From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The code number that the Ancient Egyptians used for Venus was 576. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians were able to calculate exactly the synodic period of Venus.

The Ancient Egyptians were able to calculate the synodic period of Venus because it is visible for such a long time. When it is positioned at the East side of the Sun, it is visible at night above the West. Venus then becomes a night star. It's so brilliant that it attracts everybody's attention. But when it is on the West side of the Sun, then it is a morning star. In summer you can hardly see it. But as the morning star in November, December or January, it does catch everybody's eye.

Venus appears 263 days as a morning star and 263 days as a night star. Furthermore, for 50 days it is not visible, and it disappears for eight days behind the Sun.

Now, if you add up 263 with 263, what do you get? You get the number 526. Now, what happens when you add the 50 days that Venus is not visible to the number 526? You get the code number that the Ancient Egyptians used to represent Venus - 576.

This mysterious number from the Egyptian Zodiac is there to point out the code of Venus!
The number 576 stands for Venus and was used as a code number in the Egyptian Zodiac. From a mathematical point of view, this proves a correspondence between the shifting of the Zodiac and Venus.

After 584 days, Venus is again positioned in the same spot in the sky where it hides behind the Sun for eight days. The number series is clear. It shows the connection between Venus and the Sun.

When you look very closely at the two previous Pole-Shifts on the Earth, you will see the number 576 twice. It is connected with the Zodiac.

After the Pole-Shift of 21,312 BC, the Earth remained in the sign of Aquarius for 576 years.

Before the Pole-Shift of 9792 BC, it remained in the sign of Leo for 576 years.

More than once, this code number of Venus has proved to be of utmost importance for this planet!
Venus is the second planet of our Solar System, and it is also related to the Pole-Shift. How? What logical relation could there be between the Pole-Shift event and Venus?

A so-called Venus cult had the maturity of the advanced civilization of Atlantis.

A lot of information about the past has been lost, but you can infer a lot of things by thinking logically and doing some research.

All nations of Central America ascribe huge symbolic importance to this planet. The Egyptians, too, understood that Venus was a "morning star" as well as an "evening star."

When decoding the Ancient Egyptian Zodiac you come across the number 576 that symbolizes Venus. This number allows for the decoding of an astonishing series of things, bequeathing anyone who looks into it with an immeasurable inheritance, most of which has been lost in the mists of time.
A very long time ago events had taken place that connected Venus with previously occurring disturbances on the Sun. But what mysterious events could these have been? What was so miraculous that caused such turmoil in the minds of the Ancient Priests? Why were they including some sort of relation with Venus in their predictive astronomical science? What terrible memories of the destructive catastrophe could be related to this?

During the previous Pole-Shift the Sun spat around innumerable amounts of electromagnetic particles. Auroras set our atmosphere alight. And just like that of the Earth, the atmosphere of Venus was also set alight. Only the effects on Venus were more intense, because of its close proximity to the Sun, and the particles hitting it were many times more concentrated than what reached the Earth.

Ancient scriptures declare that a "second Sun" appeared in the starry skies. But there was more. When the Sunstorm reached Venus, it's power hadn't diminished. From Venus' uppermost atmospheric layers, gas-like substances were ripped off and lit by a sort of "Celestial Bengal Hell Fire", forming a magnificently illuminated comet tail.
Very ancient Mexican scriptures also describe these phenomena:

First, they say, a celestial body attacked the Sun, thereafter the Sun refused to appear for several days. The World was robbed of light. Countless met their death while this disaster raged on Earth.

Then, they say, the body changed into a star. It appeared in the East.

In Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision you read the following:

"Then appeared a big star. The sky, to show her wrath made a huge number of people perish; they died of hunger and pestilence. It was then that the people, again calculated the days, nights and hours. One sees her appearance the moment the World starts to resurrect from the chaos of the big world cataclysm."
The birth of the morning star was a widely popular motif in the legends of Eastern and Western nations. Time and time again the image appears in the same way. A Burning star interrupted the visible movement of the Sun, and became a morning-evening star, and caused a World-fire.

In Babylon the morning-evening star was called Ishtar, which when translated means the "Star of Lamentations".

The following is from Langdon, Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms, 1909:

Because I make the heavens tremble and the earth shake,
For the glow that illuminates the sky,
For the flames of fire that rain upon the hostile country, I am Ishtar.
Ishtar I am, because of the light that rises in the sky.
Ishtar, the celestial queen I am, because of the light that rises in the sky
That is my fame.
I conquer the mountains completely.
That is my fame.
In Polynesia, until recently, people were still sacrificed to the morning star Venus. Boys and girls were sacrificed to the Arabic morning star, the celestial queen "al-Uzza", until modern times as well. Such faith in drestructive powers of this planet could not have been invented without reason. This "Second Star" made the Earth tilt, harassed it with fire, boosted the win to destructive speeds and made the water rise to catastrophic heights.

In short, Venus was a very vivid image that remained in the minds of those who survived the previous catastrophes. That is why the Atlanteans and their descendants converted the numbers of Venus into codes and included them in their calculations!

After the Sun and the Moon, Venus was the most eye-catching celestial body in the starry sky of those days. When the forthcoming catastrophe occurs, Venus will shine again and will be a painful reminder of legends related by almost all nations of the World.
The discovery of the link between Venus and the catastrophe irrefutably explains a lot of things. It logically confirms findings relating to the Egyptian Zodiac, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and others.

In fact, there is even a mathematical relation between Venus and the Sunspot cycle. But these are not the only relations that exist. Venus also makes retrograde movements, forming loops in the sky.

