Full IRS testimony transcripts released...

Shafer, who identified himself as "a conservative Republican" and said he'd worked for the IRS since 1992, said that he and a fellow screener initially flagged a tea party group and continued to do so with subsequent applications in order to maintain consistency in the process.

Asked plainly, "do you have any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decision to screen Tea Party cases?" Shafer replied, "I have no reason to believe that."

"Do you have any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decisions to centralize the review of Tea Party cases?" he was asked. "I have no reason to believe that," he replied.

Asked if he had "ever communicated with [then IRS] Commissioner Shulman about the screening of Tea Party cases?" he replied, "I have not."

More: IRS Official: White House Was Not Involved In Targeting Of Conservative Groups

Issa has a history of overreaching and slanderous witch hunts, so it's no surprise that this one bites him in the ass. When will he apologize to the White House?
This doesn’t make any sense.

Why would anyone ‘admit’ to something clearly untrue and idiotic?

Not only do you have no evidence the Administration was in any way involved, you also have no evidence anyone is being compelled to ‘perjure’ himself.

He was trying to say "purge".....as in underlings taking the fall for Obama. He is confused by these similar sounding words.
Is English not your native language?
No, the Dems will be demanding perjury--lying under oath--from people down in the civil service to protect Obama. This whole business with Cummings reeks of cover up. And not very clever either. I wouldn' t be surprised to see Cummings facing charges of obstruction of justice.

Conservatives are at least consistent in not making sense.

You also have no evidence that anyone is ‘lying’ to ‘protect’ Obama.
Liberals...especially Obamabots...have a difficult time with logic and comprehension of plain English language.

So tell us in plain English what actual evidence you have against the president.

Hey,doofus! Here is what I said (posted).

"What you rubes will not admit is that the libs will demand more and more perjury from the lower ranks before this is over.

They need some scapegoats that do not work in the White House."

Tell me how you deduce from that that I know the President directly ordered anything whatsoever.

I'll go fetch my popcorn while you ponder that question.

Who are the ‘libs’ that will demand those in the ‘lower ranks’ commit perjury?

What is your evidence of this?

Who are ‘they’ who will need ‘more scapegoats’?

And what is your evidence of this?

Or you may simply reply that you’re making this nonsense up because you’re a rightwing partisan hack.
What you rubes will not admit is that the libs will demand more and more perjury from the lower ranks before this is over.

They need some scapegoats that do not work in the White House.

How can someone admit something that isn't true and something you just made up?
Making up lies to cover up is what the libs do, like in this case.

What exactly is it that ‘libs’ do that requires ‘lies’ and ‘cover-ups’?

What evidence do you have that anyone is ‘lying’?

Or you can elect the ‘I’m a rightwing partisan hack’ option as well.
Recently the GOP went on an all out assault trashing Obama and the dems claiming the tea party investigations by the IRS were "a lib conspiracy"

Cummings recently came forward with some strong claims of evidence that the IRS shakedown of teaparty groups were actually ordered by a conservative republican, and asked Issa to man up and release the full transcripts, or he would,....

In true GOP fasion, Issa hid like a little bitch and refused to release the reports.

As a man of his word, Cummings has released the FULL reports and he was 100% correct the entire time.

The GOP is going to be eating a nice shit sandwich after this one. Well done Mr. Cummings! :clap2::clap2: :up:

Rep. Elijah Cummings releases a full IRS interview transcript

Issa is a maggot. He knew there was no smoking gun but he withheld information to turn this into a political circus. I hope voters in his district remember this next year.
What information did he withhold?

Why are you not apologizing? Is your right wing brainwashing not allowing you to do so?

I would hope you would do so to show that not all right wingers are brainwashed pieces of shit,.. You won't prove us right by deflecting again, right Rabbi?,...
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Shafer, who identified himself as "a conservative Republican" and said he'd worked for the IRS since 1992, said that he and a fellow screener initially flagged a tea party group and continued to do so with subsequent applications in order to maintain consistency in the process.

Asked plainly, "do you have any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decision to screen Tea Party cases?" Shafer replied, "I have no reason to believe that."

"Do you have any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decisions to centralize the review of Tea Party cases?" he was asked. "I have no reason to believe that," he replied.

Asked if he had "ever communicated with [then IRS] Commissioner Shulman about the screening of Tea Party cases?" he replied, "I have not."

More: IRS Official: White House Was Not Involved In Targeting Of Conservative Groups

Issa has a history of overreaching and slanderous witch hunts, so it's no surprise that this one bites him in the ass. When will he apologize to the White House?

Link to a direct quote to where Issa accused the White House of directing the targeting.

We went thru this last week. I believe it was the Hill that proved Cummings wasn't telling the truth. Putting it nice aka lying about this.

And Issa has nothing to apologize for. The bodies are piling up :) and now Paz's testimony completely conflicts with this testimony of this manager.

