From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The course of all the planets was strictly calculated and recorded by the Ancient Egyptians. Moreover, as soon as the pyramid of light (The Zodiacal Light) disappeared, some specific grooves made it possible to precisely delineate the movement of Sirius. The "Papyrus of Kahoen" proves that they were able to do it.

These astronomers from long-lost times compiled from this document some charts that showed the height of Sirius above the Sun, on the geographical degree of the latitude of Dendera. This had to be done very precisely, in order to check the end of the calendar. Again the "Papyrus of Kahoen" proves that they were able to do this.

A high priest of Ancient Egypt tells us the following when his words are translated into English:

"The glorious rise of our loyal Sirius will take place in the fourth month of Perit of this year, on the fifteenth day, to be exact. Mention this date to people in your vicinity and announce it at the entrance of your temple, so that the believers will celebrate that day joyfully and bring the required sacrifices."

The date noted at the end of this message is the third month of Perit, the eighth day: this has been proved and acknowledged by just about all Egyptologists.

So, this scripture was written 37 days before the actual occurrence. But besides this, thousands of years beforehand, the same calculations were made. This proves the high standard of the Ancient Egyptian astronomy.
The above-mentioned decipherings of the Sothic Cycle are only the tip of the iceberg. They show up many times in other calculations and in analyses of numbers. The Ancient Egyptians knew where their inherited knowledge came from. Establishing elementary codes was of key significance, in order that these numbers could easily be found by means of other numbers, providing a way to correct the reservoir of affected traditions, to gain back the full meaning of distorted memories.

So here we cannot simply talk about coincidence, but only about a purposeful way of thinking, conducted by brilliant minds. They combined their astronomical observations into calculations that were easy to understand.

The Egyptian "Holy Numbers" originate from the calculations that led to the previous Pole-Shift. Their mother country Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis) completely disappeared. The accompanying shock was so devastating that these numbers were imprinted in their memory forever and ever.

The pyramids of the Ancient Egyptians contain numbers that were used to calculate the date of the downfall of Atlantis. They honored in this way all those who had died during those events. But this proves in addition the reliability of their way of calculation.

Through this we find the fact that the precession code of the previous Pole-Shift that destroyed Atlantis is similar to the one that we have coming to us within the next 5-6 years as we come closer and closer to December 21, 2012. In fact, the pyramids inform us of what is going to happen.
In the present cycle, you can find the same code numbers that were used in Ancient Egypt. The circular movement of Venus above Orion, with an identicle code as the one in 9792 BC, is going to return again around 2012 AD! This is the most crucial aspect of all. Because NOTHING will be able to stop the Earth's Poles from Shifting. Nothing. No scientist, no machine, no amount of technology. Nothing.

And the thing I want to make very clear to all of you folks, is that the Ancient Atlanteans had 2,000 years to prepare for the last Pole-Shift.

We have less than 6 to prepare for the next one.
In the previous posts you have already read about the history of Aha-Men-Ptah, which over time became known phonetically as Atlantis. You have also read about the catastrophe that took place in 21,312 BC when Atlantis became partially covered by snow and ice at the North Pole. You should now also know that in 9792 BC the poles reversed and a massive shift in the Earth's crust occurred. In one night, Aha-Men-Ptah disappeared.

The periods between those two cataclysms, (one rapid shifting and one reversal) was 11,520 years. The most recent of those catastrophes definitely took place, because the year 9792 BC correlates with the star code mentioned in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. During several months of that year, Venus made a retrograde movement behind the sign of Gemini, to the left and above the constellation Orion. This code proves the accuracy of that date.

According to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Venus code returns around 2012, which in turn will cause a reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles which will result in huge earthquakes and massive oceanic tidal waves.
The numbers discussed in the previous posts disguise unprecedented Human dramas and spectacular natural phenomena. You see, people are used to seeing the Sun rise in the East. On March 21, the first day of spring, the Sun is always in the same spot, in height as well as latitude. The Sun also rises at the same place on the horizon. It reaches its highest point at the same place. Starting with this fact, the ancient scientists calculated the precession of the Zodiac.

