Full Blown Panic Mode

Desperate nonsense. Barr could formally open that investigation today, if he wanted to do so. He could have months ago, too. Instead he outsourced it illegally so that it could be focused on personally benefitting the president.
While we'd prefer Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Obama be in prison today, better late than never. AG Barr needs to do it right, it'd be a shame if any of them got off on a technicality.
So you are comfortable with the Attorney General of he United states traveling the world ginning up help in an investigation into United States agencies.


You are comfortable knowing the President of the United States feels he needs the help of foreign governments to win an election, and extorting the answers he needs to buy the aid of foreigners to go back in time to trash an investigation he says EXONERATES him?

Of course, because it didn't happen the way you describe, nor for the reasons you claim.

And how many Presidents have sued in courts to hide their tax returns, an old tradition honored by every President voluntarily since the tradition began? You took him on faith when he said he would provide transparency of taxes...soon ...and now you bust your butt covering his.

A quaint custom begun by Nixon trying to stave off impeachment, but never an obligation. Personally, I could not care less.

You took him on faith Mexico would pay for a wall..soon...and now you are paying for it with funds set aside for our military.

Who the fuck cares? I favor an internal wall, myself.

You took it on faith that he won his election without foreign interference, and now you cheer his efforts at extortion and the tremendous pressure of his senior staff, Pompeo and Barr, both who have lied and deflected and agree to dig dirt to win an election.

None of that is true.
Of course, because it didn't happen the way you describe, nor for the reasons you claim.
Ah! You mean it is fake news that Trump asked for (and received) help from Russia, and it is fake news that Trump said he would seek help from foreign governments in his campaign, and it is fake news that he is even now as we post trying to extort dirt from Ukraine, and it is fake news that his AG is in Italy investigating American investigators, and it is fake news that his SOS is pre-obstructing a Congressional investigation even as we post intimidating his employees to break Constitutional law by refusing to testify? That didn't happen or isn't happening?

It appears you approve of the new Constitution where checks and balances of abuse of power by a President are stricken...with a sharpie!
Ah! You mean it is fake news that Trump asked for (and received) help from Russia

Yes. That did not happen.

and it is fake news that Trump said he would seek help from foreign governments in his campaign

Yes. He said he would accept information, not that he would seek assistance.

and it is fake news that he is even now as we post trying to extort dirt from Ukraine

Yes. The President of Ukraine confirmed it.

and it is fake news that his AG is in Italy investigating American investigators

No. Criminal activity by certain US government officials is being investigated.

and it is fake news that his SOS is pre-obstructing a Congressional investigation even as we post intimidating his employees to break Constitutional law by refusing to testify? That didn't happen or isn't happening?

Yes. Pompeo wants clarity from the committee before he will agree to comply with the subpoena. It's his right to do so. The Committee is not a Star Chamber, though Schiff wishes it were so.

It appears you approve of the new Constitution where checks and balances of abuse of power by a President are stricken...with a sharpie!

The only abuse of power in evidence at this point is being exercised by House Democrats and their media.
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.

Trump isn't panicking, none of the Republicans are. We're walking on air.

Democrats are panicking. They see prison and treason convictions in their future. Schiff will probably be suicided.
Lol, tRump is obviously and quite loudly in full on meltdown mode. He is visibly falling apart. It's obvious they have had to sedate him for his last couple.of public appearances.
Your ability to twist narrative is exceeded only by your ability to lie to yourself.
He isn't falling apart. The democrats are crapping themselves, and exposing themselves.

Decent Americans are happier than they have been in years because of Trump's successes.
Meanwhile as the Trump haters desperately want him out....

Panic mode, lol.

A joint statement put out by the White House and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained: "The United States-Japan Trade Agreement will eliminate or reduce tariffs on certain agricultural and industrial products to enhance bilateral trade in a robust, stable, and mutually beneficial manner between our nations, which together account for approximately 30 percent of global gross domestic product.

"The United States-Japan Digital Trade Agreement establishes high-standard rules in this area, demonstrating the continued leading role that both nations play in global rule-making on digital trade."

"Navarro said Americans stand to gain significantly.

"Together those two Trump wins will net Americans billions of dollars, tens of thousands of jobs," Navarro said."
Impeachment is a serious issue with real consequences, including economic harm, yet Democrats throw around the term as if it’s a campaign slogan. This behavior isn’t normal
Impeachment is a serious issue with real consequences, including economic harm, yet Democrats throw around the term as if it’s a campaign slogan. This behavior isn’t normal
They declared war on the US years ago.
Finally people are starting to realize it. They're trying to destroy our nation and overthrow our government.
Well,the mentally ill president is deteriorating quickly. The insane lies are really flowing forth, today.
Meanwhile as the Trump haters desperately want him out....

Nope, you're delusional. He continies to languish under 42%:

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
Sure. And Hillary's president.
Poor little guy. I know this all stings.
At the eve of 2016 election Trump's favorability was 37.5%.


RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 Favorability Ratings
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.


Cause of admission: TDS.
Meanwhile as the Trump haters desperately want him out....

Nope, you're delusional. He continies to languish under 42%:

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
Sure. And Hillary's president.
Poor little guy. I know this all stings.
At the eve of 2016 election Trump's favorability was 37.5%.


RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 Favorability Ratings

Stupid post. He is not running against Hillary.
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.
Panic mode? Hardly. :bigbed: I’m sleeping well for now.

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