From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

This is completely understandable. Also, it sheds new light on the use of the Zodiac. Before the first cataclysm, the Zodiac went from the star sign Libra to Leo (Libra-->Virgo-->Leo). In Leo, the Earth's surface changed drastically: landmasses sank below the sea, new islands arose, volcanoes erupted, and so on. Everything had quieted down, it seemed that a large turnabout in the precession had taken place: it now went the other way around! In other words, a certain mechanism in the interior of the Earth had turned upside down. That made the movement go as follows: Leo-->Virgo-->Libra.

Before the Cataclysm of 9792 BC the Zodiac travelled from Aquarius to Leo. It then stopped abruptly. The magnetic field of the Earth again changed, the inner core began to rotate in the opposite direction and the Zodiac again appeared to have shifted direction. That's the movement we're still following now until the next Pole-Shift.

The indications are overwhelming and at the same time imply a warning for us: it has happened many times before and it will take place again very soon and perhaps in the future after that innumerable times as well.
In the third place, the Zodiac contains an exact indication of the change of the precession. The movement of the Zodiac was thoroughly disturbed after each previous disaster. At the time of 21,312 BC, the Earth landed in another Age through a sudden shift of 72 degrees. The calendar started again from that point!

The catastrophe of 9792 BC was the most profound in recorded history; thereafter the course of the Zodiac reversed. This is proof of a Pole reversal. And yet, curiously enough, after much wandering, the Earth came to a stop, in the same Age, but a bit further on.
Before the cataclysm of 21,312 BC, Atlantis had been in Sagittarius for 720 years. In one blow, the Earth was then catapulted forward to the Age of Aquarius. The movement of the Earth didn't reverse this time. Since there was only a sudden shift of Ages, we know that the Earth's core kept turning in the same direction. If it had reversed, the Ages would have gone in the opposite direction, as after the first cataclysm.

The knowledge of these ancient Scientists was so great that in many cases it shames our present knowledge! This is a crucial element, because with their knowledge we can decipher what they could exactly calculate about the forthcoming catastrophe which is headed our way.

Our ancestors warned us about this event through coded messages. They knew which mechanisms were hiding behind the biggest atmospheric and Earth changes. With unmatched accuracy they had followed and depicted the Zodiac, and calculated the date of the previous catastrophe, in order to secure their knowledge regarding this. Their descendants - the survivors of the super-catastrophe - are warning us through their legends and exact mathematical and astronomical formulas, informing us that it is now our turn.

The Earth will soon swing around the other way, and many different disasters will take place that will destroy almost all life.
All these events and the messages from these ancient scientists give us testimonies and eyewitness reports of repeated Polar innihilations. But because many of our present scientists choose to be self-satisfied and arrogant, these ultra important historical facts are being ignored.

If so many people choose to remain blind and deaf, our civilization may find its end.
Once again, there are more connections that can be made between the shifting of the Zodiac and the Solar magnetism. This is proof of the predicted and actual events that destroyed Atlantis. At the same time, it is more evidence of what is going to happen to us as we approach 2012.

The Atlanteans knew that a gigantic short-circuit in the Sun causes enormous eruptions. The electromagnetic shock wave is so powerful that the Earth's magnetic field will be blown away.

After this takes place, the Earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction, reversing the order of how we see the constellations in the Zodiac! And to describe this, the Atlanteans searched for a mathematical relation between these two phenomena.
So we know from the Ancient Atlanteans that there is a direct connection between Solar magnetism and the shifting of the Zodiac. Such science is extremely progressive. It actually exceeds the science we know today.

Behind all this there is a helping hand that intends to warn us. Incredibly smart scientists were responsible for this. And the reason is that this connection is not random.

There is a direct connection between dramatic time periods on Earth. The precession cycle is closely connected with the beginning and the end of the ice ages. This has been known since the 1970s.

The previously mentioned discoveries are the evidence that the Ancient Atlanteans had a higher level of knowledge about this more than 12,000 years ago! They also discovered, just as scientists are today, that there were several causes for the ice ages. They were confronted with this on February 2nd, 21,312 BC.

