'Fuck You, Guns'


No, corporate welfare is BAD, but this is where the neocon hijacking of the GOP pays off for them and why the Tea Party still makes them shit their pants.

Guy, this is the TEA Party....


If you don't realize that you were tools of the Koch Brothers to distract people from what they did to the economy, I'm just not sure there's much hope for you.

Of course, a group that screams "Taxed Enough Already" when Obama cut most Americans taxes and only wants to increase taxes on the wealthy, just shows how easily manipulated you guys are.

Remember when they had to work to manipulate people?

Dude, I am not a Tea PArty member, lol, though my wife likes them quite a bit.

I disagree with their view of the social safety net and the need of government to provide releif to people who are hit with disaster.

There was a time when this country was mostly a rural population and people pitched in to help each other when disaster over-took them, but those days are over. Urban anonymity means too many people dont have those extended communities any more for support.

But that is just a couple of small areas, and I am encouraged to see the TPM bring some fresh air outside the duopoly we have now. The establishments of the two parties are playing tootsie with each other for far too long.

BTW, fuck you for being a godam racist...just to keep it real

Not really, Joplin Mo pretty much pulled it together as a community.........
oh things were just peachy
we had the first world trade center bombing
Oklahoma city bombing
the killing of American citizens and children by the Clinton administration at the Branch Davidians
abducting a Cuban boy at gunpoint to send him back to Fidel Castro
and the had it pretty good under Clinton beat went on and on

1) You mean the one where there was minimal damage?
2) You mean the one carried out by a Gun Nut Whacko?
3) The Branch Davidians committed mass suicide because their leader didn't want to give up his harem of underage girls.
4) Elian's father, like it or not, would have been given custody in any court in this country.

Now, what I remember about Clinton...

3.9% unemployment.
record high Dow.
Could send out a resume and find a new job pretty easily.
No War
Decreasing crime.

Dude, I am not a Tea PArty member, lol, though my wife likes them quite a bit.

I disagree with their view of the social safety net and the need of government to provide releif to people who are hit with disaster.

There was a time when this country was mostly a rural population and people pitched in to help each other when disaster over-took them, but those days are over. Urban anonymity means too many people dont have those extended communities any more for support.

But that is just a couple of small areas, and I am encouraged to see the TPM bring some fresh air outside the duopoly we have now. The establishments of the two parties are playing tootsie with each other for far too long.

BTW, fuck you for being a godam racist...just to keep it real

I think the biggest problem with your thinking isthat you have this idealized view of pre-urban America as being kind of this idealized place.

Really, it was a place where lynching was common, most people lived in grinding poverty and not all that long.

For instance, when the Galveston Hurricane hit Texas in 1900, killed 12,000 people in a much less densely populated area than Hurricane Katrina would hit. The New England Hurricane of 1938 killed 800 people, compared to Sandy.

In short, in a world without big, bad FEMA, yeah, people "Took care of their own", but they usually did it badly, which is why FEMA was formed to start with.

The problem with the Teabaggers is that they never tell you what we ought to cut, because if they ever did, you'd have people turning on them.
"The New York Post, an editorially very conservative paper that belongs to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (albeit a paper in a very liberal city), ran the front page shown above today, with the headline “GUN NUT! NRA loon in bizarre rant over Newtown.” New York’s other tabloid daily, the Daily News, offered “CRAZIEST MAN ON EARTH: Just 90 MINUTES after moment of silence for Newtown victims, vile NRA nut blames everyone and everything EXCEPT the GUNS.”

Has the NRA Critically Wounded Itself? - Forbes

I will not give up my right to own firearms.......

No matter how many nutcases there are out there....

Right on.

And for anyone with decent reading comprehension abilities, the blog post at the link explains why giving up one's guns is an inane idea. Excerpt:

I didn’t want to post about this, because frankly, it is exhausting. I’ve been having this exact same argument for my entire adult life. It is not an exaggeration when I say that I know pretty much exactly every single thing an anti-gun person can say. I’ve heard it over and over, the same old tired stuff, trotted out every single time there is a tragedy on the news that can be milked. Yet, I got sucked in, and I’ve spent the last few days arguing with people who either mean well but are uninformed about gun laws and how guns actually work (who I don’t mind at all), or the willfully ignorant (who I do mind), or the obnoxiously stupid who are completely incapable of any critical thinking deeper than a Facebook meme (them, I can’t stand).

Today’s blog post is going to be aimed at the first group. I am going to try to go through everything I’ve heard over the last few days, and try to break it down from my perspective. My goal tonight is to write something that my regular readers will be able to share with their friends who may not be as familiar with how mass shootings or gun control laws work.

