Full blown panic mode

and whatever happened to Maxine Waters who thought that losing 170 Million jobs was going to be the next crisis?

Whatever bills Maxine Waters, Diane Feinstein, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi and the other ultra liberals are working on will the next crisis. And make no mistake, Obamacare is nothing but a health care crisis because it'll make everything so much worse. Once any government program is implemented, it never goes away and never gets any better. Social Security, Medicare and every other government program is going broke and they are always looking for more creative ways to tax us (like taxing rain water, etc). After they suck us dry, then what? Where do these idiots think wealth comes from? It's like they don't understand how it's created and they see it as some resource that exists already and simply needs to be redistributed. Do they think wealth will continue to be created if they have their way and impose their socialist ideas on us? They are like children who think there is some infinite amount of money and it's there for the confiscating. The only thing infinite is the possibilities when people pursue the American dream, but that doesn't take government interference. It means government stepping aside and not killing capitalism.

They are so busy trying to change this country and they don't have a clue what the consequences of their actions will be. They live for today and whatever sounds good and makes people feel good today, but are unable to look toward the future and understand what is best in the long run.

They think getting people dependent on government programs is a good thing and will make people secure, or at least make them feel that way. The truth is that government mismanages money, like they did with social security. They cannot be trusted to oversee the programs they start. They come up with plans, everything from Wilson's income tax 100 years ago to social security and promise that they won't go too far. They say they won't take much money from us and that it will be safe and revenue will be spent wisely. That never happens. They raided the Social Security fund after breaking into the lock box they promised to keep it in. They use revenue to buy votes by keeping and expanding an underclass of dependents once they convince them they are victims. They give themselves generous raises and spend our money like they are royalty. Even during recession and sequester, we didn't see any attempt at pinching pennies when it came to the Obama's lifestyle. Pelosi used the AF jets like her private plane, and she insisted on the bigger one, which only increased costs. Just her liquor bill was more than two average Americans make in a year. We see this sort of foolishness while we are told to pay our fair share and suffer equal misery during the hard times.

Do they really believe the crap they are telling people? So many of their dependents, despite not seeing themselves even slightly raised from poverty after decades, somehow still believe the hype that government will make their lives better. All they have to do is allow government to transfer more power from the people to themselves and take away a few more of our rights. This promise has gone on for more than 50 years and the situation has only worsened. They never blame their failed programs, but always find a scapegoat. Of course, their favorite is Republicans. They have lied for years about the right being racist, white and greedy. When any minority realizes the fallacy of the liberal mindset, they are vilified even worse than the rest of us. They are traitors. They broke the golden rule by refusing to think the way liberals want them to. The liberal plantation is no place for the enlightened, only the benighted.

Looking at recent events, we see the hypocrisy and the refusal to take responsibility for their own actions. The IRS attempted to ruin those groups opposing Obama, they tried to keep the Benghazi story buried and now the administration disrespects the media that did so much for them by spying on them. Controlling information is something done by dictators who do not believe in a free press and freedom of speech. Yes, they are in panic mode because they feel that people are forming their own opinions of current events and they fear losing control of more of the population. They don't take it well when questioned.

And yet, they accept no blame. They believe they are so righteous that when it comes to their agenda, the end justifies the means. If the world isn't the way they believe it should be, they quickly blame others for being uncaring and racist.

If liberals had their way, we'd be a shining example of the result of unchallenged liberal policies. We'd look just like Detroit.

Liberals are more about feelings than intellect. They make policies that make people feel good and safe, but don't work in reality. Encouraging government dependence does not bring people out of poverty, it actually encourages more to remain in welfare existence. Banning guns will not stop criminals and crazies from killing innocents. That doesn't matter to them. It's about filling their need to be in control because they see themselves as superior beings. As long as enough people believe that the liberals will save them and give them what they need, they will vote for them. Never mind we've gone years without results and things have gotten worse. The liberals believe that the Republicans stopped them by not standing aside and letting them have their way.

Detroit is what happens when no one stands in their way.

That is why we fight them.

End of rant.
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I wonder if "Obama-Phone-Girl" is aware of any of the three crisis's. or is she still in her one bedroom,200.00 month apt. in Toledo looking for a friend to talk to on her free phone.
This is the same IRS charged with enforcing Obamacare and has the power to drain your bank accounts in the process

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

The mere thought of these incompetent and corrupt jackasses having real time access to my bank account is enough to put me in full panic mode. The idea to involve the IRS in our healthcare was one of the cruelest things to do. People don't exactly get a warm, fuzzy feeling when they think of the IRS as it is. Now, these people will be involved in one of the most personal things we have- our health. Not to mention access to our money.

We know how bad the government can screw up. And we know that it takes an act of congress to undo government mistakes. Imagine when someone steals your identity and gets healthcare. How much of your money will be drained from your account to pay for it and how long will it take you to correct such an injustice? Talk to people who have had their identities stolen, many by illegal aliens. The peoples' lives are ruined. The local police can't do anything because it's a federal matter and the feds don't give a shit. This is going to be a nightmare!!

Do you have a link for this? How are they going to have access to bank accounts? Thanks.
the Dem's are in full blown panic attack, I guess this means that Moochelle is off to Spain again, and Barry is off to make more speeches on birth control (the no.1 issue concerning most Americans)

I'm sure that being Press Secretary has some great perks, I'm sure it opens a ton of career doors, but these folks sure have to eat a ton of shit in that job. Imagine having to spin for politicians for a living.


Edit: Hmmm. Now that I think about it, people in here do that stuff for free.

Even more weird.

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Carney has lied so much now that Obama can legitimately say...... "This man could have been my son"!

