From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Has anyone contributed to this thread, or is this guy just talking to himself? This is really weird.

Or better yet glock, I have a great idea.

How about asking a question that relates to what this thread is about?

Just a thought.....
Has anyone contributed to this thread, or is this guy just talking to himself? This is really weird.
No one's really contributed. Nuclear Winter's just a psycho running conspiracy theory bullshit. I'd rather listen to you talk about the supposed evils of homosexuality.
No one's really contributed. Nuclear Winter's just a psycho running conspiracy theory bullshit. I'd rather listen to you talk about the supposed evils of homosexuality.

Conspiracy Theory Bullshit?

Please Kagom....after making a statement like that...please explain to me in detail how any of what I have been posting is bullshit.

You want to make the statement that fine. But why not at least back up your opinion with some facts?
India should be our ally in the region. Not pakistan, fuck pakistan, they're practically the enemy. We just lie to ourselves, and musharaff lies to us too. We seem to enjoy it. I was embarrassed when we admonished india for testing.

Exactly. Imagine if India became a major US ally then America would have a
3 powerful nations (India , Japan , S.Korea ) as its allys in Asia.
Pakistan is very very unpredictable. Buying missiles from Beijing and showing a sweet face to Washington. India atleast has a clean record. Yes we are friendly with Russia BUT we would never go against Russia/America. Anyways the Soviet dosent exist anymore so I guess America's prime concerns in global affairs would be N.K , terror , nuke proliferation , Iran , China's military and economic rise etc etc. and not spying on the Moscow Insititute of Heat Engineering where the Topol M ICBM's are made!

Hey Nuclear Winter (wow!where did u get the name from ? were you born during the cold war?) IF you dont mind could you condense all your 55 pages of info into 1 post ? I mean no one seems really interested in reading all the stuff you posted here.. I came across this thread and even though I did not read anything I found a few of your points interesting and you might have seen that I posted some stuff here. Well , i would recommend you to voice out what exactly you want to say and write the whole damn stuff into a big essay type paragraph so that we can come to know what exactly you want to say!

Originally Posted by Kagom
No one's really contributed. Nuclear Winter's just a psycho running conspiracy theory bullshit. I'd rather listen to you talk about the supposed evils of homosexuality.

Originally Posted by NuclearWinter
Please Kagom....after making a statement like that...please explain to me in detail how any of what I have been posting is bullshit.

This is (among other things) what Kagom was referring to, NW:

The first two paragraphs of post number 1 by NuclearWinter:

I am going to list a mix of current information and psychic predictions for the World War that is supposed to occur within the next 3 years involving China, Libya, Syria, USA, Russia, and a few others.

All of the psychic sources that I will be using are TRUE psychics who have been tested over time and who have proven themselves time and time again.

Psychics making predictions on future developments in international politics...

It doesn't get any nuttier than this, buddy.
Bottom line, if you are going to 'throw shite', expect the same. Awhile back I posted nonsense, which was the same as what was supposed to 'generate discussion.' It could do no more. Certainly couldn't provide insight to anything, because it was nothing to begin with.

If this seems inanane, go back to the beginning and read through. Then you will be committed.
You guys really need to open your minds a little. You've turned into little sheeple who only allow your minds to operate within certain fixed parameters.
To all those who posted in my direction.....

I just want to add that I care not to argue about this information other than to point out facts.

I have seen alot of people's viewpoints as to how "crazy" I am, but very few people, other than maybe Rtwng, Akiboy, and a few others from the past have ever actually commented on the points in this thread and offered an opion on THOSE POINTS, whether he/she believes in them or not, he/she still chooses to address the issues, and not skip to judgements on the person who is posting them.

Facts are facts people. Who are you wanting to judge here? I have provided evidence up the yang in this thread relating to what I am talking about. Yes, I find it easy to see why people would immediately jump on the psychic predictions, because those are probably the easiest to try and thwart. However, it still doesn't mean that they aren't true, or that the events described will not unfold within the near future.