On February 2nd, 21,312 BC, the Earth turned 72 degrees and the subtropical Aha-Men-Ptah was, in a few hours, shifted to partially cover what was - at that time - the North Pole. This tragedy was followed by many disasters including a giant tidle wave. The survivors regrouped in what remained habitable of the Continent and decided to create an astronomical center: the Circle of Gold.

For thousands of years their best scientists studied the heavens. In 10,000 BC the Atlanteans were so certain of a correlation between the magnetic field of the Sun and the resulting catastrophic occurrences on Earth that they decided to start planning for an exodus, preparations for which took place over 208 years.
The Atlanteans discovered several relations between Solar magnetism and the shifting of the Zodiac. They are all extremely disturbing. Many modern scientists know that the same phenomena will put the Earth in terrible danger.

To ignore these messages means suicide. Almost everyone will die during these events if precautions are not taken with utmost urgency! And to top it all off, the survivors will be without much of present day technology. There won't be any computers or machines to rely on to pick up the pieces and put Life, as we've known it, back together. At least not right away.
So it can now be proven from ancient hieroglyphs that there was once a prosperous country of which much of is now lying underneath the South Pole, due to a major shift in the Earth's crust. Scientists with unparalleled knowledge of astronomy, geometry, mathematics, ect., were part of it.

After thousands and thousands of years of research, they discovered a relation between the magnetic field of the Earth and that of the Sun. Two hundred and eight years before the fatal date, they urged their fellow countrymen to prepare for an exodus. The rulers at that time started a punctilious program that had to secure their escape. Hundreds of thousands of Mandjits were built.

Despite the belief of many people, the fatal disaster took place on the exact day that had been calculated so many years before. In the ensuing chaos, the greatest part of the population died. And yet, thousands escaped and started their wisdom cult again in different regions of the World. Thanks to them we know today what is awaiting us.
That night the survivors saw the last spasms of Aha-Men-Ptah. After gigantic earthquakes, the capital city had disappeared under the rising water; an unreal purple glow surrounded the sinking continent. From their boats, the survivors saw exploding volcanoes shooting lava into the sky, while the immense continent sank. It had been their mother country for an eternity, and now it had almost disappeared. But their suffering had not ended yet.

Macabre gigantic light beams were dancing around the Mandjits while the crews took pains to keep up with the hurricane forces. Nobody knew whether they would survive. The night seemed to last an eternity, while the moon and the stars were making abrupt movements. Again, volcanoes burst out, shooting their deadly wreckage far past the Mandjits. A strong smell of sulphur filled the air, while at the same time an apocalyptic high, shining pillar of light rose in the sky.

In fact, the night went ont; this was no illusion, but a mathematical reality, because the Earth's crust was moving thousands of kilometers. Not only the survivors but everything on Earth was thrown into commotion.
Burgeoning civilizations that did not have a clue about what was happening were wiped out. Dozens of animal species encountered their inescapable end, while the appearance of the Earth changed drastically. Mountains rose from nothing while other parts of the Earth descended rapidly. Water was everywhere rising to catastrophic heights, while hurricanes were lashing the Earth's surface.

During these events, the survivors had to keep on their feet - a terrible task to fulfil in a World that was slipping away. Occasionally the sky seemed to clear up, but it only appeared to be so. Finally, at last, a miracle seemed to occur and a new day did begin. Screams of joy escaped the lungs of the afflicted people. However, a big surprise was visible in the sky.

Was it true what they were seeing or was this a fata morgana? Perhaps a celestial phenomenon even more difficult to understand than the previous one created this illusion. Or was it real? Who could tell? The omnipresent evil-smelling fog was still lingering, which made it difficult to recognize the diffuse rays. Then they got stronger.

The Sun was now rising in the East! Surprised cries rose from within the fragile boats. They simply could not believe it. The Sun was rising from the point where it had set! Full of surprise they pointed at the reversed movement of the Sun.
For many of the survivors this was an incomprehensible riddle. However, some priests were able to understand why the night had been so dramatically long. The Earth used to move from East to West, and because of the catastrophe this motion had reversed; for this reason, the fate-ful night had lasted several hours longer than usual. The Earth's crust had shifted, adding even more hours to that night.

