From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

-kathianne this thread is for serious mined people out to defeat the new world order. maybe you and you playmate could find a more appropriate place for this thanks

Maybe, then again, it's over. *smack* :rofl:
The above scenario about the renegade candidate getting into office is the key to what's happening in the World right now. The Controllers obsess over every aspect of keeping the lid on their scam - from newscasts to mind control to elections. The thought of a renegade candidate who cares about the people and tells them the truth makes them wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, shivering with fear. All it would take is ONE stinking revelation of truth and the whole game is over. Do you get it?!!!! If given the opportunity, one person CAN change the World. If this candidate did speak to us, the Controller's vision of a One World hellish government would go down the drain in a heartbeat.

To combat this scenario from ever coming to fruition, the Controllers need to do one thing - NEVER allow one of those renegade candidates to get into office. So what do they do? They know how sick everyone is of their corrupt "two-party" system. Actually, it's nothing more than one snake with two-heads. So, they rig the election process. This is how the system currently operates. If punch card ballots are used, then after everyone votes and the polls close, the "results" are either taken to county headquarters or shipped directly to VNS....without verification. If voting is done by computer, then the machines are linked directly to the VNS super-computers via phone lines so that they can "interact". Then, minutes after the polls close, the networks project a winner based on supposed exit polls.

Within a day or so everything's swept under the rug, and then they have a month or two to make the actual results jive with the "projections". This, my friends, is called a "fix".
Now, get this. The Florida "hanging chad" debacle in the 2000 presidential election was vitally important for one very calculated reason. It made the voters so sick of punch card ballots that sometime soon a politician in Washington D.C. will come out and claim that they are going to "save" us all by sponsoring a bill that will put computers into every polling place across America. By touting how easy, fast, and reliable these computers are, they'll get the propaganda machine rolling and try to convince us all that this idea will be our salvation.

But when you look past their veil of lies, here's what will happen to put the "fix" in. As things stand now (especially with punch cards or hand ballots), it still takes an enormous amount of people to be corrupted. It takes election supervisors, volunteers, ect. But if we switch to 100% computerized voting, think how easy it'll be to "throw" an election. You'd only need to bribe or pay off one or two programmers in the whole country instead of countless county and party officials.

With one centralized computer existing in an invisible realm with programs that can't be checked due to "trade secrets", we'll never actually have a chance to see our ballots first-hand. We'll simply push a button, send our vote through cyberspace, and then place our TRUST in VNS, sleazy programmers, and the corporate media.
That reminds me of the cartoon in which a little old lady looks up from her “butterfly-ballot” and shouts “BINGO”. I think that to the hurried and careless voter, the ballot may be momentarily confusing, but if voters, who bother to take the time and trouble to vote, would have carefully read and followed the instructions, there would have been practically no difficulty at all.
That reminds me of the cartoon in which a little old lady looks up from her “butterfly-ballot” and shouts “BINGO”. I think that to the hurried and careless voter, the ballot may be momentarily confusing, but if voters, who bother to take the time and trouble to vote, would have carefully read and followed the instructions, there would have been practically no difficulty at all.

this ridiculous assessment of voting machines reminds me of a cartoon
its called GOOFY
this ridiculous assessment of voting machines reminds me of a cartoon
its called GOOFY

lol. Slow down there killer.

From the looks of it, Matt was simply trying to defend written ballots, and is obviously against the idea of going 100% computerized. Or should I say, invisible.
Here are some good solutions for all this nonsense:

1. Instantly abolish VNS and exit polling.

2. If the networks insist on perpetrating the status quo in light of the potential (and outright evidence of) voter fraud, then we should all bring charges of criminal negligence, fraud, and abuse of trust against them; also, we should revoke their broadcast license.

3. If that course of action doesn't work, then we should convict them on the RICO Act for racketeering and conspiracy. The American people could bring a class-action lawsuit against them (similar to the tobacco company cases) for unduly influencing the outcome of an election. If we don't inherently trust the information being fed to us by the networks and corporate media due to their constant lies and manipulation, how can we place our faith in them to be honest with something as important as the election process?

