From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

There are pits in the heart of Los Angeles that are one of the richest sources of fossils discovered to date. More than 565 species all somehow got stuck in the tar (asphalt to be precise) over tens of thousands of years, fossilising all the time. Well, that’s what the experts at the George C. Page Museum would have us believe, but they fail to explain the incredible density of animals that “got stuck” there.

During the first University of California excavations in 1906, they found a “bed of bones” which contained over seven hundred sabre-toothed tiger skulls. These combined with wolf skulls averaged twenty per cubic yard. Almost more bones than tar. They are not the bones of animals that merely got stuck and waited to die. They are “broken, mashed, contorted and mixed in a most heterogeneous mass”, just like in the muck of Alaska. And we mustn’t overlook the fossilised birds that have been dug up, 100,000 of them, including over 138 species, 19 of which are extinct.

The George C. Page Museum suggests that the 3,000 birds that are predators and scavengers may have been attempting to feed on other trapped animals, when they themselves got stuck. As sensible as this idea sounds, it fails to explain the presence of the further 97,000 birds that were non-carnivorous. Or three species of fish!
At the end of the last ice age (circa 10,000 BC) many North American species became extinct, including: mammoths, camels, Pre-Columbian horses, ground sloths, peccaries, antelopes, elephants, rhinoceroses, giant armadillos, tapirs, sabre-toothed tigers and giant bison. All of these animals are relatively large. Did they all become trapped in pits of asphalt? Was it the warmer weather that killed them? If so, could they not have shifted north?

The evidence shows that they were most likely wiped out by a terrible catastrophe.

Fossil bones are astonishingly abundant in frozen ground of Alaska, but articulated bones are scarce, and complete skeletons, except for rodents that died in their burrows, are almost unknown … the dispersal of the bones is as striking as their abundance and indicates general destruction of soft parts prior to burial.
Meanwhile in Siberia, mammoths were being wiped out in a similar manner. Massive graveyards of their remains have been mined for ivory tusks. It has been estimated that more than half a million tons of mammoth tusks were buried along Siberia’s Arctic coastline, which equates to roughly five million mammoths. Several dozen frozen mammoth carcasses have been found with the flesh still intact. They died suddenly. In their stomachs can be found undigested vegetation, including grass, bluebells, wild beans and buttercups – food typically available in the summer. Scientists examining them have concluded that three of the mammoths died of asphyxiation. The cause of death of the others has not been determined.

Regardless of cause, they froze within days of dying, and when unfrozen the flesh has been fresh enough to feed to dogs. With the previous pole positioned at Hudson Bay, the North Siberian coastline would have had the same latitude as Japan does today, well outside of the Arctic Circle. But when the poles shifted, the climate would have rapidly changed, from a summer savannah where mammoths munched on buttercups, to a frozen wasteland.

But wait a minute; weren’t the woolly mammoths suited to living in a cold climate? They are described as woolly due to their hairy coat, but this is only hair, greaseless hair. To help protect them from the cold, all of today’s Arctic mammals have glands that make their hair oily to retain warmth – the mammoths had no such gland. Although thicker, a mammoth’s hair is the same as that of elephants, and they live in the tropical regions. Many animals found in equatorial jungles also have thick hair, the tiger being one such example. Anyone still unconvinced could consider this - bones of tigers, rhinoceroses and antelope were found alongside the mammoths, and these are obviously not Arctic creatures.
The great problem for geological theories to explain is that amazing phenomenon, the mingling of the remains of animals of different species and climates, discovered in exhaustless quantities in the interior parts of the earth so that the exuviae of those genera which no longer exist at all, are found confusedly mixed together in the soils of the most northerly latitudes . . . The bones of those animals which can live only in the torrid zone are buried in the frozen soil of the polar regions.

All around the globe there are caves which are full of bones. Many of these contain the remains of animals that would not have normally existed alongside each other. One such cave, at Oreston, near Plymouth, England contained mammoths, rhinoceroses, bears, lions and reindeer. Kent’s cave in nearby Torquay yielded, amongst another things, the bones of sabre-toothed tigers.
A cave near Settle, in West Yorkshire, contains the remains of the hippo, rhino, mammoth, bison, hyena and other animals. They are buried under twelve feet of clay deposits and the cave is 1450 feet above sea level.

