From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Here are some other VERY interesting facts about the Carlyle Group that I recommend none of you skip over.....

1. In the early 1990's, the Carlyle Group decided to give a struggling businessman a job. Can you guess which businessman that was? It was our current President, George W. Bush, and they didn't just start this man at the bottom, no no, they put this man on the board of one of their subsidiaries - CarterAir.

The Carlyle group kept George Bush employed with their organization until he was "selected" for his job as Governor of Texas.

2. After our current President (George W. Bush) became Governor of Texas, he appointed a group which controlled the money invested by the Texas Teacher's Pension Fund to invest $100 million dollars into the Carlyle Group (Don't forget that George Bush Sr. has been employed by the Carlyle Group as well.)

3. In December of 2001, guess who met with the Bin Laden family (A family that was being investigated by the FBI because of their connection to Osama Bin Laden)? Can you guess who it was? It was George Bush Sr.! And what, might I ask, was George Bush Sr. doing meeting for business with the Bin Laden family after spending the night at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? So soon after the horrendous attacks of 9/11?

Kinda makes a person wonder.....

4. Osama Bin Laden's family, who had invested more than $2,000,000 into the Carlyle Group, mysteriously pulled out all of their investment money in October of 2001. Only a few weeks after 9/11.

(Hmmm....could it be because they wanted to cover their tracks in case of fingers being pointed at them relating to the September 11 terrorist attacks?)

So there we have it folks, George Bush Sr (Who was once our President), doing business with the Bin Laden family for over 30 years. And is/has been a member of the Carlyle Group. George W. Bush, our current President, who has been re-elected again to wreak havoc in our country, has also been employed by the Carlyle Group, and has invested money in them as well. Then we have the Bin Laden Family, who's family member just so happens to be one of the most well known terrorists in the World, who has invested millions into the Carlyle Group as well.

So....let me get this straight. The Bush Family, the Bin-Laden family, business partners, and the Carlyle Group. Coincidence? I think not. I mean for crying out loud....what else does this group need to do to prove how tied in it is with our countries policies? And how corrupt it is as well?
At this point in time, it's important for the American people to realize that we are losing entirely the ability to have a say so in determining who our next President will be.

How can I make such a drastic statement? Well, economists generally agree that if 55% or more of a given market is controlled by four or fewer companies, then an oligopoly exists.

An oligopoly is defined as "control by a few competing sellers of the amount and price of a given product or service to a large number of buyers. Thus, in regard to the "selection" (as opposed to "election) of our President, there are now only about three primary organizations which determine not only who is chosen for that office, but also it's Cabinet and policies.

And what are the three organizations I am speaking of? They are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergs.

So in this sense, the United States has gone from being a democracy to that of an oligopoly. Ane we've become the bamboozled "buyers" who are getting suckered by the illusion provided to us by the "sellers".
At this point in time, it's important for the American people to realize that they are losing entirely their ability to have a say so in determining who our next President will be.

How can I make such a drastic statement? Well, economists generally agree that if 55% or more of a given market is controlled by four or fewer companies, then an oligopoly exists.

An oligopoly is defined as "control by a few competing sellers of the amount and price of a given product or service to a large number of buyers. Thus, in regard to the "selection" (as opposed to "election) of our President, there are now only about three primary organizations which determine not only who is chosen for that office, but also it's Cabinet and policies.

And what are the three organizations I am speaking of? They are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergs.

So in this sense, the United States has gone from being a democracy to that of an oligopoly. And we've become the bamboozled "buyers" who are getting suckered by the illusion provided to us by the "sellers".
In this next section I plan on laying the groundwork for how the above three organizations have controlled the Executive Office from the Nixon and Carter administrations all the way up to our current one. The most disturbing aspect of this phenomenon is the virtual lock that these groups have on our highest office.

Lets start with the Council on Foreign Relations.

The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) was formed in 1921, and one of its early influential members, Colonel Edward Mandell House, Chief Adviser to President Wilson, exerted an extremely heavy hand on three policy areas that America is still suffering from today. These are:

1. The establishment of a Federal Income Tax.

2. The establishment of the Federal Reserve System.

3. Our enrty into the League of Nations (a precursor to the United Nations).

Two of the main financial contributors to the CFR were the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations. The CFR became such an important force in American politics that ever since the early 1940's virtually every candidate for President has been a member.
The Council on Foreign Relation's primary goals are to:

1. Establish a single government with global power.

2. Eliminate national boundaries.

3. Increase the United Nation's domain.

To support this point, Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former Judge Advocate of the Navy from 1956-1960, commented:

"The purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful and one-world government is the only objective revealed to about 95% of the 1,551 members in 1975."

