From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

So the Controllers keep creating new conflicts and phony issues that split people apart and divert our attention away from them. They get us all so enraged that we actually start to hate each other. Look at the environmentalists versus the businessmen, or the abortionists versus the right-to-lifers. These people rip each other to shreds like dogs. It's sick.

If you really want to know how depraved the Controllers can be, take a look at war. They sit in their insulated offices in Washington, D.C. and send our kids into the jungles and deserts to kill each other....all the while filling the folks back home with so much propaganda that we're standing on the sidelines cheering them on! Can you believe it? Can you believe what they are getting away with?

The Controllers will create an emergency out of thin air to get rid of a troublemaker who threatens their power base, and then manipulate US into doing the dirty work for them. And when it's all been said and done, they'll use those wars to secure their stronghold and become even more powerful and dictatorial.

And all the while our attention is being diverted from what's really going on.
AAAARRRGGGHHHHH! This is madness!!!!! Overflow - Does Not Compute - Division By Zero - Error ,Error

U got enough here for a book - just try and find a publisher:eusa_doh:
Ok so here's a little quiz for you guys....

During every Federal election, do the networks and major newspapers actually send their own reporters and researchers into polling places, scrambling to discern who the potential winners will be so they can be the first to "scoop" their competitors with the election results?


The networks don't compete for vote totals. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and FOX all belong to VNS - the "Voter News Service", which is a consortium of mass media conglomerates that have pooled their resources and have the exclusive right (bestowed by Congress) to count the votes in every state. None of them compete for these votes! They all come from the same source - VNS - located at 225 W. 34th Street in New York City.

In other words, when you watch the "drama" on each of the network broadcasts where they're frantically scrambling to be the first to announce a winner, it's nothing but an illusion. A lie!
VNS compiles ALL the data from every election; then posts it simultaneously for each network, plus the major newspapers. SIMULTANEOUSLY. Which means what? Which means that THEY ALL GET IT AT THE SAME EXACT TIME!

In fact, both Time Magazine (March 2, 1992) and Margaret Sims of the "Federal Elections Commission Report (1994) reported that the six primary members of this group (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and AP) received the EXACT same "exit poll" information at the same time and from the same company.

Folks, that's why these networks can declare a winner in a multitlude of races only one minute after the polls close. The Associated Press (June 1, 2001 page A04) even reported that the above six media organizations renewed their contract with VNS despite the overwhelming corruption of the 2000 presidential election.
Someone may have already asked this, but I dont have the time to read all 81 pages. Why would China want to go to war with us?

These arguements put forth by doomsdayers and conspiratists have so many holes they wouldnt hold air. Its just downright silly.
Do you see what's happening right here? It's all professional wrestling. So why doesn't any major news reporter admit to the American public on election night that there is no drama, no scrambling for data, and no heated competition among them for the election results? You tell me...because it all comes from the same source.

So the answer, regrettably, is that this frantic "professional wrestling" scenario is a technique or excuse that is needed to steal your vote.

And if this is the case, some may ask, why haven't we heard about it before? The answer, quite simply, is that you should have because there are plenty of influential people in the media who know about it, but are simply covering for the the Controllers.

I mean lets be real here folks. The people involved with the media HAVE TO BE aware of votescam. How could they not be? They are either willingly or unwillingly a part of it. And their silence is unforgivable.
Ok so before delving into all this stuff, let's take a few case histories that we can take a good hard look at in order to prove the problems confronting us, but also to find a way to correct this situation. A kill 2 birds with 1 stone kinda thing.

For example, in the 1970 Dade County, Florida election, Jim and Ken Collier, authors of Votescam, found that three minutes after the poles had closed, all of the major networks had already projected the winners in over 250 races! Only one minute after the polls had closed, Channel 7 projected that a certain candidate would not only win, but would receive 96,499 total votes. Well, when the official results were returned, guess how many votes this candidate received? -- 96,499. Channel 7 was 100% accurate only one minute after the voting had ended!
The question we should all be asking ourselves is: How can the networks not only be so accurate, but arrive at these startling projections one to three minutes after the polls close? Think about it. After the voting stations close at 9:00 PM, what needs to be done? Tens of thousands of punch card ballots need to be collected; then they must be fed into a punch card reader.

