From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

As a voice of reason, Noam Chomsky tells us, "If you're rational and honest, you're pretty much excluded from the educated classes, from the privileged classes. Those are the properties (honesty and rationalism) that are very dangerous."

In other words, Noam Chomsky said that if you're a liar, you can progress to the upper echelons of power. But if you're honest, you're seen as a threat to the established order.

On September 10, 2001, America was plunging into a recession; the Gary Condit sex scandal played on every station, crime was on an upswing; the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks were deteriorating; and NAFTA and illegal immigration had many people disgruntled.

One day later, on Septembr 11, our nation was inspired by waves of patriotism, focused on a single act of brutality, and was willing to relinquish many of our civil rights. To fuel us, George W. Bush gave a speech that sent his approval ratings through the roof.

Do you think that life has gotten better or worse since September 11? If you said worse, what are you going to do if things keep going downhill? Also, do you think the Mainstream Media is going to be there to help you along the way, or will they continue to lie on a daily basis? I don't know about you, but I refuse to accept their deceptive practices any longer.
"When You're dealing with the networks, you're dealing with a shadowgovernment."

Tim O' Brien, ABC's Supreme Court Correspondent

Folks, I love America, especially the freedom and unlimited potential it represents. I also despise with every ounce of venom in my body the sick evil Satanistic Controllers that are deliberately in the process of destroying this great nation.

Listen to me, folks. Everything that we've come to love in this country -- all of the cherished freedoms and rights -- are about to be slowly taken away from us. This is the real thing, and it's happening right before our very eyes.

The United States has declared war on terrorists, but there's a much more important war taking place that the media isn't telling you about. It's a war between the Globalists, those who want a slavish New World Order, and a group of patriotic Nationalists who love America and want to save it from being destroyed.

THE NATION is so tiresome cant we just return to talking about those dam Dem's or scandalous neo-cons
or football and celebrities and the flowers and the Bunny's
One of the biggest problems that people who are in the Mainstream Media as well as many of the Controllers themselves tend to suffer from is a propensity to reveal the Controller's motives every once and awhile. So, take a look at what has been said in the past about their own industry and practices:

Richard Salent (former president of CBS News):

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."

Lyndon Johnson (former President of the United States):

"Reporters are puppets. They simply respond to the pull of the most powerful strings."

Bill Moyers (television journalist):

"Most of the news on television is, ultimately, whatever the government says is news."

Johnny Carson: "How much of the national news that you report to the public each night consists of information you've actually gone out and dug up on your own?"

Connie Chung (responding to Johnny's question): "In all honesty, we are often at the mercy of the White House for the news we report. Frequently, we simply report verbatim what the White House tells us."

The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (Marchetti & Marks):

"Only about 20% of the CIA's career employees work on intelligence analysis and information processing. About 2/3 of all CIA funds and manpower are spent on "covert operations", such as the manipulation of public opinion and elections and its mass media manipulation activity."
Excluding home ownership, the wealthiest 10% of Americans own 76% of this nation's net worth. More than half of that is accounted for by the top 1%. These rich elitists also own television stations, newspapers, magazines, Internet news sites, and radio stations.

Whenever I see a preponderance of lies, half-truths, censorship, and steady streams of disinformation in the various media outlets each day, I ask myself, how can these people continue to sell their Souls? How do they possibly look in the mirror after knowingly enabling drug traffickers, murderers, and sexual deviants to get away with their crimes? And I'm not even refering to true-life criminals. I'm talking about politicians, government officials, intelligence operatives, and the Controllers themselves.

How can any member of the mainstream media sleep at night, pat their children on the head, or not cringe with shame when they pass an American flag knowing that a plethora of blatant crimes go unreported each day?
Into the Buzzsaw, an excellent book recently released in 2002 by Prometheus Books and edited by Kristina Borjesson, answers some of these questions.

By giving eighteen journalists a chance to speak freely on a number of issues (as opposed to being muted by the corporate media), this collection shows how the field of professional journalism has lost its fire and why many of its members continue to wallow like yellow-spined lemmings in a pool of aloofness and deceit.

