Adam Schiff Should Be In Prison, Not On An Intel Committee

haha that didn’t happen..that was parody you are repeating

Cool story, but the call transcript and mountains of corraboratong evidence of testimony prove directly opposite is true.

This much was admitted by a number of Senate Republicans....but hey, there is an ignorant wingnutter like you on the internets saying nuh-uh, so I guess we should go with that.
geezus are you as stupid as they say you are in the threads i have been in with you?...i said if schiff was a republican your whole take on the guy would be i right or wrong?.....
Moron, it's IRRELAVANT to the substance of this thread's topic.

Nobody gives a shit about your complaints about my character, myself included. Do try to get it through your thick scull.
Moron, it's IRRELAVANT to the substance of this thread's topic.

Nobody gives a shit about your complaints about my character, myself included. Do try to get it through your thick scull.
lol....touched a nerve did i? least you admit its a character flaw....and if you didnt care you would have left this discussion long ago....try to get that through your thick skull....
lol....touched a nerve did i? least you admit its a character flaw....and if you didnt care you would have left this discussion long ago....try to get that through your thick skull....
Yep, good advice is lost on some.

Time for ignore.
Yep, good advice is lost on some.

Time for ignore.
oh now it becomes the pussy move....."i cant counter what mean old harry says about me so i will put him on ignore waaa waaa" are not only dishonest you are a pussy too....and your ego is to big to put me on ignore because you want to know what i am saying about you from this point on....
Cool story, but the call transcript and mountains of corraboratong evidence of testimony prove directly opposite is true.

This much was admitted by a number of Senate Republicans....but hey, there is an ignorant wingnutter like you on the internets saying nuh-uh, so I guess we should go with that.
Nope, the transcript is quite clear....

the parody was admitted by Shifty himself
Of course they do.

It’s called an argument and lawyers make them all the time. Then the judge considers the arguments and writes their opinion.

Don’t be a moron.
Which is why Trump was found innocent by the “judge” in both Shampeachments, Simp.
How many times did Adumb Schifferbrains go on TV and lie to America about having indisputable, ironclad evidence of Trump/Russia collusion only to NEVER produce any? Nothing
Well if you baselessly claim that then it must be so. Right?

Where do you think you are getting with this nonsense? Do you just post for the sake of saying something back?
Nope, Shifty made it clear...I'm not claiming it...he admitted it was parody: User Clip: Schiff says it was parody

Mr. Schiff, California Democrat and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said his reading was “part in parody”––but made the admission only after Rep. Mike Turner, Ohio Republican, called him out.

And here is the actual full transcript of the call...

Shifty even lied when he said that was the "message the Ukraine President was getting" when he tried to defend his "parody" - he not once spoke to the Ukraine President. In fact, the Ukraine President totally refuted the claims made by Shifty and the Demafascit: Ukraine's president says 'no blackmail' in Trump call

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said there was "no blackmail" in a phone call with Donald Trump that is at the heart of a possible attempt to remove the US president from office.
"This is not corruption, it was just a call," Mr Zelensky said on Thursday.
How many times did Adumb Schifferbrains go on TV and lie to America about having indisputable, ironclad evidence of Trump/Russia collusion only to NEVER produce any? Nothing
It always has been. The only way to spread socialism is to redistribute wealth.
Well if you baselessly claim that then it must be so. Right?

Where do you think you are getting with this nonsense? Do you just post for the sake of saying something back?
Why is it baseless, and why are you baseless now that we are at it?
Should I take your word for it or should I belive a Republican report that found no wrongdoing by Biden in his conduct of foreign policy in Ukraine?

Choices choices.

Fuck the uniparty. Anyone who understands English knows what he said and did. When most people can hear what is said they do not need people explaining it to them. You apparently do. That makes you stupid. A pretty well established fact that is backed up by your posts.

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