FrontPage Magazine By David Horowitz


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Lets hear from the X progressive/marxist commie/liberal/left-winger...


Fight Fire With Fire

September 3, 2013 By David Horowitz


I’m pleased to be here. I want to thank Tim Phillips for inviting me to this gathering, and the Koch brothers for organizing it. Most of you probably know that I grew up in a Communist family and had a misspent youth as a Marxist leader of the New Left in the 1960s. In later years, when I reflected on the damage our “revolution” had inflicted on our country, I would ask myself, “Where was the ruling class? Why didn’t they defend the System from these modern day Luddites and America haters? Why didn’t they expel us from the schools we tried to shut down? Why did they give us platforms to advance our agendas? What were they thinking?”

As the years progressed, and the radicals first infiltrated and then took over the Democratic Party, I found myself asking, “Where is the ruling class? Why don’t they see the threat this radicalized party is posing to their interests and the country’s? Why isn’t the ruling class mobilizing its resources to oppose an assault that is threatening the free market system and the very foundations of our democracy?”


If the last five unhappy years have taught us anything, it is these two things: First, elections have consequences. The left’s last two electoral triumphs have already had a devastating impact on our nation and its future. America is now a great power in steep decline, a by-stander in world events, where once it shaped them. Our president is set on a course that actively encourages our enemies, weakens our friends and diminishes our military strength. At home his policies have impelled us towards national bankruptcy and constitutional disorder. And worse. Until the IRS and NSA scandals and Obamacare revealed the power that the Obama radicals are acquiring, I myself did not realize how close we were to the prospect of losing our democracy and actually becoming a totalitarian state. If you control all that information about individual lives and you have all that power over their finances and health, you can destroy any opposition and you do not need a secret police to enforce your will.


Would it have been difficult to do this? Obama is arguably the most brazen and compulsive liar ever to occupy the White House. He is an absentee executive — invisible at the budget negotiations in Washington and the withdrawal negotiations in Iraq, missing in crisis after crisis. While Egypt and Syria burn, he golfs. His endless dithering and misguided interventions in support of the Muslim Brotherhood have set the entire region aflame. Meanwhile, he and his wife carry on like French royalty, lavishing tens of millions of taxpayer funds on their family and dog while tens of millions of Americans suffer historic levels of deprivation because of the policies Obama put in place.


The answer is obvious to everyone but no one will say it out loud.

No one will confront Obama the way he deserves to be confronted because he is black. Actually he is half black, raised by whites and one Indonesian but no matter, since racist liberals have made the color of one’s skin decisive. It is because Obama is a minority that no one will hold him to a common standard; or confront him with what he has actually done. Any political consultant will tell you that you can’t. This is how race conscious and race-prejudiced our country has become.


In fact Democrat socialists want to be rich. In fact they are rich. Just ask George Soros, Jon Corzine, Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emanuel, Terry McAuliffe, Bill Clinton and the White House couple. They want to be filthy rich. As far as socialists are concerned rich people are ok — if they support the socialist agendas. It’s cynicism on steroids. It’s all about power. It’s a strategy to win. Attack the rich to show you are friends of the poor. And politically it works.


In the real world, Democrat socialists have made the lives of poor Americans worse, much worse. You need to shove this fact in their faces every time you speak. Here is the reality: In every inner city of size in America, the selfish exploiters of the poor are liberals – what I am calling Democrat socialists; they are the ones who fatten themselves off the votes of minorities and the poor while blocking their opportunities for a better life, and throwing them crumbs in return.

Detroit is a city Democrat socialists have run as a political monopoly for 52 years. For twenty of those Detroit’s Democrat mayor, Coleman Young, was also a member of the Communist Party.

In 1961 before their rule, Detroit had the highest per capita income in the United States; Today, it is the poorest large city in all fifty states.


Second, and far more importantly, a movement called Occupy Wall Street went on a rampage in American cities attacking the so-called 1% and the allegedly unfair distribution of wealth. Occupy Wall Street was a criminal mob supported by Obama and Pelosi, orchestrated and financed by the socialist government unions. Overnight, this changed the national debate from Obamacare to “fairness.” It cast anyone opposing more taxes as a selfish defender of the rich, and put Republicans on the defensive.


