Fuck Sean Hannity

I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

They were streaming the speech live on line, you could have watched.
Too many drinks for that. Find me an IT guy to spend 6 hours teaching me and we're good
Ah well...there you go.
The last IQ test I took was either 112 or l22. I honestly don't remember but either way you don't know me so kindly fuck off.

And though here you are...wasting time here being a loser

I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

They were streaming the speech live on line, you could have watched.
Too many drinks for that. Find me an IT guy to spend 6 hours teaching me and we're good
Ah well...there you go.
You offering? If not shut up
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.
Gramps, why would you expect a GOP mouthpiece like Hannity or any of the other talk radio and Fox News pundits to play a speech by the other side? They'll play bits of it tomorrow; the parts they want you to hear that strengthen your partisan leanings.

I've been listening to FOX 1110 KFAB out of Omaha and I heard Bernie's whole speech.
None of the people on that station have ever spoken to a single person from Fox News. There's thousands and thousands of local "Fox" affiliates. Fox is a gigantic, multi-billion dollar corporation after all.

Cool thing about this station? When Johnny Carson was an undergraduate at University of Nebraska he wrote and performed shows there. Tonight they had on awesome commentators. Megan McCain's on now so it's time to switch in a minute. :) It's that Valley Girl voice just sends me up the wall. And giggling. Giggling should not be allowed on radio.

"I turned on Fox News"

You need to stop doing that – Fox isn’t ‘news,’ it’s entertainment for conservatives.

"I want to hear from the opposite side."

Then stop watching Fox 'news.'
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

Why would you expect Hannity to change the way he has always done? Here is a hint. All the things that the right wing does that you recently noticed and are complaining about have always been the right wings way of doing things. You just chose not to notice them until now.
I'm no fan of Sanders. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...I want to hear his words not a pundits.

That's oxymoron if you say you're not a fan then say you give a shit about his speech.


Idiot post.

Of course I care what he says & thinks. He could be our next president. Do you enjoy being uninformed?

Of course he does. Fox viewers enjoy being less informed than people who watch no news at all.
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

You get it was Sean's show not Sander's show right. You could have just turned the channel, instead you came here and started a venom thread about it.
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

You get it was Sean's show not Sander's show right. You could have just turned the channel, instead you came here and started a venom thread about it.
I did indeed. I was irritated. It'll be okay....
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

Well it's a Reich wing network--they aren't going to let Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton spill out a victory speech--LOL CNN puts on better election coverage and they cover all of the victory speeches.

Bernie Sanders has berned out anyway. It is mathematically impossible for him to close the gap with Hillary Clinton. He would need to win 3 out of 4 delegates in ALL of the upcoming states. Meaning he would have to win them BIG, not just by a few points. And we got several big closed primaries coming up, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut where she is leading by 30 or more points, and he will get clobbered in those.

He's been winning the smaller caucus states, because only underdog supporters are going to put up with the pain of going to a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote for the underdog candidate. They produce less than 1% of party participation, and probably should be considered one of the best examples of voter disenfranchisement. If these were primary states Hillary Clinton would have won all of those. She has a 2+ million popular vote lead over Sanders.

Then the 580 Democrat Super Delegates, are going to stay with Hillary Clinton, not someone that just changed his party status to run on this ticket.

A Bernie Sander's rally is just a side show right now, and so are his victory speeches.

I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.
Gramps, why would you expect a GOP mouthpiece like Hannity or any of the other talk radio and Fox News pundits to play a speech by the other side? They'll play bits of it tomorrow; the parts they want you to hear that strengthen your partisan leanings.
Bernie Sanders is an senile old shit bag, only an asshole would care what the fuck nut says...
Bernie Sanders is a cute old Jewish man. He does not seem very Presidential.

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