Fucking Spiders!

I had to kill a big brown fucking narly hobo spider and then ten minutes later another big brown spider crawled across my leg. I hate fucking spider! What is their purpose?

You put this in the PETS section?? :eek:

I am with you Luissa. I hate spiders. Ok, I'm afraid of them, they make my toes curl. Especially the ones that see you (how many of me do they see? a lot!) and then crouch down and turn their body as they look at you, following you with their eyes. <shudders>

If they stay outside, I leave them alone. Even those nasty, narly black and yellow big-assed ones in the huge webs.

But if them come into my territory . . . . death to them. Not by me, of course.

They are good for the eating of other bugs and such but . . . . I do not like them, not one little bit.


You handle them? Seriously, I can't even wrap my head around that. I have to turn the channel if they show them on tv.

Snakes are cool though. And bats. And other bugs. Just not spiders.
had a traantula crawl out from under my bed once.....i shot it......hate spiders...hate snakes.....
I had to kill a big brown fucking narly hobo spider and then ten minutes later another big brown spider crawled across my leg. I hate fucking spider! What is their purpose?

You put this in the PETS section?? :eek:

I am with you Luissa. I hate spiders. Ok, I'm afraid of them, they make my toes curl. Especially the ones that see you (how many of me do they see? a lot!) and then crouch down and turn their body as they look at you, following you with their eyes. <shudders>

If they stay outside, I leave them alone. Even those nasty, narly black and yellow big-assed ones in the huge webs.

But if them come into my territory . . . . death to them. Not by me, of course.

They are good for the eating of other bugs and such but . . . . I do not like them, not one little bit.


You handle them? Seriously, I can't even wrap my head around that. I have to turn the channel if they show them on tv.

Snakes are cool though. And bats. And other bugs. Just not spiders.
the spider's I saw last night were big enough to be pets.
I had to kill a big brown fucking narly hobo spider and then ten minutes later another big brown spider crawled across my leg. I hate fucking spider! What is their purpose?

You put this in the PETS section?? :eek:

I am with you Luissa. I hate spiders. Ok, I'm afraid of them, they make my toes curl. Especially the ones that see you (how many of me do they see? a lot!) and then crouch down and turn their body as they look at you, following you with their eyes. <shudders>

If they stay outside, I leave them alone. Even those nasty, narly black and yellow big-assed ones in the huge webs.

But if them come into my territory . . . . death to them. Not by me, of course.

They are good for the eating of other bugs and such but . . . . I do not like them, not one little bit.


You handle them? Seriously, I can't even wrap my head around that. I have to turn the channel if they show them on tv.

Snakes are cool though. And bats. And other bugs. Just not spiders.
the spider's I saw last night were big enough to be pets.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
That video is fucking hilarious. The marijuana spider made a hammock, LOL!

KK, don't mess with black widows. NOBODY is immune to their venom. You just haven't gotten enough of it to affect you, or they were too small to penetrate your skin to get into your blood stream.

Hobo spiders don't build webs to my knowledge. They're hunters. And they're also very poisonous.

Spiders in my house are dispatched, period. I will let tiny ones who happen to build a web somewhere unobtrusive alone, hoping they'll nail mosquitoes or flies. But wandering minstrel spiders who catch the corner of my eye thinking they're mice are DEAD MEAT.

This is the time of the year they try to come in. I killed a big one in my kitchen (I saw it from the living room, it was huge and it was fast) and the next day there was one behind my chair beside the air conditioner..it had come in through the gap around the unit.

Outside or inside I kill black widows, if I find them. I bomb their asses. But I won't kill garden spiders. If they wander into the house, I'll move them outside and put them in the rose bush.

I'm not scared of bees or wasps, but I also kill wasps if they're building nests. They do NOT leave you alone, they are aggressive...and my boy had a very bad reaction to a sting just a few weeks ago. The kids get stung at least once a year...he was stung and didn't have a reaction for 24 hours. Then his hand and fingers swelled up and changed colors so he couldn't bend them and we had to take him to the clinic. Some people can be stung multiple times and never have a problem and then get stung and have a terrible reaction and almost die. What I've heard is different ppl have different tolerance levels. That venom never leaves your system, and once you've reached your own personal limit, that's it.

I kill wasps and wipe out their nests. But I don't touch honey bees or bumble bees.

BTW, I was driving on the freeway once and had a wasp get down between the back of my blouse and my skin and sting the crap out of me. That's a lovely experience. I also had one get between my foot and my birkenstock and sting the ball of my foot between my big toe and middle toe....I had to get my shoe off and pull that little bastard off. That hurt and itched for 2 months.
I go bit by a hobo once and I ended up with MRSA and could have lost my leg. I never fuck with spiders!
My son has a huge black widow he keeps in a plexiglass box made specifically for it. He's had it for 2 years. Who knew they could even live that long? He never takes it out, though. He throws it a bug once in a while to eat. We keep telling him a male black widow is going to sneak in there and he'll have widders all over the place, but she's never laid eggs.

BTW, any time you see two spider sacs close together, it's black widow eggs. Kill them. They always make two sacs.
only indoor spiders are normally poision...me...i like spiders....i dont kill them ...and yes i got spider webs...my son was bitten by a wolf spider when he was very young...he hates them...i try to live in harmony with all the little creatures...except rats
:lol: Ha ha, very funny this is the pet section!

I let my spiders stay UNLESS they are in the bedroom. Even then I do all I can to encourage them to shoo to another corner of the house before enforcing the last resort. :cool:
why do you think I put this in the pet section. The spiders weren't that big but they were big.
Omg, that is one of the most horrific things I've ever seen.

You know, Strolling...rats eat spiders.

And outside spiders sure as shit are poisonous. My mom had millions of brown recluses living along the wall of her barn....I dug into them when I was cleaning out about 3 feet of cow shit. And black widows also are outdoor spiders...the biggest one I ever saw was living inside the water meter box.

And don't forget those huge flipping trap door spiders that can pierce through boots.
I am so regretting starting this thread. I don't know how I will sleep tonight?

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