To read even a few drawers of cards is quite an ordeal, considering all the misfeeds, jams, ect. And after all the cards are read, the data needs to be compiled, organized, printed out, and then transmitted to the television station where it'll be prepped for broadcast. Do you really believe that all of those steps can be completed in one-to-three minutes? Yeah right.
The question we should all be asking ourselves is: How can the networks not only be so accurate, but arrive at these startling projections one to three minutes after the polls close? Think about it. After the voting stations close at 9:00 PM, what needs to be done? Tens of thousands of punch card ballots need to be collected; then they must be fed into a punch card reader.

To read even a few drawers of cards is quite an ordeal, considering all the misfeeds, jams, ect. And after all the cards are read, the data needs to be compiled, organized, printed out, and then transmitted to the television station where it'll be prepped for broadcast. Do you really believe that all of those steps can be completed in one-to-three minutes? Yeah right.

You mean like in 2000? :confused:
The Collier Brothers found it very implausible, so they went to Channel 7 and tried to track down the "super computer" that made these projections only one-to-three minutes after the polls closed, all with 99-100% accuracy. But the first thing they wanted to know was which reporter called in the raw totals to the television studio. They were told that it wasn't a reporter, after all, but a member of the League of Women Voters.

Since only a handful of reporters could be out in the field (considering that this was only an affiliate station), it would seem logical that only a few precincts could be sampled. But how, they wondered, could 99% of the precincts be reporting by 11:00 - only two hours after the polls closed? The League of Women Voters must have been incredibly efficient.

So, the Colliers visited Joyce Deiffenderfer, head of the local League of Women Voters, and asked for a list of all the people who had counted votes on election night (since Channel 7 said that's where they got their results). Realizing that the cat was out of the bag, Ms. Deiffenderfer, in tears, admitted that there weren't any League of Women Voter members in any of the precincts that night. They hadn't counted a single vote, and she said that she didn't "want to get caught up in this thing". within three minutes of the poll's closing, the TV station had projections that were 99-100% accurate, and within two hours, 99% of all the precincts had supposedly reported their results. But it's funny because no one was able to locate the super computer that made the fabulous projections. Nor could anyone be found that even counted or reported the vote counts! I wonder where all the numbers came from?

Another example would be that in 1973, in Florida, Printomatic Voting Machines had been installed to make the entire process run smoother. All of the Printomatic devices have a locked area in back that every election supervisor is supposed to check before the election to insure that all the wheels were set at zero. But all of the keys had been taken away from the supervisors, so none of the totals could be verified. Shortly after the polls opened, the paper rolls began to jam in all the machines, making them inoperable.

Since no one could vote, the backs of each device were eventually opened, and when the paper rollers were pulled out, they all had the final vote totals already printed on them at seven o'clock in the morning! Needless to say, every election volunteer walked off the job.
And folks, if you think that voter fraud only happened during Al Capone's Chicago days, you're seriously mistaken. Here are a few other "tricks of the trade" that these people who run the polls know about:

1. Shave the wheels in the back of a voting device so that they skip ahead.

2. Before the polls open, unlock the back of a voting device and set the total counters ahead for a certain candidate.

3. If a clear ballot box isn't used, stuff it with pre-punched vote cards before the polls open.

4. If a computerized machine is used, unplug it or turn it off so all the previous totals are erased.

5. Finally, the League of Women Voters has been captured on videotape in Florida with pencils and tweezers punching out cards for certain candidates, then shoving them into ballot boxes.

And the list can go on and on.
Another example is during the 1996 Republican Party Primary, where Pat Robertson was beating every other candidate in the early stages of the race, especially Bob Dole and Steve Forbes. Then when he rolled into Arizona with high hopes of another victory that would catapult him toward getting his party's nomination, something very strange happened. The computers broke down!

