From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Here is some information published by Robert Goldsborough, President of the American Research Foundation that was provided to him by Mark Jones in 1992:

"Just four men, through their interlocking directorates on boards of large corporations and major banks, controlled the movement of capital and the creation of debt in America."

And so let me guess guys, some of you are thinking, so what about a guy who's name is Mark Jones and who nobody knows about? So what? Why should we care what some Mark Jones has to say about the creation of debt in America? Who the hell does he think he is to be telling us about such things?

And thats the part where I come in and say, Mark Jones, prior to disclosing this information for the World, was the financial advisor to John. D. Rockefeller himself!

Kazzzzam. there it is again. That name that keeps popping up hey? Rockefeller, Rockefeller, Rockefeller, Rockefeller. Say it till it hurts guys. Say it till it makes you sick. That family is responsible for more problems that we have in our country today than perhaps any family in modern to recent history.
I'm more concerned about groups such as the Trilateral Commisson, Council on Foreign Realtions etc. Who all have high powered corporate leaders, ex-presidents, Secretaries of state and on and on. The president asked it's members for advice on how to deal with Iraq. Now that's influence in my book and I wanna know more about them instead of blowing them off as a bunch of old had beens. They ain't all just playing for nothing.

Fair enough. And if you do some research and post and unbiased thread that isn't cluttered with a bazillion pages of flood-posting, I'll check it out.
Umm, you opened that door. I just used it. :eusa_hand:

Right---I asked to be called a nutcase by asking a question regarding the Tilateral Commission. I you don't know the answer--stay out of it and let someone who knows better respond. Who was it had the narcisism diagnosis in your family?
Right---I asked to be called a nutcase by asking a question regarding the Tilateral Commission. I you don't know the answer--stay out of it and let someone who knows better respond. Who was it had the narcisism diagnosis in your family?


This is better than a politicle ad on TV....:rofl:
Right---I asked to be called a nutcase by asking a question regarding the Tilateral Commission. I you don't know the answer--stay out of it and let someone who knows better respond. Who was it had the narcisism diagnosis in your family?

No. You opened the door to Nuclear being called a nutcase. Now you've opened the door to your being questioned on reading comprehension.
Right---I asked to be called a nutcase by asking a question regarding the Tilateral Commission. I you don't know the answer--stay out of it and let someone who knows better respond. Who was it had the narcisism diagnosis in your family?

My ex, whom I had sense enough to get away from, sort of how many of us feel about you.

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