From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The Controllers have a machine called a Subterrene that would blow most people's minds. It's nuclear-powered, and it snarls through the underground rocks by melting the stone into molten magma. It's amazing. Then, when the Subterrene burrows through a certain area, the rocks cool back down and the walls have a very fine, almost glass-like quality to them.
But it goes beyond simple underground bases folks. There's a secret project called "Noah's Ark" where many of these complexes are connected by underground tunnels and where people can shuttle back and forth between them without ever being detected by anyone up here on the surface.

And do people really want to know what the Controllers have been doing down there all this time? The same thing they have been doing at almost all the underground bases - they're developing new technologies, and preparing for a catastrophic disaster that's going to hit the Earth (The Pole-Shift).

But the worst part of all of this folks, is who do you think is paying for all these underground bases that the Controllers plan to hide out in when all this goes down? Do you think they are? Hell no! It's us, through taxation! This is what it all boils down to.

People should look into all the stuff that is going down in Antarctica. Look on the internet sometime and you will find out.

Can't people see? We're the slaves that are allowing them to not only destroy our planet, but also to believe that they can move onto greener pastures and SURVIVE! But do you think they are going to invite any of us along for the ride? Not a chance! They believe that we are going to continue to pay for their underground bases, and also for their escape (Which is not coming for them, they only think it is).
Going back to what I posted awhile back, if you look at all the structures like the Great Wall of China, or those fantastic castles and churches in Europe, it's easy to think to yourself and wonder, man, the people that built them....that did the actual construction...must have been so angry at their situation. I mean, they were nothing more than slaves or serfs working for someone from the Elite class. And they got paid chump change, if anything at all.

But then after awhile of thinking about it, how can one not come to the conclusion that We're the same as them! We're the serfs and the slaves that are allowing ourselves to be taxed to death while at the same time paying for the Controller's believed escape. And do you think they'll invite any of us along for the party? No way. The only thing they plan to do for any of us is have us continue digging their ditches, building new places for them, and shoveling the crap out of their sewers.

Why do we keep letting them get away with this? This is as close to the truth about the Controllers as they want you to get. They are destroying our planet with all their fossil fuel programs, and they even plan to escape the onslaught of the Pole-Shift (which they won't)! They create new secret societies all the time, and perpetuate this system all over again.

If someone is honest, they usually tend to believe what people tell them. And this has proven to be true especially with the Controllers. But folks, the people who believe that they control our World are a different breed. These folks have spent generation after generation living a lie. Their entire make-up and existence is nothing but a lie. In fact, they're the Children of all Lies!
In the following section I plan on answering the following 5 questions for those who are curious in finding out the answers.

These 5 questions that I plan to have answered by the time I am finished are:

1. What is a Pole-Shift?

2. Has it ever happened before?

3. What happens during a Pole-Shift?

4. Where are the safest places to be during a Pole-Shift?

5. When can we expect the next Pole-Shift?

A pole shift refers to the Earth's magnetic field reversing its polarity. If a magnetic reversal occurred today, compasses would point south rather than north.

Dynamic processes taking place deep inside the planet generate the Earth's magnetic field. A core of molten iron surrounds the inner core of solid iron, each rotating at different rates. Their interaction, and perhaps other geophysical processes not yet understood, creates what scientists call a "hydromagnetic dynamo." This self-perpetuating electric field acts in some ways like a gigantic bar magnet. The Earth's magnetic field extends into space for tens of thousands of miles from the planet's poles. It not only protects the Earth from solar radiation but plays a fundamental role in overall climate, weather patterns, and migratory habits of animals.