A huge tidal wave, caused by gigantic seaquakes, came rolling towards them. This captured the survivors' attention completely; they forgot about the "miracle" and concentrated on surviving. Staying alive, that was the mission!

Moaning, the Mandjits rose. "Shall we overcome this"? wondered the exhausted passengers. They could hardly stand much more.

Under normal conditions, the boats could withstand the roughest waters of the oceans. But this was an accumulation of all possible natural disasters. Nobody had ever experienced anything like this before.
Knots had been torn away, sails had disappeared, rudders had been slashed and boat sides were leaking. In short, most ships were not seaworthy anymore.

At that moment, they did not realize that a new Harmonic Celestial Law was ruling. They had been given the possibility of building up a new existence. To illustrate this, time started to run in a new Solar year, but everything celestial now moved in the reverse direction from the previous Solar year.

Several hours later on that unforgettable day, it became clear that Harmony went cyclic again. The elements had calmed down.
In the following days, deathly pale and distraught people were washed ashore in the south of Morocco over a length of hundreds of kilometers, brought there by the tidal wave. This had only been possible because of the frail, but magnificent construction of the Mandjits that were well known for their durability.

A large number of corpses were washed ashore on the new coastline, increasing the risk of epidemics.And believe it or not, their suffering had still not ended yet. For many nights to come their dreams would contain the images of torn-up bodies with contorted faces and wide-open, staring eyes frozen in horror.

Only a few of their unfortunate fellow beings could be buried. Most of them were sent back into the sea, where the breakers drew them into deeper water to become food for scavengers such as crabs and fish.
Besides the immensity of the sea, some mountaintops and volcanoes that escaped the flood were still visible. Volunteers started to search for survivors and found some original inhabitants, who were called the survivors of the "Fortunate Islands", which were so called until the sixteenth century, when they became known as the "Canary Islands".

On the place where the survivors regrouped, a city was founded and named after Nut, the "Lady of Heaven", mother of Osiris, and the last queen of Aha-Men-Ptah. Nowadays this place is still called Cape Nut.

The chronicles tell about 144,000 people that survived the catastrophe. Strangely enough, this number coincides with the preaching of the Jehovah's Witnesses. They believe that after the "End of Times" only 144,000 chosen ones will be admitted into Paradise. Undoubtedly this is based on the Egyptian history.

Should the Jehovah's Witnesses want to survive the next catastrophe, it wouldn't be a bad idea for them to start making plans to try and do so.
The first days after the catastrophe, the survivors lived aimlessly. Great sadness about the immensity of the event had taken away their vital impulse. Some of them were desperately torn apart with grief over the loss of their relatives. Others meditated over their situation, and still others were so deeply shocked that they were in a trance-like state, just staring off into nothingness.

Nothing would ever be as it had been, of that they were convinced. For now, they had made it safely to a new land, but nothing more. They would never see their country again.
At the dawn of The Chosen, a "First Born" with special gifts was brought forth: his name was Aha. He taught the Divine Law of Creation, and for this reason thousands of years later all kings of the Egyptian dynasties were named after Per-Aha (descendants of The First Born), a term which Greeks phonetically changed into Pharaoh. These First Born descendants knew that they were made in the image of their Creator. Therefore, it was of vital importance for them to abide by The Celestial Laws. An Alliance would consecrate Harmony.

Nevertheless, as time went by, part of the knowledge vanished. Man thought he was God, which led to the big catastrophe of 9792 BC. During that catastrophe, an immense tidal wave washed away tens of millions of the Chosen of the Creator. From then on, this withered land of A-Men-Ta was named The Empire of the Dead in the Hereafter by the survivors of Atlantis.

Deeply shocked, the survivors decided to enter into a new Alliance with their Creator. They thanked Him for their survival and asked forgiveness for their faults. In order to have Eternal Peace on Earth, this time they believed that their treaty would be indestructible.

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