I recommend that everyone try to read this book. Inside of it, you will find out how the CIA has admitted to blatant cases of cocaine trafficking, and yet our fine lily-livered journalists don't have the guts to expose these DRUG DEALERS in a meaningful way. You will also read about the Franklin pedophilia case, how AIDS is a man-made genocidal disease, the Bilderberg secrecy, Votescam, the Federal Reserve deception and theft, and much much more.

But what it all boils down to is this. Many of the devils in positions of power have intimidated the American mass media journalists to such an extent that they now tremble and cover for these killers, drug dealers, and deviants.

Why? Why are they enabling them to get away with this deception? Isn't it time to stand-up and expose these traitors?
Into the Buzzsaw brings to light what those in power want to conceal. When a reporter dares to trespass into forbidden territory - the truth -- they enter the "buzzsaw", which Kristina Borjesson defines as "a powerful system of censorship in this country that is revealed to those reporting on extremely sensitive stories usually having to do with high level government and/or corporate malfeasance."

Bjorjesson continues to describe the "buzzsaw" as "what can rip through you when you try to investigate or expose anything this country's large institutions -- be they corporate or government -- want kept under wraps. The system finally fights back with official lies, disinformation and stonewalling."

"If the reporter or writer in question cannot be silenced, then the media big-wig moguls, who are merely pawns of the multinational corporations and international bankers, use a technique called "marginalization". In other words, when someone gets too close to the truth they are labeled a "conspiracy nut", then they are subjected to a propaganda juggernaut, which Borjesson says happens to "anyone who didn't believe the government officials or the journalists who unquestionably reported what the official said."

She further explains, "If you don't go along with the party line, you're shoved into the margins and eventually out of the picture."
So what does all this mean? It simply means that the media is towing the pary line. If you as a reporter walk outside of the accepted parameters, they will turn on you like bloodthirsty sharks!

Rather than going after the guilty party, they attack the reporter who upset the apple cart. (See Gary Webb and his expose' on how the CIA imported drugs into L.A. during the mid 1980's to start the gang war crack craze).

Philip Weiss reinforces this point by saying that we DO have freedom of speech and freedom of the press in this country, but to combat the dangers inherent to the elite class, it is marginalized by the Controllers to the "fringe".

Weiss goes on to tell us: "Corporate media outlets cannot entertain serious questions about the legitimacy of the powers-that-be, even when spokesmen are shown to lie."

By being comfortable and removed from the streets, isn't it interesting how an entire industry of journalists is enveloped by a corporate framework? The worst part is that most don't even realize the irony of how shackled and enslaved they are.
So what does all this mean? It simply means that the media is towing the pary line. If you as a reporter walk outside of the accepted parameters, they will turn on you like bloodthirsty sharks!

Rather than going after the guilty party, they attack the reporter who upset the apple cart. (See Gary Webb and his expose' on how the CIA imported drugs into L.A. during the mid 1980's to start the gang war crack craze).

Philip Weiss reinforces this point by saying that we DO have freedom of speech and freedom of the press in this country, but to combat the dangers inherent to the elite class, it is marginalized by the Controllers to the "fringe".

Weiss goes on to tell us: "Corporate media outlets cannot entertain serious questions about the legitimacy of the powers-that-be, even when spokesmen are shown to lie."

By being comfortable and removed from the streets, isn't it interesting how an entire industry of journalists is enveloped by a corporate framework? The worst part is that most don't even realize the irony of how shackled and enslaved they are.

Looks like we've rounded the corner and are back to Square One.:confused: We're all in some way shackled to the elite-ist framework............"Help"!
That's right Eightball, and this strategy doesn't only apply to newspapers or TV. The publishing industry also censors itself, as Gerald Colby points out with the concept of "privishing".

This phenomenon occurs, "when a publisher kills off an author's book without the author's awareness or consent." Basically, they "cut off the book's life-support system." Publishers can plunge a dagger through the heart of a book in a number of different ways, such as:

1. Reducing the print run.
2. Refusing additional print runs.
3. Gouging the promotional budget.
4. Failing to support a book-signing tour.
5. Or by simply saying that the book is not available.
One may wonder at this time how the corporate media is allowed to get away with such nonsense. The key word here is "corporate". As Ben Bagdikian notes in The Media Monopoly, in 1993 there were 50 major media corporations in America. A little more than just 10 years later, there are six! Only SIX multinational companies now control all the network, newspaper, radio, and magazine news departments in this country.

