From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Tim Madel, The Spotlight (March 30, 1992):

Banks are businesses. Businesses have one reason for existence: profit. Everything the business does is in the pursuit of profits."

Anthony Sutton (The Federal Reserve Conspiracy):

"Nothing is more dangerous to the power of the elite than the public discovery and understanding of the private control of the money supply."

H.L. Mencken:

"I feel sorry for the man who, after reading the daily newspaper, goes to bed believing he knows something of what's going on in the World."
India should be our ally in the region. Not pakistan, fuck pakistan, they're practically the enemy. We just lie to ourselves, and musharaff lies to us too. We seem to enjoy it. I was embarrassed when we admonished india for testing.

Be careful not to include the people of Pakistan under your definition of "the enemy".

They are but pawns in their Government's giant chessboard just as the majority of the American people have allowed ourselves to become by not standing up for whats right and forcing a change in the policy of our own distorted system of corruption.
The true terrorists are the international bankers who manipulate our Federal Reserve System for their own personal gain. The Federal Reserve is a prviately-owned corporation (not part of our Federal Government), a nefarious cabal of international financiers who lied, connived and ultimately pried the reins of control over our money supply away from Congress.

If we don't return the creation of our nation's money to Congress as set forth in the Constitution and destroy the Federal Reserve System, it is almost guaranteed that Americal will no longer be a global super-power by the next decade.
Now you know that the Federal Reserve is not part of the Federal Government, nor is it an institution run by the United States Government.

Instead, the Federal Reserve System is an aggregate of private banks owned by international bankers.

Although it is called "Federal", those who created the Federal Reserve took great measures not to call it a "privately owned central bank". Why? Because if they told the truth, the American people would realize that what they instituted was too much like what Karl Marx described in the "Communist Manifesto".

The primary tenet of Communism is a central bank. Thus, "Federal Reserve" (a misnomer) sounds more like a governmental agency, even though the terminology was ultimately used to deceive the people.
In essence, the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE company operated FOR PROFIT where decisions are made behind closed doors and only those who are privy to this process know about the policies beforehand.

Stated differently, since the Federal Reserve is not part of the government, but a private organization OWNED by member banks, they become aware of financial information before everyone else. When they finally make it public (e.g., new interest rated) they're already one-step ahead of the game. Essentially they've rigged the system in their favor.

Picture it like this: How would you like to get a copy of Fortune Magazine or the Wall Street Journal a month before everyone else so you could make a host of financial decisions? Well, that's what these bankers are doing.
Who is the financial gain derived from? The United States Government! And who PAYS via taxes to support our government? We do!

Something sounds fishy about this arrangement. Why? Well, our Constitution, specifically Article 1, Section 8, Subjection 5, gives ONLY Congress the right to "coin Money, and regulate the Value thereof."

How did the Federal Reserve, a private company operated for financial gain and controlled by private stockholders, seize control of this crucially important aspect of our government?

Think about how sinister this is. The Constitution -- the most sacred document of our democracy -- says only Congress can create money. But now we have private bankers, NOT elected officials, handling our money supply and reaping huge, perpetual profits along the way.
For people who are questioning these facts, take a peek at a Washington, DC phone book sometime. Here's what you'll find. The DC phone book is divided into four sections: a) general information, b) residential numbers, c) the Blue Pages -- United States and District of Columbia governmental listings, and d) business listings.

Now, where do you think the Federal Reserve should be included? If you still think its part of the government, then it should be section 3 - the Blue Pages. But no. Guess where it is? It's section 4, under BUSINESS LISTINGS!
For those people still not convinced, how about the simple fact (As quoted by certain senators, politicians, and authors), that the Federal Reserve has never been audited by an independent auditor - EVER!

How many other companies or individuals have been given such carte blanche since 1913 (when it was created)?

In addition, Congress has never investigated the FED. The Federal Reserve determines its own legislation and is not subject to the President or Congress. Although its board members are supposably "appointed" by the President and "approved" by some members of Congress, the core of them come from the inner sanctum of the Wall Street banking elite, and almost all of them belong to the Council on Foreign Relations.

This unrestricted power gives the FED a virtual monopoly over our financial matters, allowing them to control interest rates and the size of our national money supply.
Again, The FED lends money to our government, at interest, and then demands repayment. How does that happen? Well, the government instituted a little thing called the Income Tax whereby they take money from our paychecks. And the more money they owe the international bankers, the more they pinch from our checks.

Take a look at the percentage of our income that has been subject to taxation over the past nine decades. Have taxes gone up or come down? We all know the answer to that one -- UP!

Finally, now that we've learned that this disastrous situation is actually true, we need to ask ourselves (if you haven't already), why doesn't the media or at least our college professor tell us about it?

The answer is simple. Every member of the mainstream media (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, Time Magazine, the New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report) is owned by vast multinational corporations, and these corporations are owned by whom? You got it -- the international bankers.
In regard to acedemia, universities rely quite heavily on grant money from Foundations and state funding. I'm sorry to say that the international bankers control these foundations too, and that they have the state in their back pockets.

