'Fuck You, Guns'

"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean <ad hominem omitted> to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: <ad hominem omitted>, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here.


<visit OP for taboo visual>
The resolution in this problem was not with guns. The perpetrator was intelligent enough to execute his targets by bomb, toxin, or slashing like his fellow offender did the same day hurting 22 Chinese children across the globe.

The resolution to this problem well could be a concerted effort for people to learn to combat mental illness successfully, not by destroying the Second Amendment one cut at a time.

Your team failure to appreciate fellow citizens who take their patriotic citizenship seriously and keep and maintain guns has wrought much angst in the political arena that is not going to end well if it is pursued.
Some people don't think humans become worthwhile till they get a job but that doesn't change what they are from conception.

And I'm not a gun whack. I would be willing to bet my beliefs on gun laws are way more sensible than yours and would result in huge reductions in these types of killings. But then I'm much more realistic than you are. I don't feel I have to step all over people's toes.

I don't know of anyone who would say "Well, it was okay to kill him, he was unemployed". I don't think I've ever heard that said in a courtroom as a defense of murder. Perhaps you can cite the case.

On the other hand, real world, Christian, Conservative and Republican women are just as likely to get abortions as liberals. As demonstrated by the fact that 91% of women who find out that their fetus has Down Syndrome, Tay-Sachs or some other disease abort.

Fact is, most other industrialized countries have strict gun control laws... and less murder.

The US had 9158 Gun murders...

Data Comparison from GunPolicy.org Facts

The UK had 48 (including Scotland and Northern Ireland)
Japan had 11
France had 142
Germany had 158
Italy had 246.

So let's get real. Your Gun Fetish has a high price tag that buys us no more freedom than these other advanced democracies have.

The US had 9158 Gun murders...

According to your earlier claim, this must mean only around 213 bad guys were detered by citizens with guns over the same time frame.

Still sticking to your ridiculous claim?
In 1986 1 and again in 1993 2, author Dr. Arthur L. Kellerman and Donald Reay
published a controversial study and paper in the New England Journal of Medicine which
attempted to demonstrate an increased risk to homicides in the home due to gun
ownership. In his 1986 paper, Kellerman was widely credited and criticized for jumping
to a conclusion that people are &#8220;43 times more likely&#8221; to be murdered in their own home
if they own and keep a gun in their home. To arrive at the 43 to 1 figure in his 1986
paper, Kellerman included suicides as &#8220;unjustifiable homicides&#8221; which amounted to
nearly all of the 43 unjustified deaths that Kellerman and Reay cited.

The 1993 Kellerman study was equally flawed although Kellerman backed away
from the 43 times figure and concluded that a person who had a gun in their home was
2.7 times more likely to be the victim of a homicide than one who did not.

Kellerman refused to release the raw data of his study on publication and to this
day has refused to release the raw numbers.

Thanks for the link, saveliberty.

The Kinsey Reports, in order to get a result, were found to be fabrications as well. Recently, funding was attempted and successfully won by British conspirators to obfuscate 1,000 years of contradictory weather data in order to procure a foundation grant based on doctored studies to show global warming was caused by human causes. The truth is, man's "causing weather change" is substantially under one tenth of one percent.

A lot of human trouble arises from reports that are basically fabricated from a preconceived goal to get a result desired by someone who has an end result in mind. Thank you for bringing it out about a "report" by someone who believed guns should be disposed of without realizing their merit in the order of American patriotic beliefs that it's our duty to protect our homes from intruders.

I hope lawmakers will first consider the Constitution of the United States before doing something rash like take out a fraction of the freedoms in the Second Amendment. Do that a few times, there's nothing left except waiting for a tin pan dictator to take every advantage of people being disabled from fighting off intrusive government.

I hope the powers that be will leave alone the Second Amendment. People believe in it, and not merely the NRA.
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"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns


When you said F-U to the guns, did they give you any response back ? Just curious is all...
Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.