So, what could have caused hippo bones to be found deep inside English caves? They may indeed have lived in England, but hippos are not known to climb mountains by choice. They could have been hiding from the cataclysm, sharing the cave with terrified hyenas and bison. Or their bodies, dismembered by a violent cataclysm, may have washed up there, as part of a concurrent great flood. It is reasonable to say that these two ideas are more sound than hippos going on a summer holiday!
In China, near the village of Choukoutien, among the animals found in caves were a porcupine, tiger, woolly rhinoceros, camel, elephant, baboon, ostrich and a species of tortoise. They are not of the same habitat - the bones have been somehow gathered up and dumped in the caves. What forces of nature could do such a thing?

In Sicilian caves were found hippopotami, hyenas, lions, Megatherium, rabbits, bears and elephants. On Kotelnoi Island, in the Arctic Circle above Siberia, where “neither shrubs, nor trees, nor bushes exist”, are found the bones of elephants, buffaloes, horses and rhinoceroses. Similar evidence is available worldwide – proof of destruction at levels we dare not imagine to be possible.
Spitsbergen (now known as Svalbard) is an island in the Arctic Ocean, just eleven degrees from the North Pole, to the north of Norway. It was uninhabited until the 1890s when a mining colony was established there. For almost six months of winter there is no sunlight, yet fossilised plants have been found there, including pines, firs, elms, swamp-cypress and water lilies. Regardless of climate change, these cannot grow anywhere without regular sunlight. At some time in the past, Spitsbergen must have been further away from the pole. Further evidence comes from Soviet archaeologists who have discovered prehistoric cave drawings of deer and whales, as well as axes fashioned from mammoth tusks.

Reef corals have been found deep within the Arctic Circle, on the islands of Ellesmere (Canada) and Spitsbergen. Under snow now, they must have originally grown in a tropical region. Coral requires a minimum temperature of 64° Fahrenheit to grow, which means either a tropical location, or somewhere outside the tropics where warm currents bring tropical waters into higher latitudes (Japan, South Africa, and Bermuda for example).

At the opposite pole, Antarctica, Ernest Shackleton found coal beds within 200 miles of the South Pole. The Byrd expedition of 1935 uncovered fossils that were later identified as tree ferns, as well as the footprint of a “mammallike reptile”. At both ends of the globe, places which are currently the coldest on earth, we find evidence of warmth equivalent to that of latitudes at least 30 degrees closer to the equator.
Hudson Bay in NorthEast Canada is a large inland sea covering 730,380 sq km, yet has a rather shallow average depth of just 130 metres. It was the epicentre of the North American ice sheet during the last Ice Age, which extended as far south as Ohio. North West of Hudson Bay the subsoil is permanently frozen. Halfway between this region and the current North Pole is Greenland, the interior of which is covered in ice all year long. This is to be expected if it was within the previous polar circle as well as the current one – it never had a chance to melt.

Hudson Bay is roughly 30 degrees south of the North Pole, and the Gulf of Mexico a similar distance south again. These spots would fit a model of regular uni-directional shifts. If the shift had a more random nature then other previous polar locations could include a large depression in Africa called the Sudan Basin. It is littered with waterways, which have no apparent connection to each other, nor with the ocean. It contains Lake Chad, which originally covered 300,000 square kilometres, but is now less than one thirtieth of that size and is still shrinking.

The first two locations just noted are diametrically opposite regions of the Southern Ocean, areas where similar depressions in land cannot occur. Opposite Lake Chad is the South West Pacific, again devoid of major land masses.
True extinction (end of a phyletic lineage without phyletic replacement) has occurred throughout the history of life on earth. Among the terrestrial vertebrates, the fossil evidence suggests two striking episodes of extinction: one at the Mesozoic-tertiary transition saw the extinction of the last dinosaurs, the other at the Pleistocene-recent transition saw the sudden dramatic disappearance of large mammals in most but not all parts of the world"

We live in a zoologically impoverished world from which all the hugest, and fiercest, and strangest forms have recently disappeared … yet it is surely a marvellous fact, and one that has been sufficiently dwelt upon, this sudden dying out of so many large Mammalia, not in one place only but over half the land surface of the globe.
In North America an estimated 40 million animals died at the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago). Many of the mammals became extinct, especially the larger ones. The Americas were home to a range of very large mammals, such as the Megatherium (5.5 metre ground sloth), Glyptodon (4 metre giant armadillo), mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers and horses.

