From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Hey mattskramer,

How do you feel about World War 3. Do you think it has already begun? Do you think it's possible? Do you have any idea of what countries may be involved? And do you think that we will win?

Here's another question for you.

If we lost World War 3, what do you think would happen to our country?

As creepy as the scenario of losing World War 3 might be, I'm just curious as to see what your thoughts are on the subject.

America is at war against militant Islamic terrorists. Other nations are participating in the war. These nations include Great Britain among others. Therefore, it can be defined as a World War. It will be a long war and it may never end. We are not at war against specific nations but against fanatic terrorists that hide behind a religion. I think that America will win or the war will continue indefinitely. If America loses it will be taken over by an intolerant totalitarian sects of Islam.
America is at war against militant Islamic terrorists. Other nations are participating in the war. These nations include Great Britain among others. Therefore, it can be defined as a World War. It will be a long war and it may never end. We are not at war against specific nations but against fanatic terrorists that hide behind a religion. I think that America will win or the war will continue indefinitely. If America loses it will be taken over by an intolerant totalitarian sects of Islam.

You forget China , Iran and N.K.


You forget China , Iran and N.K.


Yes. China, Iran and N.K. seem to be a bit of a threat but for right now they are doing little more than sword rattling. Since they are nations and not Islamic terrorists, they are easy to identify. Again, I don’t believe that people can predict event that are to happen far in future. That having been said, I think that we should (1.) Get our allies to talk with them. (2.) Put moderate pressure (economic, etc.) on them to end any nuclear arms development that they may have. (3.) Strengthen our intelligence. (4.) Strengthen our national defense and military just in case.
Yes. China, Iran and N.K. seem to be a bit of a threat but for right now they are doing little more than sword rattling. Since they are nations and not Islamic terrorists, they are easy to identify. Again, I don’t believe that people can predict event that are to happen far in future. That having been said, I think that we should (1.) Get our allies to talk with them. (2.) Put moderate pressure (economic, etc.) on them to end any nuclear arms development that they may have. (3.) Strengthen our intelligence. (4.) Strengthen our national defense and military just in case.

China is our Preffered Nation. what are you talking about. They love freedom and America.
China is our Preffered Nation. what are you talking about. They love freedom and America.

I am not so sure. China is like a sugar coated cyanide capsule. Well , i do have a few points to say on this regard but well...I don't want to bore you with another analysis. But , please do remember CHina will want to take over AMerica in the next 10 years or so as the world's largest superpower. As , I have mentioned in many of my previous posts China sees only two nations in its way to becoming a global military and economic powerhouse i.e USA and India.


I am not so sure. China is like a sugar coated cyanide capsule. Well , i do have a few points to say on this regard but well...I don't want to bore you with another analysis. But , please do remember CHina will want to take over AMerica in the next 10 years or so as the world's largest superpower. As , I have mentioned in many of my previous posts China sees only two nations in its way to becoming a global military and economic powerhouse i.e USA and India.


IT will only take over america if we remain on the suicide course of empowering them which we're on.

The bankers have promised to decimate the white people if china goes with them.
If people can't see it already, the System that THEY created is parasitical to its core. Why? Because the money that the Federal Reserve creates and puts into circulation (plus the money that is needed to pay the interest on this "loan" to us) comes from the same source - them. Now, the money that we earn which is taxed by the government and in turn pays the interest on our "debt" ends up lowering the money supply, thus removing currency from circulation.

Realizing that the money supply would slowly dwindle away to nothing if this process persisted, the international bankers came up with a solution. They implore our government (and others) to borrow more money from us! That way they receive more interest payments, and the cycle keeps repeating itself.

The major difference between them and us, though, is how our income is derived. We actually have to go out and WORK for our pay, while they simply skim money off the top before we ever have a chance to get our hands on it. (That's a polite way of saying that they don't actually work for their money; instead, a system has been created where they became fabulously wealthy without ever PRODUCING something that benefits society).

