From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Not only did the Controllers know about the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, but they ALLOWED them to happen so that American oil companies could further maximize their profits in the Middle East and Caspian Region of Turkmenistan, and also because it was all part of their plan to establish their New World Order on America.

The AIDS virus did not happen "randomly", but was rather created by the World Health Organization in unison with rogue elements of the United States military in order to deliberately kill tens of millions of innocent people (or "useless eaters" as they are called by the Controllers behind closed doors). The Controllers hope that this genocidal program will only continue indefinitely until "enough of the herd has been eliminated".

The very foundation of American society - our right to a democratic vote - has been declared null-and-void, and the American people have been bamboozled for the past twenty years via "Votescam". In other words, every President in recent memory has been "selected" beforehand by a group of hidden Controllers, while the process of voting at the ballot boxes has been nothing but a ruse.
While all these events have been taking place, the Federal Reserve, a privately-owned, for-profit corporation, along with its international bankers have been laughing until their stomachs hurt over the tax system they've created to pad their already overflowing pockets. The Controllers truly believe that the American people, and indeed the people of the World, are idiots.

We slave away at their companies and we make them rich. Then before they throw us a few scraps via our paychecks, they take our money first. Hell, they don't even take it...they STEAL it....anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 right off the bat. We don't even see it. And every year they raise our taxes and take even more! And what do we do about it? Nothing. We don't even fight back. Nearly all of the congressmen laugh about this uproariously as they leave their sessions and hop into their limousines, which take them to fancy steak and lobster houses.
the CIA will continue to increase its black budget drug-trafficking practices while the FBI at the same time bolsters its War on Drugs. In other words, while the CIA will keep bringing drugs into the country, the Justice Department will keep throwing the users into jail. Who knows, they might even bring back Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" program for good measure.

David Rockefeller sits in a plush European boardroom and elsewhere with members of the Rothschild, Morgan, Warburg, and Bronfman families, among many others, and they all sit around and chat about their New World Order agenda for the World.

And why should the Controllers be concerned? Do you know what they believe that everyone on the internet is going to do?

They believe that we're just going to continue tapping out messages on our keyboards, then rifle them off into cyberspace. They know that someone else will read them, post them on message boards, and continue tapping away.

Hell, they sat by and watched as two jets rammed into the World Trade Center, and now we even know the truth about what they've done. WE KNOW THE TRUTH!

But the Controllers believe that we will do nothing. They believe that all we will do is continue sending more messages on our "silly computers". It's a riot for them.

Plus, they've actually admitted that they STEAL our money through taxation, that they've created the AIDS virus to kill us off, and that our votes DON'T matter, and that they are going to start shipping our sons and daughters off to another Vietnam type of war in Iraq to DIE so that THEY can make more profits for their energy and drug cartels.

We all know the Truth. There's no doubt about it. And what do we do? We sit in our padded chairs in front of our computer screens and we type out messages to each other. It's like, "Hey George, guess what. The government really DID know about the World Trade Center attacks, and they let them happen anyway. But oh well, back to life as usual."
Some people might think that it troubles the Controllers that there are so many people on the Internet finding out the truth.

But again, as far as the Controllers are concerned, why should it? None of us are doing anything about it. We can ready fifty articles a day. What do the Controllers care as long as none of us do anything about them? They laugh their asses off at all of us as we're tap tap tapping away.

Why do you think the Controllers pushed the whole Internet idea on us anyways? To keep us secured to our computer screens and to be physically isolated from each other. It's hard for us to revolt against them when we're all sitting in front of a monitor.

However, what if we were really to get organized? What then? Well, then the Controllers would have a problem on their hands. But the good news for them, is that they control some of the most well-known "alternative" news sites on the Internet. They're nothing but front-groups that give the appearance of being legitimate, but in reality they're nothing but plants.

Some people say, "Yeah, but there is so much information on those sites." This is true, but information is useless unless it's followed by action. The Controllers don't give a damn if we know every secret in creation...alot of us already practicly do! But as long as we don't do anything, they figure they will just let us keep passing our "little articles" back and forth.
In reality, there is currently a challenge to the Controller's authority that exists today. And if you want to know the Truth, it would be so easy for us to pull-off. All we have to do is get a growing movement of regular, everyday citizens to see through their smokescreen, and in no time the illusion would be over.

