From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The astronomical description of the Pole-Shift left by the Ancient Egyptians is amazingly clever. They describe that at a certain moment, when the Sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, a colossal catastrophe will wreak havoc on the Earth. And this will happen within the next 3-5 years or so of our lifetimes!

In other words, EXTREMELY SOON folks.

The Egyptian astronomical zodiac describes the eras in which previous catastrophes occurred, and it also contains the codes of the Sunspot cycle and the movement of Orion. The next disaster, the one that is going to occur anywhere from 2009 to December 21,2012, will take place when Venus makes a reverse movement above this constellation (Orion).

This is relating to the "Apocalypse" that the Bible describes. There is an aberration in the Sunspot cycle, which lays the foundation for the forthcoming World Cataclysm.

The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans had incredibly precise calculations for the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
Now I would like to describe the history of an even more ancient civilization which was called Atlantis that at one time existed but was destroyed by a major cataclysm such as the one our Earth is about to face very soon.

The following information about Atlantis has been translated from old manuscripts by the Egyptologist Albert Slosman, and also from his unique deciphering of hieroglyphs inscribed on temples.
You are now going back to the year 21,312 BC, the year of a shocking occurrence. In those days, Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis) had a moderate climate. Vast forests covered the north of the country. It snowed occasionally, and ice was an almost unknown phenomenon. In the south, excessive vegetation predominated the whole year. Many now-extinct species of animals used to live here, like gorillas without flat noses, enormous but peaceful mammoths, rhinos four meters high with four toes, and sabre-toothed tigers.

On the southern end of this immense continent, you could mainly see mountains and plains, which contained valuable treasures: fertile lands producing their goods almost without any help. The horizon was dominated by mountain chains. You could also see a few pyramid-shaped cones of extinct volcanoes. They had been inactive for such a long time that nobody could remember their last eruptions.

The inhabitants of Atlantis could see many green trees, some of which had lovely fruit that they could eat during all seasons. In short, it was almost like the story of the "Garden of Eden" that can be taken from the Bible. But instead, this legend of Atlantis can be taken from Egyptian history.
The inhabitants of Atlantis had knowledge of the Earth's movement around the Sun and the shifting of the Zodiac. That is why they were able to pass on to us what happened in those days. In less than one hour a catastrophe took place. It did not involve a total Pole-Shift like the one that happened around 9792 BC, but it involved a partial one.

Not only the continent, but also the whole Earth was subjected to huge Earthquakes. Then the Earth's axis began to glide. Buildings collapsed, mountain chains shook and crumbled while it seemed that the World had started to slip away.

Before this event, the Sun had risen in the 15th degree of Sagittarius. After the elements had spent themsleves away, the axis of the Earth had moved to the end of Aquarius! The movement of the planet filled the seas with an enormous quantity of kinetic energy. Uncontrollable water floods washed over large parts of land. Atlantis sank below water level, and because of the Shift of the Earth, it came to lie partially under what was, at that time, the North Pole, and was covered with a thick layer of ice.

From that day, the true history of Atlantis began. And why is this legend so important? Because just as in around 21,312 BC when disaster struck the Earth as it entered into the last Age of Aquarius, we too, in our current era, are about to enter into yet another Age of Aquarius!
The few survivors of Atlantis regrouped in the South of the Continent, since the north had become uninhabitable. (Even though the Great North had vanished, Atlantis was still many times bigger than present day Europe).

Deeply shocked, the survivors decided to study the sky even more intently than before. They registered in detail a specific interval of time. All movements and combinations of the Sun, the Moon and the Planets were most thoroughly noted down and graphically reproduced on scrolls. Those days, there was no television, radio, cinema, or other diversions. Therefore, people had loads of time to gaze at the stars while sitting by the ashes of a hot glowing campfire.

A long time ago, their ancestors had discovered figures in the sky. Some resembled animals like a bear, a bull, a horse, a lion, ect. They would argue over these for hours, until they finally agreed on an appropriate name for each.

Now, specific attention was being paid to the movements of the Zodiac. The slightest detail was intensively studied and described. This is because the Atlanteans figured out that the Zodiac was a clue to what had led to the catastrophe of their Continent.
During those days, the Atlanteans saw that the stars and the sun always rose in the west (nowadays this is in the east), so that the stars needed one whole night to cross the sky. In addition, they noticed that different star signs were seen in different seasons. It never happened that suddenly a new star sign would show up in the West. Everything evidenced an order and predictable regularity. It comforted them in the loss of all that had died in the catastrophe.

