'Fuck You, Guns'

So you're admitting most of your posts are done under the influence of alchol?

That's a relief. I was thinking your posts were the result of mental retardation.

Yeah, I'm admitting when you say stupid stuff, I laugh.
Tell me again about this Clinton, the budget hawk, he sounds funny.
I promise I won't mention your low IQ.

Lol, come on guys, Clinton and Gingrich worked together to improve the budget; it wasnt just one side or the other.


Course Clinton wasn't afraid of a little work ether.
How are these countries "Tougher" if they don't lock up as many people?

They don't lock up as many people? Well of course they don't, and this is because that has been taken care of over the years by these nations in the right ways going way back now, and they still know that the laws would be strictly enforced if they were to try such that we are seeing right now in America being tried on a daily basis now. By placing constructive fear into these Japaneese people it has worked for them, especially upon them not committing the types of crimes like we are seeing here in America.

I guess it is still fresh in their minds where they fear the consequences that would come upon them, if were to commit or try to commit the same types of heinous crimes in which we are seeing right now in America in percentage of. This applies to the Chineese, Russians and etc. all the same. It is the very essense and formula of a civilized society or nation in which we ourselves may have now lost.

We lock up 2 million..

Yes, and it is because as you say "we need more people working or being busy in a constructive way in society", but the complexities of that situation has become huge now. We have to try and work with what we got for the time being, and work to get the balance back in it all (I agree).

Furthermore, we are one of the few industrialized countries that still has a death penalty. Except for Japan, most have outlawed it. (And Japan uses it very sparingly.)

This is another one of the areas I dis-agree with you on, because I think we are not making the punishment meet the crime, in which opens the doorways of thinking for others to soon follow suit or even do a copycat.

The reason why these countries have a lower crime rate is they put employment ahead of profits... Everyone who wants a job in Japan gets a job doing something.

See my reply above to "we lock up two million".

Please...warn me before you spring something funny like that...I almost choked on my beer.

So you're admitting most of your posts are done under the influence of alchol?

That's a relief. I was thinking your posts were the result of mental retardation.

Yeah, I'm admitting when you say stupid stuff, I laugh.
Tell me again about this Clinton, the budget hawk, he sounds funny.
I promise I won't mention your low IQ.

Says the guy who has a retarded person as his Avi and says utterly retarded things.

Facts are facts. Clinton gave us balanced budgets.
Lord give me strength...........

I know......what a total asswad. :cool:

Pointing out the obvious we all had pretty good lives under Bill Clinton if the worst thing we had to worry about is whether he lied about a blow job.

oh things were just peachy
we had the first world trade center bombing
Oklahoma city bombing
the killing of American citizens and children by the Clinton administration at the Branch Davidians
abducting a Cuban boy at gunpoint to send him back to Fidel Castro
and the had it pretty good under Clinton beat went on and on
Lord give me strength...........

I agree that one loves failure. Must be on government welfare and thinks the free stuff will always be there.:badgrin:

Only failure I've seen is the big banks failing.... and having to be saved by the government.

But Corporate Welfare....goood!

No, corporate welfare is BAD, but this is where the neocon hijacking of the GOP pays off for them and why the Tea Party still makes them shit their pants.
Countries like Japan don't have the drug problem we have either. Children are taught, really seriously taught, respect for others and no one is entitled to anything merely by drawing their next breath.
Countries like Japan don't have the drug problem we have either. Children are taught, really seriously taught, respect for others and no one is entitled to anything merely by drawing their next breath.

True, but it comse at the cost of having a subservient culture, which I despise.
So you're admitting most of your posts are done under the influence of alchol?

That's a relief. I was thinking your posts were the result of mental retardation.

Yeah, I'm admitting when you say stupid stuff, I laugh.
Tell me again about this Clinton, the budget hawk, he sounds funny.
I promise I won't mention your low IQ.

Says the guy who has a retarded person as his Avi and says utterly retarded things.