A little background for those of you who don’t know me, and this is going to be extensive so feel free to skip the next few paragraphs, but I need to establish the fact that I know what I am talking with, because I am sick and tired of my opinion having the same weight as a person who learned everything they know about guns and violence from watching TV.

I am now a professional novelist. However, before that I owned a gun store. We were a Title 7 SOT, which means we worked with legal machineguns, suppresors, and pretty much everything except for explosives. We did law enforcement sales and worked with equipment that is unavailable from most dealers, but that means lots and lots of government inspections and compliance paperwork. This means that I had to be exceedingly familiar with federal gun laws, and there are a lot of them. I worked with many companies in the gun industry and still have many friends and contacts at various manufacturers. When I hear people tell me the gun industry is unregulated, I have to resist the urge to laugh in their face...

An opinion on gun control « Monster Hunter Nation
"The New York Post, an editorially very conservative paper that belongs to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (albeit a paper in a very liberal city), ran the front page shown above today, with the headline “GUN NUT! NRA loon in bizarre rant over Newtown.” New York’s other tabloid daily, the Daily News, offered “CRAZIEST MAN ON EARTH: Just 90 MINUTES after moment of silence for Newtown victims, vile NRA nut blames everyone and everything EXCEPT the GUNS.”

Has the NRA Critically Wounded Itself? - Forbes


Rather he devoted his remarks to blaming mass murders on everyone from gun control supporters to video game producers and calling for a “national school shield safety program” that would essentially turn every school building in America into an armed fortress, every schoolyard into a war zone.

Currently, schools seem to be unarmed and not much of a fortress. How'd that work out last week?
Your criticism of a group defending the 2nd amendment is backed by the same logic of somebody saying Whites should be allowed to inslave all African Americans again, on a constitutional basis of thinking not a moral basis of thinking. We're expressly guaranteed the right to bear arms in the 2nd amendment of the US constitution, just like how we're no longer allowed to inslave people based on the 13th amendment. The constitution is a universal living document that is to be used fully, not to be taken out of context and scrutinized clause by clause. If you use one part of it, you must use all of it. Any person disagreeing with me is in no way different than somebody who uses specific verses from the Bible to support their agenda, yet disregards the rest of it. I have the posthumous logic and principals of 40 of the most highly regarded and intelligent free-thinkers of modern history backing my position.
Wuth every post you become a bigger idiot old man.

Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.
Jim Bowie,
Our country goes to war and our brothers in arms, die for less than this in foreign countries. Trust me, I'm not running off to fight my country at this time. However, once the war starts, I'm not just going to sit back and see how it plays out.
We have thousands of gun laws on the books.
We have laws against kids having guns.
We have laws that prevent felons and insane people from having guns.
We have waiting periods and background checks in place.
We have allowed the infringement of our right to keep and bear arms over and over and the criminals still get and use guns. Just a month ago an inmate at a prison shot himself in the leg with a gun he made in his cell from an iron bed. You can't keep criminals from getting guns. It takes someone with a gun to stop a criminal with a gun. We need armed guards in our schools now. If not now then at the very latest by the time the kids go back to school in January. The NRA tried to get this done years ago after a criminal shot people on a college campus for the first time. Now they are asking for the same thing and are willing to pay for the training needed to get it done.
The NRA is asking for the same protection for our kids that we gladly give to the president, professional atheletes and our banks. If your kids are not worth the expense then come up with an idea that will work. Passing more laws has no effect on the criminal or the criminally insane. Right now prosecution for gun violence is at an all time low. The courts are not prosecuting the criminals who use guns.
You still want to take the guns away from people who can prevent the crimes?
You need to take a long hard look at what is real and what is utter nonsense. Guns are not bad - the murderer is bad, the gun is just one of his tools. We need people who can use the same tool to stop them.
Jim Bowie,
Our country goes to war and our brothers in arms, die for less than this in foreign countries. Trust me, I'm not running off to fight my country at this time. However, once the war starts, I'm not just going to sit back and see how it plays out.

OK, so you are anticipating a war, not advocating it.

That wasnt how it came across to me at first.