4. We should require positive picture I.D. when voting.

5. We should allow ONLY American citizens to vote.

6. We should change the voting day to Saturday.

7. All the results should be tabulated, verified, and confirmed at EACH POLLING PLACE before they are sent to the county courthouse.

And that's it folks! That's all we would need to do. No rigging, no hanging chads, no telephone lines or unverifiable hidden computer programs. This is all we need to do to put the election of public officials back into the people's hands.
So the big question now guys, is this. Do we want to take these rather simple steps, or do we want to allow the networks and VNS to keep operating as usual? If we do nothing, I GUARANTEE that the long-awaited candidate who tells us the truth may never be given an opportunity to speak. Instead, we'll be stuck with the same crooked politicians that have already sickened us to no end.

Here's the bottom line: The corporate media has to tow a fine line between perpetuating the Controller's lies and trying to maintain their credibility. If we quit believing them, guess what? The show is over! They've lost their ability to influence us any longer.

The media has already lost their credibility if you ask me. But we can finally see through their lies. The Wizard of Oz has been exposed!

Are we going to keep letting them snow us, or will we take steps to elect that candidate who will level with us and get rid of all the corruption? Time is running out.

The New World Order isn't something that's going to happen in the "future". It's already here! It's now or never. Taking back our vote is the first step toward taking back our country.
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."

Joseph Stalin

You trust no one............what a sad state of life.:sad:

Guess my stay-at-home, Mom who was a volunteer poll worker back in the 1950's in our neighborhood for a couple years, was also one of those who decided those who would be elected.

Some how I never pictured my Mom as being one of the conspirators? She just greeted folks, helped them sign-in to vote, and stayed to ungodly hours after the polls closed working for nothing at all, but to be a contributing American citizen.
Nuke: As long as humans exist, there will be some good apples and bad apples in the barrel. We will catch some and some will get away, and spoil more barrels of apples if they can.

Conspirators will exist in realitym but many more will exist in the the over-active, anxious minds of others.

As one famous stateman said a few years before your birth. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." FDR,,,,,,,No doubt you have a conspiratorial file on him to?

Your dictionary sized posts has just exuded with fear of fear itself.

If there are a few good honest men and women to be found, I'm concerned that you couldn't trust them anymore than if they were obvious conspirators of some sort.

Your fears/concerns for our country have consumed you, to such a point that you are completely singular in your focus. Some balance is needed. Can you take the time to metaphorically, "smell the roses", or is that too much of a distraction from your calling?

Speaking of callings, your posting seems to resemble one. Who or what inspired you to call out in such piety, and honesty to the rest of us misinformed, duped, and doomed individuals?

I've never thought that a person could be so consumed with suspicion of human societal life in the conspiratorial vein, that it could far exceed magnitude of my very sick, manic, brother-in-law. My brother-in-law lives a pauper's existence in a little run-down mobile trailer in the Sierra Mountains of California, and he boards-up his front door each night fearing that the FBI, CIA, or the Men in Black will come charging in and accost him. He fears that there's electronic bugs all over his crumbling mobile home. He's certain that there are special spies of some government entity that are watching him in the super market when he's buying Asparagus. The poor guy is absolutely worn-out from being scared of being scared. Voting machines to him are the greatest oportunity for the all-seeing entities to learn more about him. Computers are just tricky devices to peek into his private life, and find out some dark secret that will put him in jail or worse. Life is not to be enjoyed, but to be endured with fear and looking back over one's shoulder.:sad:
Here are some good solutions for all this nonsense:

1. Instantly abolish VNS and exit polling.

2. If the networks insist on perpetrating the status quo in light of the potential (and outright evidence of) voter fraud, then we should all bring charges of criminal negligence, fraud, and abuse of trust against them; also, we should revoke their broadcast license.

