From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The Patriots of the coming Revolution are standing in the midst of this madness. On the horizon looms more of the atrocity we've seen in recent times, only far worse and more all-encompassing. By virtue of its magnitude, it will dissolve any feelings of disconnection the majority of unsuspecting folks currently feel at the present time. We are in for another "jolt" by the powers-that-be. Will you arise when that "jolt" shakes you from your slumber, America? Will that far-reaching catastrophe get your heart pumping again?

You see, on the inside, I keep a flicker of hope burning for America to survive. There are others out there, scattered here and there, who also carry this flame. These people bear proudly the tattered vestiges of what's left of our heritage. They are the scorned and reviled, the dissidents and the radicals. We also know them as Patriots. Seldom acknowledged for what they do, they still stand at the ready for the worst, which is inevitably yet to come.

I don't know if America is ruined, but she sure is fading fast. Her light is dimmed and her breath shallow. How long will she last at this rate? We are but a blink away from losing her forever. And once she is gone, we will not be able to breath the life back into her. Are you ready to face that day? I'm not.
My hope still lives. Regardless of how the rest of the World or my countrymen see me, I will hear the rallying cry of Revolution when it comes, and I will be on my feet and ready for the chips to fall where they may.

What about you, America? When the winds shift, will you stand and face them with courage, or simply sit and let them blow you off the map?

This generation - ours - has the chance to bend history. If we don't embrace this one opportunity we now have, then we willingly and recklessly forfeit those freedoms given to us so long ago by men of great courage and conscience.

Does this generation posess that kind of strength of character? It makes me wonder.

America, can you hear me? You really need to wake up now. Tomorrow may be too late.
Ok now it's time for the next section folks. The Pole-Shift section. This section is about the coming Pole-Shift which will wreak havoc on our planet very soon in order to purify it and raise it to an entirely new level of consciousness and vibration frequency.

Those who can not match the vibration frequency of the "New Earth" will no longer remain. Many will be wiped out by the Pole-Shift before they have a chance to anyways.

The Earth has accumulated too much negativity and is ready to be purified for the coming Age of Peace. It didn't necessarily have to happen this way, but because of the amount of materialism and greed that has developed on our planet, it is now definately going to happen.

With the new vibrations after December 21, 2012, our planet will rise in the scale of Peace and Truth. It will be like at no other time in history. During the process from 2005-2012, those who are currently in control of societies and the money system of the World, and who are masking evil intentions, will be trying to spread as much fear and hatred in the World as possible as to drag down as many people as they can along with them.

Simply stated, they (the negative Beings) know that their time is soon coming to an end, and they don't want to be alone when they leave.

So...without further ado...I would like to state that the Pole Shift IS going to happen, but the only timeframe that I can provide for you as far as when it is going to happen is anywhere from the year 2009 to the date of December 21, 2012. Anywhere in between that timeframe is when the Pole Shift is going to happen. I can't provide an exact date and time unfortunately, but just know that it won't be before 2009, and it won't be after December 21, 2012. But it can happen anytime in between.
Before I begin speaking about the Pole-Shift, I would first like to answer a very important question that many people might be thinking to themselves, which is "Do the Controllers know that the Pole-Shift is coming?"

And the answer to that question is YES. You bet your ass they do. =)

And not only that, but they have been preparing for it because they don't completely understand the nature of what is actually going to happen to the Earth.

They have been digging underground tunnels and creating underground "safe houses" so to speak and stocking them up with food and supplies because they actually believe that they will be protected from the Pole-Shift and that they will be able to remain in "form" after the changes take place.

This is completely untrue. No matter how much digging they do, and how much storing they do, or how much planning they do, it won't matter. Because after the surface of our planet raises in Dimensional status from the 3rd to the 5th, no negative Being will be able to hold their form. So all of their pre-planning is in vein. But we'll get into that later.
The truth is that the Controllers have been building underground bases for sometime now. For various different reasons, and not always partaining to the coming Shift of the Poles.

Such reasons for their bases have included experimental projects, on Animals as well as Human Beings.

Now I realize that this might be very hard for many people to believe, but it is in fact the truth. Socrates and Plato both wrote about men living in subterranean chambers. Hell, where do you guys think our first Human race lived when they came from Atlantis and Lemuria? Look at the Egyptians and Incas and Mayans and Aztecs. They all hollowed out the Earth and lived underground.

People have to start paying more attention. This country (America) has underground bases all over the place. Tons of them. And there are many more around the World.
There is a famous underground base that the Controllers have created right in Pennsylvania. It's called Raven Rock, or Site R.

Where is it you say?

It's down south between Gettysburg and Hagerstown. It's unbelievable. They call it the Underground Pentagon, and it's stocked with all these super-computers, a full-scale communications network, storage tanks with over two million liters of water, plus a hospital, huge banks of sophisticated telephone equipment, and it's even linked by an underground tunnel to Camp David. If a nuclear war ever breaks out, this is where all the hot shots are going to be called to.