If the poles were to reverse instantly, many scientists believe that the destruction would be global, from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to the melting of Arctic ice and vast flooding. However, some evidence suggests that pole shifts may happen gradually taking anywhere from 1,000 — 28,000 years. Some people believe that the last four flip-flops took about 7,000 years each.
Alot of evidence for pole shifts came unexpectedly in the 1950s while exploring seafloor spreading along the mid-Atlantic ridge. Here molten material wells up, cools and hardens, creating new sea crust, pushing the old crust outwards. Magnetic particles or iron oxides in the lava act like tiny compass needles, aligning themselves with the magnetic field, leaving a permanent record of the Earth's polarity at the time the crust is created. By reading the orientation of the oxides at various distances out from the point of welling, scientists can "look back in time." What they found was striping or alternating bands -- periods of reversal throughout history.

Some researchers believe a pole shift is underway today because the magnetic field has decreased in intensity as much as 10% - 15% over the last 150 years, with the rate of decay increasing more significantly in recent years.

A weakening magnetic field is a precursor to Pole Shifts. And In the case of a pole shift, once the magnetic field weakens enough, the field directions undergo a near-180 degree switch before strengthening and stabilizing in the new orientation. However, scientists don't really know how long this process takes. What is known is that it takes twice as long at the poles as at the equator. So while compasses at the mid-latitudes might point south after a 3,000-year transition, compasses at the poles might continue to point north for another 3,000 years.
A pole shift is a hypothesis based on geologic evidence that the physical north and south poles of Earth have not always been at their present-day locations; in other words, the axis of rotation had been "shifted". Pole shift theory is almost always discussed in the context of Earth, but other solar system bodies may have experienced axial reorientation during their existences.

Pole shifts are a cataclysmic inversion of the planet's axis of rotation, up to 180 degrees; a sudden slippage of the planet's solid crust around the molten core. There are several major scientists of this century that also expouse this concept as an event that has happened before in Earth's past.

Geographic axis: man-made arbitrary north-south fixed reference that determines lines of longitude and latitude, and the geographic North and South Poles.

Axis of instantaneous rotation: the true astronomical axis; the rotation axis. The line drawn through the Earth about which it is actually rotating at any point in time. The points where the line cuts through the earth's surface are called the "rotation poles"; the visualised extention of the north axis line in space currently points to the star Polaris, the North Star.
The combinations, and movements, of these masses with gravitational, centrifugal and orbital velocity vector forces, create what we call the equatorial bulge, and thus, the axis of figure. If the Earth were a perfect sphere, there would not be such an axis.

The angular difference between the astronomical axis and the axis of figure, called a "nutation", causes an Earth orbital spirical oscillation, known as the famous Chandler "wobble". The equatorial bulge, the rotation axis' angle of inclination to the ecliptic plane, the gravitational tidal forces of the Sun, Moon and planets, have an affect on the Earths' orbit that produces the famous precession of the equinoxes.

Axial Tilt: the ecliptic is the plane of the Earth's ellipsoidal orbital path around the sun; the rotation axis is currently inclined to the ecliptic by an angle of 23.5 degrees: this is called the obliquity, or tilt, of the axis. It is this axial tilt that causes our annual seasons. Due to orbital dynamics, the obliquity varies between a minimum of 21 degs. 39 mins. and a maximum of 24 degs. 36 mins. over a 41,000 year cycle. The axial tilt's rate of change, (angular differentiation), is currently measured as .013 degs. per century.

Axis of maximum moment of inertia = the axis of figure: because the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but is physically an oblate spheroid, the position of the axis of figure is not a precise constant, but is affected by the constant change in the earth's distribution of total mass: (ie, by ocean tides, atmospheric conditions, plate tectonic movements, etc.).
Through paleomagnetism, (the study of the magnetic properties of rocks), scientists now have solid proof that the earth's magnetic field, and thus the geomagnetic north and south poles, have reversed itself namy times in the past. Magnetic field polarity reversals are magnetic poleshifts. The geologic record also shows that the strength of the magnetic field varies widely in time, and fluctuates wildly during field reversals, sometimes dropping to zero gauss strength; ie: the field vanishes, disappears! It is also a proven fact that the magnetic poles wander, literally zig-zagging around its axis.

