Sean Hannity felt "hated everywhere he went" in New York, finally escapes to Land of Sanity: Florida

It's what Dems always say when wealthy people pack up and move. It pisses them off to no end. California Dems are so pissed they are trying to impose EXIT TAXES on the wealthy and force them to continue paying California taxes 10 years after they leave.
I heard about that. Sick gets sicker out there in the people's republic of california

But you know.. Why is it called the People's Republic? whether you're talking about China or California... there's nothing that FAVORS the people there!

so yeh... always wondered about that
But you know.. Why is it called the People's Republic? whether you're talking about China or California... there's nothing that FAVORS the people there!

so yeh... always wondered about that
BE's the people vs public employee unions. There's no Dem vs Rep on the west coast. It's the massive public employee unions who conspired with politicians to rob the people blind.

Public employees rake in salaries and benefits the private sector could only dream of, paid for by taxpayers. Recession proof in good times and bad.

The public employee pensions holy shit...did you know that in Oregon taxpayers were put on the hook to GUARANTEE at least an 8% return on the public employee unions pension fund? If they failed to make at least that in the stock market, or lost money then taxpayers had to make up the difference. Imagine getting to play the stock market risk free with a guaranteed 8% gain.
Looks nice!

Hannity already bought a beachfront home in Palm Beach, Florida, just three miles from former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate

'I am out. I am done. I'm finished. New York, New York. Goodbye,' he said.

Here the thing, if dems actually passed all the laws they wanted, they’d lose the vote of every rich person in the country.

That’s why dems don’t pass the laws they claim the want to pass. They like money as much as those evil righties…
Sean just got a HUGE pay increase! NY can no longer mooch off him, poor NY sucks to be you. That's what you get for your out of control taxes, fees, tolls and all the other MOOCH schemes you people use to parasite off the people.

That is for sure!

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