From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

So, I have to ask each and every journalist at CBS, the New York Times, Newsweek, CNN, local newspapers, and those of you talking on the radio, who refuse to expose the truth about the Controllers: when are you going to expose these lying, murdering, traitorous devils for what they are? Why are you so afraid to stand up to them? If every journalist in this country decided to start telling the truth, we could run those bastards out of town in a week! That's all it would take - tell the TRUTH!

Be a a WOMAN....Be a TRUE PARENT and AMERICAN and do what's right. Quit telling lies and let the American people know what's REALLY going on in the World. That's your duty and responsibility.

Forget about status, position and money. Just tell the truth. For in the end, what does it matter if you've gained the entire World, but lost your Soul in the process?

It's time for some dramatic changes in this country, and I challenge every single member of the media to stand up and expose these Controllers and their loathsome goals. If we don't do it soon, we won't have another chance.

Are you willing to have that on your conscience?


The re-orientation of some or all of a person’s (or groups) creativity, energy, resources, assets, time, actions, towards another’s goals, standards and purposes by the introduction of the idea of ‘force’, or ‘threat of force’, meaning the application of physical or emotional pain resulting and insuring loss to the individual(s), (victim)’ if the requests and demands are not met; i.e. (in) forced alignment toward someone else’s goals and purposes.

By far the largest segment of World society lives in the Slave Class. We have become folks that are essentially a worker bee group that is cultured to support the Ruling Class of the World. In other words, we are the people who assemble parts for their microwaves in a factory, haul away the trash, unclog the sewers, serve the food, pump the gas, drive the taxis, balance the books, clean the hotels, and perform a thousand other jobs that the "Controller's" don't want to do.

But if the Slave Class comprises at least three-quarters of the societal whole, than why don't we wise up to the system and try to overthrow it, or at least try to dramatically change it?

There are 3 main reasons why the masses have been pacified:

1. We're motivated by an illusion that we aren't, in fact, slaves, but rather free individuals.

2. We feel blessed to live in our countries (and consider them to be the greatest nations in the World), and to be "overseen" by a caring government that immensely cares about us. This government is increasingly a type of "father-figure" that continues to exert more influence over each person's life, thus freeing us from any actual "responsibility".

3. We complain about taxes, inequality and the crooks in office, but we are always promised a reward at the end of the line (social security, ect.)

The Controllers maintain these programs with help from their Enforcers by making sure that we (the Slaves) have full bellies, but they work very hard to insure that we will never produce enough wealth to reach independence.

As it currently stands, all of the wealth produced by the Slave Class must always be transfered to the Ruling Class. And with our present system of taxation and mind control, this has been extremely effective.
In an efficient slave system, the slave must think that he/she is in control, or is "free" in other words. But the slave must be left with only the bare minimum with which to provide for personal and family needs. The slave must work most of his/her life, giving over the bulk of his/her earnings to the Ruling Class. This is now being very efficiently accomplished in the United States, and for the most part everyone is currently quite happy with the results.

All one needs to do is start thinking about the regal European castles and churches that were constructed during the medieval times while the feudal system was in effect. Naturally, the Aristocracy (kings, queens, and princes) lorded over the serfs, who surrendered their sweat and muscle power to erect these magnificent structures.

Most people who would ponder that situation would think, "Man, what fools those people must have been. They were nothing but slaves!."

But has the overall class structure actually changed that much over the past millennium? Yes, certain "particulars" have improved, and today we have indoor plumbing, heat, automobiles, and modern medicine, to name a few conveniences. But in terms of a hierarchal caste system, are things dramatically different?
In an efficient slave system, the slave must think that he/she is in control, or is "free" in other words. But the slave must be left with only the bare minimum with which to provide for personal and family needs. The slave must work most of his/her life, giving over the bulk of his/her earnings to the Ruling Class. This is now being very efficiently accomplished in the United States, and for the most part everyone is currently quite happy with the results.

All one needs to do is start thinking about the regal European castles and churches that were constructed during the medieval times while the feudal system was in effect. Naturally, the Aristocracy (kings, queens, and princes) lorded over the serfs, who surrendered their sweat and muscle power to erect these magnificent structures.