So far everything is normal. But, had it always been like that? Had the Sun always risen in the same spot? In old scriptures there are testimonies of catastrophes that made the Earth "turn over". Nothing was the same after that.

This shocking sentence comes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead:

"I have placed the Sun on a new horizon."

This can be explained as follows: after the slide of the Earth's crust, the Sun rose in a different place on the horizon. Keeping this in mind, everbody will understand this remarkable sentence.
If you happen to live in Sweden, you know that in the summer the Sun hardly ever sets, and that the daylight shines brightly all day long - the famous midsummer-night Sun.

At the equator the story is quite different; there the Sun "goes to sleep early" and sinks completely in a few minutes. Holidaymakers who visit exotic islands know this only too well. One moment there is bright daylight and the next there is sudden darkness, as if the "End Times" have struck as quickly as lightning.

Imagine now that you are living in England when suddenly, the Earth's crust slides and, in one big blow, your town is moved to tropical regions thousands of kilometers away. For anyone remaining alive, it will be clear to him or her that the Sun will rise and set on a totally different plane. You don't have to be an astronomer to prove this. Just like in the tropics, the Sun will rise from a different spot, will stand much higher in the sky, will shine brighter and will set much quicker.
The fact is that Heredotus (also known as the "Father of History writing"), wrote an extremely intriguing side-note in his report on Egypt. It literally says that the Egyptians had assured him, "that the Sun rose twice where it is setting now". To date, many scientists have ignored this highly remarkable statement. They simply detach themselves from it laconically.

A latin writer, Pomponius Mela, wrote in the first century:

"In the authentic annals of the Egyptians one can read that the course of the stars has changed its directions four times, and that the sun set twice on the place where it is now rising." (De situ Orbis; 9.8)

Here mela underlines what Herodotus wrote. Not only the Sun but also the stars changed the direction of their course! When you think about this, it produces a new code. Instead of rising in the East, it rose in the West and vice versa.
The code of the Egyptians has, therefore, a twofold meaning. Not only was the height of the rising Sun different, but so was the direction it was travelling in!

In the Papyrus of Ipuwer it is stated:

"The land is turning around like a potter's wheel."

And the Papyrus of Harris points out:

"If the South becomes the North, fire and water will ravage the Earth while it is turning over."

A remark of this kind points to the fact that the magnetic field of the Earth had reversed.
Through the coming Pole-Shift, the land areas will collapse and titanic earthquakes and tidal waves will torment the whole Earth. Some Continents will sink, while others will rise. After the elements calm down, it will be evident that the Earth's rotation will have reversed to a clockwise rotation, from left to right. Try to realize that after the catastrophe you are heading for the Sunrise-because the Earth is turning clockwise! This means that the Sun will inevitably rise in the West and not in the East!

It has already happened many times before, as proved by the pyramid texts translated by K. Piehl in his book Inscriptions Hieroglyphiques (page 65: L'ouest qui est a'l Occident):

"The Light Source stopped living in the West. A new one now appears in the East."

A bit further the same text clarifies:

"The West, that is to say, there where the Sun sets."

In bygone days this was the other way around. In Breasted's Ancient Records of Egypt, Part III, the inscriptions unmistakably explain the following:

"Harakhte, she rises in the West."

Harakhte is the Egyptian name for the Sun in the West.
If you happen to live in Sweden, you know that in the summer the Sun hardly ever sets, and that the daylight shines brightly all day long - the famous midsummer-night Sun.
Sorry if I mess up your thread now.

But the sun shines brighly all NIGHT long. And that is a pain in... you know.
Are you saying the "tilt" will remedy this? And all it will cost are some soccer-huligans?

Seriously, with som many predictions, surley some must be correct - but this is more a matter of statistics.
Sorry if I mess up your thread now.

But the sun shines brighly all NIGHT long. And that is a pain in... you know.
Are you saying the "tilt" will remedy this? And all it will cost are some soccer-huligans?