As time went on, they discovered other stellar phenomena. Some stars rose or sank just before sunrise and the times and places varied with the seasons. It was actually a rediscovery that their ancestors had already found out. However, with their dedication and skill, they were eventually able to explore in depth alot of celestial codes.

Furthermore, they researched the constellation of Orion and the star Sirius with the utmost curiosity. At that time, Orion ruled over the northern and southern starry skies of the Earth, and it was the clearest visible constellation. Sirius was in line with Orion and the Zodiac, and it is a big, brilliant star. This is why they paid so much attention to it.
After the catastrophe around 21,312 BC, life on this huge continent recuperated. People discovered metals like iron, copper and lead and found out how to exploit them. They made beautiful silver and gold ornaments and they ascribed healing values to precious stones, originating from the essence of each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

As they progressed in obtaining more knowledge and in the rational use of raw materials, they decided to build religious buildings. This led to a super-construction with a diameter of eight kilometres, which took them hundreds of years to complete: "The Circle of Gold". In this indescribably gigantic building the "Mathematical Celestial Combinations" were studied by the "Experts of the Number", and all astronomical and other observations were registered.

The Ancient Atlanteans studied the Sun, the Planets, and the Stars. They discovered the laws of movement, gravity, cartography and of countless other sciences. More than 15,000 years ago, they developed mathematics almost up to our present level.
Finally, the Atlanteans knowledge led them to the unveiling of one of the biggest secrets of science: the Sunspot cycle theory. Through accurate deduction, they were able to predict the cycles.

The critical issue was the magnetic fields of the Sun. When these fields reach a crucial point, they result in enormous Sun-outbursts or Solar Flares that are capable of reversing the magnetic field of the Earth. And with the aid of this knowledge, they calculated the exact date of a forthcoming "Great Cataclysm", which would completely destroy their country (and which will soon destroy much of ours).

Despite the fact that this was soley announced at the royal palace, the news spread like wildfire. Panic broke out, until the high priest of Atlantis announced that the date lay two thousand years in their future at that time.

In the year 10,000 BC, a high priest gave the signal for an enormous exodus, because the catastrophe was now upon them.
In the disaster of 21,312 BC, Aha-Men-Ptah had shifted 72 degrees in the Zodiac! If your image of the World changes this drastically, this number has to play a decisive role in your life and that of your descendants as well! That is why almost all ancient civilizations have put it in their legends. And not only their legends, but also in their architecture, science, mathematics, and so on.

25,920 was a Holy Number for the Ancient Atlanteans. The number 25,920 stands for the duration of the complete Zodiacal cycle.

At least three major catastrophes took place in the history of this legendary empire. By the third, the country was completely swept away from the map.

Before the catastrophe, the high priests had calculated that the empire would be destroyed completely. Aha-Men-Ptah, the true and original name for the empire, would become just a land of shadows.
After meticulous calculations, the Atlantean high priests had picked the number out of an incredible array of possible combinations. They built their whole history around this number. It is not impossible that they should have recalculated former periods of time that had passed in their Zodiac, in order to conform to the predictions of this magical number.

If you read the book L'Astronomie selon les Egyptiens, you will find that the names of the signs of the Zodiac were changed many times. And it could be the same with the periods of time.

When you study in depth the years that had passed in a certain Zodiacal sign, you are drawn to the same conclusion. It is impossible to work with such specially coded numbers from the beginning of civilization. They were deliberately put there once the Atlantean priests had made their calculations about the approaching "end of their World". After all, everything had to meet the expectations of their Holy Celestial Laws.
In the Atlantean's eyes this was not a falsification of history, but simply an adjustment of the laws of reality. The "Divine Reality" as they experienced it. Of course this deciphering is not a coincidence; it is the result of a well-pondered and finely tuned decision. Should there ever come a civilization after them, it would have had to be able to trace back along their important discoveries.

The precession of the equinoxes, or furthermore, the shifting of the Zodiac, is at the center of these discoveries. The corresponding number, 25,920, shows up Worldwide again and again. When we find this number while deciphering their codes, and it can also be found in the antique masterworks of remote times, one proof is reinforced by the other.