Most people who would ponder that situation would think, "Man, what fools those people must have been. They were nothing but slaves!".

But has the overall class structure actually changed that much over the past millennium? Yes, certain "particulars" have improved, and today we have indoor plumbing, heat, automobiles, and modern medicine, to name a few conveniences. But in terms of a hierarchal caste system, are things dramatically different?

I don't mean to be "negative", but you sure seem to be an expert on "slaves", can you tell us why?
70% of America's population, and the number would be closer to 90% if we took the entire World into consideration, are still stuck in the Slave Class. The Controllers of today (bankers, CEO's, ect.) are merely the lords and emperors of times past.

Naturally, some upward and downward mobility exists in this country, but think about this. How many people do you personally know who have truly transcended their class? Certainly someone can go to college or work very hard and believe that they have actually migrated from one class to another, but what are the actual odds that a member of the Slave Class will ever join the Elite Class? Rarely.

We're all pretty much stuck in our class, which in America is largely comprised of a middle class that is snowballed into thinking it has some say-so in how this country is being run. But, quite plainly, it doesn't.

Look at the personal debt we're carrying - it's never been higher. What does that tell you? That the middle class is thriving? No. it's showing that most Americans are living from one paycheck to another, can't completely cover their expenses, and if they lost their jobs, would be in dire straits.
I don't mean to be "negative", but you sure seem to be an expert on "slaves", can you tell us why?

Because under the World's current governing system, along with you, I am one.

Until things change. Which they will. Don't be afraid to take action when the time comes. And keep your faith. In yourself if nothing else.
Actually, plenty of Americans are losing their jobs, especially in the industrial and manufacturing fields (due to NAFTA), and replacing them with lower-paying service jobs.

The Slave Class is so busy trying to make ends meet that there isn't time to worry about much else. And guess what? That's exactly the way the Controllers have designed the system. Due to being heavily taxed, indebted, and with scores of bills to pay, plus lawns to mow, raking leaves, cooking dinner, taking care of the kids, fixing the car and so forth, there isn't much time to "get involved". To get involved with a REAL cause to help the World.

Instead, you have people who have been reduced to saying things like, "I do have a CAUSE - putting food on the table and making sure I have enough money to keep the roof from leaking and paying the fuel bill this winter."

Sadly, this is what it has come to for most Americans and other people around the World. No time to fight the Controllers. We are stuck in "survival mode".
So do people still think that we don't have a caste system in this country? How much chance does one individual have of jumping up to the next level?

And before anyone starts thinking that I am a pessimist, please let me clarify. I believe in hard work and industriousness as much as anyone, but I am also a realist who observes certain things. And what I see is a firmly established framework that was intentionally designed to keep people busy, enslaved, and too occupied to exert the effort to modify our caste system.

To keep the Machine running, the Controllers need people to produce goods and services for them. But if we make certain products, we also need to buy items such as CD players, $150 tennis shoes, boats, BMW's, and home entertainment systems. So via a subtle form of conditioning called "advertising" coupled with the ingrained concept of our "American Dream", people are constantly striving to keep up with the Joneses and living beyond their means, all in the name of a larger "scheme" that many people don't even know exists.

By promoting concepts such as freedom, patriotism, and a materialistic American Dream, plus the utilization of various conditioning techniques, the masses remain "in our place", continually being exploited and manipulated by an Evil Ruling Class.
The most crucial concept to remember when thinking about the Controllers is that of "vested interests" - doing what most benefits oneself without considering the ramifications of a bigger picture.

If viewed in these terms, you can understand why the CIA is the World's largest drug trafficker (it provides extra black-budget money outside of Congressional inspection), why police forces in general don't want to completely eradicate crime (it would put them out of business), why the military is pro-war (it's their livelihood), or why politicians promote inherently flawed social programs (it keeps certain voters dependent upon them and perpetuates a system of conflict in which people must "turn to them" to solve their problems).