Then of course we have NORAD in Colorado. Camp David also has an underground bunker, and the White House...get this...goes down at least 17 stories underground.

Again, all this seems pritty hard to believe huh? Well, believe it folks, because it's true.
There is a famous underground base that the Controllers have created right in Pennsylvania. It's called Raven Rock, or Site R.

Where is it you say?

It's down south between Gettysburg and Hagerstown. It's unbelievable. They call it the Underground Pentagon, and it's stocked with all these super-computers, a full-scale communications network, storage tanks with over two million liters of water, plus a hospital, huge banks of sophisticated telephone equipment, and it's even linked by an underground tunnel to Camp David. If a nuclear war ever breaks out, this is where all the hot shots are going to be called to.

Then of course we have NORAD in Colorado. Camp David also has an underground bunker, and the White House...get this...goes down at least 17 stories underground.

Again, all this seems pritty hard to believe huh? Well, believe it folks, because it's true.
Wow, have you been there?
It doesn't end there though folks. How about Mt. Pony in Virginia that's used as an underground Treasury Department. I hear they have billions in storage there. Or how about the Greenbriar Hotel in West Virginia. This underground palace can hold almost 1,000 people. That's where the U.S. Congress will go in case of a disaster.

The National Security Agency in Maryland has thousands of the most complex supercomputers known to man underneath their headquarters, plus scores of suveillance equipment, telephones, and a radio and television station. This is where the CIA will be calling their shots from.

And oh, how could I forget about Manzano Air Force Base? This monstrosity is almost 300,000 square feet, with 95% of it underground. It's a pretty safe bet to say that there is alot of activity going on down there, too.

In fact, I have heard that there are at least 90 different Government building projects going on underground right now, but it's not only them. Lockheed has underground facilities, and so do AT&T and Standard Oil. Plus, Northrop has an underground facility that's at least 40 levels deep, and McDonnel Douglas operates a place that has runways that lead to openings where planes can taxi into an underground hangar! Quite a joint indeed. They have diomand-shaped openings where huge pylons pop out of the ground, then go back down again. And then of course there's the Dulce underground base, with interesting doors. All of them have signs that are written in a strange language with stange symbols that can't be deciphered by anyone but the people who put them there.
Folks, you would be surprised at what the Government doesn't tell you.

It's like another whole World is being built underground that barely any one knows about.

Some of the Oriental cities in Asia are building underground bases as well with a vengeance, while the Russians are spending billions on a huge complex in the Ural Mountains. So, you see, it's going on everywhere.

But the big daddy of them all folks. The king of all the underground bases, is called Mount Weather and it's in Bluemont, Virginia.

Mount Weather is the underground headquarters for FEMA. And it's quite spooky to say the least. Once you get to the entrance, you see this huge steel door that is so thick, 50 sticks of dynamite couldn't rip through it. And then, inside, all the offices are reinforced with concrete and steel, while there are security personnel everywhere....all of them with hand guns or assault rifles.

It's amazing. There's a full scale power plant, a hospital, a sewage treatment facility, plus an underground pond, and these quarter-million gallon tanks that are filled with drinking water.

Kinda like a real city folks. There are sidewalks, a cafeteria, paved streets, a diesel-powered generating plant, and closed circuit television cameras that monitor everything. Plus, everything is being run by electromagnetic energy that's built into the walls. None of the elevators even have cables or electrical's all electromagnetic.

And folks, do you know that when this place was being built in 1952, and finished in 1958, it cost over a billion dollars...and that was 1950's dollars! Can you imagine how much it costs to maintain this joint, especially with close to 300 full-time federal employees working there, and the massive computer network they have to keep upgrading and maintaining? It's outrageous!
The United States Government has at least 100 other facilities...not as large, mind you...but they're in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and West Virginia. But Mount Weather is the king of the hill...the big daddy.

Ok so now you guys might be wondering, "Why would the Government be going through all this trouble to make these underground bases?" Well, back to what I said before folks, it's because they're housing the backup Government that they plan to have take over when disaster strikes...a disaster that would be either real or created.

But what they need to know, and what many people already do know, as that related to the Pole-Shift, there is absolutely NOTHING that they can do when it comes, and NOTHING that they can do afterwards. So much of what they are doing will amount to nothing, except for the fact that centuries later, or even thousands of years later, when their underground bases are dug up sort of like how tombs and pyramids in Egypt are being excavated, the people who live on the planet a Millennia from now we'll be able to do the exact same thing that we're doing in Egypt with all these Governmental underground bases.
In terms of the backup Government inside Mount one knows exactly who these people are...except for themselves and those closest to them. No one else knows who belongs to their shadow Government. All I can tell you is that none of them are elected, and that their terms aren't limited by the four-year presidential election cycle.