Facts are facts. Clinton gave us balanced budgets.
Clinton & his gang gave us what we have right now in America, it just took a long time down the road to finally get here or to catch up with us, and yep so now all his idiocy is finally here and upon us. What a downright mess, but nothing sticks to these guy's and/or gal's, so isn't that just amazing?
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You mean like we had under Bush until we got a Liberal Congress?

Funny, I seem to remember when Bush took the office, we had peace, we had 3.9% unemployment, we had a dow at 11,000, an we had 400 billion surpluses.

When he left, we had 8% unemployment, we had a dow at 6000, we had trillion dollar deficits and we had a crashed economy.

but you keep telling yourself what a swell Bush was. Really.

We also had wars under Bush (not by his choosing), that were ignored or mis-handled by the Clinton's early on, and therefore had been left to simmer like hot coals just waiting to flare up after Bush Jr. took office. (Terrorism strikes at the heart of Manhatten yet again).

Yes, and unlike Obama, Bush didnot blame the former administration like a spoiled rotten mischievious child pointing his or her finger at the one who was innocent, and was trying to deal with the weakness that had come before him, but instead Bush Jr. took up the fight over the terrorist thinking after a weak knee'ed Clinton administration, that we were simply just easy open game to them, and so Bush took it to them big time after 9-11, also cleaning up as much as he could in concerning the other known dangers we had been dealing with in the world, and all in one full sweep. He kicked some butt, meanwhile Clinton was dealing with marriage troubles that he developed over the Monica Lewinsky scandal, where as he saved his shooting instead for a dress, and this instead of aiming the far more lethal weapons we had at Osama Bin Laden when needed, and especially when he had the chance to get him. Then we have a second 9-11 in Benghazi now, and where were the democrats this time ? Has anyone been arrested as of yet ? Has the trail run cold now, you know after having to deal with all the lies the dems told first, while the bad guy's get away or have gotten away ? Bush Jr. has been a victim of his own nation conspiring in terrble ways against him (((a nation now full of devils))), whom have destroyed him for future political and agenda reasoning, in which takes no prisoners or gives no compassion to it's enemies, even as it has made Americans it's targetted enemy now upon this evil viral political lanscape in which we all are living on now in America.

Sorry, now back to the topic... Had to answer with this ya know when prompted..
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"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns


fuck you guns ??? do you expect the guns to be offended ??:doubt:
So you're admitting most of your posts are done under the influence of alchol?

That's a relief. I was thinking your posts were the result of mental retardation.

Yeah, I'm admitting when you say stupid stuff, I laugh.
Tell me again about this Clinton, the budget hawk, he sounds funny.
I promise I won't mention your low IQ.

Says the guy who has a retarded person as his Avi and says utterly retarded things.

Facts are facts. Clinton gave us balanced budgets.

Says the guy who has a retarded person as his Avi

You're more of a Justin Bieber fan, aren't you? LOL!
"While other advanced countries have imposed gun control laws, America has conducted a natural experiment in what happens when a society has as many guns as people. The results are in, and they’re not counterintuitive."

'The N.R.A. Crawls From Its Hidey Hole'

Wayne LaPierre crawled out from under his bed and his semi automatic weapons to face the light of day, but so many years afraid and under the bed has caused permanent brain damage. The man, can we call cowards like this men, like most gun huggers, is a cowardly jackass and a fool. Nothing new there.

"Mr. LaPierre looked wild-eyed at times as he said the killing was the fault of the media, songwriters and singers and the people who listen to them, movie and TV scriptwriters and the people who watch their work, advocates of gun control, video game makers and video game players.

The N.R.A., which devotes itself to destroying compromise on guns, is blameless. So are unscrupulous and unlicensed dealers who sell guns to criminals, and gun makers who bankroll Mr. LaPierre so he can help them peddle ever-more-lethal, ever-more-efficient products, and politicians who kill even modest controls over guns." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/22/opinion/the-nra-crawls-from-its-hidey-hole.html

"Of the many specious arguments against gun control, perhaps the most ridiculous is that what we really need is the opposite: more guns, in the hands of more people, in more places. If people were packing heat in the movies, at workplaces, in shopping malls and in schools, they could just pop up and shoot the assailant." Why the 'More Guns' Argument Doesn't Make Sense - NYTimes.com
"While other advanced countries have imposed gun control laws, America has conducted a natural experiment in what happens when a society has as many guns as people. The results are in, and they’re not counterintuitive."