The examination of vested interests is one of the most essential tools in understanding our World power system, for it goes hand-in-hand with CONTROL!

The War on Drugs is a perfect example of what a horrendous scam-job is being pulled on us. Why? First of all, every drug agency in the World has a vested interest in addiction. Without it, they'd be on the streets looking for a new job. By the same token, with this "scourge" or fear, people are conditioned to turn to their "selected" leaders for guidance in this matter. When coupled with crime, terrorism, and inner-city problems, we become as dependent upon government as a junkie is on heroin. Finally, to "solve" this problem, our statesmen and media keep drumming up the "fact" (which is actually a fallacy) that they need more money to win this battle.

And what does more funding imply? You guessed it - higher taxes!
In all, the epitome of vested interests is played out in this simple "war on drugs" scenario. The CIA traffics drugs, law enforcement allows it to keep occurring on the streets at an "acceptable" level, the legal system prosecutes those who are unlucky enough to get busted (thus in the best interest of the lawyers, judges, court officials, and prison employees) while the Government Machine keeps sucking out more money to feed itself.

It isn't real hard to figure this stuff out. In fact, there is one entity that could very easily blow the lid off this entire shell game. And who would what be? The yellow-spined, pusillanimous, corporate-controlled American mass media. These folks aren't as sleazy as lawyers, or as destructive as military men can be, they are not even as hypocritical as many of our religious leaders, or nearly as corrupt as the majority of our politicians; but many of them are still among the lowest and vilest of the lot because more than any other, they could take a stand to change our current situation.

But they don't because they've "sold their Souls" for a paycheck, job security, and a certain amount of phony status.

These people are cowards who slavishly turn a blind eye to the deeds of drug traffickers, murderers, traitors, and sexual predators. And by doing so, their silence becomes equated with complicity. By serving as the Controllers' enforcers, they enable the crimes taking place in this country to continue.

And some of them say they are committed. Committed to what? Money, prestige, and security? Certainly not the TRUTH! They can't just stop at finding the Truth, either, because they need to EXPOSE IT! They need to drop the smokescreen of propaganda and disinformation and give us the Truth. It's their responsibility. So they need to start taking it seriously.
I see this country being deliberately undermined by hidden forces that have seized control of our Government by nefarious means, and thus use it to further promote their Globalist agenda. These shadowy figures, who I've labeled the "Controllers", don't operate with our best interests in mind. Thus, the only hope we have left of saving this nation is to expose them in a dramatic way, and then eradicate them as quickly as possible.

In my opinion, the importance of this stems directly from survival and preservation. Do the American people enjoy being the World's premier superpower at the moment? And all that this privilege entails? Do we appreciate our financial status, and the freedoms we're essentially taking for granted in many cases? If we do, and this point is very serious, if we do cherish these ideals and rights, then we had better start acting like it because the die has been cast to alter the way of life that we've become accustomed to.

It's time that we all looked beyond the veil and actually see what the Controllers are planning for us...and believe me, these Devils are consummate planners.
As of now, China is set to become the World's next superpower, while the Controllers plan to have America assume the subordinate position (a la Russia in relation to us right now).

The reason that China will assume the reins of power if the Controllers get their way isn't because they necessarily want to, but it's because they've been "selected" due to one elemental factor - exploitation. If viewed from a historical perspective, you'll see what I mean.

Three centuries ago, the British Empire proudly stood as the World's preeminent superpower. No one else compared in terms of military or economic might, and if you would have asked any Englishman if they'd ever get toppled from their throne, they would have thought the notion absurd. But lo and behold, America entered the picture, and those with global, far-reaching aims realized the potential this land possessed.

Following both the American and Industrial Revolutions, our vast potential became apparent in terms of land, resources, and promise. Or, as Alphonse Rothschild said in 1849 while visiting New York City, "Without the slightest doubt, this is the cradle of a new civilization."

So America boomed, bailed out Europe in a couple of World Wars, and rose to become the greatest nation of modern times. But now China enters the picture with a population of one-billion people, most of whom don't have cellular phones, microwaves, DVD players, or automobiles. So what actions do the Controllers take? They "select" Globalist leaders to implement their plans by not only giving China "Most Favored Nation" status, but they also sell them all the computer software, hardware, and know-how to move them into our league.