The Wall Street Journal stated in its Notable and Quotable section on April 10, 1991:

"In the postwar years, the Council on Foreign Relations has continued to represent an invaluable way for many Washingtons to tap the enormously important New York business and intellectual community."
So what does all this mean? The answer is very important because the "supposed" elected leaders that we place in Washington, DC don't really make the decisions that affect our lives. Rather, the real shots are called in places like New York City, and even Europe. Thus, the direction that our government takes isn't truly determined in the halls of Congress or in the Oval Office, but instead in New York City by international bankers and the heads of multinational businesses.

This, I'm sorry to say, is the key to power in our country.

The trend to filling an Administration's cabinet with CFR members is startling, as the numbers below reveal:

President Nixon's cabinet - 115 CFR members.

President Carter's cabinet - 284 CFR members.

President Reagan's cabinet - 257 CFR members.

President Bush's cabinet - 382 CFR members.

President Clinton's cabinet - 17 of his top 19 Cabinet members were either CFR or Trilateral Commission members.
Now I would like to go over the second evil group in this section known as the Bilderberg Group.

In May of 1954 came the first official meeting of the next organisation called the Bilderberg Group, which was named after the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, where that opening meeting took place.

Bil or Bel was also the Sun God of the Phoenicians. The word "Bilderberg" translates as "Bel of the rock" or "Bel of the mountain".

The Bilderberg Group was chaired from 1954 to 1976 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who was a former Nazi SS officer and German spy working for the NW7 intelligence department operating within the unspeakable chemical giant, I.G. Farben, which ran the Auchwitz Concentration Camp which is responsible for the mass murder of Jews.

Prince Bernhard (The German spy), who married into the Dutch Royal Family, just as William of Orange had done, is a blood relative and friend of Britain's Prince Philip.
The Bilderberg Group (just like the CFR and the Trilateral Commission), has amongst it's members the top people in global, banking, business, media, military, intelligence agencies, education, and politics.

A look at some of the people who attended the first Bilderberg Meeting is a perfect example of the sort of people we are talking about. The chairman was Prince Bernhard, the husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, who has herself been a regular Bilderberg Attendee. Queen Beatrix, has been another Bilderberg Promoter.

Other Bilderberg chairmen have included sir Alex Douglas Hume, one of the Elite Scottish bloodlines and a former British Prime Minister, and another British aristocratic bloodline, Lord Carrington, who became chairman in 1991.

Prince Bernhard was head-hunted to be the chairman by Lord Victor Rothschild, another spy, and a conman of colossal proportion. He was also one of the major manipulators of the 20th century.

Other attendees of the first Bilderberg Meeting included none other than David Rockefeller (A jackass and evil man of the highest multitude), Dean Rusk - who was head of the Rockefeller Foundation and was Secretary of State under President John F. Kennedy, Joseph E. Johnson, US Secretary for the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey, the British Labour Party Minister of Defense from 1964-1970, and Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974-1979; as well as Lord Boothbym who worked with Winston Churchill on the unification of Europe, later known as the European Union.
It was obvious from the first that the success of the meetings would depend primarily on the level of the participants. Leading figures from many fields - industry, labor, education, government, etc. - are invited, who, through their special knowledge or experience, can help to further Bilderberg objectives. Objectives which in reality have appeared to be purely dark and sinister.

Over the years, Bilderberg participants have come from the NATO countries, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, and Finland, and have included prominent individuals such as Dean Rusk, Christian A. Herter, Maurice Faure, Franz-Josef Strauss, Amitore Fanfani, Panayotis Pipinelis, Reginald Maudling, the late Hugh Gaitskell, Omer Becu, Guy Mollet, the late Michael Ross, Herman Abs, C. L. Sulzberger, Joseph Harsch, and T. M. Terkelsen. Individuals with international responsibilities have also participated, among them being Gen. Alfred Gruenther, Lord Ismay, Eugene Black, Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, Paul-Henry Spaak, and the late Per Jacobsson.

Bilderberg meetings are held at irregular intervals, but have taken place once or twice a year since 1954.
The Bilderberg meetings are highly secret, and are held at random times each year, and rarely at the same location, for security reasons. The responsibility for security for these meetings is in the hands of the government of the country in which the meetings are held. They must supply military security, secret service, national and local police, and private security personnel to protect the privacy and safety of these very powerful international Elite members who are not required to conform to regulations that private citizens are subject-to, such as customs searches, visa requirements, or public notice of their meetings. When they meet, no "outsiders" are allowed in or near the building. They bring their own cooks, waiters, telephone operators, housekeepers, and bodyguards.

The Bilderberg membership is made up of Kings, Queens, Princes, Chancellors, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers, news media executives, and wealthy industrialist. Their meetings are by "invitation only", and no "outsiders" in the news media are allowed, except by special invitation.
However, just because the news media is not allowed to be present at Bilderberg meetings, does not mean that people who ARE PART of the media haven't attended Bilderberg meetings and been members of the Bilderberg Group themselves.

