'Fuck You, Guns'

The original intent of the founders was that they could keep raping their slaves forever.

I think it's time we move beyond the wishes of a bunch of dead rich assholes and try to live in the here and now.

In the here and now, there is no good reason why crazy people should be allowed to buy military grade weapons with extra-capacity magazines and teflon coated bullets.

what we need is a link to this outrageous comment..

I don't do links...

Are you denying that the founders were slave-owners. Or the fact we have about 20 different skin hues on black folks in this country doesn't prove they were being raped regularly?

I'm sorry, but didn't your racist ass brag about bringing a couple of mixed race children into this world? Yet you want to talk shit about things that may or may not have happened 200 years ago..... Damn you're stupid.....
I think you'll be amazed how fast people will move beyond your bizarre interpretation of the wishes of the Founding Slave-Rapists.

Dead kids tend to have that effect on people. Frankly, people in my office have been talking about nothing but the last three days.

And the assholes at the NRA have joined Cheney in that "Undisclosed Location"...

really, 50 million dead from abortions doesn't bother YOU PEOPLE much..why these?

Because it's something you all can climb on your soap box to rail about, not that you really CARE about the children

frikken Hypocrites


If you don't interfere, most of those things will become the tree, chicken or person.
The original intent of the founders was that they could keep raping their slaves forever.

I think it's time we move beyond the wishes of a bunch of dead rich assholes and try to live in the here and now.

In the here and now, there is no good reason why crazy people should be allowed to buy military grade weapons with extra-capacity magazines and teflon coated bullets.

what we need is a link to this outrageous comment..

I don't do links...

Are you denying that the founders were slave-owners. Or the fact we have about 20 different skin hues on black folks in this country doesn't prove they were being raped regularly?

They should have been slave owners because it was very very necessary at the time. Good thing they owned slaves. As far as being raped. Most likely those slave women were happy to be the master's favorite and vied for the position. More than that, the perception of slave women being raped has given blacks today a built in defense for raping white women. It's just a little payback. Well deserved.

Blacks today greatly benefit from past slavery. If not for slavery there would be no affirmative action whereby the unqualified could rise to unimagined heights when they are too incompetent to do so on their own. Without slavery, blacks would have to actually achieve. Now they need do nothing but be black. It all worked out.

I'm sorry, but didn't your racist ass brag about bringing a couple of mixed race children into this world? Yet you want to talk shit about things that may or may not have happened 200 years ago..... Damn you're stupid.....

Nope. Never said that. I've had relationships with women of other races, but not children.

I'm sure you have me confused with someone else.
what we need is a link to this outrageous comment..

I don't do links...

Are you denying that the founders were slave-owners. Or the fact we have about 20 different skin hues on black folks in this country doesn't prove they were being raped regularly?

They should have been slave owners because it was very very necessary at the time. Good thing they owned slaves. As far as being raped. Most likely those slave women were happy to be the master's favorite and vied for the position. More than that, the perception of slave women being raped has given blacks today a built in defense for raping white women. It's just a little payback. Well deserved.

Blacks today greatly benefit from past slavery. If not for slavery there would be no affirmative action whereby the unqualified could rise to unimagined heights when they are too incompetent to do so on their own. Without slavery, blacks would have to actually achieve. Now they need do nothing but be black. It all worked out.

I think anything I say would just detract from the hilarity.....

I usually steer clear of abortion debates, but your little chart got me thinking. A few thoughts:

1) How is an unfertilized chicken egg akin to a fertilized fetus growing in a woman?
2) How is an acorn akin to to fetus? A closer analogy for an acorn wold be a woman's egg, again, unfertilized. Once the acorn has sprouted, then you'd have something like a fetus...and a tree.
3) A silkworm is not a dress, that's true. But then, a fetus isn't used to make clothing. That one is pretty lame.

I get some people consider life to begin once the sperm and egg combine. Others think it's after birth. Either way, I don't think your chart is helping to make your case.

That is all...

I'm sorry, but didn't your racist ass brag about bringing a couple of mixed race children into this world? Yet you want to talk shit about things that may or may not have happened 200 years ago..... Damn you're stupid.....

Nope. Never said that. I've had relationships with women of other races, but not children.

I'm sure you have me confused with someone else.

I'm not going back to see who said it, accept my apology.
If you don't interfere, most of those things will become the tree, chicken or person.

Or they might become an omelet, a crunchy granola substitute or medical stem cells....

And that's the point.

Ah I see, someone else determines their fate.

Pretty much. Or fate does.

One out of three fertilized zygotes don't cling to the uterine wall. We don't have funerals over tampons.

The problem I have with anti-Choice fanatics like Kosher is that don't really care about reducing the number of abortions. There are a bunch of ways you could reduce the number of abortions performed in this country. Universal health care, more comprehensive sex education served without religous bullshit, family and medical leave. They don't want to hear any of that because it would probalby involve more government.

But they pretend that the mere act of outlawing abortion would reduce the number of abortions when countries like the Philippines and Brazil have proven it doesn't work that way.
Or they might become an omelet, a crunchy granola substitute or medical stem cells....

And that's the point.

Ah I see, someone else determines their fate.

Pretty much. Or fate does.

One out of three fertilized zygotes don't cling to the uterine wall. We don't have funerals over tampons.

The problem I have with anti-Choice fanatics like Kosher is that don't really care about reducing the number of abortions. There are a bunch of ways you could reduce the number of abortions performed in this country. Universal health care, more comprehensive sex education served without religous bullshit, family and medical leave. They don't want to hear any of that because it would probalby involve more government.