Gradualists, who accept that climate change could not have been the sole cause, are puzzled as to how these extinctions happened. For example, we know that post-Columbian horses thrive today in the same areas where fossils of their extinct cousins are found.

The problem is made more difficult when we look at southern Africa, which contains many similar climatic zones, yet lacks the recent extinction of large mammals - large mammals that are obviously less agile than other species, less suited to sudden disasters.

The Smilodon (sabre-toothed tiger) for example, while being smaller in size than the African lion, was twice as heavy. Imagine if a concrete apartment building had a variety of animal species as tenants, and, as we often see on television, it was detonated. Which species could possibly survive? Giraffes? Sloths? Humans? Or smaller beings like a rat, ant or cockroach. Or in the case of a flood, which animals are unable to scale steep slopes and escape the rising waters? The poor Megatherium (which weighed 3-4 tons) would not have had a chance.
Grab a globe and find the southern coast of Nigeria. On the opposite side is Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean. If the North Pole’s previous position was at Hudson Bay, then these two places are roughly the fulcrum points of the last pole shift. Place a finger at each position and see how you can swivel the North Pole to where Hudson Bay is today. This “line of most movement” continues down through the United States and along the west coast of South America, across Antarctica, the Indian Ocean, SouthEast Asia, China and Siberia. All points along this line would have shifted 30 degrees in latitude. The two fulcrum points are the only two spots on the globe that didn’t change latitude. The closer to the fulcrum, the less the change. Closer to the “line of most movement” equals more change.

The extinctions of 10,000 years ago mostly occurred along the “line of most movement”, along with major geology upheavals, such as the rising of the Andes mountain range. During global cataclysms, at locations along the “line of most movement”, there is a correlation between the size of animals and their extinction.
An event as catastrophic as a pole shift would undoubtedly create an increase in volcanic activity. In fact, most likely every volcano along the “line of most movement” would have exploded. Evidence of past lava flows indicate that our current level of volcanic activity is very low, a mere whimper. There has been a gradual decline of activity over the last 10,000 years, as the earth’s crust has settled into its new position, and the volcanoes have slowly died down.

A shift of the crust would require some stretching and contracting due to the equatorial bulge. Any section of the crust that moved into the area of the equator would have to stretch to accommodate the bulge. On the other side of the equator, where section of the crust were moving away, there would be contraction. Distortions of this magnitude would give us the “fire” element so often part of the flood legends – volcanoes.
Chile alone had more active volcanoes back then, than the 500 the entire globe has today. Volcanoes are so sensitive that we can assume the majority of them would erupt during a pole shift situation. Our atmosphere would be filled with dust and the sun would effectively disappear from view for a few years. An example of this is the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 – this single volcano lowered the mean earth temperature by about 1÷C for several years, and many parts of the world lost an entire growing season. With hundreds of volcanoes erupting at once our planet would be plunged into winter, with the new poles freezing over rapidly.
The amount of dust in the air, and corresponding lack of sunlight caused by a pole shift is unpredictable, but even a layman can guess that it would be many, many times more severe than the explosion of Krakatoa. A number of doomsday researchers have pointed out how the dust would create a tragic, incredibly cold period. However, the severity may well be offset in part by the carbon dioxide that volcanoes produce. While dust will stop the sun’s rays from entering our atmosphere, carbon–dioxide will stop heat from escaping, the much discussed “greenhouse effect”. Carbon dioxide also stimulates plant growth, but only when there is sunlight as well. The climate following a pole shift is very difficult to predict. Prepare for anything.
New Zealand is a relatively new country – supposedly it slowly rose from the ocean 26 million years ago. But how are there still shells there, which easily break beneath a person's shoes, which could easily turn into sand, still in one piece after 26 millions of years? Have they survived earthquakes and weather for such a terribly long time? Or could the islands of New Zealand have risen only 12,000 years ago?

