Fuck Sean Hannity

I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

Sean Hannity rocks and he's right about Sanders. Hillary already has the market on the Super Delegates. If doesn't matter what Sanders does, the nomination for Hillary was decided before the election season. THAT is where you should direct your anger.
Hannity is just a really dumb guy. I don't say that lightly, but seriously, he's a guy with below average intellect who is simply not worth even a minute of your life listening to.
The less you listen to partisan pundits, the more informed you'll find yourself to be.

Hannity never finished college

If Bernie was around, he could have gone for free
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

They were streaming the speech live on line, you could have watched.
Too many drinks for that. Find me an IT guy to spend 6 hours teaching me and we're good
Ah well...there you go.
You offering? If not shut up
How's your head today, Alkie?
The last IQ test I took was either 112 or l22. I honestly don't remember but either way you don't know me so kindly fuck off.

And though here you are...wasting time here being a loser

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the result of inbreeding.
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.
welcome to the world of the right wing news organisation ... fair and balanced ??? really ??? it isn't fair and they aren't any where near balanced Hannity has proven that a long time ago ...
One of my favorite Sean Hannity questions

To Ted Cruz: Why do you love America so much?

Hannity is just a really dumb guy. I don't say that lightly, but seriously, he's a guy with below average intellect who is simply not worth even a minute of your life listening to.
The less you listen to partisan pundits, the more informed you'll find yourself to be.
Interesting post. So how many people tune in to listen to you?
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.
Gramps, why would you expect a GOP mouthpiece like Hannity or any of the other talk radio and Fox News pundits to play a speech by the other side? They'll play bits of it tomorrow; the parts they want you to hear that strengthen your partisan leanings.

That seems like a huge over read of what he said. Hannity has Democrats on his radio and TV shows all the time. That he doesn't want you to hear from Democrats is ridiculous
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.

a couple of other channels carried him

other then that

you still need to hear where is head is

Hannity's an old Bush butt-sniffer Neocon stiff. Why would anyone still be listening to an idiot who worships the Bush's and helped bring us bloody debacles like the Iraq War? It's actually a huge waste of time listening to him. I wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him.
Don't like Hannity? Hummm what's left? Maybe ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, Al Jazeera, PBS CNN and the comedy channel.
I'm no fan of Sanders but just now I turned on Fox News to see the highlights of this evenings elections. Sanders is giving his victory speech & Hannity says, I wouldn't waste my time...

I want to hear from the opposite side. I want to know where their head is. I don't want to stick my head in the sand & read a twisted version online tomorrow.

I agree with virtually nothing he says but I want to hear his words not a pundits.
Fox News: We Decide What To Report To You.

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