Fruits of Islam at work in Boston

Originally Posted by Roudy
It might take a few more atrocities, much worse than this, for Westerners to understand the effects of Islam on the human brain. I'm talking like a dirty bomb or something major like that.

trying to incite radical Zionist into helping westerners understand the need for a war on Islam ?
Originally Posted by Roudy
It might take a few more atrocities, much worse than this, for Westerners to understand the effects of Islam on the human brain. I'm talking like a dirty bomb or something major like that.

trying to incite radical Zionist into helping westerners understand the need for a war on Islam ?
Understand the need for war on Islam? Most Americans realize that Islam is already at war with America, and the rest of the non Muslim civilized world of course.

You are obviously dismayed that the bombers turned out to be Jihadi Muslims, as expected. Ha ha ha.

And of course you don't give a shit about their heinous actions.
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Did the suspect say: "Yes I am Muslim and I did this for my faith?"
Keep up will ya? Both brothers expressed their Islamic Jihadist anti American sentiments on the facebook and twitter postings. Fucking ignorant moron.

I'm sorry may I have a link?
Here we go, or, just pay your cable bill and turn on your TV.
Forensic Psychologist Labels Bombers “Self-Radicalizing Jihadists”

PLANTATION (CBS4) – A nationally-known forensic psychologist says the two brothers suspected of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon fit a pattern of international terrorists but he is not sure if they were part of a larger group.

“These individuals are self radicalizing jihadists,” said Stock. “Self radicalizing means they look for an ideology they can attach to and identify with. Then they submit themselves to a path of lethal aggression.”

"Boston jihad bomber Tsarnaev's social media page shows his interest in Islam and bombs"
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Keep up will ya? Both brothers expressed their Islamic Jihadist anti American sentiments on the facebook and twitter postings. Fucking ignorant moron.

I'm sorry may I have a link?
Here we go, or, just pay your cable bill and turn on your TV.

Forensic Psychologist Labels Bombers ?Self-Radicalizing Jihadists? « CBS Miami
Forensic Psychologist Labels Bombers “Self-Radicalizing Jihadists”

PLANTATION (CBS4) – A nationally-known forensic psychologist says the two brothers suspected of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon fit a pattern of international terrorists but he is not sure if they were part of a larger group.

“These individuals are self radicalizing jihadists,” said Stock. “Self radicalizing means they look for an ideology they can attach to and identify with. Then they submit themselves to a path of lethal aggression.”

lol Israeli bigots are falling all over themselves to use the Boston bombing to advance their agenda.
Eh? Another IslamoTerrorist worshiper crawls out of the woodwork. Tissue?
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We're bombing the shit out of a half-dozen country's in the ME and you wanna talk about some religion and its mythical threat!

What a dumbass thread!
You note they might be Moslems.

I note they are DEFINITELY men.

One can therefore only conclude that allowing any MEN to emigrate is a mistake.
Do we know if the suspect is really Muslim? Just because you come from a family that are Muslim doesn't mean you are. In fact do we know his attacks are religiously motivated?

There's some evidence that they may be Islamic radicals, but nothing solid yet. Of course, to the brain dead zombies that inhabit much of this board, they are brown and thus, Islamic terrorists.

Lol. They come from a nation that is overwhelmingly muslim. They set off bombs in a crowd in an attempt to murder innocent woman and children. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's usually not a Labrador Retriever. Well except to those brain dead, muslim appeasing, politically correct liberals.
if we could just clearly identify them like make them wear a yellow badge or a tattoo maybe...

Better to ship them back to their family's land of origin or execute them.
Funny part is these assholes came from a Muslim country yet were able to gain "ASYLUM" status which fast forwarded their US citizenship.
We're bombing the shit out of a half-dozen country's in the ME and you wanna talk about some religion and its mythical threat!

What a dumbass thread!
I didn't realize the US was bombing Chechnya or had anything to do with the Chechnyan / Russian conflict for that matter. Shmuck.
You note they might be Moslems.

I note they are DEFINITELY men.

One can therefore only conclude that allowing any MEN to emigrate is a mistake.

That's like saying, women think more clearly than men so letting men think is a mistake.

How about we do extensive background checks on someone other than the American gun owner ..........
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lol Israeli bigots are falling all over themselves to use the Boston bombing to advance their agenda.

Typical Anti-Zionist nonsense!

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