Adam Schiff Should Be In Prison, Not On An Intel Committee

....which was not the 'essence of Trump's words'.

There was no need for Schiff's manufactured false ebidence presented during his hearing because the actual transcript had already been released the previous daus before.

Schiff manufactur3d this false evidenc and tried to present it as actual, legitimare evidence IOT frame a sitting Presidebt as hving done something he had not.

Again, any way you slice it, rhat is TREASON.

The fact that you are trying to 'split hairs' to defend the man who was attempting to overthrow the US Govt by trying to illegally set up / remove a sitting Presidrnt from office, based on a false, manufactured premise Is disgusting and says everything that needs to be said about you personally.
What part of the so called Perfect conversation did you like the most, or think was perfect?

And the point is Schiff can't be prosecuted for shit, cuz he prefaced what he said as NOT being trumps exact words.
It does not matter how Schiff prefaced his load of BULLSHIT, it was over the top ridiculous statements otherwise known as LIES!!!
He spewed his hallucinations as REAL, and he did it ON THE RECORD!
It was completely irresponsible and many if not MOST demented leftists took it as verbatim.
Your excuses don't make it acceptable! :eusa_hand:

What part of Trump's Perfect conversation did you agree with most?

What part was in America's best interest?
If you say so.... :rolleyes-41:

Read the full article, including what Trump did say.
After the transcript of the phone call had already been released why did Schiff feel the need to present his own manufactured version of what was actually said?

- You do realize that such a manufactured document would never be allowed in an actual court of law in a REAL legal proceeding, right, something the dumbest lawyer in the world knows? This is a great example of why Democrats did not allow the President's lawyers to be present to rebut crap like this

There was no reason For him to try to rely on his own manyfactured document instead of the actual phone transcript.

Schiff's manufactured version summed up everything the Democrats claimed to have had on Trump during that faux coup Impeachment:

No crime

No evidence (they did not manufacture)

No 1st-hand account witnesses

Pelosi, when confronted about it, even amazingly argued there did not have to be a crime for a President to be Impeached ... or evidence or witnesses evidently for Democrats.

(You snowflakes, as Pelosi and Schiff did, completely ignore the existence of a treaty that required the President of the United States to request assistance from the leader of Ukraine in investigating cases of corruption and crime, which President Trump executed through asking for this assistance. I posted this discussion and links at the time this happened - feel free to use the search functions of USMB to go back and find them or use Google to do so.)

Trump legally asked for assistance to investigate the same crimes exposed on Hunter's laptop and crimes like extortion Biden actually bragged about perpetrating:

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If he is convicted of an actual crime sure.

Jailing political opposition on BULLSHIT should be a crime.

Tell that to the Democrats / J6 Committee. They held political prisoners for 2 years while many were beaten, placed in solilitary confinement, and denied necessary medical attention before finally being charged with bullshit like 'Parading'.
Tell that to the Democrats / J6 Committee. They held political prisoners for 2 years while many were beaten, placed in solilitary confinement, and denied necessary medical attention before finally being charged with bullshit like 'Parading'.
I've pointed that out multiple times.
Clearly their legal counsel SUCKS ASS otherwise this would be before SCOTUS
Oh, idk, trying to expose the Ukraine as the money laundering cesspool of corruption that the Big Guy Joe was swimming in was the right thing to do. Sorry that you wanted that FACT to not be questioned.
That fact was already disproved and Trump was told and shown such by an adviser.

Listen, you guys can pretend and twist and turn blue doing it all you is not going to change the FACTS that I and you ALL deep down inside KNOW....

Trump did not go after Joe Biden and his son because it was in the best interest of America,

Trump sent Rudy Giuliani to handle the situation to get Zelensky to claim he was opening an investigation on the Biden's, he did not need to actually open one, Zelensky just had to set up an interview with CNN INTERNATIONAL, and announce on CNN that he opened an investigation in to Joe and Hunter Biden.....( then trump would take care of the rest.....).

If it is all in the best interest of America, or something done illegally by Americans, the DOJ has a specific international team of prosecutor experts for laws broken overseas and investigators to do just that....




be honest with yourselves, for a change....

Break out of your holds,

The TRUTH will set you free.
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....dummy, transcript of the call was presented a month before impeachment trial.

In that transcript Trump is clearly talking about how generous American military assistance not being reciprocated by Ukraine and then lays out ways Ukraine can work with his personal lawyer Juliani to investigate Democrats and Bidens.

Exonerated the president??? Do you have a clue about anything at all?
yep, that’s why we knew it was a bogus, parody impeachment…and why Shifty and company looked so foolish

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