Soooo, riddle me this batman...how exactly are you going to keep bad guys from getting guns as they ignore the laws anyway?

Just wondering...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=1yeA_kHHLow]Rahm Emanuel: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste - YouTube[/ame]
Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.

Soooo, riddle me this batman...how exactly are you going to keep bad guys from getting guns as they ignore the laws anyway?

Just wondering...

Guns in the hands of bad guys isn't a threat to Democraps (Communists)

Guns in the hands of real patriots is.
"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns
But you can

When you said F-U to the guns, did they give you any response back ? Just curious is all...

But you can damn sure bet that whatever the guns didnt say, it made far more sense than whatever midcan says.
How ironic of the FOOLS that want to scream "Fuck You, Guns" but have absolutely no issue with the President being surrounded by Secret Service Sharpshooters toting them 24/7

You can't even think of bum-rushing the White House without gettin' shot in the face.

But yet, Americans cringe at the thought of having ex-Military, Armed Security Guards or even Police standing ready to protect kids at our schools.

Twisted, Wicked Society, America.
Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.

Soooo, riddle me this batman...how exactly are you going to keep bad guys from getting guns as they ignore the laws anyway?

Just wondering...

Guns in the hands of bad guys isn't a threat to Democraps (Communists)

Guns in the hands of real patriots is.

The bosses cant have their shylocks and leg-breakers getting shot now, can they?

The Democratic Party is nothing more than the ole Democrat Tammany Hall modernised a bit.
Howe many suicides did they have in Japan? Suicide is the way to go out for them. They usually don't want to take a bunch of other people with them because in Japan they take accountability more seriously. They feel that failure can't always be blamed on the system or big government or the white man wanting to keep a brother down.

This is a societal problem, not a gun problem.

More along the lines of the Japanese believe in reincarnation, so they think that if they leave this life, the next one will be better.

The difference is, they don't have guns like we do. Neither does most of the industrialized world. And you shitheads want to blame everything else BUT the guns.
Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.

Soooo, riddle me this batman...how exactly are you going to keep bad guys from getting guns as they ignore the laws anyway?

Just wondering...

Most gun deaths aren't hardened criminals. Most are sucides and domestic violence.

642 accidental, 16,883 were Suicide, 12,791 were Homicide, 220 were Undetermined and 360 by Legal intervention.

and furthermore...

For the incidents in which the relationships were known, 76.8 percent of the victims knew their killers and 23.2 percent were slain by strangers. Among the incidents in which the victims knew their killers, 29.8 percent were murdered by family members and 70.2 percent were killed by acquaintances. (Based on Table 2.11.) The 2004 data also revealed that 33.0 percent of female victims were killed by their husbands or boyfriends, and 2.7 percent of the male victims were slain by their wives or girlfriends. (Based on Tables 2.4 and 2.11.)

Murder - Crime in the United States 2004

In short, you'd reduce the death rate by guns by about 90% by eliminating suicides, accidents and acquaintence murder.

The US had 9158 Gun murders...

According to your earlier claim, this must mean only around 213 bad guys were detered by citizens with guns over the same time frame.

Still sticking to your ridiculous claim?

Actually, that sounds about right.

According to the CDC in 2006, Last up to date numbers, 30,896 total, of which, 642 accidental, 16,883 were Suicide, 12,791 were Homicide, 220 were Undetermined and 360 by Legal intervention.

Probably a lot worse than that, considering for every incident where a gun was used legally save a life, (360) you had 16,883 suicides and 12,791 murders.
Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.

Soooo, riddle me this batman...how exactly are you going to keep bad guys from getting guns as they ignore the laws anyway?

Just wondering...

Most gun deaths aren't hardened criminals. Most are sucides and domestic violence.

642 accidental, 16,883 were Suicide, 12,791 were Homicide, 220 were Undetermined and 360 by Legal intervention.

and furthermore...