The Corporations, of course, are owned and beholden to the international bankers, whose primary goal is globalization, which is reflected in their foreign policy decisions. In all, the media becomes a conditioning tool used to maintain the status quo while maximizing profits.
Greg Palast reflects on the result of this monopolized media: "If the Rupert Murdochs of the globe are shepherds of the New World Order, they owe their success to breeding a flock of docile sheep; snoozy editors and reporters who are content to munch on, digest, and then reprint a diet of press releases and canned stories provided by officials and corporate P.R. operators."

Maurice Murad adds, "The manipulation of perceptions is replacing reality as the governing principle in human affairs."

When President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered his farewell speech in 1961 before leaving office, he warned Americans about the dangers of a growing military-industrial complex.

The media should act as a watch dog against these forces, but instead, the press has actually been meshed together with them under the same corporate umbrella.
Look at how many of these cowering dogs still refuse to acknowledge how horribly their ranks have been corrupted and poisoned by the perpetuation of outright lies.

What do I mean? The New York Times came clean once in 1977 and verified to what extent the CIA had infiltrated the media and publishing industry. Author Michael Levine weighs in by saying, "If the CIA is good at anything, it is complete control of the American media. So secure are they in their ability to manipulate the media that they even brag about it in their own in-house memos."

Gary Webb adds further ammunition by writing: "The national news organizations have had a long, dissapointing history of playing footsie with the CIA. DO we have a free press today? Sure we do, it's free to report all the sex scandals it wants, all the stock market news we can handle, every new health fad that comes down the pike and every celebrity marriage and divorce that happens. But when it comes to the real down and dirty stuff - that's where we begin to see the limits of our freedom. In today's media environment, sadly, such stories are not even open for discussion."
George Seldes, author of The Lords of the Press (1983), lays it all on the line by sneering, "It is possible to fool all the people all the time when the government and the press cooperate."

Unfortunately, we've reached that point in this country. Most everyone is being bamboozled!

In essence, then, the American media's cowardice is a direct reflection of their "don't rock the boat" mentality; starting with the editors, program directors, and network heads and filtering down to the reporters.

By utilizing bias, omission, under reporting and outright censorship, they remain beholden to the corporate (and local) advertising, while preserving their incestuous relationship with governmental PR sources. These two forces make sick, twisted bed-partners.

But the question that I keep asking is this: how can these guilty parties live with themselves? Are the few dollars that they get for keeping the lid on really worth it?
Carl Jenson reinforces this point quite nicely by writing, "The high salaries many of our leaders receive in newsrooms and business offices as well as corporate headquarters, have turned into golden handcuffs. And those handcuffs morphed into blindfolds and gags..."

Jenson goes on to describe how this failure to break free from their constraints leads to a journalistic conundrum. "The United States has a free press guaranteed by its Constitution, it has the world's most sophisticated communication system, and it has more independent media outlets disseminating more information 24 hours a day than anywhere else in the World. Considering our autonomous press and the quality of information that bombards us daily, we should be a very well-informed populace. Unfortunately, high-tech and a free press do not guarantee a well-informed society. The problem is not the quantity of information that we receive, but the quality."
With this in mind, we should look at the main function of journalism. Robert McChesney provides an excellent overview: "The media system must provide a rigorous accounting of PEOPLE IN POWER and people who want to be in power, in both public and private sectors. This is known as the watchdog role. Contemporary journalism serves as a tepid and weak-kneed watchdog over those in power, especially in the corporate sector."

But these watchdogs have turned into simpering lap dogs that suckle at the tit of their corporate sponsors, while those who speak the truth are shoved to the fringe, or viewed as rabble-rousers and subversives.

But let's keep in mind the reality of the situation, which Henry Adams reminds us: "The press is the hired agent of a moneyed system set up for no other reason than to tell lies where their interests are concerned."
Robert McChesney exploded one of the prevailing myths of journalism when he said: "Trained editors and reporters are granted autonomy by the owners to make editorial decisions, and these decisions are based on their professional judgment, not the politics of the owners and the advertisers, or their commercial interests to maximize profits." How laughable.

