Full blown panic mode

And Franco considers these clowns to be the "adults" in this situation? Now THAT is some delusional thinking!
I promise you right now, that none of this will touch Barry. As much as I dislike this poseur, those that control this clown have not come this far to see their boy fail. He is the golden boy for the liberals. He is HISTORY for these communist bastards. He is the FIRST bi-racial (I refuse to say black - I am black, Obama is not) man to hold this office.

There is no more of a chance that he takes the fall for this than there was for that worthless piece of trailer trash Bill Clinton to be impeached for lying to Congress.

As ashamed as I am of the current clown that is in the office, he isn't going anywhere. America will be brought to its knees quicker than he will be man enough to walk away.

i find it strange that holder

needed to grab the phone calls messages and such of the ap reporters

because it was a dire situation

in fact he said it was the worst and most dangerous leak in history

but yet

he didnt find it important enough to inform the prezbo of the situation


The worst and most dangerous leak in history and he had his subordinate handle it!

You can't make this shit up...seriously...

I'm more than certain the Obama and "Steadman" Holder speak with each other on a daily basis. I'd almost bet my life on that.

Now, couple that with the notion that Steadman recused himself from this "problem" tells me that both he and Barry knew that this was toxic and the "smart money" would be to "step away" with "Plausible deniability".

So he goes before Congress today, looking like an absolute fool, claiming that "I don't know anything about this and that".............it's Watergate all over again. It's Bill Clinton parsing his BS words and what the definition of "is" is.......

Crooks. Each and every one of them.
Full blown brainwash mode more like it, dupes. It's amazing how high your masters can pile it...Thank God the adults are in charge...

they pile it just as high as your masters Frankie.....only your to "brainwashed" to see it....change the channel....oh and thanks for people like you fucking up California.......
CrusaderFrank said:
This is the same IRS charged with enforcing Obamacare and has the power to drain your bank accounts in the process
Yes and ANYTHING THEY SAY is a lie meant to keep sheeple thinking they are ON THIER SIDE!!
The Rules That Govern 501(c)(4)s

Nearly a century ago, Congress created the complicated legal framework that governs these tax-exempt nonprofits, also known as 501(c)(4)s for the part of the tax code they fall under. That rule said they were supposed to operate “exclusively for the promotion of social welfare” — a definition that includes groups ranging from local fire departments to the Sierra Club to the National Right to Life Committee.

While these nonprofits have always been allowed to lobby for change, in 1959, regulators opened the door to political activity by interpreting “exclusively” to mean that groups had to be “primarily” engaged in social welfare and helping the community.

But regulators never defined exactly how they would measure this balance. Part of the reason, said Marcus Owens, a former head of the IRS division overseeing nonprofits, is because the IRS didn’t want to limit what it could evaluate in deciding what was political activity.

However, the lack of clarity has created a unique type of organization when it comes to politics — chief among those differences being what the public must be told about these nonprofits’ donors.

More: The Rules That Govern 501(c)(4)s | Big Money 2012 | FRONTLINE | PBS by Emma Schwartz

TaxAlmanac - A free online tax research resource and community - Treasury Regulations, Subchapter A, Sec. 1.501(c)(4)-1
The IRS already had access to your bank account, Zoom...let's not forget that they have the power to seize your assets before proving in a court of law that you owe that money. They can literally go into your bank and take your money and it's up to YOU to prove you didn't owe it.
The IRS already had access to your bank account, Zoom...let's not forget that they have the power to seize your assets before proving in a court of law that you owe that money. They can literally go into your bank and take your money and it's up to YOU to prove you didn't owe it.

yep and you have 21 days to prove it
Hey Philbert! Are you laughing at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit too?

Seems like nothing is going right for the Boy King.

Second appeals court invalidates Obama's NLRB recess appointments

5/16/13 12:10 PM EDT

A second appeals court has joined the D.C. Circuit in ruling that President Barack obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board were unconstitutional, concluding that some board actions taken in the wake of those appointments were also invalid.

The issue has far-reaching implications for both the NLRB and other boards, including obama’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which has been a frequent target of conservatives and whose director was a recess appointment.

The 2-1 decision Thursday from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (posted here) found that the presidential recess appointment power is limited to breaks between sessions of Congress, not breaks within sessions or other adjournments during which the Senate might meet in pro forma sessions. The reasoning mirrors that in a ruling of the D.C. Circuit Court in January.
The IRS already had access to your bank account, Zoom...let's not forget that they have the power to seize your assets before proving in a court of law that you owe that money. They can literally go into your bank and take your money and it's up to YOU to prove you didn't owe it.

The only thing they cannot do is take you to a dark basement, tie you to a chair under a bare lightbulb, and beat you into submission.
But, that may or may not be comin'...........
us conservatives can only hope and pray that this administration and all of "Its Leftisit Wings" will have a 10% approval come October 2014. Just In Time to take the Senate!

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