It's absurd! Like cows deliberately walking into a slaughterhouse to be butchered. Thanks Bill Clinton and George Bush (I & II) for selling us out. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Don't even get me started on the atrocities of war, NAFTA, ect.
For any country to truly prosper, it must have control over its money system. It's that simple. Financial independence (not being beholden to anybody) is the key. That's one of the main reasons why our Founding Fathers broke free from England. Not only did they see religious freedom, but also financial freedom. Or, as historian Ralph Epperson noted, "The cause of the Revolution was the resistance of the colonies to the idea of borrowed money, resulting in debt and inflation, as well as interest payments, and not 'taxation without representation' as is commonly believed.

I'm afraid though, that over two centuries later we're as enslaved as a nation can be by outside forces that control the entirey of our purse strings. The money system controls America; and those who call the shots are not located in Washington, D.C....but in the financial centers of New York City and beyond (London, Paris, Germany, ect.).

Right now our country pays approximately $360 billion or more a year in interest payments on the National Debt. That's $360 BILLION every year! Imagine how much we could accomplish with that money if it wasn't funneled into the pockets of men who are already wealthy beyond words. From my perspective, this is the least-common-denominator to how our money system works. Usury is one of the greatest evils on this planet.
The Federal Reserve CORPORATION (and remember, that's what it is -- a privately-owned, for profit corporation) is dangerous because it has allowed outside influences to usurp our Government. Thomas Jefferson once declared, "I believe banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies." Antony Sutton, in The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, added, "Nothing is more dangerous to the power of the elite than the public discovery and understanding of the PRIVATE control of the money supply."

The dangers of this institution lie in the fact that it was created in 1913 on a premise of pure deception. Rather than being a part of the Federal Government, as its name implies, the Federal Reserve is actually closer to a "Central Bank" described by Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto. Thus, the Federal Reserve System is an aggregate of private banks owned by international financiers who meet and make decisions behind closed doors.

Since profits are an integral part of any business enterprise, what do you think the primary stockholders of the Federal Reserve (many of them foreign based) have as their highest priorities -- our welfare, or their own agenda? What's worse, money isn't even the predominant factor in their decision-making process. Hell, they already have fortunes beyond their wildest dreams. It was even estimated that in 1900, the Rothschild family owned half of the World's total wealth! No, what's really frightening is that power and control are their motivations and in that sense we have to ask ourselves, does someone like David Rockefeller or his ilk sitting in skyscrapers overlooking New York City have the same priorities as we do? The answer is no, they don't. That's where the danger lies.
Please remember, I'm not a fan of the Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Greens, or Libertarians, so please don't think I'm 'bashing'. I dislike the majority of them all who are currently in office equally.

George Bush's 2002 Federal budget came to approximately $2.05 trillion. If you stacked this amount of money in one-dollar bills, it would reach all the way to the Moon and half-way back again. The National Debt is three times larger, so these stacked dollar bills would stretch from the Earth to the Moon and back, then from the Earth to the Moon and back AGAIN, then halfway to the Moon yet again. Hell, we have trouble even paying off the interest, let alone the principle, and with our War Machine set to roll at top speed again, the debt will only get worse.

There is a definite pyramid of control in the World, with the international bankers at the top of it, secret societies and European aristocracy/royalty below them, followed by the heads of international companies and old-money American families at the third level, with....get this...certain political leaders at the fourth tier.

It is my assertion that these political leaders aren't elected, but "selected" by groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergs.

If Americans ever peered behind the veil and saw the Wizard of Oz illusion that controls our political system, they'd be shocked beyond belief.
In regard to the dynamics of our current democracy again, I would say that it is nothing but an illusion. Once we examine Votescam, black budget enterprises, memberships to certain Globalist groups, and how the true political power base isn't located in Washington, DC but in New York City, we'd realize that our say-so in how this country is run is extremely limited.