But thats not the only part of this thread to begin with. As to what I have been posting lately, about the Federal Reserve system in America, I have provided evidence upon evidence and the names of real organizations as well as real quotes that came from real people, President's, Congressmen, Authors, Doctors, Insiders (Federal Reserve employees), ect., all of which have stated in THEIR OWN WORDS, that our Federal Reserve system is destroying our country, and that our monetary system might end up being the end of our civilization as we know it, if things don't change soon.

Some of what I post is my opinion, yes, this is true, but MOST of what I post is backed up with factual evidence. The psychic predictions are the exception, because there is always an exception, but when it comes to those, I would simply ask of the people who read them to keep an open mind, and to not judge what they are saying.

Other facts relating to the psychic predictions are these.

All of the war predictions that I posted mentioned problems relating to WW3 that will involve the following countries, China, North Korea, Iran, Israel, USA, Syria, Libya, Russia, and a few others.

Have people been watching the news lately? These are the countries which are at the forefront at the moment. These are the big players involved in what might be WW3 already, the beginning stages anyways. So the psychic predictions, regardless of exact dates, have been right on the money.

I stated when I began this post that 2006 would be the beginning of World War 3. This was my opinion of course, but it was based on more than that. It was based on studying, intuition, observence of World events, and the 7 year tribulation period mentioned in the Bible.

Now, if you are to keep an open mind on this subject, you might come to terms with the fact that when Israel invaded Lebanon this year (2006), and Iran announced it's plans to continue expanding it's nuclear program, this year (2006), and North Korea decided for the first time in known history to test a couple of so called "nuclear weapons", this year, (2006), and that Syria and Iran have been stepping up their efforts with helping the insurgents in Iraq and gaining ground in that area of the World, in this year (2006), then you could easily come to the conclusions that this year (2006) was the spark that started the beginning stages of WW3.

Of course, you could argue against that fact, but I still believe that if we are in the beginning stages of this war, that in the year 2009, just like the Bible code says, that this War will reach it's peak, and it will involve all major nations of the World, and that by that time, we will be thrust into what might be the most gigantic series of battles this World has ever seen, or that recent man has ever engaged in.

These are the possibilities. Let's hope that they don't come to fruition. But as things are looking at the moment, things are going exactly as predicted.

Aside from all of that, I have provided evidence leading up to the fact that there is a NWO being planned right under all of our noses, and that the majority of people are still unwilling to accept that possibility.

I am not ashamed of anything I have posted, and I do not have a problem with people trying to add their viewpoints to this thread. But from what I have seen so far, very little viewpoints have been directed towards this information, but have instead been directed towards me (as a person), and my mental health and state of mind.

What kind of progress is that going to make? Really? Judging the person and not their work is entirely wrong. If people have a problem with the information that I have been posting about, then why not talk about what you disagree with?

Thats all I'm trying to do here. Is to provide people with both evidence and fact, as well as possibilities, and I am completely open to debates on whether the information is true or false, but I am not open to a debate on whether I am mentally ill or insane. Because that is not the purpose of this thread. Nor has it ever been.
Hey Nuclear Winter (wow!where did u get the name from ? were you born during the cold war?) IF you dont mind could you condense all your 55 pages of info into 1 post ? I mean no one seems really interested in reading all the stuff you posted here.. I came across this thread and even though I did not read anything I found a few of your points interesting and you might have seen that I posted some stuff here. Well , i would recommend you to voice out what exactly you want to say and write the whole damn stuff into a big essay type paragraph so that we can come to know what exactly you want to say!



My name serves one purpose for myself, which is a reminder to others of what atrocities war brings to this planet.

A Nuclear Winter is not a pleasant thought at all. Indeed this was my purpose for choosing that name.

A wake up call for all those who take pride in war. And believe me there are those that do. As well as a wake up call for all those who have forgotten what Nuclear Bombs are truly capable of, and how wicked and destructive their creation has become.