But they pretend that the mere act of outlawing abortion would reduce the number of abortions when countries like the Philippines and Brazil have proven it doesn't work that way.

Outlawing abortions isn't the issue. Supporting abortions, supporting it at any stage of a pregnancy, supporting encouraging underage children to get abortions with out parental consent, supporting forcing those who don't believe in abortion to pay for it and then turning around and trying to force law-abiding citizens to give up their constitutional gun rights over this criminal act is utter hypocrisy.
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How is it abortion entered this discussion, equivalency is a weak argument distraction. No one runs around denying you the ability to have as many children as you like, nor are they forcing you to stop supporting efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies through contraceptives or educational measures. Mass murder is a bit different and if you can't tell the difference you need help.

This cartoon sums ups the absurdity of the American attitude when its citizen's are gunned down.


"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state." Cass R. Sunstein, “The Most Mysterious Right,” National Review
How is it abortion entered this discussion, equivalency is a weak argument distraction. No one runs around denying you the ability to have as many children as you like, nor are they forcing you to stop supporting efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies through contraceptives or educational measures. Mass murder is a bit different and if you can't tell the difference you need help.

This cartoon sums ups the absurdity of the American attitude when its citizen's are gunned down.


"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state." Cass R. Sunstein, “The Most Mysterious Right,” National Review

Murder is still murder despite how you rationalize it.
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Outlawing abortions isn't the issue. Supporting abortions, supporting it at any stage of a pregnancy, supporting encouraging underage children to get abortions with out parental consent, supporting forcing those who don't believe in abortion to pay for it and then turning around and trying to force law-abiding citizens to give up their constitutional gun rights over this criminal act is utter hypocrisy.

No hypocrisy at all. Most sensible people don't consider fetuses to be babies, and no one is forcing people who do consider fetuses to be people to have abortions.

If you gun whacks were just taking each other out of the gene pool, I really wouldn't have a problem with you. It's that you are taking out a lot of innocents in the process that is the problem.
How is it abortion entered this discussion, equivalency is a weak argument distraction. No one runs around denying you the ability to have as many children as you like, nor are they forcing you to stop supporting efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies through contraceptives or educational measures. Mass murder is a bit different and if you can't tell the difference you need help.

This cartoon sums ups the absurdity of the American attitude when its citizen's are gunned down.


"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state." Cass R. Sunstein, “The Most Mysterious Right,” National Review

ummhumm, they need a cartoon for the citizenry who just shrug at the systematic killing of their children through, ABORTION.

Mass murder is NOT something that you utopia dreamers are ever going to be able to stop, unless you go around and lock up all the crazies off the streets..and we know you won't do that, you will just come after the people who are sane, law abiding gun owners

And as far as I'm concerned, you SUPPORT abortion you then don't have a right to put others down as "not caring" about the CHILDREN when things like this happen
ummhumm, they need a cartoon for the citizenry who just shrug at the systematic killing of their children through, ABORTION.

Mass murder is NOT something that you utopia dreamers are ever going to be able to stop, unless you go around and lock up all the crazies off the streets..and we know you won't do that, you will just come after the people who are sane, law abiding gun owners

And as far as I'm concerned, you SUPPORT abortion you then don't have a right to put others down as "not caring" about the CHILDREN when things like this happen

Face it........to the left somebody using a semi-auto weapon to murder 20 kids means more than somebody using a machete to murder 20 kids, or a doctor using a scalpel to murder 20 kids.
Face it........to the left somebody using a semi-auto weapon to murder 20 kids means more than somebody using a machete to murder 20 kids, or a doctor using a scalpel to murder 20 kids.

Tragedies like this is something they can use to push their agenda off on people, it's not like they really CARE as we see from the pictures they post about the sucking out of a life through abortions
Outlawing abortions isn't the issue. Supporting abortions, supporting it at any stage of a pregnancy, supporting encouraging underage children to get abortions with out parental consent, supporting forcing those who don't believe in abortion to pay for it and then turning around and trying to force law-abiding citizens to give up their constitutional gun rights over this criminal act is utter hypocrisy.

No hypocrisy at all. Most sensible people don't consider fetuses to be babies, and no one is forcing people who do consider fetuses to be people to have abortions.

If you gun whacks were just taking each other out of the gene pool, I really wouldn't have a problem with you. It's that you are taking out a lot of innocents in the process that is the problem.

Some people don't think humans become worthwhile till they get a job but that doesn't change what they are from conception.

And I'm not a gun whack. I would be willing to bet my beliefs on gun laws are way more sensible than yours and would result in huge reductions in these types of killings. But then I'm much more realistic than you are. I don't feel I have to step all over people's toes.
Face it........to the left somebody using a semi-auto weapon to murder 20 kids means more than somebody using a machete to murder 20 kids, or a doctor using a scalpel to murder 20 kids.

If a doctor was caught murdering 20 kids, they would put in a bunch of new rules to screen out potentially psychopathic doctors from hospitals.

Shit, one asshole puts a bomb in his shoe, and we are all having to take off our shoes at the airport now to have them X-rayed. And that guy didn't even kill anyone.

But we have the fourth incident this year of someone going into a public place and shooting a lot of people, and we once again get the knee-jerk response of the right to be "But, but, but.. Second Amendment, Founding Fathers!" And then we hear some crazy talk about how you all want to keep Military Grade weapons, high-capacity magazines and teflon coated bullets because some day, you might have to fight the government.

And you wonder why we don't look at you the same way we look at terrorists...


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