps if you believe in the Afterlife, but even for those who don't, for those who believe that this is it, and then you turn to dust, why in the World, what fear could possibly keep you from standing up then, and making this one chance count, for putting yourself out there, for standing up for what's right? Why not make a difference then? If you believe that this is it? It's not about being remembered people, it's about making a difference for the better.

And I'm not just talking in terms of raising your children and making sure they are safe (which every parent should be doing), I am talking about going above and beyond that, I'm talking about stepping outside of the box and REALLY putting yourself out there, so that Humankind itself can benefit from your actions, so that you can go out with a bang when you take your last breath, because you and I both know that death will come to us all, and it could come tomorrow!


Or, as Sylvia Brown said it,

"With the rare exception of those who only choose to spend one lifetime here, our Spirits make the round-trip from the Other Side to Earth over and over again in the course of eternity, at our own insistence, in pursuit of our greatest Spiritual potential and service to God. Our lives at Home are busy, stimulating, euphoric, surrounded by exquisite beauty, friends, Soul Mates, Angels, and "Messiahs", thriving in God's awesome, palpable presence. It takes courage and enormous commitment for us to decide we need the tough challenges only life on Earth can provide, and to leave a paradise of unconditional love for this place where lasting love of any kind is a scarce commodity. On The Other Side, we understand that eternity eliminates the concept of time altogether, and when we leave Home we know we'll be back again in the blink of an eye. But here, where we measure our lives by linear days, weeks, months, and years, that "blink of an eye" seems like an eternity itself or, in our darkest nights, that awful word never."

People. Death is a transition either way. It should not be feared. It should be overcome.

Damn now you guys got me quoting Braveheart. lol.

"Every PERSON dies, but not every person really lives."

Whats it gonna be folks? The easy way out? Or the way that makes the difference?

The choice is up to YOU. YOU hold the keys to a better World here on Earth. How are YOU going to choose to use them? Or will it be that your chance ends up dying right beside you?
Yes Dillo but the simple fact is that FEAR is the underlying basis for the People not moving themselves into action.

What is it that people have to fear? Is it death? People, if this is what many of you fear, than you absolutely MUST overcome this fear if you ever expect to advance forward in your lifetime.

With a fear of death, a person has almost nothing. I truly believe this.

What was it that Jesus said? Something along the likes of there being no greater deed than he/she who lays down their life for another. Be it anyway! It doesn't matter! Yes, joining the military and dying in battle is ONE way to do this, but it's only ONE way.

There are many ways of sacrificing yourself for another. And not all of them involve death. But all of them are equal in terms of value.

Of course, it helps if you believe in the Afterlife, but even for those who don't, for those who believe that this is it, and then you turn to dust, why in the World, what fear could possibly keep you from standing up then, and making this one chance count, for putting yourself out there, for standing up for what's right? Why not make a difference then? If you believe that this is it? It's not about being remembered people, it's about making a difference for the better.

And I'm not just talking in terms of raising your children and making sure they are safe (which every parent should be doing), I am talking about going above and beyond that, I'm talking about stepping outside of the box and REALLY putting yourself out there, so that Humankind itself can benefit from your actions, so that you can go out with a bang when you take your last breath, because you and I both know that death will come to us all, and it could come tomorrow!


Or, as Sylvia Brown said it,

"With the rare exception of those who only choose to spend one lifetime here, our Spirits make the round-trip from the Other Side to Earth over and over again in the course of eternity, at our own insistence, in pursuit of our greatest Spiritual potential and service to God. Our lives at Home are busy, stimulating, euphoric, surrounded by exquisite beauty, friends, Soul Mates, Angels, and "Messiahs", thriving in God's awesome, palpable presence. It takes courage and enormous commitment for us to decide we need the tough challenges only life on Earth can provide, and to leave a paradise of unconditional love for this place where lasting love of any kind is a scarce commodity. On The Other Side, we understand that eternity eliminates the concept of time altogether, and when we leave Home we know we'll be back again in the blink of an eye. But here, where we measure our lives by linear days, weeks, months, and years, that "blink of an eye" seems like an eternity itself or, in our darkest nights, that awful word never."

People. Death is a transition either way. It should not be feared. It should be overcome.

Damn now you guys got me quoting Braveheart. lol.

"Every PERSON dies, but not every person really lives."

Whats it gonna be folks? The easy way out? Or the way that makes the difference?

Fear arises from ignorance. You've attempted to rally folks into action by educating them. I hope it works but it appears as though Americans are moved more by emotional persuasion.
Fear arises from ignorance. You've attempted to rally folks into action by educating them. I hope it works but it appears as though Americans are moved more by emotional persuasion.

Then so be it. One way or another, we will face our greatest FEARS. The question is, and when we do, will we smile at them or cowar from them in agony?

Ultimately, the battle plan is to inform all Americans and demand change in the media and Congress. True Americans should run for office and throw out the politicians who allow this fraud to continue. Congress may refuse to deal with this issue. That's why each person needs to go to their local county/state government with the proper paperwork and ask them to abolish the FED. With the proper documents, they are legally obligated to do it.

* Buy back the FED and have the U.S. Government collect all profits.

* Abolish the FED by printing real U.S. dollars as President Kennedy attempted (Executive Order 11.110, 1963).

* Request your county/state to use their Constitutional powers to abolish the FED. Nearly half the states are attempting or considering this action. Congress has had 80 years to follow the Constitution, and has refused to abolish the illegal FED.

Ultimately, the battle plan is to inform all Americans and demand change in the media and Congress. True Americans should run for office and throw out the politicians who allow this fraud to continue. Congress may refuse to deal with this issue. That's why each person needs to go to their local county/state government with the proper paperwork and ask them to abolish the FED. With the proper documents, they are legally obligated to do it.

I hate to be a wet blanket but wouldn't the FED launch a fear campaign like you've never seen ? A people without courage is worthless.

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