Nothing other than that. Thats the purpose of my name.
Look at the huge amounts of money going place to place, to keep countries indebted to one group or another. And what of the production facilities which have their beginnings in this county, but have been bought up by foreign entities, and the more recent trend of eliminating all production means in this country and sending those jobs to countries which are more concerned with getting more at the expense of their own people, the companies' incentives to get those countries to limit the worker's ability to prevent abusive practices because the cost may be a little more than they want to pay. Or how, by keeping the same prices here, but not the jobs, the ability of the individual to pay for goods is undermined while the same corparations are giving millions in rewards to their top management, and the lowest paid employee can't even get a decent pay raise.

Two of the largest economies, japan and germany, are rapidly buying up american industry. We fought a world war to take them both down after they became aggressive towards other nations, now, we owe them billions which is going out of this country at the expense of the US as a whole. and there is no end in sight. The question now is, how long before this nation is bankrupt financially? And which countries will make us their slaves just to eat at any time they choose?

When will this nation's leaders put a stop to the draining of this nation so a priveledged few can continue to live in luxury at the expense of the rest of the country poulation which will soon be unable to even buy food for themselves?
FACT: The privately owned Federal Reserve charges the American people over $47 million dollars in interest every hour. EVERY HOUR!

As previously stated, the Federal Reserve is not part of our government, but is instead a privately owned corporation that makes incredible profits off of the money that they lend to our country in interest. And as our country is further strangled by the debt to these international bankers, the government continues to steal our money through increased taxation.

The end result is a form of enslavement enacted on the American people by a cabal of Globalists lurking in the shadows.

To save our nation, we must destroy the Federal Reserve System; and then default on that portion of our national debt owed to these international bankers. If we fail to eliminate the Federal Reserve or to get the "Controllers" out of our financial affairs, then it won't matter what else we do because they'll still have an iron grip on our money supply.
I am going to list a mix of current information and psychic predictions for the World War that is supposed to occur within the next 3 years involving China, Libya, Syria, USA, Russia, and a few others.

All of the psychic sources that I will be using are TRUE psychics who have been tested over time and who have proven themselves time and time again.

I think alot of people will enjoy the information that I will be posting in this thread, but I must warn you, it can be a little scary at first, so brace yourselves for some of the events we have coming ahead.
- The key is not to scare you, but to instead prepare your mind for the changes that we will soon be facing. I am putting this information out there because there is no way that I could keep this all to myself without allowing other people the chance to see whats coming.

Oh, please. There is no such thing as a true psychic. I doubt that these people have truly been scientifically tested. Their “success rate” does not reach statistical significance. Why have so-called psychics never won a state lottery? The Amazing Randi, a person that I greatly respect, still has his Million Dollar Challenge. See and invite your psychics to take the challenge.

As far as I’m concerned, psychics are cruel people who prey on the gullible and desperate. They practically constitute the worst class of people that I know.

Also look at People have been trying to predict wars and the end of the world and similar stuff throughout the ages. All that you have is speculation and superstition. Did you read your horoscope or buy a fortune cookie lately? By the way, Jean Dixon is a quack.
Oh, please. There is no such thing as a true psychic. I doubt that these people have truly been scientifically tested. Their “success rate” does not reach statistical significance. Why have so-called psychics never won a state lottery? The Amazing Randi, a person that I greatly respect, still has his Million Dollar Challenge. See and invite your psychics to take the challenge.

As far as I’m concerned, psychics are cruel people who prey on the gullible and desperate. They practically constitute the worst class of people that I know.

Also look at People have been trying to predict wars and the end of the world and similar stuff throughout the ages. All that you have is speculation and superstition. Did you read your horoscope or buy a fortune cookie lately? By the way, Jean Dixon is a quack.

Well at least you commented on SOMETHING. lol.

Of course I personally disagree with just about everything you said. But I'm sure you already knew that.
Hey mattskramer,

How do you feel about World War 3. Do you think it has already begun? Do you think it's possible? Do you have any idea of what countries may be involved? And do you think that we will win?

Here's another question for you.

If we lost World War 3, what do you think would happen to our country?

As creepy as the scenario of losing World War 3 might be, I'm just curious as to see what your thoughts are on the subject.

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