'The N.R.A. Crawls From Its Hidey Hole'

Wayne LaPierre crawled out from under his bed and his semi automatic weapons to face the light of day, but so many years afraid and under the bed has caused permanent brain damage. The man, can we call cowards like this men, like most gun huggers, is a cowardly jackass and a fool. Nothing new there.

"Mr. LaPierre looked wild-eyed at times as he said the killing was the fault of the media, songwriters and singers and the people who listen to them, movie and TV scriptwriters and the people who watch their work, advocates of gun control, video game makers and video game players.

The N.R.A., which devotes itself to destroying compromise on guns, is blameless. So are unscrupulous and unlicensed dealers who sell guns to criminals, and gun makers who bankroll Mr. LaPierre so he can help them peddle ever-more-lethal, ever-more-efficient products, and politicians who kill even modest controls over guns." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/22/opinion/the-nra-crawls-from-its-hidey-hole.html

"Of the many specious arguments against gun control, perhaps the most ridiculous is that what we really need is the opposite: more guns, in the hands of more people, in more places. If people were packing heat in the movies, at workplaces, in shopping malls and in schools, they could just pop up and shoot the assailant." Why the 'More Guns' Argument Doesn't Make Sense - NYTimes.com

We need to ban guns. It worked here in Chicago.
Wait, what?

No, corporate welfare is BAD, but this is where the neocon hijacking of the GOP pays off for them and why the Tea Party still makes them shit their pants.

Guy, this is the TEA Party....


If you don't realize that you were tools of the Koch Brothers to distract people from what they did to the economy, I'm just not sure there's much hope for you.

Of course, a group that screams "Taxed Enough Already" when Obama cut most Americans taxes and only wants to increase taxes on the wealthy, just shows how easily manipulated you guys are.

Remember when they had to work to manipulate people?

No, corporate welfare is BAD, but this is where the neocon hijacking of the GOP pays off for them and why the Tea Party still makes them shit their pants.

Guy, this is the TEA Party....


If you don't realize that you were tools of the Koch Brothers to distract people from what they did to the economy, I'm just not sure there's much hope for you.

Of course, a group that screams "Taxed Enough Already" when Obama cut most Americans taxes and only wants to increase taxes on the wealthy, just shows how easily manipulated you guys are.

Remember when they had to work to manipulate people?

Dude, I am not a Tea PArty member, lol, though my wife likes them quite a bit.

I disagree with their view of the social safety net and the need of government to provide releif to people who are hit with disaster.

There was a time when this country was mostly a rural population and people pitched in to help each other when disaster over-took them, but those days are over. Urban anonymity means too many people dont have those extended communities any more for support.

But that is just a couple of small areas, and I am encouraged to see the TPM bring some fresh air outside the duopoly we have now. The establishments of the two parties are playing tootsie with each other for far too long.

BTW, fuck you for being a godam racist...just to keep it real
Well Midcan,
I'm tired of the talk as well. It's time for the civil war. I'm more than ready to fight and die for my right to own firearms. I served a career in the military because I believe in the right to bear arms (including my assault style rifle) and free speech. You try taking away what I fought for and I'm all for fighting again. So, bring it on!
Well Midcan,
I'm tired of the talk as well. It's time for the civil war. ..... So, bring it on!

You need to belay that talk, fellow soldier.

Now is not the time, and publically stating you are ready to go full ape-shit is not helpful to acheiving the moral high ground in the view of the public which is vital to success.

Promise, you dont want a civil war. Not because the good guys wont win, but because the price of victory is too fucking high UNLESS it is the absolutely only alternative to living under dictatorship.

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