Americans, and people of the World in general, have lost utter faith in the credibility of the Controller's mass-conditioned media. They've lost that part of the game. At the time being, most everyone questions the media, but we still tune-into channels like FOX and read Time Magazine. And this is why the Controllers believe that we are all a bunch of dupes.

But if a viable alternative presents itself that is above and beyond the lies that they other that tells the Truth and exposes the Controllers, then it's all over. And here's the clincher. It's a few of the crucial alternative websites that aren't lending their support by informing their readers. And do you know why? Because they're the ones that are being Controlled. They'll keep churning out articles and posting them on their sites, but when it comes down to taking action, all of a sudden these sites are strangely silent. Why? Because they work for the Controllers!
The techniques the Controllers use with these "alternative" sites are the same ones they use in the mainstream media! They marginalize, they refuse to act, they alter and distort, and they refuse to run material or cover stories by certain people.

I mean, why don't more of people on the Internet see through their ploys? It's so clear, and the tactics they use are older than dirt. They're blatantly screwing us in the guise of providing "secret" knowledge. But all-in-all, these "traitor" sites keep people inactive, and inaction is the Controller's greatest ally.

It's only when people stand-up and ACT that their power is threatened. All we'd have to do is ask ourselves, "Which sites aren't promoting the Truth?", and then we'd have a starting point to figure out who the "plants" are.
And what do the Controllers expect from us all in the future? Nothing but more of the same. They've been waiting for us to rise up and REVOLT for years now, but we just keep sitting around letting them crap on us. They raise our taxes and we do nothing. They allow our Trade Centers to get attacked; then lie about if afterwards, and we still do nothing. Now they plan on sending our children into war, and we sit back and take it.

If the Controllers were us, they'd be out in the streets in a heartbeat with torches and guns ready to string us up by our feet! Yet we keep allowing them to manipulate us over and over and over again....and we don't react. Why?

The Controllers laugh at us and say, "C'mon, put up a fight! We're going to kill your damn kids again."

Thats all war is anyway - one slave class killing another slave class. For who? For them. The ELITE CLASS. Then they make more money, gain more control, and steal more money out of our paychecks.

It must blow their minds how we can allow them to steal our money from us, especially when they don't pay taxes at all. They've figured out years ago how to get around that "nonsense".

That's where the Controllers currently stand. They're all still firmly in control, and if the people keep tap tap tapping on their keyboards and sending articles around, then nothing will change and the status quo will prevail. But if we decide to truly organize and stop putting up with their lies, they'll be out of business before they knew what hit them!
Pure and simple -- if you want to preserve the rights and freedoms that you've become accustomed to and if you'd like to see America remain "king of the hill", then immediate, decisive action must be taken.

I'm talking about a revolution to overthrow the Controllers that have illegally taken possession of our Government. I'm not talking about overthrowing our entire Government, however, so don't get me wrong. There is nothing inherently wrong with our Government in theory the way it was envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

No. The problems arose when the international bankers, both foreign and domestic, seized control of our money supply. That's who we need to eliminate. If we don't, I promise you that our quality of life will dramatically decrease in the coming years. But how do we get rid of these Devils? Here's the partial answer:

1. Abolish the Federal Reserve System.

2. Default on that portion of our National Debt owed to international bankers.

3. Return the creation of money to Congress, as it was prior to 1913.

4. Abolish NAFTA, GATT, and all other Globalist treaties.

5. Impose tariffs on every product imported into this country.

Do we have the guts and courage to save this nation, or are we going to roll over and play dead? The Controllers have committed so many crimes and atrocities against the American people, it's time to retaliate.

There's an individual named Rick Stanley who was talking about organizing a "Million Gun March" as a show of force against the Controllers. A display of force so to speak. Non-violent of course, but effective none of the less.

His idea is to March on Washington, D.C. and to assemble in large numbers with guns in hand, or if you don't like guns, then take a shovel, broom, torch, or whatever else would have an impact and SHOW the Controllers that we're not going to allow them to hold us hostage any longer.
I hear it all the time: somebody should do something to change the way things are in this country. But the big question is: who's going to be the ones to step forward and change things?

Well, let's see. Is it going to be the Controllers/Ruling class? Hell, no. They're the ones responsible for putting the World in this predicament in the first place. They're the Evil Princes of the Earth - the manipulators - the usurers - the death-mongers - and the bloodsuckers. These are the Sons of Darkness, the ones who have the money, resources and technology to feed every person in the World, and yet they allow 100,000 people to die of starvation every day. These are the psychotic Nazi eugenicists who created a godawful AIDS virus to wipe out large segments of the population.