3. If that course of action doesn't work, then we should convict them on the RICO Act for racketeering and conspiracy. The American people could bring a class-action lawsuit against them (similar to the tobacco company cases) for unduly influencing the outcome of an election. If we don't inherently trust the information being fed to us by the networks and corporate media due to their constant lies and manipulation, how can we place our faith in them to be honest with something as important as the election process?

4. We should require positive picture I.D. when voting.

5. We should allow ONLY American citizens to vote.

6. We should change the voting day to Saturday.

7. All the results should be tabulated, verified, and confirmed at EACH POLLING PLACE before they are sent to the county courthouse.

And that's it folks! That's all we would need to do. No rigging, no hanging chads, no telephone lines or unverifiable hidden computer programs. This is all we need to do to put the election of public officials back into the people's hands.
I think you're indictment of the news media is way over the top. If you have a problem with a particular publication then sue that publication, but you're lumping every broadcaster and publication into one category: the evil MSM. I work in the heart of one of the main "MSM" broadcasters and I can say with gusto that none of my co-workers is "evil" or has a political agenda by any means. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the morning "vast liberal media conspiracy" meeting so that we can figure out which stories will cause the most harm to Americans today. :eusa_wall: :rolleyes:
You trust no one............what a sad state of life.:sad:

Guess my stay-at-home, Mom who was a volunteer poll worker back in the 1950's in our neighborhood for a couple years, was also one of those who decided those who would be elected.

Some how I never pictured my Mom as being one of the conspirators? She just greeted folks, helped them sign-in to vote, and stayed to ungodly hours after the polls closed working for nothing at all, but to be a contributing American citizen.
Nuke: As long as humans exist, there will be some good apples and bad apples in the barrel. We will catch some and some will get away, and spoil more barrels of apples if they can.

Conspirators will exist in realitym but many more will exist in the the over-active, anxious minds of others.

As one famous stateman said a few years before your birth. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." FDR,,,,,,,No doubt you have a conspiratorial file on him to?

Your dictionary sized posts has just exuded with fear of fear itself.

If there are a few good honest men and women to be found, I'm concerned that you couldn't trust them anymore than if they were obvious conspirators of some sort.

Your fears/concerns for our country have consumed you, to such a point that you are completely singular in your focus. Some balance is needed. Can you take the time to metaphorically, "smell the roses", or is that too much of a distraction from your calling?

Speaking of callings, your posting seems to resemble one. Who or what inspired you to call out in such piety, and honesty to the rest of us misinformed, duped, and doomed individuals?

I've never thought that a person could be so consumed with suspicion of human societal life in the conspiratorial vein, that it could far exceed magnitude of my very sick, manic, brother-in-law. My brother-in-law lives a pauper's existence in a little run-down mobile trailer in the Sierra Mountains of California, and he boards-up his front door each night fearing that the FBI, CIA, or the Men in Black will come charging in and accost him. He fears that there's electronic bugs all over his crumbling mobile home. He's certain that there are special spies of some government entity that are watching him in the super market when he's buying Asparagus. The poor guy is absolutely worn-out from being scared of being scared. Voting machines to him are the greatest oportunity for the all-seeing entities to learn more about him. Computers are just tricky devices to peek into his private life, and find out some dark secret that will put him in jail or worse. Life is not to be enjoyed, but to be endured with fear and looking back over one's shoulder.:sad:

I am speaking for myself here but i also fell reasonably comfortable with speaking on behalf of patriots that are determined to expose and stop globalist forces from creating a one world socialist government .we do not
live in fear. in fact we strive to be fearless,knowing are motives are truth
freedom and justice and in keeping with gods will and evil only has the power we give it. if the men in black show up at the door then thats is gods will
and i have no fear. I am not worn out. I am energized full of hope and ready to do battle i don't live in a boarded up shack and i love the smell of roses in fact my greenhouse is one of my favorite places but i prefer to grow vegetables
i run my own small business i have 3 wonderful children ,a beautiful wife and 3 cats .on the issue of your brother in law like many mentally ill people their delusions are based in reality and are often the result of higher perception.
unfortunately they become fragmented ,confused and illogical the filter is gone and its sensory overload , often they see the great evil in this world but lose sight of god , i could post many declassified documents on secret government projects on mind control and other experiments preformed on the general public ie; Mk ultra or of covert spying on the public via computers
google has announced they can use your computer to watch and listen to you in fact it is even on there media player where you click a box giving premision to use your speakers as a microphone. the technology is without question there. as is echelon 5 and total information awarness ,i could post volumes of quotes from cfr tri lateral commission bilderburg members the UN
Rockefeller's Hearst calling for and stating there intentions to micro chip the population and this project is well underway with chips so small they can be implanted via injection all of this information is fact-I can present it all to you
and somehow you can still deny it, which only makes you the other side of the coin of your brother in law. if feel your correct in your diagnoses of truth seekers and true patriots mental conditions you should be aware that
this view is shared by many top level CIA FBI military officers and scholars.
I think your missing FDR s quote i agree wholly there is nothing to fear but fear its self and we will defeat the new world order

VeriChip Corporation - RFID TagsVeriChip products marked by the “Implantable” icon mean they utilize the implantable, passive RFID microchip, the VeriChip™, in their solutions for the ...

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 ...This website provides responsible criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report by senior military, intelligence and government officials. - 229k - 11 Feb 2007 - Cached - Similar

History of MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control.CIA behavior researcvh MK-Ultra. ... History of MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control. - Started during WWII with research on hypnosis for interrogation, ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

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Quotes from IlluministsQuotes from Illuminists by Wes Penre Updated: Wednesday, February 25, ... George Bush (Illuminati) - as a response to what would happen after the collapse ... - 71k - Cached - Similar pages

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You trust no one............what a sad state of life.:sad:

Guess my stay-at-home, Mom who was a volunteer poll worker back in the 1950's in our neighborhood for a couple years, was also one of those who decided those who would be elected.

Some how I never pictured my Mom as being one of the conspirators? She just greeted folks, helped them sign-in to vote, and stayed to ungodly hours after the polls closed working for nothing at all, but to be a contributing American citizen.
Nuke: As long as humans exist, there will be some good apples and bad apples in the barrel. We will catch some and some will get away, and spoil more barrels of apples if they can.

Conspirators will exist in realitym but many more will exist in the the over-active, anxious minds of others.

As one famous stateman said a few years before your birth. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." FDR,,,,,,,No doubt you have a conspiratorial file on him to?

Your dictionary sized posts has just exuded with fear of fear itself.

If there are a few good honest men and women to be found, I'm concerned that you couldn't trust them anymore than if they were obvious conspirators of some sort.

Your fears/concerns for our country have consumed you, to such a point that you are completely singular in your focus. Some balance is needed. Can you take the time to metaphorically, "smell the roses", or is that too much of a distraction from your calling?

Speaking of callings, your posting seems to resemble one. Who or what inspired you to call out in such piety, and honesty to the rest of us misinformed, duped, and doomed individuals?

I've never thought that a person could be so consumed with suspicion of human societal life in the conspiratorial vein, that it could far exceed magnitude of my very sick, manic, brother-in-law. My brother-in-law lives a pauper's existence in a little run-down mobile trailer in the Sierra Mountains of California, and he boards-up his front door each night fearing that the FBI, CIA, or the Men in Black will come charging in and accost him. He fears that there's electronic bugs all over his crumbling mobile home. He's certain that there are special spies of some government entity that are watching him in the super market when he's buying Asparagus. The poor guy is absolutely worn-out from being scared of being scared. Voting machines to him are the greatest oportunity for the all-seeing entities to learn more about him. Computers are just tricky devices to peek into his private life, and find out some dark secret that will put him in jail or worse. Life is not to be enjoyed, but to be endured with fear and looking back over one's shoulder.:sad:

lol. Thanks again for comparing me to your brother in law Eightball. You just can't seem to get over the fact that I'm not him. lol.