Let’s put hope in the hands of people who can’t afford to send their kids to schools that will teach them. Let’s change the way the educational economy works, so that individuals are empowered – not government – so that competition is restored and standards are raised. Let’s take the second biggest part of the government economy and return it to the people. Let’s create a model of the kind of society we want — a free market society, a society based on individual achievement, not government defined collectives.

This is just one possible campaign. Even if this particular campaign doesn’t win the first or second time around it will eventually change the perceptions of everyone in politics. We will no longer be seen as the defenders of the rich; we will be seen as the defenders of minorities and the poor; and our opponents will be seen as their oppressors. If campaigns like this are conducted in the right way they will change not only the way conservatives frame their message; they will change the political landscape of the country and the prospects for our nation’s future.

Fight Fire With Fire | FrontPage Magazine
How Obama Betrayed America

May 8, 2013 By David Horowitz


Far from shouldering his responsibility as the commander-in-chief of America’s global War on Terror and embracing it as this generation’s equivalent of the Cold War, Obama showed his distaste for the entire enterprise by dropping the term “War on Terror” and replacing it with an Orwellian phrase — “overseas contingency operations.” Minimizing the Islamist threat to the United States is not an oversight of the Obama administration; it is its policy.

It should not have been difficult for Obama to make the nation’s defense a priority when he became America’s commander-in-chief in January 2009. The American homeland had already experienced a devastating attack, which terrorists have been constantly trying to repeat. The number of foreign states openly supporting terror has steadily increased (and grown even more during Obama’s tenure); and the most dangerous Islamist regime – Iran – is being allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, while Washington dithers over pointless negotiations. With secular governments giving way to Islamist regimes in Turkey, Egypt and Iraq, with the Taliban on the rise in Afghanistan and an American withdrawal imminent, the global situation today has eerie parallels to the early Cold War, with implications equally dire. Yet instead of policies that put U.S. national security first and are pursued without hesitation or apology, Obama’s time in office has been marked by retreat and accommodation and even support of Islamist foes – most ominously of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which swept aside an American ally, with Obama’s personal intervention, and is busily creating a totalitarian state.


How Obama Betrayed America | FrontPage Magazine
The Black Book of the American Left: Volume One — My Life and Times

November 6, 2013 By
By David Horowitz


The essays contained herein describe the left as I have known it — first from the inside, as one of its leading “theorists” (I flinch and blush at the same time in using this term), and then as a nemesis confronting it with the real world consequences of its actions. In all these writings I was driven by two urgencies: a desire to persuade those still on the left of the destructive consequences of the ideas and causes they promoted; and second, the frustration I experienced with those conservatives who failed to understand the malignancy of the forces mobilized against them. Most conservatives habitually referred to leftists who were determined enemies of the American social contract and its individual liberties as “liberals.” In calling them liberals, they failed to appreciate the Marxist foundations and religious dimensions of their radical faith or the hatreds it inspired. And they failed to appreciate their brutal imposture in stealing the identity of the intellectually pragmatic, patriotic, and anti-totalitarian “Cold War liberals” whose influence in American political life they killed off, beginning in 1972 with the McGovern coup inside the Democratic Party.[1]


The Black Book of the American Left: Volume One ? My Life and Times | FrontPage Magazine
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The Obamas and Ayers' hate Horowitz. They consider him a traitor. Interesting, coming from the very people who sought (seek) to undermine this country.
Horowitz's book "Radical Son" offers amazing insight to the 60's radical left. The fact that he was the son of card carrying communists almost paved the way for a smart kid to become active in the left wing radicalism of the 60's and 70's. It's interesting to note that one of the Watergate reporters was also the son of card carrying communists and the media kept it quiet. Horowitz's book "The Professors" gives a chilling look inside the world of left wing academia. Horowitz was the victim of assault almost every time he spoke on a university campus. The administration usually giggled about a pie in the face or some unknown substance resembling blood or urine thrown on (only) conservative speakers but Horowitz finally pressed charges for assault.

The Black Book of the American Left: Volume I: My Life and Times

January 10, 2014 by Barbara Kay


One instantly comprehends the truth of this insight, and even anticipates its ramifications. There exists a quantum leap in evil between the MacBeths of this world on the one hand, and the Hitlers, Stalins, Mao Tse Tungs, Che Guevaras and Osama bin Ladens on the other.