So, is it any wonder that both institutions are mum on the subject of the Federal Reserve corruption? If you were royally biking the American people out of trillions of dollars a year, would you want them to know about it? Hardly.
When this country was founded over two centuries ago, our Founding Fathers realized the importance of being free from outside influences, especially when they realized America's vast financial potential. By pursuing their independence, America was essentially cutting the aristocratic banking families of Europe out of the loop.

In this vein, then, the American Revolution did not take place primarily because of taxation without representation (as we've been taught), but because the European financiers didn't want us to be able to create our own money. By eliminating them and the interest paid on their loans, we didn't allow ourselves to be enslaved by usury and debt. This the American Revolution was actually a battle over who controlled our money!
Regrettably, even though America eventually became a sovereign nation, it didn't take long for the international bankers to get a foothold into our financial matters.

The First Bank of North America was founded in 1781. The most disturbing aspect of this institution was that only 20% of the money used to create it came from the United States Government and 80% of it originated from foreign investors, namely the Rothschilds. Luckily, this bank folded in 1790, and it's charter was not renewed.

But the international bankers didn't give up that easily. When they want something badly enough, the best method to achieve it is through war. So, the War of 1812 was, in essence "designed" by the same financiers to send American businesses into chaos so that they'd be forced to form a 2nd Bank of North America. But due to our hearty nature, the going was tough for those who wanted to infiltrate and corrupt our financial matters. This was particularly true when the "Controllers" came up against President Andrew Jackson, who staunchly opposed any notion of a central bank.
President Andrew Jackson, who was truly one of the greatest Presidents in our country's history, became such a bane to the international bankers that he was the first Commander-in-Chief to be the target of an assassin. The gunman who tried to kill him was Richard Lawrence, who acted as an agent for the European banking institutions.

Unwilling to abate their efforts to control our money, the Rothschild brothers wrote a letter in 1863 that described the American populace as "the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that Capital derives from the system..."

It sounds like they had plenty of respect for us, huh? About as much as they have for us today, which doesn't say a whole lot.
At that point, the Rothschilds were getting so desperate to get a piece of our pie, that they resorted to a horrendously despicable act to tear our country apart.

What did they do? Well, they set forces into action that began our Civil War in the 1860's. Now most people aren't aware of this fact, but a group of Rothschild agents in the United States began giving money to both sides -- The Union and the Confederates -- to get each sector of the country deeply indebted to them. Their ultimate plan was to have the South secede from the Union, and then to let each new country rip itself apart to such an extent that they'd be in dept up to their ears.

Finally, when the bloodshed ended, both new severed, decimated countries ended up crawling on their hands and knees to the Rothschild boys to borrow even MORE money to rebuild. The result was vast amounts of debt, and this is how the control finally ended up shifting from us to them.
When the 20th century began, it was estimated that the Rothschild family owned HALF of the World's total wealth. Think about that for a moment. One family possessed half of everything in the World.

Considering that the Rothschilds were ruthless bankers with a penchant for having things go their way, do you think it's safe to say that they had some input on what was going on in the World?

Using pratices that were stolen from the Knights Templar, the Rothschilds perfected their banking system on a local level in Europe; and then transported it globally to be implemented in various parts of the World. They did this by using secret agents who were paid off via loans, salaries, or appointed positions within a company. Some of the men utilized to undermine our country were Jacob Schiff, J.P. Morgan and Paul Warburg, whose incredible accumulation of power in the United States in the late 1800's was mind-boggling.
Here's the way it worked:

The Rothschilds were king of the mountain in Europe, running a majority of the influential banking houses. Then, setting their sights on America, they sent Paul Warburg to our country where he began laying the groundwork to create a central bank patterned after the German Reichbank.

Another German to enter this equation was an Illuminati member named Jacob Schiff. Schiff came to America for the sole purpose of getting control of our financial system. Serving as a direct tool of the Rothschilds, he soon became head of the banking firm Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

More important, Jacob Schiff began laying an octopus-like network that connected bankers like J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, and the Rockefeller family. One of the perks of being involved in this cabal was access to the Rothschilds money, which was demonstrated by the Rockefellers, whose first loans in the 19th century came from the National City Bank in Clevelend.

Guess who owned the National City Bank in Clevelend (and two others) at that time? Yup, the Rothschilds. Over time, these agents, especially J.P. Morgan and Co., ran practicly all the banking, oil, steel, and business that took place in America.
At this point, some people reading this might be saying, "Oh well, thats just American Capitalism at work." And y'know, they'd have a point about that if everything was done above board. But these Rothschild-led agents didn't play fairly. Rules didn't matter to them. All they cared about was more power, wealth and influence. So they manipulated industry, commerce, and especially the financial markets.

A perfect example is the Panic of 1907, which was deliberately set into motion by J.P. Morgan's banks and the Rockefeller/Standard Oil people. While thousands of "little people" lost everything they had to this artificially created collapse, the bankers who implemented it reaped enormous rewards due to inside information and foreknowledge. Thus, a few men became even wealthier than they already were, while the majority of helpless citizens were wiped-out.

But the final blow came when certain people ("moles") started whispering that a central bank was needed to prevent another one of these tragedies from occurring. The stage was finally set for the implementation of the "Federal Reserve" system, which if things don't change soon, might just end up being the downfall of our country and our civilization.

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