For instance: the number automatically shows up in elementary calculations that later form a logical unit in the pyramids. The shifting of the Zodiac can be reproduced with mathematical calculations. The survivors of the catastrophe designed a plan with scientific details to show the precise date of the catastrophe.

As soon as we reach the same precession, The Pole-Shift is going to happen in our current day, and it will be almost identical to the catastrophe that caused the downfall of Atlantis!
The calculations made by the Ancient Atlanteans in their "Circle of Gold" resulted in the "Celestial Laws" that they followed in the same way that many religious followers study the books of their religion. These Laws remained with the survivors of the catastrophe. It was their decision, and again that of their progency after them, as to whether they would continue to use such a gift and to what end it should be used for, for good or bad.

The Priests of Aha-Men-Ptah in antiquity had fathomed many truths that they kept secret. They knew about the existence of cycles in the Universe, as well as those that occurred on Earth. After a cycle ended, another cycle began, which again gave Life, but in another projection of space.

This means that the Earth is never the same, on the contrary, it is totally different from all previous periods. This also applies to all beings on Earth, because our planet evolves with everything living on it, according to the rhythm of the Sun and the movement of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. These new combinations are formed day after day, second after second, and are influencing the future.
Once you are aware of this little secret, there is much to discover about these peoples and the reasons behind their methodology. "Atlantean thinking", that is what it all boils down to. By projecting your thoughts into their world, you can easily solve the riddles they pose.

What is important here is that this old culture used exact astronomical numbers in their mystical calculations. Many of their ideas reflected their knowledge of the facts that events occuring in the "Kingdom of Heaven" held great influence over them. The temples, magic objects, relics and religious scriptures later created in both Egypt and Mexico generated an echo of their far-distant past.

For the Ancient Atlanteans, and their future civilizations, Heaven was the Kingdom of Hereafter. The temples and pyramids on Earth were formed in a mirror image of the skies, representing the metaphysical structure of the supernatural.
Orion was the astronomical code position during the year of the previous reversal of the Earth: Venus made a plentary retrograde loop above Orion. After that, heavy earthquakes and volcanic eruptions tormented Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis).

This retrograde loop of Venus above Orion illustrates the reversal of the magnetic field of the Earth.

In Politicus, Plato wrote:

"In those times, an enormous extinction of animals will widely take place and only a small part of humankind will survive."

In the Egyptian Book of the Dead it is mentioned that the code position of Venus above Orion during the previous cataclysm conveys a warning. When Venus comes to a similar position, the coming Pole-Shift will be close.

Sometime between 2009-December 21, 2012, Venus will make the same movement, except that it will be almost a mirror image of the movements of the planet made in the year that Atlantis met its end.

What Euripides wrote in Electra will happen to us:

"The sun went backwards with the whip of its wrath, full of anger, rewarding the mortals with disasters."

In Timaeus, Plato describes this even more poetically:

"The Earth will be captured by stormy winds. The waters of an immeasurable flood will overflow everything, while the Earth makes all kinds of movements, wandering in all directions."
We understand only too well that this kind of catastrophe is colossal. But what will be the actual consequences? How is it possible to describe scientifically the movement of the Sun after every Pole-Shift? Not only did the Sun rise in another direction, but also the Earth reached another Age! The latter can be said because the Earth's crust, its topmost layer, will shift over the surface of the planet while its inner core will begin turning in the opposite direction.

However complicated, it is still a logical conclusion. But how do you communicate this to your descendants? By what means can you explain this properly without causing confusion? And here we come across a masterpiece of this ancient cult of wisdom: the course of the Zodiac. It contains the only possible astronomical codes that describe or indicate accurately the several different changes that will be experienced.
In the first place, the Zodiac describes an exact period of time. The calendar of the Zodiac counts the years that the North Pole needs in order to complete a whole circle-25,920 in total. During this time, true North will move step by step through the different ages. This is universally valid and can be shared, in spite of a long time span.

You can, for instance, state that in the year of that age the Earth was hit by a catastrophe. You can lend it prophetic implication. This will be the case for our purpose. Not just because of its esoteric backround, but indeed because of the scientific backround for which it was designed.

In the second place, the Zodiac is the indication of a change in the movement of the Sun. Because the Sun rose on the other side of the globe after the first disaster, it meant that the Earth would now pass through the ages in reverse sequence.

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