These are the same Controllers who steal our money through taxation and interest-bearing loans to our Government. They've devised a way to steal our voices at the ballot boxes via electronic "Votescam", and sat by and watched the New York City terrorist attacks without doing anything to stop them. These are the people looking to proceed with more of their pervasive Big Brother tactics.

When one looks around the World and sees a multitude of horrors, often the Controllers' invisible hand is behind the scenes pulling the strings.
The ruling class are the manipulators, the provocateurs; a leisure-class of bloodline-obsessed power freaks who conceal their motives, identity, and sources of hidden occult knowledge to further propagate their Elitist status at the expense of all else (including the future of this planet and Humankind itself).

Why doesn't somebody do something about these sadistic control junkies? That's a good question, especially when those with the most ability to affect serious change in the World - the Enforcement Class - are so attached to "vested interests" that they refuse to do what's right because it might affect their vaunted "position in life".

What do I mean? Well, most every member of the Enforcement Class - the military, police, politicians, judges, lawyers, and media (among others) realize there are things seriously wrong with this country - but they still have it better than most - so they figure why upset the apple-cart?
There are alot more of US than there are of them, and that scares the hell out of the ones at the top of the Control Pyramid.

If no one else is willing or able to take the initiative to change our World, who else is left? The Outlaws! Thats who. Our last hope. The final vestige for change.

The Outlaws - those who stand outside the conditioning process - those who refuse to bow down and conform - those who can see beyond the veils, lies and illusion. The Outlaws - those who are sick and tired of the status quo crimes and corruption - those who are truly committed to taking us to the next level rather than allowing these creeps to keep dragging us down.
In all honesty, take a look at the World the Controllers have created. Has anything dramatically changed in the last 2,000 years? We have people starving to death, murderers, rapists, greedy politicians, and an overall system that is corrupt to the core which benefits the wealthy while enslaving those beneath them.

Are you content on being a dirty-dog slave that the Controllers use, manipulate, spit upon and ultimately laugh at as fools? Do you like the sound of this scenario? Does it fill you with an overwhelming sense of life-affirming pride and joy? Do you prefer having a boot stomping on your face, or are you finally fed-up with their crap?

If you are fed up, then it's time to become an OUTLAW - a rebel against the status quo - one who's ready to tear down the current system and eliminate completely those Controllers who've turned our World into one on the brink of WWIII.

It's either that, or we can shrug our shoulders and say, "Oh well, that's the way things have always been" -- as the Elite Globalists steal more of your money and throw salt on your open wounds. And as you slave away another day.
The Controllers would like nothing more than to eradicate our rebellious voices.

Isn't it obvious? Who are you aligning yourself with folks? The Big Brother Overlord who spits on you and enslaves you. or those who seek Freedom and Truth? At the end of George Orwell's 1984, the people are so resigned, conditioned, and accepting of their overbearing tyranny, that they come to LOVE it.

America is in dire straits, and if we want to change our situation and save this great nation, we're going to have to do it ourselves. The media won't help because they are a conditioning tool used by the Controllers to keep us in line. The military is only interested in feeding their bloodthirsty War Machine, and the Democrats and Republicans are merely two heads of the same single-bodied serpent.

The legal system gets its kick from laws and steel bars and handcuffs (all of which are utilized to once again keep us in line), and secret societies conceal their knowledge to preserve; then expand, their power base.

In other words, none of these forces are ultimately on OUR side.
So, is everything hopeless? Hardly. But how can we overcome so many entrenched institutions? Easy. For once in our lives we need to join together instead of letting the Controllers divide and conquer us. Rather than our usual battles - black vs. white, men vs. women, liberal vs. conservative, rich vs. poor, or Catholic vs. Protestant, we need to ally ourselves with our only hope - US.

If we don't I GUARANTEE you that in the next few years, not only will things not be better for us; they'll be worse. And passing information from one computer to the next is not enough. It takes ACTION - a revolution of information, economics, and outlook. We need to change our way of thinking and then run the Controllers out of town. EVERY TOWN.

It's now up to you! Are you willing to settle for the status quo, or do you seek a better life for yourself, your family, and your nation? We need action, and we need a REVOLUTION!