Also, again, if your brother in law would present solid facts as I am doing with this thread, than I would have all the respect for him in the World. But if he's seriously as mentally ill as you claim he is, than why not try and be his friend? Or help him?
"When You're dealing with the networks, you're dealing with a shadowgovernment."

Tim O' Brien, ABC's Supreme Court Correspondent

Folks, I love America, especially the freedom and unlimited potential it represents. I also despise with every ounce of venom in my body the sick evil Satanistic Controllers that are deliberately in the process of destroying this great nation.

Listen to me, folks. Everything that we've come to love in this country -- all of the cherished freedoms and rights -- are about to be slowly taken away from us. This is the real thing, and it's happening right before our very eyes.

The United States has declared war on terrorists, but there's a much more important war taking place that the media isn't telling you about. It's a war between the Globalists, those who want a slavish New World Order, and a group of patriotic Nationalists who love America and want to save it from being destroyed.
Let me ask you all a question. After the atrocity of September 11, we witnessed an outpouring of love by hundreds of thousands of honest, dedicated Americans who would do anything to guard and protect our country. These people are everywhere, and it fills my heart with joy to know that they exist.

By the same token, take a look at things happening in this country and ask yourself, "Do the people running the show have the American people's best interests in mind?" You'll eventually realize that we're being lied to on a daily basis; duped, deceived, manipulated, and undermined by a hidden cadre of Globalists who control our government, media and in many cases even our universities.

If these people want to bolster America, then why aren't be being told the truth about Votescam, AIDS, and scores of other issues?

Why are we allowing our country to be overrun with illegal aliens when we could stop this problem within a week? Why are we allowing trade agreements such as NAFTA to destroy our industrial-based economy? Why are we allowing our votes to be stolen by letting self-serving politicians sit in Washington, DC and watch us be weakened just so they can fatten their wallets?
I'd like to ask you guys another question: Where do you all get your information from about the World around you? Most people would say television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. Well, let me put this revelation in the starkest terms possible. The same people who are destroying our country are those who own just about every single media source that you get your information from.

What does that mean to you? Here's the way I see it. The majority of the people in the mainstream media along with certain members of our government are lying through their teeth to the American people on a daily basis.

It's time for all of us to think for ourselves rather than be conditioned into little obedient automatons.

If you don't buy into how much is being kept from us, take the Bilderbergs for example. The mainstream media never says a word about them! And yet, the people who belong to that group are political leaders, bankers, industrialists, and businessmen! Considering that these men and women are some of the most influential individuals on the planet, you would think that there would be some media coverage of their conferences. But the mainstream media says nothing. It's a total blackout.

Or, as James Tucker said in the now defunct Spotlight newspaper:

"If the world's most popular film stars or football players gathered for a closed-door meeting over the weekend, the press would go crazy, demanding to know what was discussed. But when the world's most powerful private citizens gather in the company of key political figures, there's not the slightest cry of outrage."
What we have here is a handful of people who control vitrually ALL of the information we receive. This system is perpetuated by the FCC, which regulates how many television and radio stations operate in a given area. The lockdown is so complete, that in 1990, only 21 groups controlled the entirety of the printed media; 12 groups controlled all the newspapers, 3 controlled the magazines, and another 6 controlled the mainstream publishing industry.

I guarantee you that these numbers have become even more appalling over the past decade.

Turn on your television and flick through the channels. How many alternatives do you have regarding the news? There is:


The people who dominate the media are part of "The Alibi Club", an elite group of 50 business executives and political officials who have joined together with the "Intelligence" community to influence what we see, hear, and read in the media. This idea is supported by a clandestine program called "Operation Mockingbird" in which the CIA recruited and used mainstream journalists to manipulate the media and directly affect the outcome of elections.

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