Of course, Government misconduct is rampant in America, such as illegal chemtrail spraying by the military and the U.N., but the biggest crime facing us is that our Government has been usurped, and that the media refuses to expose the power structure that exists behind the scenes. To them, the chain-of-command stops with the President. But nothing could be further from the truth. These individuals are nothing more than "implementers" of decisions made by the shadow Government. If the media EVER let this cat out of the bag, our World would be dramatically different, so the "secret" is guarded with obsessive care.
The result is quite evident. The Controllers motives are SO easy to see once you know what to look for.

By setting our sights on Afghanistan and getting the War Machine rolling, the elite are capitalizing on the three biggest "industries" or money-making ventures in the entire World: usury, energy, and drugs.

Usury - The Controllers make vast amounts of money off of war because every country involved needs money to finance their efforts, so where do they get their capital from? From the international bankers. And what results from the loans? Interest - lots and lots of interest. Once each nation gets their money for the War Machine, they need to buy bombs, guns, tanks, bullets, planes, ect. And where do they get these "necessities"? At the local Wal-Mart? Nope, they have to buy them from the major defense contractors that are owned by whom? Yup, the Controllers! In this country, if you investigate the Carlyle Group, you'll see how it fits parts-and-parcel into our war efforts.

Energy - There are huge deposits of oil in the Caspian region of Russia, and we have a plethora of pipelines already in place in the Middle East. The energy companies find immeasurable benefits in getting this oil to the pipelines. The only problem about the Caspian region is a little country sitting in between the Controllers and the oil - Afghanistan.

Drugs - The CIA is the largest drug dealer in the World, and has been involved in drug trafficking since its inception 50 years ago (and even before then as the OSS). All of their black budget projects are financed by drug dealing, along with money laundering, illegal arms sales, gambling, ect. Afghanistan is the World's leading producer of opium (75% of the total), and a few years ago the Taliban stopped all production. Now, if the CIA is deriving huge amounts of money from heroin and opium and morphine, and all of the sudden this source "dries up" there's a problem. Well, since the Taliban were mostly eliminated from Afghanistan, guess what's back in full production again? You guessed it. The poppy fields.

In all, we need to remember that by-and-large, wars don't start with the masses. They're incited by the Controllers to "create a condition" as Abraham Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, said. And that's exactly what's happening right now. A New World Order is being created, and we're simply bit players in this Theatre of War.
The Controllers' aim for centuries has been the establishment of an occult-based New World Order where national boundaries will all but be eliminated. If the Controllers are successful with implementing their NWO, there will still be certain "regions" such as the "Americas", but the World will more closely resemble modern-day Europe with a common currency and unified States. The United Nations, or a similar organization, will replace individual governments, and there will be global concepts introduced, such as a World Tax, World Court, World Anthem, and World Army.

Specifically in regard to America, there is a battle being waged between the Globalists and Nationalists (or Populists -- those who want America to retain its sovereignty and not fall under the rule of a global hierarchy). Regrettably, most of the national players that you see on TV fall under the Globalist category.

Another concept that must be considered is the United States is deliberately being undermined by its leaders who are in the employ of the Controllers. By ratifying treaties such as NAFTA and GATT and giving our technological and computer know-how to China, we're chopping ourselves off at the knees. The Industrial base upon which we built the greatest nation of all time is being eliminated at a frightening pace. Also, when you see how our military is being dispatched (thinned-out) across the globe in preparation for World War 3, you'll understand how vulnerable our position is. Keep your eye on China -- they're the key.
In all honesty, I don't think it matters much what we have to say to Congress about these issues. Why? Except for a few rebels, Congressional members are in a position where they're more than satisfied with the status quo.

Here's my rationale:

First of all, years ago George Wallace said, "There's not a dimes worth of difference between the Republicans and the Democrats." And it's true. Oh sure, it "appears" as if there is, but in reality, the entire media-political scene is nothing more than professional wrestling. How can I make such a statement? Again, because both of them have predetermined outcomes that are established out of public view, and both present the results in a dramatic fashion.

It's an illusion, folks.

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