The practice of usury does not benefit everyday people.
In the end, we become so wrapped up in this vicious circle that it creates a troublesome quandary. At this specific date in time, it is now impossible to pay off our national debt because it is higher than all of the money that is currently in circulation! The entire debacle is an exercise in futility. So when you hear another politician on TV telling us how we need to raise taxes in order to pay off the debt, it's an out and out lie. Most of these types of people at the top of the podium are nothing more than illusion-spinners for the New World Order.

The system has already been irrevocably destroyed, and all they're doing now is using smoke and mirrors to keep us hooked like fish on a line.

As it stands now, this problem cannot be fixed within the current parameters that we have erected. And guess what. That's exactly the way the Controllers want it. Why? Well, how would you like someone to be eternally indebted to you paying interest forevermore with no hope of ever paying off the principle? Sounds like easy money to me!
In the end, we become so wrapped up in this vicious circle that it creates a troublesome quandary. At this specific date in time, it is now impossible to pay off our national debt because it is higher than all of the money that is currently in circulation! The entire debacle is an exercise in futility. So when you hear another politician on TV telling us how we need to raise taxes in order to pay off the debt, it's an out and out lie. Most of these types of people at the top of the podium are nothing more than illusion-spinners for the New World Order.

The system has already been irrevocably destroyed, and all they're doing now is using smoke and mirrors to keep us hooked like fish on a line.

As it stands now, this problem cannot be fixed within the current parameters that we have erected. And guess what. That's exactly the way the Controllers want it. Why? Well, how would you like someone to be eternally indebted to you paying interest forevermore with no hope of ever paying off the principle? Sounds like easy money to me!

I'll rep ya for any suggestions on how to fix everything that you are whining about!
So the question that we have to ask ourselves now is - why do we even need the Federal Reserve? If we - the United States - can print our own money via the Bureau of Engraving, why should we BORROW it from the international bankers? It is the most cockamamie system ever invented, and yet we allow it to continue.

When our country was founded, the Constitution gave only Congress the right to create money. And except for the years following the Civil War, our nation once existed without a federal deficit. Then in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed, and guess what we're stuck with now - a debt that will NEVER be paid off; and interest payments that increase every year. And even scarier is the fact that our personal debt as a people is five-times greater than the national debt.

Think for a moment how much money is being squandered through interest payments. If you buy a house, the first seven years are usually spent doing little more than paying interest without even touching the principle. And that doesn't include your car payments, credit cards, and whatever other debts you may have racked up.

The point is as such: can you see how inproductive these interest payments are to practically everyone except for those collecting the interest? It's wasted money that doesn't create anything other than more debt. Or, as Richard Walbaum wrote in 1992's The Poverty Trap: "Our monetary system guarantees that debt must increase regardless of what people, business or government do or do not do, whether or not they balance their budgets."
I'll rep ya for any suggestions on how to fix everything that you are whining about!

Deal. The suggestions are not too far away now. That is the last part of this section for myself.

Although don't worry about the rep points. I've never really been too big of a fan of our little "point-system" we have going here anyway. No offense of course.
To further describe just how manipulative the banking system is, author Peter Kershaw uses the analogy of a man who wants to sell his motorcycle. His friend agrees to buy the bike, but doesn't want his wife to know about it. So he tells the owner to keep it in his garage, and he'll come by every Saturday to ride it. The owner concurs; then figures, "Hey, I have this bike for six other days of the week when it isn't being used. Why don't I "sell" it to someone else under the same agreement?" In no time he "sells" the bike to seven more people under the same shady arrangement even though there is only ONE valid owner of the bike.

This, I'm afraid to say, is the basis of fractional banking. It's a very enlightening insight into the psychology of these World financiers, for what prevents them from creating even more "loans" out of thin air? Nothing does because the US Fractional Banking Law allows them to loan out $9 for every $1 on reserve!

Think about how easy this system is to manipulate. And the only way a problem could arise is if all 9 people went to withdraw their money from the bank at the same time. But the bankers have even made laws to prevent that scenario from occurring.
Yes. NW. That is fractional reserve lending. It's also bad. Fractional Reserve lending combined with fiat currency makes it extra extra bad.

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