Closer to the truth, of course, is McChesney's summary of Public Relations in regard to the media when he said, "By providing slick press releases, paid-for "experts", neutral-sounding but bogus 'citizens' groups, and canned news events, crafty PR agents have been able to shift the news to suit the interests of their mostly corporate clientele."

Alex Carey, who wrote, Taking the Risk out of Democracy in 1977, adds even more weight to this argument by showing how these shysters add another level of confusion to America's social fabric when he said: "The role of PR is to so muddle the public sphere as to take the risk out of democracy for the wealthy and corporations."
In other words, the media, when combined with public relations firms and their overlord Controllers, end up conditioning us with a game of misdirection - sort of like children when they played "hotter-colder" (you're getting colder...).

By using a variety of subtle techniques, the media directs us away from stories that they deem too "hot" or "explosive".

In fact, Robert McChesney said it best when he described professional journalism as being "biased towards the status quo." He said that, "The general rule in professional journalism is this: if the elite, the upper two or three percent of society who control most of the capital and rule the largest institutions, agree on an issue, then it is off-limits to journalistic scrutiny."

How true! How sad....but true.
You gotta love this guy Robert McChesney for describing the reality of our situation folks.

He also said about our current situation:

"To the United States elite, democracy tends to be defined by their ability to maximize profit. U.S. professional journalism, even at its best, serves as a propaganda function similar to the role of Pravda or Izbestia in the old USSR."

And if we return to the subject of media ownership, we see that our "faithful" television broadcasters are essentially controlled by AOL Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom, GE, and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Also, check out these disturbing facts:

1. The ten largest media firms own ALL U.S. TV networks.

2. They also own most every TV station in the major markets, and all major film and music studios, nearly all the TV cable channels, and most all book and magazine publishers.

3. In terms of news, Jim Squires, former editor of the Chicago Tribune, found this trend so disturbing, he said resentfully, "Our generation has witnessed the end of journalism."
As it stands now, the American media has relinquished its role as watchdogs of the high-and-mighty, therein surrendering their dignity and ability to help make the World a better place. And what a pitiful, disheartening surrender it has been - to not only themselves and their families, but also to the American public. This once proud, vital institution has allowed itself to be reduced to pathetic marrionettes dangling from from the Controller's strings. The profession has, by and large, lost its backbone and grit.

Hell, they'll even bend over for the international financiers and whip us into a frenzy so the death-mongers can ship our boys off to die in another one of their perpetual wars.

Robert Mchesney summed up the media's role in fueling the greedy War Machine:

"The government needs to lie in order to gain support for its war aims. The media system, in every case, proves to be a superior propaganda organ for militarism and empire. The United States media conglomerates exist within an institutional context that makes support for the U.S. military seemingly natural."

"These giant firms are among the primary beneficiaries of globalization, and the U.S. role as the preeminent World power. Indeed, the United States Government is the primary advocate for the global media firms."
Isn't it clear what's taking place here folks? The mainstream corporate media and the power elite are no longer separate entities! There's no dividing line between them any longer. They're in bed together, with the multinational Globalists whipping the reporters, anchors, and editors like obedient dogs. And I have to tell you, the scent they're following isn't one that benefits us, but only further promotes the Controller's New World Order goals.

Here is my plea to the majority of the reporters and journalists out there:

Please, before it's too late, bury your cowardice and stand up to your bosses. Why are you selling your country, your family, and yourself out? Can't you see what's happening in America? We're being deliberately undermined by a group of power-hungry devils that allow 100,000 people to die of starvation EVERY DAY. Devils that created a deadly sex virus and who use it to commit genocide on entire peoples. Devils that advocate a perpetual, bloodthirsty War Machine that is now ready to start rolling in overdrive.

These same people steal our money via an unjust tax system; then pilfer even more money through their privately-owned, for profit Federal Reserve System. These same people run drugs, launder money, murder as if they lived outside the law, and are increasingly setting up a Big Brother type surveillance system that will alter the World in a way that'll bring us directly into George Orwell's "1984".

They're also destroying the planet's environment with wild abandon, and then building even more underground bases to protect themselves when the shit starts hitting the fan (while we'll be locked out in the cold to suffer and gasp for breath).

Hell, they've even trampled the very foundation of our democratic system via "Votescam", and do so with such arrogance, it's appalling.

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