A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south become interchanged. These events, which typically last a few hundred to a few thousands years, often involve an extended decline in field strength followed by a rapid recovery after the new orientation has been established.

Geomagnetic axis: not to be confused with the geographical axis, as it often times is. The Earth's magnetic field (whose real source is still an ongoing scientific mystery, but generally attributed to the interactions between the interior molten convection currents and the nickle-iron core, generating an electromagnetic force field, coupled with the rotational and orbital forces), itself has, by its own lines of force through space, the magnetosphere, a north- south axis. At present, the angular difference between geographic and geo- magnetic north poles is about 11 degrees.
Over very long periods, geomagnetic reversals seems to have occurred with a frequency of 1 to 5 events per million years; however, this duration is highly variable. During some periods of geologic time (e.g. Cretaceous long normal), the Earth's magnetic field is observed to maintain a single orientation for tens of millions of years. Other events seem to have occurred very rapidly, with more than one reversal in 50,000 years.

Based upon the study of lava formations in Hawaii, it has been deduced that the Earth's magnetic field reverses at intervals, ranging from tens of thousands to many millions of years, with an average interval of approximately 250,000 years.

Using a magnetic detector (a variant of a compass), scientists have measured the historical direction of the Earth's magnetic field, by studying the layered iron-rich lava rocks. This is possible as each layer has been found to maintain the original magnetic field at its time of cooling. They have found that the poles have shifted a number of times throughout the past.
The Earth has a peculiar gyrating motion that creates a nearly 26,000-year cycle. During this cycle, the position of the Sun, at the moment of the vernal (spring) equinox, appears to shift through the thirteen constellations of the zodiac, spending approximately 2000 years in each one. Around 10,500 BCE, the Sun, at vernal equinox, was entering the constellation of Leo the Lion (Age of Leo). Presently this "age" marker is in the constellation of Pisces the Fish (Age of Pisces) and moving toward Aquarius the Water Bearer (Age of Aquarius).

In addition to the movement of the equinox, the poles of the Earth also appear to move through different constellations of stars. Imagine the Earth's north pole as a crown chakra. The stars directly above this opening would be suggestive of the Earth's "spiritual connection".
Earth does not rotate in a straight up and down position, but rather it is tilted on its axis some 23 1/2 degrees off center. If you have been to a planetarium you may have noticed that Earth is always shown tilted relative to the Sun and the other planets in our solar system. Any change in this angle would mean instant changes in weather and temperature.

Further, Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that flows from pole to pole. Each pole has an opposite polarity from the other, and is referred to as the North or South Pole. As a general rule, Earth experiences deviations in the magnetic field on a regular basis. Pilots and sea captains know about magnetic deviations only too well and must rely on frequently updated navigation charts to safely guide their planes or boats. These deviations may vary from a few degrees to ten, or so, and move back and forth in a somewhat predictable manner.
The cause of magnetic deviation is not really known; just as the cause of Earth's magnetic field is not known. One possibility is that magnetic deviations are due to the fact that Earth does not rotate perfectly, but wobbles slightly on its axis. There is a short period wobble lasting up to 6 years, known as the Chandler Wobble. And there is a 26 thousand-year long period wobble known as the precession of the equinoxes.

The 26 thousand-year cycle is well known. It is the precession of the equinoxes that gives us our twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign lasts approximately 2,100 years. We are currently at the very beginning of the sign of Aquarius, just moving away from the sign of Pisces.

The angle of the axis is not as fixed as we might believe, and at times in our history the axis has exceeded even these well-known deviations, as they will do in our lifetime.
During the past several years, the Chandler Wobble has been intensifying at an increasing rate, making the wobble more elliptical in nature. This could be caused by a change in the rotation of Earth's core relative to the outer crust. These kinds of changes leave an enormous impact on the planet, such as an increase in the intensity of earthquakes and volcanism, the more violent and longer lasting El Ninos that we have experienced and other weather related phenomena. Further, it very well may be that the current extreme Chandler Wobble may be a precursor to a pole shift.