I would hate to see a war start. Thousands would die, get maimed, and lose their families, and I doubt that I would survive it. Even if I did various members of my family would also be put at risk in a way that is uncontrollable and I would worry myself sick over them.
We have thousands of gun laws on the books.
We have laws against kids having guns.
We have laws that prevent felons and insane people from having guns.
We have waiting periods and background checks in place.
We have allowed the infringement of our right to keep and bear arms over and over and the criminals still get and use guns. Just a month ago an inmate at a prison shot himself in the leg with a gun he made in his cell from an iron bed. You can't keep criminals from getting guns. It takes someone with a gun to stop a criminal with a gun. We need armed guards in our schools now. If not now then at the very latest by the time the kids go back to school in January. The NRA tried to get this done years ago after a criminal shot people on a college campus for the first time. Now they are asking for the same thing and are willing to pay for the training needed to get it done.
The NRA is asking for the same protection for our kids that we gladly give to the president, professional atheletes and our banks. If your kids are not worth the expense then come up with an idea that will work. Passing more laws has no effect on the criminal or the criminally insane. Right now prosecution for gun violence is at an all time low. The courts are not prosecuting the criminals who use guns.
You still want to take the guns away from people who can prevent the crimes?
You need to take a long hard look at what is real and what is utter nonsense. Guns are not bad - the murderer is bad, the gun is just one of his tools. We need people who can use the same tool to stop them.

You are very correct.

The controversy comes from leftards thnking that guns themselves are evil and the problem solvable by banning all guns, eventually, even though the government has not been able to ban something as difficult to produce as pot.
"The New York Post, an editorially very conservative paper that belongs to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (albeit a paper in a very liberal city), ran the front page shown above today, with the headline “GUN NUT! NRA loon in bizarre rant over Newtown.” New York’s other tabloid daily, the Daily News, offered “CRAZIEST MAN ON EARTH: Just 90 MINUTES after moment of silence for Newtown victims, vile NRA nut blames everyone and everything EXCEPT the GUNS.”

Has the NRA Critically Wounded Itself? - Forbes


Wow, a New York rag ran down the NRA on its cover which must prove that.... idiots run the NY Post as well as the NY Times.
So you're admitting most of your posts are done under the influence of alchol?

That's a relief. I was thinking your posts were the result of mental retardation.

Yeah, I'm admitting when you say stupid stuff, I laugh.
Tell me again about this Clinton, the budget hawk, he sounds funny.
I promise I won't mention your low IQ.

Says the guy who has a retarded person as his Avi and says utterly retarded things.

Facts are facts. Clinton gave us balanced budgets.
Yes they are: in his last two years WJC had no choice. He had a newly elected all-Republican Congress ready to kick his heiney if his backers started demanding spending to the moon and he made any noises. His spin room, lunacy united, had other egregious issues, though, with a boss who turned the Oval Office into a revolving-door brothel of taboo sex, and NOW was suddenly silent along with the goofenheimer, gagged press. Politics makes strange bedfellows when a president targets the intern skirts. And to make matters worse, the serial stalker bit some of them afterwards. Disgusting. At least the American people were smart enough to control him with a Republican Congress and Senate. They made him look good fiscally because they were. You are giving credit, though where credit is not due. A Republican Congress of the people fixed the lunatic spenders.

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The best security of all is to allow certain qualified teachers & administrators to carry a concealed weapon. Unlike with a uniformed cop with a gun, the shooter would have no idea who to target with the first shots. It would also not cost tax payers like the uniformed cop with a gun will.

Columbine High School cop says armed guards at schools coupled with assault weapons ban would keep students safe

The NRA has better solution than AWB to keep the children safe. The Clinton Assault Weapons Ban had been in force 5 years before the Columbine Massacre. Again proving wacko liberal gun bans do not work. Connecticut has very strict gun control laws. Sandy Hook elementary had the "Gold Standard" in school security procedures. They had security cameras, door locks, video ID buzz-in security door, terrorist shooter drills, and other systems.

Tragedy Spotlights Connecticut's Previous Efforts At Gun Control

Connecticut's Previous Efforts At Gun Control - "Lawlor and his colleagues enacted a law based on the idea that there can be warning signs. Now, when someone reports to the police they believe a gun owner poses an imminent danger to themselves or to others, the police can get a warrant to seize the guns — even if no law has been broken. The guns can be kept for a year, and the law also allows for a mental health evaluation.

Bernard Krzynowek had his guns taken the first year the law went into effect. His sister, Christine, called the police when the two of them were having an argument. "I had a pistol on my hip and for some reason she got all uptight and called the police," says the 70-year-old Krzynowek. The police warrant says Christine told them her brother was in possession of guns and "was going to kill her and other relatives." The police seized 39 guns.