Now this is not a slanderous witch hunt. The IRS has admitted wrong doing. The IG of the Treasury Department found the IRS at fault for targeting conservative groups.

Why can't you just admit they're FUBAR'D by their own admission?

Liberals are looking like complete fools attempting to defend the indefensible. Even your President agrees that the IRS has to be overhauled does he not?

Is your President wrong?

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing like this happens again by holding the responsible parties accountable, (and) by putting in place new checks and new safeguards," Obama told reporters in the White House's East Room.

Tax chief forced out in IRS scandal | Reuters
Shafer, who identified himself as "a conservative Republican" and said he'd worked for the IRS since 1992, said that he and a fellow screener initially flagged a tea party group and continued to do so with subsequent applications in order to maintain consistency in the process.

Asked plainly, "do you have any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decision to screen Tea Party cases?" Shafer replied, "I have no reason to believe that."

"Do you have any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decisions to centralize the review of Tea Party cases?" he was asked. "I have no reason to believe that," he replied.

Asked if he had "ever communicated with [then IRS] Commissioner Shulman about the screening of Tea Party cases?" he replied, "I have not."

More: IRS Official: White House Was Not Involved In Targeting Of Conservative Groups

Issa has a history of overreaching and slanderous witch hunts, so it's no surprise that this one bites him in the ass. When will he apologize to the White House?

Link to a direct quote to where Issa accused the White House of directing the targeting.

We went thru this last week. I believe it was the Hill that proved Cummings wasn't telling the truth. Putting it nice aka lying about this.

And Issa has nothing to apologize for. The bodies are piling up :) and now Paz's testimony completely conflicts with this testimony of this manager.

Now this is not a slanderous witch hunt. The IRS has admitted wrong doing. The IG of the Treasury Department found the IRS at fault for targeting conservative groups.

Why can't you just admit they're FUBAR'D by their own admission?

Liberals are looking like complete fools attempting to defend the indefensible. Even your President agrees that the IRS has to be overhauled does he not?

Is your President wrong?

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing like this happens again by holding the responsible parties accountable, (and) by putting in place new checks and new safeguards," Obama told reporters in the White House's East Room.

Tax chief forced out in IRS scandal | Reuters


No one’s ‘defending’ the IRS, certainly not democrats.

What they’re doing is rejecting the baseless idiocy of the right, that’s there’s some ‘cover up,’ some ‘conspiracy’ designed to keep hidden the Administration’s efforts to hobble the opposition by targeting the TPM, keeping them from obtaining their desired tax status, and thus stifling their message.

Again, pure idiocy.

Don’t confuse objecting to partisan conservatives once again attempting to contrive a controversy where none exists with ‘defending’ the IRS.
On Sunday, Issa accused the White House of ordering the IRS to target conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status in 2012, even though a 48-page report by the IRS Inspector General and testimony from multiple IRS officials cleared the White House of any involvement. Issa has nonetheless insisted IRS agents were being "ordered from Washington." He specifically directed his criticism at Carney, who has maintained the administration played no role in the targeting and only learned of the matter once an investigation was complete.

"Their paid liar, their spokesperson -- picture behind -- he’s still making up things about what happens and calling this a local rogue," Issa said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) also pushed back on Issa's "liar" charge during a TV appearance Monday morning. But Graham took things a step further and disagreed with Issa that there was any conclusive evidence linking the Obama administration directly to the tax agency's actions.

More: Lindsey Graham: 'No Evidence' White House Directed IRS To Target Conservatives

Darrell Issa: IRS' So-Called 'Rogue' Agents 'Directly Being Ordered From Washington'

Rep. Darrell Issa: Tea Party-Targeting IRS Staffers Took Their Orders From Washington

But when Issa went on CNN June 2 and called press secretary Jay Carney “a paid liar” and accused the White House of directing the Tea Party targeting, Cummings had had enough.

More: Darrell Issa gets nastier - Salon.com

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) claimed on Sunday that political officials in the Obama administration directed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents in Cincinnati to target conservative groups applying for 501 (c)(4) status, but his charge fell apart when probed by CNN host Candy Crowley.

More: CNN Host Corners Darrell Issa Over Claim That Obama Conspired To Target Tea Party

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2NoCiP1sJrg]CNN Host Confronts Darrell Issa - YouTube[/ame]
Yes he said Washington. He never said the White House.

And guess what. Paz's testimony confirms that Washington and Cincinnati worked together.
Yes he said Washington. He never said the White House.

And guess what. Paz's testimony confirms that Washington and Cincinnati worked together.

Really? Got any "credible" proof of that?

Paz's testimony? Get it for you in a minute. I had a whole thread on it.

Here's Politico straightening out Cummings spin.