Seriously, with som many predictions, surley some must be correct - but this is more a matter of statistics.

Well what I was really trying to explain is that after the Pole-Shift, Sweden will be quite different, yes, but another place in the World will have a similar Sunlight situation to what Sweden has at the moment.
The astronomical facts in the tomb of Senmut, the architect of Queen Hatshepsut, prove that this is the correct translation. Not far from the Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut built the World-famous temple, where her architect was depicted in the niches of the central corridor. His grave is situated at the north of the road that leads to the temple.

The architectural composition of this temple is extremely impressive; it comprises a succession of terraces and elongated doorways, which are silhouetted beautifully against the vertical mountainside. A staircase leads to a terrace, which is closed off by a double portico. The northwest corner of the building is devoted to Anubis. He is depicted on the walls of the vestiblue with twelve pillars. In the middle of the rear wall, a small, vaulted corridor led to the sanctuaries.

There is a courtyard in a terrace on a higher level of the building which has a square Sun-alter facing north, which proves that the Egyptians were "Sun worshippers".

Here are some pictures of Queen Hatshepsut's temple:
Considering the main role of the Sun during the catastrophic events which led to the reversal of the poles, this is quite logical; which brings us back to the grave of the architect of Queen Hatshepsut's temple. The temple holds a well-kept secret from ancient times. Its ceiling contains a panel which shows the hemisphere of the southern sky. Nothing special, you might think, until you study this a bit more closely. The signs of the Zodiac and other star signs are not depicted, as you presently know them; you will see them instead in a reversed orientation. The group of Orion-Sirius takes up the center of the southern panel of the Senmut ceiling. Orion, however, is situated on the west side, instead of the east side of Sirius, like a mirror image.

This is sheer madness for astronomers. In The Astronomical Ceiling Decoration in the Tomb of Senmut, A. Pogo writes: "The orientation of the southern panel is such, that one who is lying in the tomb and wants to look at it, has to lift up his head and face the North, not the South."

Other astronomers are baffled as well and wonder why the Egyptians did it. It seems completely illogical to them, because through the mirror-image orientation, Orion seems to move to the East, that is, in the wrong direction.

However Herodotus gave a plausible explanation for this, and still, there is yet another. Orion was the most important star system for the Egyptians. Misplacing it would have meant blasphemy. Therefore we have to see the explanation in the light of their religion. All the events that occurred during the previous catastrophe have a special place. After the immense cataclysm, the poles reversed: south became north. This also means that east and west changed places.
Here we have what inspired the architect. By placing Orion in a reversed position, he showed that a pole reversal had occurred and that the direction of the wind had changed. He could not have been clearer. In the meantime, we have also learned that the pyramids of Gizeh were placed according to the constellation Orion. To many people's astonishment they also form a mirror image from the sky!
Before the cataclysm of 21,312 BC, Atlantis had been in Sagittarius for 720 years. In one blow, the Earth was then catapulted forward to the Age of Aquarius. The movement of the Earth didn't reverse this time. Since there was only a sudden shift of the Ages, we know that the Earth's core kept turning in the same direction. If it had reversed, the Ages would have gone in the opposite direction, as after the first cataclysm.

Into which age we shall be catapulted this time is just guesswork, but it is a mathematical certainty that it will entail a huge catastrophe. The longer the period between the crashes, the stronger will be the bottled-up forces and their discharge. For this reason the Zodiac was "sacred" to the Egyptians. It reminded them how the recurring catastrophes could affect the Earth and specifically their civilization. They were happy when they reached a new age without destruction, and then they honored that fact by building spectacular buildings.

The many sphinxes of the ages of Taurus and Aries are overwhelming examples of this. The largest spiritual monument they left us - the Sphinx - also points to the previous catastrophe that completely destroyed their land of origin. Indeed, in 9792 BC, during the Age of the Lion (The Age of Leo), their original continent, Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis), sank in one day and one night in the tempestuous waters, to be finally covered by ice.
I have this overhwhelming urge to sing and dance to "Walk Like An Egyptian".

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