Sometime around 2012 Venus will make a perfect loop above Orion. A peculiar fact, however, is that this retrograde movement of Venus is mentioned in the Book of the Dead as the code of the reversal of the magnetic field of the Earth.
The Old Egyptians were not the only ones who know of the forthcoming Pole-Shift.

The Pawnee Mythology, states the following:

"The elder ones tell us that the morning star said that when the moon became red, people would know of the forthcoming end of the world."

"Furthermore, the morning star said that at the beginning of all things, she had put the Northern Star in the north, and that at the beginning of all things she would allow the Southern Star to come a bit closer - once in a while - to watch the Northen star and see whether she was still in the north. Should she still be there, she would have to return to her place."

"The order to end all things will be given by the Northern Star, and the Southern Star will execute it. When the End Time draws, new stars will fall again upon the earth."
In the story of the Pawnee Indians you recognize the retrograde movement of Venus. It follows a whole circle. Venus was therefore thought to be capable of reversing the position of the South Pole and the North Pole by making this planetary loop.

Similar to many other nations, the Pawnees believed that the future destruction of Earth depends on the planet Venus. At the end, the North and South Pole will change places.
Venus is a link between the deadly gyrations that hit the Earth before and those that will soon hit it again. The directions of the wind will reverse and a period of darkness will torment the skies. From then on, Venus will herald a new era.

By means of old scriptures and the rest of the astronomical remnants of the Old Egyptians and others, one can retrieve a whole bunch of elementary data. The mathermatical relations prove the old legends, and the old legends in turn prove to us what happened.

The Old Egyptians and others share common characteristics related to the catastrophe that is going to hit us.
In The Egyptian Zodiac, the number of Venus is hidden and used many times. The deciphering shows this quite clearly. Venus gives the main code for the reversal of the magnetic field of the Sun.

In the year of the previous crash, 9792 BC, Venus made a planetary loop during several months behind Gemini on the left side above Orion.

Around 2012, Venus will make a similar movement, but this time it will be exactly above Orion, and the Earth will start turning the other way around after the reversal of the poles.

The Sunspot cycle concerns the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Sunstorms, while the Egyptian Zodiac shows their consequences for the Earth.

When the magnetic field of the Sun changes, the influence on Earth is catastrophic. The Earth has landed in another Age of the Zodiac after ever single case of the previous Pole-Shifts.
As the Ancient Priests of Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis) studied the Sun attentively, they must have seen cearly the two previous broken-off reversals.

Nobody could have failed to notice such intensified activity. Having this theoretical formula at their disposal, they had only to project the data into the future in order to calculate the next point. This is how they were able to calculate the exact date, foretelling the end of their civilization in 9792 BC! They were totally convinced that this would be accompanied by a huge amount of cosmic violence.

After all, the third reversal coincides with the normal one of a Sunspot cycle. This implies that the forces are amplified many more times, instead of being crossed! Hence perhaps the expression: "Third time's a charm."

Thousands of years later, the descendants of Ancient Egypt calculated the forthcoming Pole-Shift that we have coming to us around 2012. But because alot of this superior knowledge has been lost, we didn't get the "official" warning, meaning that we are for the most part going blindfolded towards this catastrophe.

However high our technology could have evolved, a pole reversal will lead to the loss of almost all of our knowledge - the "Armageddon", the definite end of Humankind as we know it.
Without a doubt the Ancient Egyptian's Sothic cycle contains a coded message: its decipherings leads to the exact orbit of the Earth around the Sun.

The Egyptians honored Sirius for certain reasons: thanks to this star the High Priests were able to deduce many valuable astronomical and other key numbers in a simple way. These decipherings stunningly prove that the Ancient Egyptians had achieved a much higher level of knowledge than present scientists might ever suspect.

You will find a special reference to the Sothic cycle in the history of Manetho, a priest from Heliopolis. He wrote extensive lists about the early pharaohs of Egypt and the historical dynasties of even older periods. Manetho claimed that from the age of the "gods" until the end of the thirtieth dynasty, the civilization was 36,525 years old. When you look carefully at this number, you find it in twenty-five cycles of 1,460 Sothic years and twenty-five cycles of 1,461 calendar years of 365 days.

Those mumbers are the driving force behind their legends. Only because of their phenomenal degree of accuracy were they able to calculate the previous reversal with such great certainty.
Here are some pictures of the Sirius Star System that the Ancient Egyptians honored because of the wisdom and guidance that they gained from it:

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky: over 20 times brighter than our Sun and over twice as massive. It is at 8.7 light years distance in the constellation "Canis Majoris". Sirius is actually a binary system: Sirius B is 10'000 times dimmer than the bright primary and is a white dwarf.
There are many number series and codes in the Ancient Egyptian legends that have been converted into their monuments.

Here's a quote from the old Gnostic texts from the Nag Hammadi Library that many of you might find interesting:

"Build monuments as a representation of the spiritual places...and to enlighten the people with important knowledge about the future."

In other words, the pyramids, the Sphinx and many other miraculous buildings from a distant past are standing here to warn us and arouse our curiosity, so that we start the search for the "why".
In his book The Orion Mystery, Bauval proved that the pyramids were built according to the Orion constellation as it appeared 12,000 years ago.

The construction of the pyramids is related to the precession of the Orion constellation in 9792 BC, the year of the previous Pole-Shift.

In those times the Sphinx was looking at its celestial counterpart. As you already know, the last Pole-Shift took place in the Age of Leo.

Therefore we are here confronted with a sky-Earth dualism, a serious warning about what happened then and what is awaiting us now. Even worse, the precession of those days is identical to the one we have coming soon on our way to the year 2012, on the countdown to our next Pole-Shift.

Exactly as it did in 9792 BC, Venus will make a perfect circular retrograde loop around 2012 above the Orion constellation. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead this code is denoted as the movement that foreshadows the end.

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