It's now or never. If we don't get organized and take back our country, it's all over. It's up to you to decide if America is worth saving, or if we're going to let the Controllers steamroll over us.

I'm ready and willing to do my part!
"Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about a reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the World's estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathy with despised and persecuted ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences."

Susan B. Anthony
"An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law."

Martin Luther King, Jr.
In my city, everyone's talking about college football these days. Soon, the hot topic will be our upcoming holiday season. Like so many Americans across the nation, my community appears to be slowly sleepwalking right through the passage of both the Patriot Act and the newly enacted Homeland Security legislation.

The people of my community seem for the most part unaware of these events and continue about their lives with a "business as usual" mentality. Out on the street, in resteraunts, and in the bars, no one is talking much about these important issues. Everyone seems completely insulated from what is taking place in their own country. The World directly in front of their eyes is the only one they see, and the only one in which they live.

Citizens across the country suffer from a similar affliction. Maybe that is why the voices of the People of America are not being heard. Most of the "People" aren't talking about things that matter.

As I walk along the streets of my city, snippets of conversation drift by, and it boggles my mind to know that I am but one of a small minority that even realizes just how fragile is the thread that connects us to our freedom. I want to characterize it as ignorance, but it's more than that. It's disinterest. I would be lying if I said that people seem to be worried about what's happening to their country. So I won't lie.
America, I'm trying to reach you. Can you hear me? I'm feeling for some faint pulse that tells me you're alive - and I'm having trouble finding it. Tell me, how can you remain oblivious to the destruction of your way of life...of the erosion of your liberty? While you sit in your little worlds, wrapped up in your personal agendas, focused on college football and other "really important stuff", your "Government" is insidiously erasing what's left of your sovereignty, your privacy, your right to self-govern - YOU - and they're doing it right before your eyes. What do you say, America?

While the majority of you lie sleeping at night, insulated from and blind to the reality that is all but smacking you in the face, there are others out there like me who lie in our beds at night restless with misgivings, wide awake and wondering as to what the dawn will bring. The "disconnect" is more than perceptible; the chasm so wide I have doubts it can ever be bridged. To initiate discussion among those who remain unaware or apathetic to the current state of the Union is to suffer the wrath of those who mock what they fail to understand. Let's just say I raise more than a few eyebrows when I talk to people around my community.
I know how our ancestors must have felt at the time of the American Revolution. I can feel their presence around me like a whisper of conscience. They stand at every shoulder of every Patriot - and I don't mean the ones with the flags and stickers all over their vehicles. I'm talking about the REAL Patriots like those who drove to Washington, D.C. for Freedom Drive 2002. Their voices are the voices of justice. Their words ring with life, with passion, with principle.

Like our predecessors, the real Patriots are people of courage and conviction. If they know fear - and I believe they do - they don't let it defeat them or dictate their actions. True Patriots stand to face the winds rather than bowing to them.

Our ancestors knew that in order to defeat the enemy, they would have to stand together and rise above their fear. This, they did - which is why the "concept" of America ever got off the ground in the first place.

Open your eyes people. There's more to life than football and Christmas parties. I hate to bring this up, but those presents you're saving up for aren't the only things that will cost you.

I am reminded of the Korean War Memorial, which summed it up perfectly: "Freedom is Not Free".

People. The bell is not merely ringing - the bell is TOLLING - if you can't hear it by now, maybe you're not sleeping. Maybe your dead.
If Paul Revere were to ride through the streets of my city on one of these very dark nights and sound the warning to every man, woman and child throughout, who would hear him? Would you, Joe Q. Citizen? Would you rise from your slumber and take up your arms? Would you even roll over in your bed? God, I hope so. DO you know that those liberties you possessed just yesterday may not apply to you today? Which of your "freedoms" will you kiss goodbye tomorrow? Can you hear me?

I am calling to you, America. Shake off the cobwebs that have gathered in your brain and sniff the Revolution in the air. It's not something you're familiar with because life has been easier for you than it was for those who came before you. But it is there, nonetheless.

Regardless of how much your ranking in the World's estimation might matter to you, believe me when I tell you that it matters NOT. Besides, you will rank even lower if you sit back and let your country die without at least trying to save her. And if you do that, then all those that have come and gone before you - those brave souls who fought and gave their lives to save her - will have died for nothing. They died for YOU and me. Remember that.

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