"Who's going to take the risk?" Baird says. "What law enforcement officer or what judge is ever going take the risk that they received information like this and then do nothing about it?" In the first ten years after it was enacted, more than 2,000 guns were seized. The majority of the complaints were made by spouses. Mike Lawlor isn't suggesting the law could have prevented the shootings in Newtown, but he believes it has prevented other crimes."
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We have thousands of gun laws on the books.
We have laws against kids having guns.
We have laws that prevent felons and insane people from having guns.
We have waiting periods and background checks in place.
We have allowed the infringement of our right to keep and bear arms over and over and the criminals still get and use guns. Just a month ago an inmate at a prison shot himself in the leg with a gun he made in his cell from an iron bed. You can't keep criminals from getting guns. It takes someone with a gun to stop a criminal with a gun. We need armed guards in our schools now. If not now then at the very latest by the time the kids go back to school in January. The NRA tried to get this done years ago after a criminal shot people on a college campus for the first time. Now they are asking for the same thing and are willing to pay for the training needed to get it done.
The NRA is asking for the same protection for our kids that we gladly give to the president, professional atheletes and our banks. If your kids are not worth the expense then come up with an idea that will work. Passing more laws has no effect on the criminal or the criminally insane. Right now prosecution for gun violence is at an all time low. The courts are not prosecuting the criminals who use guns.
You still want to take the guns away from people who can prevent the crimes?
You need to take a long hard look at what is real and what is utter nonsense. Guns are not bad - the murderer is bad, the gun is just one of his tools. We need people who can use the same tool to stop them.

You are very correct.

The controversy comes from leftards thnking that guns themselves are evil and the problem solvable by banning all guns, eventually, even though the government has not been able to ban something as difficult to produce as pot.

Funny lefttards hate that citizens have guns for self protection but stand behind law enforcement who use guns to protect them. Typical for those who want everything done for them. No self reliance at all .. You know it has not been that long since the only way you got to eat is buy you going out in the fields and either killing it or picking it--so far removed from reality are the leftards.

There is so many things that the poor police (and I do mean this with the highest respect)
have to do that the serve and protect part is lost. Priorities need to be re adjusted. Like answering stupid calls from complainers who think they do not like how tall your grass grows.
The police do not need to get involved in many many things. Here is a personal example that happened to my wife just last week.
There was a knock on the door and a cop asked her if she knew who this german shepard belonged to,some liberal had called and complained that the dog was not on a leash.
The cop was afraid of the dog, my wife a animal lover called the dog and she came into our house,the cop then asked if we could get a hold of the owner,my wife then gave the cop the dogs owner # at work,3 hours later the owner came home and was given a ticket from the cop. I would have rather the cop spent half his day sitting in his patrol car in front of my Granddaughters school--she is 5 years old and protecting her is a little more important to me than some dog off it leash.
These type of things happen to the police every day it is time the fools who want dumb things like this taken care of are told by the police dispatcher to go pound salt. Like parking in a street wrong or head light out, or in the case of NY your inspection is expired to name a few.
Protect our schools--and we do not need to have more police to do it just set reasonable priorities and ya can get it done.
I wonder how many gun haters would have the courage to place a 'gun free zone' bumper sticker on their car or the front door of their residence.
Your criticism of a group defending the 2nd amendment is backed by the same logic of somebody saying Whites should be allowed to inslave all African Americans again, on a constitutional basis of thinking not a moral basis of thinking. We're expressly guaranteed the right to bear arms in the 2nd amendment of the US constitution, just like how we're no longer allowed to inslave people based on the 13th amendment. The constitution is a universal living document that is to be used fully, not to be taken out of context and scrutinized clause by clause. If you use one part of it, you must use all of it. Any person disagreeing with me is in no way different than somebody who uses specific verses from the Bible to support their agenda, yet disregards the rest of it. I have the posthumous logic and principals of 40 of the most highly regarded and intelligent free-thinkers of modern history backing my position.

First, the word is "Enslave", not "inslave". I usually don't make a big deal about typos, but this wasn't a typo.

Second, the notion that the second amendment was about individual gun ownership is a recent invention. For most of history, it was understood to mean the right of states to have militias, not the right of individuals to own guns, which were for the most part rarely owned by private citizens until recently.

When industrialization made weapons like the Thompson Sub-machine gun available, the government moved to ban such weapons. (US v. Miller). Even Heller, which embraces the crackpot NRA position, still had to do some mighty fine parsing to make sure that people weren't out there buying their own mortars and recoiless rockets.
"The New York Post, an editorially very conservative paper that belongs to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (albeit a paper in a very liberal city), ran the front page shown above today, with the headline “GUN NUT! NRA loon in bizarre rant over Newtown.” New York’s other tabloid daily, the Daily News, offered “CRAZIEST MAN ON EARTH: Just 90 MINUTES after moment of silence for Newtown victims, vile NRA nut blames everyone and everything EXCEPT the GUNS.”

Has the NRA Critically Wounded Itself? - Forbes


I am interested in Rupurt's change of heart here. before Newtown, the gun issue was radioactive. Democrats wouldn't even touch it. Now even Rupert Murdoch is breaking bad on the NRA.

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