Amazing how Carney's one word change turned out to be 146 words they changed and lied about - admitting to only one. Lie about the 146 words you changed and admit the one change. Yes, that makes sense. lol. To them. The summer schedule is in, folks. Impeachment hearings!
I wonder how much longer it will be before Sparky faints/collapses during another press conference. A person can only lie for so long before a group of 30 reporters before he finally collapses.
I wonder how much longer it will be before Sparky faints/collapses during another press conference. A person can only lie for so long before a group of 30 reporters before he finally collapses.

he always gets this look

as if he is about to sneeze
I wonder how much longer it will be before Sparky faints/collapses during another press conference. A person can only lie for so long before a group of 30 reporters before he finally collapses.

Carney certainly doesn't look good. He looks like a man who has sent out 100 resumes and he's praying for an answer.

You hacks throw them up and team Obama swats 'em down like flies.

fly buzzing around president obama - Google Search
I wonder how much longer it will be before Sparky faints/collapses during another press conference. A person can only lie for so long before a group of 30 reporters before he finally collapses.

I'm waiting for him to have a mental breakdown, right there in the briefing room.
Gee, Hazlenut...these flies not only won't go away...they seem to be increasing in number.

I promise you right now, that none of this will touch Barry. As much as I dislike this poseur, those that control this clown have not come this far to see their boy fail. He is the golden boy for the liberals. He is HISTORY for these communist bastards. He is the FIRST bi-racial (I refuse to say black - I am black, Obama is not) man to hold this office.

There is no more of a chance that he takes the fall for this than there was for that worthless piece of trailer trash Bill Clinton to be impeached for lying to Congress.

As ashamed as I am of the current clown that is in the office, he isn't going anywhere. America will be brought to its knees quicker than he will be man enough to walk away.
Gee, Hazlenut...these flies not only won't go away...they seem to be increasing in number.

I promise you right now, that none of this will touch Barry. As much as I dislike this poseur, those that control this clown have not come this far to see their boy fail. He is the golden boy for the liberals. He is HISTORY for these communist bastards. He is the FIRST bi-racial (I refuse to say black - I am black, Obama is not) man to hold this office.

There is no more of a chance that he takes the fall for this than there was for that worthless piece of trailer trash Bill Clinton to be impeached for lying to Congress.

As ashamed as I am of the current clown that is in the office, he isn't going anywhere. America will be brought to its knees quicker than he will be man enough to walk away.

I agree with that assessment, Randall. I don't think Barack Obama "is" going anywhere. We're stuck with him for another term...which means lots more of what we're seeing now.
You Know, Carney should of been in that classic scene from "The Holy Grail"(did I spell it right?) I wonder how Sparky would of answered "These Questions Three"? I think he would of been bolted 200 feet into the river after the first question.
Gee, Hazlenut...these flies not only won't go away...they seem to be increasing in number.

I promise you right now, that none of this will touch Barry. As much as I dislike this poseur, those that control this clown have not come this far to see their boy fail. He is the golden boy for the liberals. He is HISTORY for these communist bastards. He is the FIRST bi-racial (I refuse to say black - I am black, Obama is not) man to hold this office.

There is no more of a chance that he takes the fall for this than there was for that worthless piece of trailer trash Bill Clinton to be impeached for lying to Congress.

As ashamed as I am of the current clown that is in the office, he isn't going anywhere. America will be brought to its knees quicker than he will be man enough to walk away.

i find it strange that holder

needed to grab the phone calls messages and such of the ap reporters

because it was a dire situation

in fact he said it was the worst and most dangerous leak in history

but yet

he didnt find it important enough to inform the prezbo of the situation

Gee, Hazlenut...these flies not only won't go away...they seem to be increasing in number.

I promise you right now, that none of this will touch Barry. As much as I dislike this poseur, those that control this clown have not come this far to see their boy fail. He is the golden boy for the liberals. He is HISTORY for these communist bastards. He is the FIRST bi-racial (I refuse to say black - I am black, Obama is not) man to hold this office.

There is no more of a chance that he takes the fall for this than there was for that worthless piece of trailer trash Bill Clinton to be impeached for lying to Congress.

As ashamed as I am of the current clown that is in the office, he isn't going anywhere. America will be brought to its knees quicker than he will be man enough to walk away.

I agree with that assessment, Randall. I don't think Barack Obama "is" going anywhere. We're stuck with him for another term...which means lots more of what we're seeing now.

Absolutely, 100% agree. This man is the personification of "The Man Who Would Be King". He was raised to be "entitled" and he will do as he pleases (keeping in mind that he is smart to always "keep clean" - just as he has done here) and then he will ride off into the communist sunset - the "Savior of the Left"

He counts on his "followers" to be there to fall on their collective "swords" for him when the going gets rough, as it has over the last few days. And, after reading these lemmings on this board, is it any surprise?

So it is written, so shall it be.
Gee, Hazlenut...these flies not only won't go away...they seem to be increasing in number.

I promise you right now, that none of this will touch Barry. As much as I dislike this poseur, those that control this clown have not come this far to see their boy fail. He is the golden boy for the liberals. He is HISTORY for these communist bastards. He is the FIRST bi-racial (I refuse to say black - I am black, Obama is not) man to hold this office.

There is no more of a chance that he takes the fall for this than there was for that worthless piece of trailer trash Bill Clinton to be impeached for lying to Congress.

As ashamed as I am of the current clown that is in the office, he isn't going anywhere. America will be brought to its knees quicker than he will be man enough to walk away.

i find it strange that holder

needed to grab the phone calls messages and such of the ap reporters

because it was a dire situation

in fact he said it was the worst and most dangerous leak in history

but yet

he didnt find it important enough to inform the prezbo of the situation


The worst and most dangerous leak in history and he had his subordinate handle it!

You can't make this shit up...seriously...

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