Graham Hancock found a similar situation at Lake Titicaca, on the border of Peru and Bolivia:

Though now more than two miles above sea level, the area around Lake Titicaca is littered with millions upon millions of fossilized sea shells. This suggests that at some stage the whole of the Altiplano was forced upwards from the sea-bed, perhaps as part of the general terrestrial rising that formed South America as a whole…

This would be in line with orthodox scientists, who believe that this occurred very slowly 100 million years ago. But Hancock points out that many of the fish and crustacea in the lake are of a salt-water variety, as if they hadn’t had time to evolve into fresh water types. Indeed this is the only fresh water location on earth where seahorses live.
The ancient city of Tiahuanaco, is currently 12 miles distant, and 100 feet higher than the lake. Yet, this city has ruined docks, which implies that within the civilised history this area was subject to a major upheaval. It is frightening to think that there are forces that can shift landscapes two miles vertically, and this may have happened 12,000 years ago in South America.
One of the most important discoveries that argues for pole shifts in the past was a Renaissance map found in the Library of Congress in 1959 by Charles Hapgood, that shows the continent of Antarctica in an ice-free state. This was, in addition to the famous Piri Re-is map, a map drawn by Oronteus Finaeus in 1531 from much more ancient maps.

After several years of research, Hapgood was able to identify more than fifty accurately represented features of Antarctica on the map. Since Antarctica wasn't really charted until about 1920, Finaeus had no way of knowing anything about it. But obviously those ancient mariners knew it in precise cartographic terms. Hapgood estimated the source to be about 17,000 years old, and therefore speculated that the pole shift which buried the continent in ice must have occurred around 14,000 years ago.

In 1961, the Cartographic Section of the U.S.A.F. Strategic Air Command, after studying the Finaeus map, entirely confirmed Hapgood's analysis. They said that the map was indeed made when Antarctica was free of ice, and that furthermore, the ancient mapmakers must have understood advanced mathematics, especially spherical trigonometry!.
Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement also explains one of the great mysteries of geology. How did it happen that temperate and equatorial parts of the planet came to be covered with ice during the so-called various ice-ages? It is known, for example, that a glacier originated in southern India about 280 million years ago, and pushed northwards 1100 miles.

How can this be, since India has always been where it is now? Hapgood says in The Path of the Pole, ages existed in the tropics and...great ice caps covered vast areas on and near the equator. This happened not once, but several times. Shifting poles due to slippage of the earth's crust could account for this phenomenon very neatly.
Then we have the problem of the Woolly Mammoths again. What caused them all to die so suddenly? It is one thing for a species to die out slowly over thousands of years and become extinct. It is quite another to find their bones, and in many cases, perfectly preserved bodies, in heaps in various parts of the world, mostly in northern Siberia. Most certainly, they did not die of old age. The famed Beresovka Mammoth uncovered in Siberia in 1900, had unchewed grass and buttercups in his mouth, and undigested vegetation in his stomach, indicating clearly that he had died in the summer. How then, did he become frozen, and remain perfectly preserved?

A sudden pole shift plunging the Siberian plains into numbing cold and transforming them into frozen tundra would be one very acceptable explanation. Even if the Mammoths did not all die immediately, they would perish over a short period thereafter, because their food supply would be cut off. This is the hypothesis championed by the well-known naturalist Ivan T. Sanderson, who made numerous television appearances in the '60s.

The Mammoths apparently died mostly of asphyxiation before they froze. The extended period over which the Mammoths died, is estimated to be between 30,000 and 10,000 B.C.
Global cataclysms have occurred previously, and presumably will happen again. Any prediction of when must be based on calculable processes. If the Mayan calendar proves to be prophetic, then this cosmic disturbance must be a regular and predictable occurrence, not a random collision or interaction. And if humanity manages to survive each cataclysm, the disturbance’s effect must fall a little short of total annihilation.
It is a fact that anywhere from 2009-2012 the Earth will be subjected to a huge disaster. The cause: the magnetic field of the Earth will reverse all at once, resulting in an enormous shift of the Earth's crust. Virtually nobody will survive this, and at the same time much of our (but not all of our) acquired knowledge will disappear.

These scientific predictions originate from both the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans. Both civilizations are descendants of the legendary Atlanteans, and they had very highly-evolved astronomical knowledge. In Ancient antiquity, they were able to accurately predict the disaster that heralded the end of their civilization.

It's all part of the Ancient codes of the Egyptians and the Mayans. They contain the secrets of a very distant past.

Around 2009-2012, just as in around 9792 BC, the time of the last Pole-Shift, Venus will make a planetary loop above the star system of Orion. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead this is described as the crucial signal for the reversal of the Poles, because after this, the Earth will start turning in the opposite direction.

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