For example, all of these people related to the media have attended a Bilderberg meeting before:

Peter Jennings (BB, Anchor & Senior Editor of ABC News, World News Tonight), Joseph C. Harsch (BB, CFR, former Commentator for NBC, Inc.), Bill D. Moyers (BB, Executive Director of Public Affairs TV, Inc., former Director of the CFR), William F. Buckley, Jr. (BB, CFR, Editor-in-Chief of National Review, and host of PBS’s Firing Line), Gerald Piel (BB, CFR, former Chairman of Scientific America, Inc.), Henry Anatole Grunwald (BB, CFR, former Editor-in-Chief of Time, Inc.), Mortimer B. Zuckerman (BB, CFR, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of the US News, and World Report, New York Daily News, and Atlantic Monthly), Robert L. Bartley (BB, CFR, TC, Vice President of the Wall Street Journal), Peter Robert Kann (BB, CFR, Chairman & CEO of Dow Jones & Company, and husband of Karen E. House, CFR), William Kristol (BB, Editor & Publisher of the new The Weekly Standard magazine), Donald (Don) C. Cook (BB, CFR, former European Diplomatic Correspondent for the Los Angeles Times), Robert Leroy Bartley (BB, CFR, TC, Vice President of the Wall Street Journal), Albert J. Wohlstetter (BB, CFR, writer for the Wall Street Journal), Thomas L. Friedman (BB, CFR, TC, Columnist for the New York Times), and the "Queen" of the Elite - (deceased) Katharine Graham (BB, CFR, TC, Owner, and Chairwoman of the Executive Committee of the Washington Post). The 1998 meeting included Leslie Stahl, of CBS’ 60 Minutes.

Even though the media moguls attend these secret meetings, they do not file reports about the Elite Bilderberg activities during their meetings.
Don't people find it very strange and uncomfortable that American and European financiers, manufacturers, media moguls and politicians are meeting at remote luxury resorts every year, and that they allow only "loyal staff" to remain on the job, as well as the fact that they empty the establishment of all others, employ platoons of police, military and their own private security in order to seal themselves off?

The Bilderberg Group has tried to keep it's meetings secret for 45 years. Thats not a good thing.

Bilderbergers are greatly disturbed over the growing public knowledge of their control of the world and of resistance to their schemes for a global government as nationalism grows around the world.

Bilderberg was instrumental in tearing down Jean-Marie Le Pen, who founded France's National Front. The French-first party has stunned the Establishment by regularly capturing 15 percent of the vote in that nation.

Expecting recession, Bilderberg feared Le Pen and "nationalists" from other countries would interfere with their goals as they fight to protect their domestic industries from exploitation.
The Bilderberg Group shares common goals with the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Proof of such goals would include their "Globalization summit" called for by Peter D. Sutherland, head of Goldman Sachs International.

Bilderberg is an extremely influential lobbying group. The organisers have a hidden agenda, which is namely the accumulation of wealth and power into their own hands whilst explaining to the participants that globalisation is for the good of all.

The ideology put forward at the Bilderberg conferences is that what's good for banking and big business is good for the mere mortals of the world. Silently banished are the critical voices, those that might point out that debt is spiralling out of control, that wealth is being sucked away from ordinary people and into the hands of the faceless corporate institutions, that millions are dying as a direct result of the global heavyweight Rockefeller/Rothschild economic strategies.
When looking at one of the (partially reliable) participant lists it should be remembered that quite a number of participants are invited in an attempt to get them on-board the globalisation project. These are carefully selected people of influence, who have been openly critical of globalisation. Examples are Jonathan Porritt (Bilderberg 1999) and Will Hutton (Bilderberg 1997) but there are many others. Most of these kinds of participants are happy to speak about the conference afterwards, and may even be refreshingly critical.

The Bilderberg organisers are accepted by those 'in the know' as the prophets of Capitalism.

Will Hutton, deputy Editor of The Observer newspaper in London and left-leaning Economist, described private clubs of the elite as masterminded by 'The High Priests of Globalisation'.

The ecclesiastical allusion is not accidental. The Bilderberg high-priests are a force against good, out to wipe morality from the earth. For the organisers Bilderberg Conferences are an annual ideological assault by the world's most power-hungry people. Not content with owning unimaginable amounts of money and property they want to use that wealth to acquire even more power for themselves. Power is the most dangerous and addictive drugs known to man. Will the craving be satisfied when a handful of men own and control everything on earth?
The perverse objective of the Bilderberg Steering Group is to dress totalitarian ideology up to appear rational and push it out, unattributable, for mass consumption under Chatham House rules. Meanwhile, outside the Bilder-bubble, 'god-is-money' globalisation is the new religion. The greedy are given a pat on the back as they plunder both the earth and do their best to destroy the human spirit.