Magnetic pole shifts are the most studied and documented of pole shifts. Scientifically we know that there have been thousands of such shifts. In some cases Earth's magnetic poles have shifted as much as 180 degrees, a complete reversal. When this happens, your magnet would point in the opposite direction from where it was originally pointed.

The Sun just recently in the past few years has experienced a magnetic pole shift. In this case the Sun's north magnetic pole became south and south became north. Earth's geomagnetic pole shifts have not always been a complete reversal. They have moved anywhere from a few degrees to 180 degrees.
When a magnetic pole shift occurs, it can remain in the changed position for thousands of years or less than one year. How do we know this? Scientific teams from around the world have, for decades, been conducting test borings both on land and on the ocean floor. By drilling thousands of feet into the ground, core samples can be brought up and analyzed as to the magnetic qualities of the material. Small magnetics found in the soil tell scientists the relative position and strength of the magnetic field at any given depth. By carbon dating the samples they also know the relative age.
So that is just a basic understanding of what a Pole-Shift actually is.

Next time I plan on tackling in detail the question of "Has a Pole-Shift ever happened before?"
In the past 15 million years many scientists have come to the conclusion that pole shifts occurred four times every 1 million years. Though this averages out to once every 250,000 years, these scientists do not believe that switches occur at regular intervals. During one period in the Cretaceous, it is believed by many scientists that polarity remained constant for as long as 30 million years, though this is also believed by them to be an anomaly.

According to many people, the last GREAT Pole-Shift occurred around 200,000 years ago; causing some scientists to believe that we're due for another one, while others speculate a reversal is already underway. Smaller Pole-Shifts have occurred since then, which have been just as catastrophic in a Global sense, but a Giant one happened around that time which coincides perfectly with the stories of the Fall of the Lost Civilization of Atlantis.

However, many earth scientists believe that global cataclysms are exceeedingly rare, and relegated to some dim past. And so, in a world of limited financial resources, not worth much serious attention. How unfortunate for those particular scientists when it actually happens again.
On the other side of the equation, many others understand that--as is true with local disasters such as earthquakes--if you haven't had one for a long time, that usually means you're closer to one happening than you were yesterday.

In any case, although the possibility, even the probability of some event in the future may be enhanced if something like it can be proven to have already occured, its being possible in the future does not depend on whether it has already happened. So the best proof about past events, one way or the other, is not automatic proof of future events.
Here are some interesting little tid-bits of information relating to the fact that Pole-Shifts have occurred in the distant and relatively recent past in terms of how long Humans have been around for:

1. The presence of ice caps in North America and Northern Europe, highly eccentric compared to the present north pole.

2. The contemporaneous absence of ice caps from Siberia, which was actually populated to its northernmost regions by an impressive zoological community.

3. The Arctic Sea was warmer than it is today, and there were human beings living in the New Siberia Islands.

4. Antarctica was partially free of ice.

5. The general climatic situation of the Earth was coherent with a different position of the poles.
In Alaska thick frozen deposits of soil, boulder, plant and animal exist, commonly known as “muck”. Prof. Frank C. Hibben of the University of New Mexico described these deposits:

“In many places, Alaskan muck is packed with animal bones and debris in trainload lots. Bones of mammoths, mastodons, several kind of bison, horses, wolves, bears and lions tell a story of a faunal population… within this frozen mass lie the twisted parts of animals and trees intermingled with lenses of ice and layers of peat and mosses. It looks as though in the midst of some cataclysmic catastrophe of ten thousand years ago the whole Alaskan world of living animals and plants was suddenly frozen in mid-motion like a grim charade…twisted and torn trees are piled in splintered masses … at least four considerable layers of volcanic ash may be traced in these deposits, although they are extremely warped and distorted”

This suggests that although volcanoes were erupting, other forces were required to dismember these animals – with mighty floods and hurricanes being the most likely.

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