HE SPIN. To be fair, Cummings put his own spin on the partial transcripts he released Sunday. He called partisan foul on Issa for insinuating that he had proof that the “White House” was involved.

“I think this interview and these statements go a long way to showing that the White House was not involved in this,” Cummings said.


But Issa never technically did that.

On TV just over a week ago, he simply suggested IRS headquarters in the Beltway knew about the unfair criteria and perhaps had a hand in creating it.

But that’s a huge difference from claiming to have evidence that the president directed the targeting.

Full IRS transcripts coming soon - Cummings releases new transcripts, says W.H. not involved - Republican IRS agent admits to ordering searches - 'BOLO' creation mystery unraveling - POLITICO Morning Tax - POLITICO.com
Issa called Jay Carney a "paid liar" - which is calling Obama a liar. It ain't rocket science...

Even McCain and Graham get it...
Holly Paz made it clear there was no White House connection.

Paz, however, provided no evidence that senior IRS officials ordered agents to target conservative groups or that anyone in the Obama administration outside the IRS was involved.

IRS supervisor in Washington reviewed earliest tea party cases, contradicting agency claims | StarTribune.com

Issa never said it was the White House. Issa said it was not just rogue agents in Cincinnati but there was a connection to the IRS Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON – A Washington-based IRS supervisor acknowledged she was personally involved in reviewing Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status as far back as 2010, Fox News confirms -- a detail that further challenges the agency's initial claim that the practice of singling out those groups was limited to a handful of employees in Ohio.

Congressional sources confirmed to Fox News that Holly Paz, who until recently was a top deputy in the division that handles applications for tax-exempt status, told congressional investigators she reviewed 20 to 30 applications. Some requests languished for more than a year without action.

The account undercuts the narrative that senior officials only learned of the practice after it had already started in the Cincinnati office.

IRS supervisor in DC scrutinized Tea Party groups' cases | Fox News
And here is the contradictory testimony by Paz.

Hell's bells an IRS lawyer designed the approval template for "tea party" applicants for Cincinnati.

Paz said the tea party cases first came to Washington in February 2010 so officials could “develop some guidance or a tool that can be given to folks [in Cincinnati] to help them in working the cases,” which ensures “consistency.”

Carter Hull, a tax law specialist interviewed by the committee last week, was assigned with creating an approval template.

In the fall of 2010, Hull presented Paz with a memo of the 40 cases then being scrutinized.

Most of the cases merited a closer look, Paz recalls.

“There was inconsistency, either between the narrative and the questions where you check yes or no regarding whether you’re going to engage in political campaign intervention,” she said, later adding: “Sometimes what was said in the narrative would be contradicted by their own material.”

Cindy Thomas, a Cincinnati-based manager charged with communicating with IRS headquarters, contacted Paz a number of times in the fall of 2010 to ask when Hull’s template would be ready.

Hill focuses on D.C. IRS official Holly Paz - POLITICO.com Print View
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He was trying to say "purge".....as in underlings taking the fall for Obama. He is confused by these similar sounding words.
Is English not your native language?
No, the Dems will be demanding perjury--lying under oath--from people down in the civil service to protect Obama. This whole business with Cummings reeks of cover up. And not very clever either. I wouldn' t be surprised to see Cummings facing charges of obstruction of justice.

Conservatives are at least consistent in not making sense.

You also have no evidence that anyone is ‘lying’ to ‘protect’ Obama.

Not yet. But it is coming. The whole ugly scene will be laid out for all to see. Why would Cummings announce he had solved the entire matter with one interview he selected released, only to backtrack on it days later? The committee is still interviewing and gathering info. Why would he, the minority member, declare their work over? Is he stupid? I don't think so. So it must be something else. A conspiracy certainly suggests itself. What else would it be?
Is English not your native language?
No, the Dems will be demanding perjury--lying under oath--from people down in the civil service to protect Obama. This whole business with Cummings reeks of cover up. And not very clever either. I wouldn' t be surprised to see Cummings facing charges of obstruction of justice.

Conservatives are at least consistent in not making sense.

You also have no evidence that anyone is ‘lying’ to ‘protect’ Obama.

Not yet. But it is coming. The whole ugly scene will be laid out for all to see. Why would Cummings announce he had solved the entire matter with one interview he selected released, only to backtrack on it days later? The committee is still interviewing and gathering info. Why would he, the minority member, declare their work over? Is he stupid? I don't think so. So it must be something else. A conspiracy certainly suggests itself. What else would it be?

Cummings move smells of desperation.

There was absolutely zero new information in the full transcript. And to boot now we have serious contradictory testimony between Paz and this manager.

It is a lot of fun to witness some of our USMB liberals running in to start all their
"Eureka I told you Issa was a liar" threads when nothing at all has changed from last week.

Whoopsies. I take that back.:eusa_angel:

One thing has changed. Our suspicions that Paz was removed from her post has been confirmed.
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