The Bilderberg Group has been said to be involved in the repossession of homes that men and women have worked a lifetime for.

Also, because of the Bilderberg Group, there could be renewed calls for the UN to be able to directly tax all people. In the past, Bilderberg has proposed a UN levy on International travel and on the oil at the wellhead, so that all who travel or drive will be taxed.

One can't help but wonder, when the Bilderberg organisers, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger and the rest have completed their project of enclosing all global goods and services into their own hands, enclosing too the media to stop people freely discussing what they are up to. What then?? What happens when the men who would be gods turn out to be the global devils?
Well I'll be damned.....

It looks like CNN actually had the balls to go and do a mini-story on the Bilderberg Group.

Not that I would call it excellent journalism at all, in fact, they barely did any digging. Actually, I would say that they appear to know very little at all about the group....even less so than the common researcher.

However, it is a good thing that CNN ran this story, because it shows that these kinds of issues are actually starting to make it to national television.

Click on the link below to watch the CNN story on the Bilderbergs for yourself:

Alright and lastly for this section I would like to go over the group known as the Trilateral Commission.

This group, the Trilateral Commission, was formed in 1973 by Zbigniew Brzezinsky and David Rockefeller, and it is at the top of the "financial brotherhood".

Regrettably, the Executive Branch is below them.

Antony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood both provide an excellent description of this group in Trilaterals Over Washington:

1. The Trilateral Commission was formed primarily by David Rockefeller.

2. Its members are chosen by David Rockefeller and four assistants.

3. They're financed by David Rockefeller and the Kettering and Ford foundations.

State the authors: "Without being accused of hastiness or bias, one can reasonably conclude that David Rockefeller is the power behind the Trilateral Commission and that he presumably stands to gain the most from its activities.

"The essential point to hold in that a global multinational corporation (Chase Manhattan owned by David Rockefeller) is in control of a power vehicle that controls the United States government. In 1976 the American voter thought they had elected Jimmy Carter. In fact, they elected Chase Manhattan."
In mind-April, 2002, the Trilateral Commission met for four days at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. As in their custom, this highly influential group of World leaders from North America, Japan, and Europe plotted ways to promote their Globalist agenda. Some of the items on their list were:

* America's upcoming invasion of Iraq, and how to lure Europe and other Asian nations into supporting the War Machine.

* The need to further create a multinational financial octopus, with the United Nations as the head of a one-World government.

* A decision to keep pumping money, computers, and technology into China, bolstering them as the next premier global superpower.

* A decision to funnel more American aid to "under-exploited" foreign countries, leading the way for the implementation of a World Tax.

* Prevention of the Israeli/Palestinian war from turning into a complete powder keg, thus endangering our Middle Eastern oil supplies.

Boy. What a list hey? And since then, almost all of these things have pritty much come true. And these bastards have been doing them right under all of our noses!
For all those who are curious about who was at the corrupt Trilateral Commission meeting in 2002, here's the list of those who attended:

* David Rockefeller - Overlord, Chase Manhattan Bank

* Paul Volcker - Former Chairman, Federal Reserve

* Charles Robb - Former Senator

* Robert McNamara - Former Secretary of Defense

* Kenneth Lay - Former CEO, Enron

* Henry Kissinger - Former Secretary of State

* Winston Lord - Former China Ambassador

* David Gergen - Editor, U.S. News and World Report

* Zbigniew Brzezinski - Former Head of National Security, and Trilateral Commission co-founder

* Madeline Albright - Former Secretary of State

* John Deutch - Former Director, CIA

* Richard Holbrook - Former U.S. Ambassador to U.N.

* Harold Brown - Former Secretary of Defense

* Strobe Talbott - Former Under Secretary of State

* Tom Foley - Former Speaker of the House
In addition to those in attendance at the 2002 Trilateral Commission meeting was also the head of Goldman-Sachs International, one of the ten firms that hold the most stock in America's Federal Reserve System.

Also, there were other representatives from:

* Funji Xerox

* Germany (the U.S. Ambassador)

* Georgetown (professor)

* Washington Post (columnist)

* Archer-Daniels Midland (chair)

* Club of Rome (president)

* International Monetary Fund (managing director)

* Canada - UK (former High Commissioner)

* British Parliament (member)

* AFL-CIO (NITE branch - president emeritus)

* Federal Reserve (president)

* Levi-Strauss (chair)

* Rothschild & Sons (director)

* Citicorp, which owns 22% of NYFR stock (vice chair)

* Institution of Global Economics, Seoul (CEO)

* Mexican government (Former President, and Minister of Trade)

* Irish contingency of government (former Senator)

* Xerox (former CEO)

Forum List
