Full IRS testimony transcripts released...

This looks and smells like a very ham handed effort by the WH to subvert the investigation.

its the Chicago way, barry learned it well. lie, distract, hide, blame others, demonize opponents, destroy those that would reveal your corruption.

We went thru this last week.

The investigation isn't over. The body count is getting higher with the latest revelation that Paz has been removed from her position.

No, the transcripts were not released in full until NOW.

They are claiming the same thing though. That it was all Cincinnati and nothing to do with Washington.

In direct contrast to Paz's testimony.

So some one is lying their ass off. I smell perjury charges. :eusa_angel:
Some one is really lying here.

Whoa geeze. I put up Paz's testimony yesterday and it completely contradicts his statement he had no contact with IRS officials in Washington.

"It also shows a key witness and IRS screening manager – a self described conservative Republican — denying any communication with the White House or senior IRS officials about the targeting."

Breaking: Full House committee transcripts shed new light on genesis of IRS targeting

Let me get Paz's statements under oath. Hell's bells she even told the committee that they had an IRS lawyer come up with a template on how to handle tea party cases.


"We're sorry for targeting you. We really mean it!"

-The IRS

That's all the testimony I need.
Washington IRS was working directly with the Cincinnati office according to Paz.

This gentleman called Carter Hull designed the approval template for "tea party" applicants. They were collaborating on how to handle conservative applications.

Paz said the tea party cases first came to Washington in February 2010 so officials could “develop some guidance or a tool that can be given to folks [in Cincinnati] to help them in working the cases,” which ensures “consistency.”

Carter Hull, a tax law specialist interviewed by the committee last week, was assigned with creating an approval template.

In the fall of 2010, Hull presented Paz with a memo of the 40 cases then being scrutinized.

Most of the cases merited a closer look, Paz recalls.

“There was inconsistency, either between the narrative and the questions where you check yes or no regarding whether you’re going to engage in political campaign intervention,” she said, later adding: “Sometimes what was said in the narrative would be contradicted by their own material.”

Cindy Thomas, a Cincinnati-based manager charged with communicating with IRS headquarters, contacted Paz a number of times in the fall of 2010 to ask when Hull’s template would be ready.

Hill focuses on D.C. IRS official Holly Paz - POLITICO.com Print View
...and surprise, surprise! They show Rep. Issa is totally full of shit!

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have just released a full transcript of testimony from a key witness in the investigation of IRS targeting of conservatives — and it appears to confirm that the initial targeting did originate with a low-level employee in the Cincinnati office.
It also shows a key witness and IRS screening manager – a self described conservative Republican — denying any communication with the White House or senior IRS officials about the targeting.
The ranking Dem on the committee, Elijah Cummings, has promised that the account provided by the witness — the IRS manager in Cincinnati who supervised the screeners of applications for tax exempt status, the self-described conservative Republican — would undercut Committee chairman Darrell Issa’s suggestion that the decision to target conservative groups had originated in Washington.
Cummings released the full transcript today in two parts, making it initially available to a select group of reporters, with redactions of names of individuals, and accompanied it with a letter to Issa explaining his decision, in which Cummings concludes that the transcript “debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases.”

Breaking: Full House committee transcripts shed new light on genesis of IRS targeting


I'm sooo impressed by your Left Wing blog sites!:clap2:So authoritative!

So the full transcript is what? A fake?

See what I said about denialists?
Ah, so with no evidence (in fact, evidence to the contrary) you're certain the WH ordered it...um, okay then. :rolleyes:

You have issues with reading and drawig appropriate conclusions. He didnt say he was certain. No one is. We dont know any more now than we did last week, except that Dems on the committee are determined to undermine this investigation.
Liberals...especially Obamabots...have a difficult time with logic and comprehension of plain English language.

So tell us in plain English what actual evidence you have against the president.
I smell desperation. If I was D with any power I'd want to throttle old Elijah right now :lol:.

I guess Cummings didn't bother to read the news yesterday.
What you rubes will not admit is that the libs will demand more and more perjury from the lower ranks before this is over.

They need some scapegoats that do not work in the White House.

Ah, so with no evidence (in fact, evidence to the contrary) you're certain the WH ordered it...um, okay then. :rolleyes:

Obama doesn't have to order retribution by his agencies to his political enemies...come on.
You have issues with reading and drawig appropriate conclusions. He didnt say he was certain. No one is. We dont know any more now than we did last week, except that Dems on the committee are determined to undermine this investigation.
Liberals...especially Obamabots...have a difficult time with logic and comprehension of plain English language.

So tell us in plain English what actual evidence you have against the president.

His agencies. His political enemies. Co-inky-dink ? Not hardly.
You have issues with reading and drawig appropriate conclusions. He didnt say he was certain. No one is. We dont know any more now than we did last week, except that Dems on the committee are determined to undermine this investigation.
Liberals...especially Obamabots...have a difficult time with logic and comprehension of plain English language.

So tell us in plain English what actual evidence you have against the president.

questions: Was Nixon responsible for what people under him did?
Was Bush responsible for the erroneous intel about WMDs?
Was Reagan responsible for Iran Contra?
Was Kennecy responsible for the bay of pigs fiasco?
Was Carter responsible for the failed rescue of iranian hostages?

of course the answer to all is yes. So Obama is responsible for illegal IRS targeting.
So this is Ground Hog Day. Cummings pulled this shit on the Sunday talk shows from a week ago.

Same shit. Different day.
You have issues with reading and drawig appropriate conclusions. He didnt say he was certain. No one is. We dont know any more now than we did last week, except that Dems on the committee are determined to undermine this investigation.
Liberals...especially Obamabots...have a difficult time with logic and comprehension of plain English language.

So tell us in plain English what actual evidence you have against the president.

None. Yet. But you knew that.
Tell us again how this whole thing originated in the Cincinnati office and involved only a few low level employees.
Yep & Issa and the stooges are still batting ZERO, same shit different day.

CNN poll: Obama?s approval down 8 points in one month

Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating is down to 45 percent, driven in part by growing dissatisfaction on the left with the president's track record in office, according to a new national survey.

Polls mean shit you Romney fans should know that . Still have 3 1/2 years left , grab the klenx your gonna need it .
And right from the Hill who have gone through the transcripts. No major revelations.

This was all out there last week. Cummings blew his load on this last week.

D's are in a serious panic mode and they are letting it show.

The more than 200 pages released brought no major revelations into the scandal, but represented an escalation in the increasingly bitter battle between Issa and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the Oversight panel’s ranking member.

Democrats defy Issa, release full transcript from IRS investigation - The Hill's On The Money

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