In other words folks, they're a Government unto themselves, completely unaccountable to anyone except the power Elite.
There was a man named Phil Schneider, the son of a German U-boat Commander in World War 2, who was commissioned to build a number of deep underground bases in the United States.

He had taken the high-road and given many lectures about underground networks of bases since then. In his lectures, he spoke about many underground cities and tunnels.

He later died in very suspicious circumstances which were meant to appear like "suicide".

Here is a video clip of one of Phil Schneider's last lectures.

In the video, he talks about how he is breaking his security oaths to do it. And talks about how he "didn't know how long he would be around to do it".

To watch the video clip just clink on the following link:
Then of course we have the famous Area 51 in Nevada, which everyone already knows about.

But to speak more about the Dulce underground base for a second, which is connected by the tunnel network to the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

There are many organizations involved in the Ducle operation and they are organizations like the Rand Corporation, General Electric, AT&T, Hughes Aircraft, Northrop Corporation, Sandia Corporation, Stanford Research Institute, Walsh Construction, the Bechtel (Beck-tul) Corporation, the Colorado School of Mines and so on.

There are at least seven levels underground at Dulce, probably more, and there have been accounts of workers there who have described horrible things.

Another underground base is under Boynton Canyon in Sedona, Arizona. The centre of the base is believed to be in the, appropriately named, Secret Canyon.

Similar underground cities exist across the World and they are connected by tunnels with incredibly fast "tube-shuttles".
Another place that has an underground base and which is fairly new is the Denver Airport.

The Airport was built at an enormous cost on open land a long way from Denver and its full of Masonic symbols. The Capstone or dedication stone at the airport is marked with a classic compass symbol of the Freemasons and it stands in the part of the terminal called The Great Hall, another Freemasonic term.

On the wall of the airport is a grotesque mural full of malevolent symbolism, including three caskets with dead females in them; a Jewish girl, a Native American and a black woman. Another girl is holding a Mayan tablet that tells of the coming destruction of our civilization (The Pole-Shift). A huge character, described as a "green Darth Vader" by some, stands over a destroyed city with a sword in his hand and women are walking along a road holding dead babies. All the children of the World are depicted taking weapons from each country and handing them to a figure of a German boy with an iron fist and an anvil in his hand.

The Denver Airport is apparently scheduled to be the headquarters of the Western sector of the United States under the Controller's fascist global state called the New World Order which is planned for the next few years. Atlanta is said to be the centre for the Eastern sector of the United States.

Colorado is a major centre for the New World Order point blank.
Here is a video clip of the exact Mural at the Denver Airport.

From the video, you can clearly see the Controller's plans for the New World Order, as well as proof that the Controller's know about the coming Pole-Shift.

I wouldn't recommend skipping this one if you expect to know what they have planned for the World.

To watch the video clip of the mural at the Denver Airport, just click on the link below:

So when the Pole-Shift disaster strikes, does anyone on this board really believe that any of us or any other "regular" civilian would be allowed inside of Mount Weather to be "safe"?

Because if you do, think again. The Controller's don't give a damn about you OR your family members.

Why do you think they have the steel doors and armed guards? They sure as hell don't want us there.

But we keep paying for all of their projects with our taxes in order for them to continue building these underground structures. And we also pay for them to maintain them. Yet, when disaster strikes, we won't be allowed anywhere near their bases.

Just keep watching your paycheck and seeing how much they're taking out every week. Some of it is going to support a newly planned underground capital!
Why doesn't anyone know who these people are who're running the show down there? It's absurd.

Well, to clue people in on some of the people who are part of this whole betrayel process, there is a cabal of men known as the 54/12 Group that is an offshoot of the National Security Council. These men are at the core of the Invisible Government...the hidden power center.

The 54/12 Group works hand in hand with another organization called the Jason Group. The Jason Group is a selective cadre of scientists who have capitalized on the dark side of technology.

Whenever you are dealing with these shadow powers, you have to realize that their tentacles extend in every direction, and they operate on a variety of different levels. So, first you have the Ultimate Controllers, then the 54/12 Group, then the Jason Group. Then, acting as the operational arms of this octopus is the Bechtel Corporation.

The Bechtel Corporation is a very shadowy international corporation that serves as an arm of the CIA.

And what does Bechtel do? They're the largest construction and engineering company on the planet...almost like a form of shadow government in and of themselves.
Many of the groups I listed previously are all part of an operation called "The Doomsday Project".

And what is the Doomsday Project?

Well, about twenty years ago, during the Reagan presidency, there were about 20 different programs that were secret, of course...that revolved around how our Government would perpetuate itself in times of nuclear war or global disaster.

These programs have been going on for decades, but that's when the Controller's technology developed to a point where Project Rand could be acted upon instead of just imagined.

There is a very telling quote that came out of Project Rand's symposium on Deep Underground Construction. It went like this: "Just as airplanes, ships and automobiles have given man mastery of the surface of the Earth, tunnel-boring machines will give him access to the subterranean World."

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