For the incidents in which the relationships were known, 76.8 percent of the victims knew their killers and 23.2 percent were slain by strangers. Among the incidents in which the victims knew their killers, 29.8 percent were murdered by family members and 70.2 percent were killed by acquaintances. (Based on Table 2.11.) The 2004 data also revealed that 33.0 percent of female victims were killed by their husbands or boyfriends, and 2.7 percent of the male victims were slain by their wives or girlfriends. (Based on Tables 2.4 and 2.11.)

Murder - Crime in the United States 2004

In short, you'd reduce the death rate by guns by about 90% by eliminating suicides, accidents and acquaintence murder.

where would we be without you saints wanting to save us from ourselves..
and it's time to blame you beeding hearts who don't want to punish crimianals or lock away the crazies..the blame is on YOU
where would we be without you saints wanting to save us from ourselves..
and it's time to blame you beeding hearts who don't want to punish crimianals or lock away the crazies..the blame is on YOU

The United States locks up more criminals than any other country in the world. We have 2 million people in prison.

The next runner up is China with 1.5 million in prison. Which sounds less impressive when you consider that they have 1.3 billion people and are a communist police state.

Prisoners statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

Meanwhile, Germany has only 78K prisoners and Japan only has 69K prisoners. And they have much lower crime rates.

You can't honestly argue that we "liberals" have kept you from locking up people...

where would we be without you saints wanting to save us from ourselves..
and it's time to blame you beeding hearts who don't want to punish crimianals or lock away the crazies..the blame is on YOU

The United States locks up more criminals than any other country in the world. We have 2 million people in prison.

The next runner up is China with 1.5 million in prison. Which sounds less impressive when you consider that they have 1.3 billion people and are a communist police state.

Prisoners statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

Meanwhile, Germany has only 78K prisoners and Japan only has 69K prisoners. And they have much lower crime rates.

You can't honestly argue that we "liberals" have kept you from locking up people...


Shit, you said something that was mostly true.

Good God, what is the world coming to?

Of course, most of those incarcerated are there because of the anti-drug laws that previous generations of progressives put into place, so, once again, you lie in some fashion this time by implying its conservatives that got us to this point.
where would we be without you saints wanting to save us from ourselves..
and it's time to blame you beeding hearts who don't want to punish crimianals or lock away the crazies..the blame is on YOU

The United States locks up more criminals than any other country in the world. We have 2 million people in prison.

The next runner up is China with 1.5 million in prison. Which sounds less impressive when you consider that they have 1.3 billion people and are a communist police state.

Prisoners statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

Meanwhile, Germany has only 78K prisoners and Japan only has 69K prisoners. And they have much lower crime rates.

You can't honestly argue that we "liberals" have kept you from locking up people...


Shit, you said something that was mostly true.

Good God, what is the world coming to?

Of course, most of those incarcerated are there because of the anti-drug laws that previous generations of progressives put into place, so, once again, you lie in some fashion this time by implying its conservatives that got us to this point.

Please go back and actually LOOK at that chart. When does the number of prisoners start shooting up? 1980. Who became President in 1981 and let his wife start a ridiculous anti-drug crusade?


Sorry, man, you Con-jobs are going to have to man up and start taking some responsibility for policies you initiate.
where would we be without you saints wanting to save us from ourselves..
and it's time to blame you beeding hearts who don't want to punish crimianals or lock away the crazies..the blame is on YOU

The United States locks up more criminals than any other country in the world. We have 2 million people in prison.

The next runner up is China with 1.5 million in prison. Which sounds less impressive when you consider that they have 1.3 billion people and are a communist police state.

Prisoners statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

Meanwhile, Germany has only 78K prisoners and Japan only has 69K prisoners. And they have much lower crime rates.

You can't honestly argue that we "liberals" have kept you from locking up people...

The reason the crime rates are lower in these countries, is because these countries have been tougher on crime than we have, so we have to look in the mirror when it comes to getting better and tougher on crime, especially as a preventive measure or deterrant before the act is actually comitted or even thought about by the would be non-fearful of society new type of criminal that we now have in America..

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