From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

I wonder if there will be wwIII. Sometimes I think our leaders will just come to us one day and be like, "Well, we're done. China has nukes pointed at us, and they have all the dollars, we have to do what they want."

That will be it. America done.
As it stands now, the United States Government pays $360 billion dollars a year in interest payments alone -- that's billions - 10% of our entire Federal budget. Worse, the international bankers represent 37% of our national debt, and two banks (Chase Manhattan and Citibank) control 53% of the New York Federal Reserve. Finally, 7 of the top 10 primary shareholders in the Federal Reserve are foreign entities.

In essence what we have are foreign bankers and two Wall Street powerhouses practicly running our country.

Don't the people get it? The President, Congress, and voters don't decide most of what takes place in the United States of America. Foreign bankers and two financial corporations are almost in charge of our entire countries destiny! That is the sick reality of our situation. And I guarantee people, not one thing will change until we get these "Controllers" out of our pockets.
Daddy Warbucks himself, Mr. James Warburg, who was the primary architect of America's Federal Reserve Act in 1913, admitted to Nation magazine on February 3rd, 1932 (right before his death): "I have studied finance and economic and international trade all my life, and now after these recent events, I have come to the conclusion that I know nothing about any of them."

With this quote in mind, I'd like to lay out a little more evidence as to why the Federal Reserve is the most damaging institution in America, and how its primary goal is to continue to grow larger in stature by stealing increased amounts of our hard-earned money.

As stated before, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned for-profit organization that is operated by the richest men in the World, and it is NOT a part of the Federal Government.

These financiers are so arrogant in their positions of power that J.P. Morgan once said of the American people, "God would not have created sheep unless he intended them to be shorn."

I'm sure you can recognize the symbolism -- we're the sheep, the wool being shorn is our money, and they've assumed the role of "Banker-Gods". Not kidding folks. This is how they view themselves.
Daddy Warbucks himself, Mr. James Warburg, who was the primary architect of America's Federal Reserve Act in 1913, admitted to Nation magazine on February 3rd, 1932 (right before his death): "I have studied finance and economic and international trade all my life, and now after these recent events, I have come to the conclusion that I know nothing about any of them."

With this quote in mind, I'd like to lay out a little more evidence as to why the Federal Reserve is the most damaging institution in America, and how its primary goal is to continue to grow larger in stature by stealing increased amounts of our hard-earned money.

As stated before, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned for-profit organization that is operated by the richest men in the World, and it is NOT a part of the Federal Government.

These financiers are so arrogant in their positions of power that J.P. Morgan once said of the American people, "God would not have created sheep unless he intended them to be shorn."

I'm sure you can recognize the symbolism -- we're the sheep, the wool being shorn is our money, and they've assumed the role of "Banker-Gods". Not kidding folks. This is how they view themselves.

The people who could make a difference are already paid off.
Folks, to truly understand what is causing the ills in our society, we need to begin with the Federal Reserve. Why? Well, because, as Robert Hemphil, former Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve bank in Atlanta said in his testimony before the Senate, "It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon."

The men who founded this nation, many of them quite wealthy, were well aware of how dangerous a centralized bank was. In fact, one of the primary motives behind the American Revolution was our Founding Father's hatred of the Bank of England and how they could "create" notes out of thin air (using the principles of fractional banking); then tax their subjects without giving them proper representation.

Does this scenario sound familiar to our current situation in America? The biggest difference, though, is that people during that time only paid 5% of their income to the Crown. Today, a gainfully employed homeowner has approximately 48% of their total income taxed in one form or another. President Thomas Jefferson was so outraged by this concept that he said, "The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution."
The people who could make a difference are already paid off.

Maybe so Rtwng, because many people who are paid to influence public opinion will naturally dismiss this information by calling it "conspiracy theory". But the logical point they can't argue against is that FACTS aren't theories! We can prove that the Federal Reserve is privately owned. We can prove who the primary shareholders are. And we can prove how detrimental it is to the prosperity of this country.
To really get a grasp on how detrimental the Federal Reserve is to our country, we need to look at the basics of banking, usury, and specifically this question: Where does the money come from?

Author Peter Kershaw provides one of the best overviews of this phenomenon. The following is a simple step-by-step look at how our monetary system works.

1. To create new currency, the Fed orders "notes" from the Department of Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

2. This Bureau prints the money, and subsequently puts it into circulation.

3. Meanwhile, this same money is also "loaned" to the U.S. Government, who promises to pay back their debt to the Fed.

4. As collateral for the loan, our Congress puts up the land, labor and assets of the American people. (It's very nice of them to pledge OUR property and services, don't you think?)

5. Finally, to pay back this loan, a little system was instituted where money is taken directly from our paychecks before we ever have a chance to get our hands on it. It's called taxation.
The most glaring question at this point is: who do you think gets the raw end of the deal? The international bankers? Nah - the last time I checked, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Rothschilds were still prominent members of their leisure class.

How about the Federal Reserve? Well, they rake in over a trillion dollars in income a year. Plus they're exempt from paying taxes on this income! Add that to the fact that they have never been completely audited once since their inception in 1913, and you begin to realize that they have themselves a pritty sweet little deal going on. Nope. They don't seem to be hurting any.

What about the President, Congressmen, and high-level administrators at the Treasury and IRS? Do they feel the pinch? Hardly - they're all pulling six-figure salaries (or more), enjoy lavish expense accounts, and they have chauffeurs driving them to work every morning.

So, who does that leave as the scapegoat - the one who bears the brunt of this system? You guessed it - the American taxpayers! Do you think we should look into changing this system? I mean, there's a lot more of US than there is of THEM!
Maybe so Rtwng, because many people who are paid to influence public opinion will naturally dismiss this information by calling it "conspiracy theory". But the logical point they can't argue against is that FACTS aren't theories! We can prove that the Federal Reserve is privately owned. We can prove who the primary shareholders are. And we can prove how detrimental it is to the prosperity of this country.

This is all just considered "anti-semitism"
So, to continue on, the next time it is determined that we need more money in circulation, the Fed essentially creates it out of thin air, and we become the indentured servants that have to pay off these debts. What occurs is that a culture of total fiscal irresponsibility results, which, of course, is in the Controllers best interest because it means that we need to borrow even more money from them. How so? Well, let's look at our elected leaders in terms of simple psychology.

When they borrow and spend someone elses money and don't have to pay it back from their own pockets, what motivation do they have to be frugal? Even worse, they get paid very well to spend this money regardless of whether they successfully balance their budgets or not. If this were the business World, every one of them would be fired on the spot. And finally, to add insult to injury, these shysters even get to determine their own salaries, and how much their next pay raise will be! Boy..I bet most people wish that they could to that huh? Does something seem a little unbalanced with this equation?

And while all this nonsense is taking place, what do we all do? We work forty or fifty hours a week, then we get a paycheck that has been raped and pillaged by the very same people that dine on filet mignon and charge it off on their expense accounts. And as you stare in disbelief at your pay stub, can you hear their mocking laughter from Washington D.C., New York City, and other financial centers in Europe?
I guess it's similar to engaging Islamic radicalism-----the old "stirring up a wasp nest" theory. If you confront an enemy you create more of em.

Yeah. WHy do such hawkish republicans switch to an appeasement strategy with china?

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