But Solzhenitsyn does not explain how it is that so many intellectuals can apply exquisitely sensitive moral calipers to the character flaws in Shakespearean murderers, turning them this way and that in the light cast by civilized codes of behavior, while ideological massacrists inspire in the same minds a paralysis of the critical thinking process so impervious to reason as to amount to a pathology.


And for these students, the writings of former New Left leader David Horowitz have, for the past 30 years, amounted to the most compelling vivisection of the American left since Whittaker Chambers’ majestic 1952 apologia for his six years in the Communist underworld, Witness.


Horowitz was, like so many other Jewish sons and daughters of his generation, a “red diaper” baby. His parents were staunch communists to the end of their days, undeterred even by Khruschev’s 1956 unveiling of Stalin’s paranoiac purges and wholesale decimations. Clinging to the post-Stalin wreckage rather than swimming away altogether, Horowitz championed the resurgent New Left’s neo-communist shibboleths at Berkeley, ground zero of the counter-cultural 1960s, for several years co-editing Ramparts, the left’s most important student literary and political magazine.

The pivotal moment in Horowitz’s ultimate break with the left was the 1974 murder by the Black Panthers of Betty Van Patter, a fellow activist personally recruited by Horowitz for administrative work at an Oakland, California community center, understood by Horowitz to be wholly devoted to disadvantaged black children, but in fact a shell for laundering criminal Panther activity.


“A Political Romance” is a good introduction to the neophyte unfamiliar with Horowitz’s personal story, but that is not why I single it out. The “romance” of the title is leftist utopianism, and the essay, finely crafted as one would expect, describes Horowitz’s awakening to the realities behind the dream. In format and tone it is exactly the kind of reflection one frequently sees on the “Lives” end page of the New York Times Sunday magazine.


The Black Book project was conceived of as a dual challenge: to persuade leftists of the destructive consequences of their ideas; and to persuade conservatives of the malignancy of the forces mobilized against them.

Horowitz is a born fighter, but even lifelong happy warriors can experience moments of frustration, when all their labors seem to have been in vain. When he defected, Whittaker Chambers told his wife, “I know that I am leaving the winning side for the losing side,” but that it was “better to die on the losing side than to live under communism.”

Horowitz has acknowledged that while conservatives like his message and his writing, they don’t act on his advice. All Cassandras may be forgiven if they believe they are on the losing side of history.

But then, nobody predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, as Horowitz has pointed out on several occasions. In a recent interview, Horowitz said he believes “Obama has awakened [conservatives].

They’re getting it.” He also said, “I am an optimistic person.” A lucky thing for us all, and may his tribe increase.

The Black Book of the American Left: Volume I: My Life and Times | FrontPage Magazine
David Horowitz is a liar,a racist bigot, a hypocrite and a fascist thug.

I don't think so. I think the murder and mayhem surrounding communist cultures went against his grain when he grew up to its macabre reality. I think it went against all the human psyche knows to be right and true, and he extricated himself from a life of crime and covering for other communists' crimes by learning to master his feelings and see the facts in perspective to the lies communists feed on in order to fool people into doing the expedient.

Not every strong leftist can do that. ;)
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In 1961 before their rule, Detroit had the highest per capita income in the United States; Today, it is the poorest large city in all fifty states.
Detroit was destroyed by Reganomics not liberals.

Funny, considering that overspending by leftists was prevalent and conservatism advocated by followers of Ronald Reagan was put on the ignore pile.

Project much?
David Horowitz is a liar,a racist bigot, a hypocrite and a fascist thug.

I don't think so. I think the murder and mayhem surrounding communist cultures went against his grain when he grew up to its macabre reality. I think it went against all the human psyche knows to be right and true, and he extricated himself from a life of crime and covering for other communists' crimes by learning to master his feelings and see the facts in perspective to the lies communists feed on in order to fool people into doing the expedient.

Not every strong leftist can do that. ;)

There is no proof he was left or communist.
In 1961 before their rule, Detroit had the highest per capita income in the United States; Today, it is the poorest large city in all fifty states.
Detroit was destroyed by Reganomics not liberals.

Funny, considering that overspending by leftists was prevalent and conservatism advocated by followers of Ronald Reagan was put on the ignore pile.

Project much?

I disagree it was the destruction of the tax base and withholding of Federal and State funds by Republicans.

And what am I projecting?

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