Yes, VNS had actually declared Buchanan the winner. Karen Johnson, Buchanan's Arizona State Coordinator, got a call from Governor Fife Symington congradulating her on what he called a "decisive" victory. Senator John Mccain also drafted a congradulatory letter, while all three networks and CNN said that Dole would definately finish third, while Forbes took second, and Buchanan won.

Then the computers mysteriously went down. When they came back up, guess what happened? Pat Buchanan ended up a distant third, while Bob Dole won!

When asked about this phenomenon, Buchanan joked about the computers (referring to the "fix" being in), when he said that "They seemed to work better after they brought 'em back!"
As mentioned, VNS is the only American company that counts votes in EVERY Federal election. Ponder this point for a moment. A faceless corporation that at least 95% of the American population probably doesn't even know about or have ever even heard of, is responsible for tabulating our votes.

This service was created by the Big Six in 1964 - one year after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and it is currently run by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and AP. Over the years, VNS has gone through a variety of name changes and it was originally called NES (News Election Services).

When you consider the ramifications of every Presidential , Congressional, and Gubernatorial race, you'll see that VNS is one of the most influential corporations in America. And yet, not many people have ever heard of it before.

How can such a fantastic responsibility be placed in the hands of a company that was developed by a consortium of corporate media conglomerates? The most glaring observation one could make from this situation is: if a faceless, unknown agency (VNS) is the sole vote counter rather than accountable local volunteers in each precinct, is it conceivable that a wealthy politician or political party could clandestinely pay them off to rig an election?

The answer is obvious, especially when so many of the American people don't even know about the existence of VNS.
Robert H. Lande, Professor of Law at the University of Baltimore in a letter (dated October 22, 2000) to the United States Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission on behalf of the American Antitrust Institute, said:

"The Government should file suit to break up the VNS (Voter News Service). Why the uniformity of wrong results? This can be explained by a lack of competition. All of the "competing" major networks are actually colluding with one another, and they call their collusion the VNS. If the six largest manufacturers of automobiles, canned food, or aluminum decided to close existing operations and pool resources to save money, the antitrust enforcement agencies would be after them immediately."
On Monday, November 2, 1988, the night before the off-year elections, ABC News posted hundreds of election results - one whole day before a single person ever placed a vote!!!!!

Now that we know the networks, CNN, FOX, and AP all get their election results from the same source - VNS - we need to ask ourselves, why is there such an emphasis on speed? Speed is the key, at least where the networks are concerned. Why? Because the illusion of reporting "speedy" results is the second piece of the puzzle needed to steal an election.

Here's the typical scenario:

A news anchor appears on your TV screen at one minute after the minute after the polls have closed in a certain part of the country. Naturally, he'll already have some "projections", and he'll even announce some winners - one minute after the polls close.

So they'll rack up their totals, show who is ahead; and focus their attention on one last intangible....those races that are "too close to call". And once you hear those words, you know you're in trouble. Because this is where there is an artificial huge gap in reporting - the lag time - when the news anchor talks to all his "boys" to get their expert opinion.

Of course, not once is the news anchor going to mention that all of their results are coming from VNS. That information isn't important enough for the American people to know I guess.
Then after all that make-believe Bullshit...., what does the news anchor do next folks?

All of a sudden, one of two things happen. First, there are either some "technical difficulties", or else the computer breaks down.

If you don't believe that, think back to the Florida debacle in 2000. After awhile the network head will report either a huge landslide of results with one candidate pulling way ahead, or else the "difficulty" was corrected and there was a drastic turnaround in votes, with the candidate in front falling far behind, or vise versa.

But speed is the key ingredient. While the polling place is closing down one minute after the hour and punch cards or computer data is being transferred to country headquarters, then onward to VNS, none of it can be verified or made official.

A perfect example would be the 2000 Iowa caucus. With over 2,000 polling places, the AP announced a winner one minute after the caucus had opened (not closed) and not one vote had been cast.

Think about how absurd these examples are people. ABC news is reporting election results a day before an election, and the AP is announcing winners before any votes are not only analyzed, but even cast!

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